That show puts me to sleep forever, but when I listen to you it's stimulating, I hear you have an open mind and you're talking about the world and you're willing to let other people who are thinking along completely different tracks just come in and you go into where they're at. That's very beautiful. That's free speech. Well, there's a time and a place for dangerous ideas, the time is until 3.30 and the place is WBAI. After you will come some more free thought. Yeah, certainly. I mean, 24 hours a day we try to present things here and again, it's not for everyone. I'm sure I'm putting some people to sleep and I'm sure I'm making some people bang their heads against the wall and other people just shout out in all kinds of strange tongues, but that's what it's all about, folks. That's not just WBAI, that's life, that's democracy, that's what it's like to be a human being. We don't do it enough. You're right. That's the point I'm trying to make. You're absolutely right. Okay? Yeah. Thanks very much for calling. No problem. Have a good day. You too. Our number is 279-3400. This is Emmanuel Goldstein. I'm filling in for Tom Whisker. I'll be here for about another hour or so and I'll be back again next week and the week after that too. Our number 279-3400, we're talking about U.S. policy in El Salvador and I'd like to know more about the demonstration on Saturday if folks are planning to go to that, if they have any further information on it or other phone numbers, whatever, whatever you can pass along to help out because it would be so great to see 100,000 people march in the streets of New York. Like I said before, why stop there? We march on Saturday and we wake up on Sunday and say, has anything changed? No? Okay. Back onto the streets. And we do it again. And then we do it on Monday. Okay, we miss work. Who cares? It's an hour of work. You know? Is being fired the worst thing in the world to happen? Or is the knowledge that you're in action is responsible for things like what happened two weeks ago with six priests murdered? I mean, you know, like I said, the U.S. government did not go in there and murder six priests. I'm not going to say that. But it was the actions. We set it up. We set it up so that it could happen. Had this policy not been in effect, that would not have happened. Something else might have happened. Certainly. We don't know. But I'm saying, what is wrong with simply allowing events in a foreign country to take place? In other words, if the rebels want to take over the country and the rebels are able to take over the country, let them take over the country. And if the people are unhappy with what's going on, then they'll march in the streets and they'll get that government out, like they did in Eastern Europe. It's the only way you can possibly do something like that. You cannot go into a country and simply instill what you think the people there want. Because invariably, it's not what they want. They want to be able to decide things for themselves. Right now, I think the majority of people in El Salvador just want to be left alone for the moment and to work out their own problems. I don't know. I may be wrong, but that's the way I feel and I think we need to talk about it some more. 279-3400. Good morning. Hello. Yes, go ahead. Yes. The situation in El Salvador is simply irrational. There are no rational grounds for what is going on there. The same position that we take towards Cuba, that they're the worst enemy that we have, makes exactly the same no kind of sense when you consider that the capitalists, us, are doing big business with all the so-called communists around the world. So what on earth is the logic for considering this tiny little Nicaragua, which has, what is it, one escalator in the whole country, and Cuba, which is terribly impoverished, what is the reason for considering them mortal enemies when we're doing business with huge communist neighbors in Europe, in Asia? Well, it's the age-old thing, U.S. interests, you know, and I say, to hell with U.S. interests. Our national interests belong here, in the nation, where we need them, you know? But what are the U.S. interests? What would hurt us by making friends with Cuba and Nicaragua? What would we lose? We would gain an enormous trading partner again. Cuba was a very big trading partner of the United States, as far as medicines, cloth, food, I mean, you name it, which are now embargoed, as you know. We would gain enormously. What's there to lose from this? I mean, it makes me think that it's just some terrible mind warp. There's some, you know, in Foggy Bottom in the State Department, there's some terrible ancient grudge going on that has to be settled by this kind of vendetta, because practically it makes no sense at all. It's, you know, I don't want to oversimplify this, but it's, you can draw parallels to the way human beings react among themselves, and, you know, you have somebody just, you know, stop talking to you for no particular reason. They think you're a bad person, and they won't communicate with you, and, you know, you may very well be a bad person, but the fact that you stop communicating and spread all these vicious rumors and lies and things like that certainly doesn't help the situation at all. And to a degree, that's what the U.S. government is doing. The U.S. government is like this disgruntled aunt-in-law that didn't get the right seat at a wedding two years ago, and it's... That's kind of a happy way of looking at it. In truth, thousands of innocent civilians are being killed as a result of this enmity. I mean, if it was just a matter of, well, we've got this rotten attitude towards them, we don't like the way they have a mole on their cheek, or we don't like the way they look, that would be one thing. But we are dangerous to have this anemone. The United States is an enemy of someone. I mean, they literally poison the land and the people forever. Agent Orange in Vietnam, if you like, all the people that are dying in El Salvador, in Nicaragua, thousands of children. You know, even with the... They've talked in the United Nations about the environmental ruin of El Salvador because of what we're doing with the militia that we have, that we're giving to the army. Sorry, with the ammunition we're giving. We're poisoning the water and the land. Cutting down the forest that the guerrillas can't hide. I mean, you know, it isn't just a nice case of the McCoy... What is it? The McCoys and the Hatfields? Mm-hmm. The old enemies. Right. It's dangerous stuff! Well, when nations play this game, yes, a lot of people die, and it's sick. It really is. But we're a part of the sickness. You see... I just wish that the press wasn't so in the government's pocket that they would ask more honest questions and that they wouldn't accept government handouts as news. Right. You see, it's, yeah, we can blame the press, we can blame the government, but in the end it's us. We have to make the change. And, you know, we can affect the press. It's not easy. We've got to change their whole way of looking at things and what is an important news story and all that. But, you know, we can do it by being out there every day and making sure they don't forget about this. Absolutely. I don't know if you heard the program before, but a young woman came on Carlotta Joy Walker's program and said that she was so... She lives in a country, I think upstate New York, and she was so depressed by what was happening in El Salvador. She just was like a weight on her. She couldn't get rid of it, but she didn't know what to do. She's not the type that goes to demonstrations, she said, or marches. And then something came to her. She said she was working in a barn and she decided to put signboards on herself saying I cannot stand what the U.S. government is doing in El Salvador. As an American, I resent this. I hate it. And I oppose it in every possible way. She signed her name and she came down to the village and marched around there and then got some more courage and walked around New York. And she said it was just wonderful. She did that, I think, for a few days. She said everyone can find their own way to make a constant statement if something... That's great. ...they just can't stand it. I thought that was wonderful. That's amazing. And if you can find that thing, whether it's writing a letter or marching down the street or just calling up your friend and saying, you know, isn't this awful, what can we do about it? Just get the dialogue going. Go box out, yes. Because we're better than this. We're not the kind of people that just sit back and say, let everything happen, we don't care about other people. We do. That's right. We're a warm society. You know, it's... We just... We don't investigate as much as we should. We're not encouraged to. No, we're not. No, we're not. We've got blankets thrown over us. Right, because, you know, an educated public is a dangerous thing. Right. Keep them on drugs and keep them quiet and keep them out of the voting booths and, you know. I have two more things to suggest. I like your program very much. I think that we should stop propagating this myth, this old cliche that America's the richest country in the world. First of all, statistically it's not true, even in terms of just infant mortality. We're over 17th. Cuba's ahead of us in having a lower infant mortality. But, you know, as far as homelessness goes and infrastructure crumbling, illiteracy growing, all these things, we're really not the richest country in the world by any means. I think many people who've lived in Europe, and certainly the Scandinavian countries, would say that they have a much finer standard of living and certainly a much better quality of life. If we consider richness just to be our extravagance in wasting things, that way perhaps we're richest. But not in any of the ways that really count. And as media people, you really should be very careful in trying to tone this down. We're not the richest country in the world. And the other thing I wanted to ask you is, what's always confused me is why on a Pacific Station, the very name Pacifica, is there a program called Weaponry with Tom Whiskers? Well, it's part of our ongoing philosophy here that education is important. And whether it's education about the military or education about foreign cultures, it's real. Weaponry is something that is there. And where else do you learn about it? You have to know what is really happening. It's not a program where we talk about how great the U.S. Defense Department is and how we can turn Lebanon into an ashtray and all that kind of thing. You don't think that it sort of encourages the love of military lore by having a program like this? Well, I don't think not having a program like this would discourage it. Let's put it that way. And I think having a program like that wakes some people up. It tells people, wow, I had no idea. It gives you specifics that you never get anywhere else. And I think it's very important to have that available if you want it. Okay, if you could address one other thing that I mentioned about America being the richest country in the world. Maybe in the 50s we were, but do you really think that's the case now? Well, we have more TV channels. We don't have more newspapers, which is an interesting thing. We've got a lot of space. Space meaning? You know, wide open space, that kind of thing. Well, let's see. How are we rich? We've got lots of fast food joints. We also have the highest cancer rates in the world. Highest cancer rates. That's bad, though. Something like, I believe the statistic is now 88% of our water is polluted. There is no safe. You can't go to a nice crystal stream and drink water from it anymore. Right, so that's progress then. So we're the most advanced nation as far as technology goes. You've just proven that. I don't know what you mean by that. Well, by having an 88% pollution rate in the water, that proves how advanced we are. It's, you know, rich is a very relative term. And you can even come up with something and say this proves that we're rich and somebody else would say, my God, that proves we're poor. You know, that's the worst thing. You can't judge it monetarily. You can't judge it idealistically. You can't judge it, you know, by the landscape or anything. For example, that the UN judges a country's wealth by how many live births per 100,000 or per 1,000. How much, what's the illiteracy rate? How many people share a certain amount of space? There are certain statistics to go by. But I think apart from all of that, you have to judge quality of life. And I don't know, have you lived in Europe or in Scandinavian countries? Well, I wandered around Europe for about six weeks this summer. And, you know, we have advantages in some ways. They have advantages in other ways. But I think they're more, they're closer to reality. You know, you can talk about things you can criticize without offending. You know, and that's the first step, I think. Yeah, no, we're not a people given to good political debate. No, I can't understand why. You know, if we're the bastion of democracy, as we keep saying we are, why is that so? It just isn't. And I've seen people in seemingly intelligent arguments suddenly get, hey, you little pink-haired fellow. You know, they start calling names if someone's presenting a rational argument for why are there poor people and can't we just think of it? That old anti-communist reflex comes back. I think if you explain it in this way, when that kind of talk starts, that means that the person has run out of arguments and can't figure out any kind of comeback. So they have to resort to name-calling and accusing the person of being a communist or something like that, which tells you something about the state of these problems. Anyway, thanks very much for calling and for bringing those things up. Those are very pertinent points. Our number is 279-3400. Interesting. I would like to play one song and then go right back to the phones, but this one song is fascinating for this particular reason. What this last caller just brought up, are we the richest country in the world? Are we the highest standard of living? Is America what America says it's supposed to be? Now, when you look at the news, when you look at what's happening in the rest of the world and what's not happening here, what we're doing in other parts of the globe, when you look at things like librarians being investigated for defending free speech, when you look at all the contradictions, it starts hitting you. Maybe this isn't the place that I thought it was. Maybe it's changing. Maybe there's a whole other way of looking at this country. And it's kind of disturbing, especially if you think that there's nothing we can do about it, if you think that it's a lost cause. But also, it makes you think. Just think about where you stand in relation to it all. If you're a hypocrite, if you're completely powerless, if you've been spouting all this rhetoric all these last few years, it's something to think about. And the reason I'm going to play this song here, it's a song by The Beatles, and guaranteed it was not written with this in mind. But I'd like you to listen to this song and think about America in a different sense. I'm looking through you Where did you go? I thought I knew you What did I know? You don't look different But you have changed I'm looking through you You're not the same Your lips are moving I cannot hear Your voice is soothing But the words aren't clear You don't sound different I've learned the games I'm looking through you You're not the same Why tell me why did you not treat me right? Love has a nasty habit of disappearing all night You're thinking of me The same old way You were about me But not today The only difference is you're down there I'm looking through you And you're away Treat me right Love has a nasty habit of disappearing all night I'm looking through you Where did you go? I thought I knew you What did I know? You don't look different But you have changed I'm looking through you You're not the same Maybe you've changed I'm looking through you Paul McCartney How dare you say I was questioning America when I wrote that song I'm not saying that It's an interesting way of looking at it I think we have to constantly be questioning constantly be looking at things in alternative ways whether it's America, whether it's music It's extremely important to be constantly re-evaluating and I guess second guessing to a degree otherwise we never really learn we never really make that step Our number is 279-3400, I'd like to hear what you think 279-3400 And that's me, good evening, good morning How are you doing? I'm sorry to start about this German thing Because it's really a fairly simple matter It's not a simple matter I mean, George Bush has got to convince the West Germans that the reason that German reunification is impossible is because the Soviet Union doesn't want it And I'm absolutely convinced of that having heard the remarks of a central committeeman who said, and I'll quote He says that the United States doesn't want it even more than the Soviet Union doesn't want it Which to me even has ominous overtones And it's my understanding that the United States has achieved now global hegemony And I think, wouldn't it be a shame since we don't have SDI implemented yet that we got nuked having achieved our worldwide domination for the first time in the history of mankind So why should we screw it up over Germany? So George Bush does, Germany is fairly significant I think the president has to somehow soothe the Germans over the fact that we really can't push the Russians on this because reunification of Germany is putting a knife to the Soviet Union's throat and I don't think they'll stand for that And what bothers me more is I'm hearing a lot of stuff attributing that to Jewish sentiment And I don't think Jewish sentiment has anything to do with it I don't blame Jewish people into saying they don't want German reunification I wouldn't blame them for not feeling that way But I don't believe Jewish sentiment has anything to do with international superpower politics Excuse me? It's interesting that you bring this up because I've been thinking about this over the last few weeks It's kind of a weird point You say to yourself or anybody else that Germany cannot be reunited because it would be a danger to the rest of the world Isn't that a racist type of a thing to say? It's an evil thing to say We're talking about people's feelings I'll agree with you on that I'm not talking in a matter of truth I'm talking in a matter of propaganda The Germans today are not Physically they're not the same people but mentally it's completely different They have learned from their history They're aware of their history To me the Germans never were evil That was never the issue The issue has always been Germany's potential power Germany is a tragic case It's a case that didn't come into existence or existed briefly but was smashed in World War I because of the stupid policies of the Kaiser The thing is there is a certain amount of complexity here I know the American liberals don't want that I think they're incompetent in their assessment but they tend to be protective of the Soviet Union I think that's what's motivating them But the thing is if a certain person has a liberal politics then he'll come out and he won't say I as a liberal don't want German reunification because I'm sympathetic to a leftist point of view He'll say he'll speak as a Jew And the problem here is that then the antipathy that that's going to bring down from the Germans and from the American conservatives is going to fall on the Jews and not on the liberals And the Jews are really innocent victims in that they are not political They don't deserve this I also feel that the Jews were very badly manipulated in the last presidential election when the Democrats were anti-Semitic in their overtones whereas the Republicans were rather supportive of Israel Hold on a second You just brought up something that's always been a problem with me If you're anti-Israel, you're anti-Semitic? I don't see that at all because I know lots of people Maybe we're getting off on the wrong foot here I'm talking about anti-Israeli policies Yeah, that's the same thing Israel's looking out for its interests And those who really are anti-Semitic come down and say Israel's doing evil things It's masking anti-Semitism I'm not denying that they're anti-Semites that say these things But if you're going to say that every person that says Israel's policies should be changed are anti-Semitic, that's an injustice That's what they're entitled to say If they're Palestinians, I can understand it because they have an interest But all these other people, especially American liberals the way they've been coming down on Israel I think that the liberals I think the liberals are really the source of black anti-Semitism I don't think black people left to themselves would do that They wouldn't be allowed to get away with it They have political support from liberals from some misguided policy or greedy political incompetence trying to grab power I think they did it in the Roosevelt administration in attacking Hitler I'm not going to say that you're mistaken in saying that these liberal people are behind this But I think it's wrong to categorize in any way to say that the liberals are behind it or the conservatives are behind it to a degree, there's all kinds of different groups here I don't think the conservatives are behind it I think the liberals are behind it They've always been behind it And they're doing it again on this German issue The liberals don't want to reunificate They're afraid of it Their fears are totally misbegotten because it ain't going to happen It can happen The liberals don't want this world to rival the United States But the liberals have this I don't know what makes their minds work But their minds don't work very well And the thing is, they're coming out and they're bringing up the Holocaust again They are And they're talking as Jews And I know it's a liberal talking Shamir says he doesn't think it's going to happen anyhow So it's coming from left-wing people And I just think that what ought to happen is Jewish people should recognize the danger in this and that there's a possibility I don't say George Bush would do it but he's going to have to talk to a very powerful country that isn't pushing harder on German reunification Because they're already talking about it in the German parliament about reunification They're not negotiating it in East Germany And after all the walls come down they're talking about some sort of economic agreement So it's a specter rising And already the conservatives in the United States are balking There's trouble in the Republican party between conservatives and moderates like George Bush And the conservatives are willing to make an issue out of this And they'll come down on the Jews And I've heard it already So what will happen is the upshot of this is if it's attributed to the Jews West Germany will not be cooperative and pro-Israel as it used to be The conservatives are going to start in on the Jews And already the Jews are getting it from the blacks And I think enough already that if the liberals don't want reunification of Germany they should say I as a liberal am frightened of Germany or for whatever rationale they want to give and take the illness of it I see It's hard for me to start on this But you believe that the liberals are behind all of this Behind? I think the liberals are the ones that are instigating against the reunification of Germany The ones who are being vocal about it But they're not talking as liberals As a political faction I haven't really seen anything vocal against reunification in this country I've seen the government of Israel say they were uncomfortable with that It surprised me very much He must be under a lot of pressure from the Labour Party Which is run by liberals Interesting Just to get away from this for a moment Why is it necessary for there to be reunification It's not necessary The Germans want it The Republicans like it because it hurts the Soviet Union They're trying to grandstand on the issue If Dole wants to be president All these things interrelate If Dole wants to be president The Republicans and conservatives are irritated and they've got an issue They like to take an aggressive stand toward the Soviet Union And they're saying We don't want German reunification Because Germany is evil Look at the Holocaust That's racist to a degree I'll say something else that I find to be racist Look at old Hitler speeches You see the guy yammering away on TV or a documentary film The guy is talking fast, furious German But you never see underneath what it is he's saying When I was in Germany this past summer I was hanging out with some young Germans Occasionally something would happen That would cause them to get excited Life does that to you occasionally And they'd start yammering away I got all startled That's Hitler talk They're talking fast German What's going on here? It's a very subtle form of racism To be presented with that picture of Hitler And to say that's Nazism That's not Nazism The words he was saying That was Nazism That really bothers me The more I think of it God knows There are a lot of guilty people For what happened during World War II For all intents and purposes They did get away with it There were thousands of Jews Maybe even hundreds of thousands Now hundreds You could say Hitler succeeded to a degree It's scary But at the same time Let's not blame people The West Germans, the East Germans today Are well aware of their history They're determined not to repeat it They have that link They have that sense of what came before When you have that link with the past That's the key You're educated You know what mistakes have been made We are determined not to make them again Our number is 279-3400 I'd like to move back to the Central America issues Only because it's a big world We could go on all day with this Good morning I'm glad you used the word subtle Because that is what we issue It's not the price issue that that young man brought up You remember the story about the Dutch boy And how he put his finger into the dike One little finger in the dike of this country Saved the country from a flood And that young man was a hero Now he is being disparaged by everyone on the station He is allowed to speak for a moment We can say freedom of speech exists Do you see what I mean? This is not freedom of speech When he is reviled and hung up on I'm talking about the problem that exists WBAI We listeners are given short shrift We are looked upon as the money people For this station We are being treated in a servile economic way Are you being treated in a servile way on this program now? Yes, I was hung up on when I tried to come on To the real issue The one right in our midst The fact that this station is not doing what it should be doing Where it bans a Mike Fader Who has had a program on for a long time When he said he didn't like some of the other broadcasters' attitudes Now what should have been done would be Well folks, I'm sorry Good morning I certainly will The... Oh my goodness, what's been going on The last couple of calls has got me off my... The bombing of the... The bombing of the... The bombing of the... The bombing of the... The bombing of the... Of the... Of the... Where the poor people lived in El Salvador Was done by the... El Salvadorian Army Or Air Force, is that correct? Oh wait, no, in fact that's the point I'm going to make No, I'm talking about the Air Force Bombing the villages of the people who were poor Bombing the villages of the people who were poor Thousands of people died there Over the last... How long a period of time is it now? Let's think about the priest then and then we've got the idea About that time The number of people that died when the nuns got raped Extraordinary And like the lady called and mentioned children That we seem to, in our morality, profess to care so much about Not just in El Salvador, but all the children in Nicaragua That, you know, if they haven't... I'm not talking about El Salvador Right, if they haven't been killed, they're being brought up in a war And that screws you up for life In extreme poverty too, of course And the death rate is really counted in those numbers But they didn't seem to hesitate in bombing As poor as they are and as extremely poor as they are The government didn't seem to hesitate in bombing those villages Now the point I'd like to make Is that they said that there are something called Death squads Well, perhaps the death squad is the El Salvadorian government Have we ever thought about that? I think we have, and I think to a degree our government too Oh, I don't know, because you see, we seem to be parlaying it Playing it off on certain kind of individuals Who are outside of the government, who are doing these things I see your point, right, of course I mean, there is a very definite link in the article I read before The people that put the current president in power Are linked to these groups Well, the people that are fighting the current government in power Were not part of that election process, were they? I'm sorry, say that again? The people of El Salvador didn't have the opportunity To vote for the people who are fighting against the El Salvadorian government The people that are called the guerrillas But they say it was a legitimate government It was a legitimately elected government Right, that's open to debate, depending on how you look upon What is fair and what is not fair But I think we should look at this simplistically If you listen to things simplistically You might miss the point, you can't get people going out By your saying they should go out You certainly can't get them going out by your saying they should read newspapers Because that's the things that are turning them off We have to talk about what's really going on The people do not have a say in their government There's more than the mainstream press There's more than the mainstream press We don't have access to that You yourself said that we don't have that many newspapers anymore Read those papers like people don't listen to DAI I'd like to make a point I've been on the phone for about an hour trying to get through And you've talked for a long time, I'd like to talk This government in its finest days The 80s and the 20s and back before then And all the good people like Bob Dylan said Being pawns, you white folks are real pawns But we're your victims And that's the problem you've got to deal with You have to deal with how you sat and did nothing And still sit and do nothing And what happens if you sit too long, you start to go crazy So that when a man says communist for instance You form at the mouth I think we have a problem when you talk about Cuba Having a good birth mortality rate And all of that, but then you say Hey, but they don't have other things What are the other things you're talking about? Are the other things you're talking about Jodeci jeans? Or Chrysler 88 models? Cuba has been under an embargo since it's been in existence It stops goods and services from coming into Cuba Has anybody set foot in this country In terms of a war footing like they did the Soviet Union? Has this country been destroyed and built again? Perhaps it would have been better if it had maybe Like Europe has or any other place has Like every other place on this planet has What excuse have we got for people Reaching into garbage cans and eating out of them? You know, before Hitler was able to take power And you're Jewish, right? Oh, before Hitler was able to take power He had to build scapegoats, didn't he? And he built the scapegoats on those who were the most disenfranchised Or the least politically powerful, right? He did it on the gypsies, he did it on homosexuals, didn't he? And the people went for it, why did they go for it? When there were lynch mobs in the south People just went up and said, we're going to lynch this nigger now? No, this nigger that they're going to lynch is the guy that raped some woman Or yelled at some woman or something before, any kind of excuse? And in the white people's impoverishment They went out and lynched someone who was more victimized than they? You listen to Bob Dylan, can I ask you how old you are? Well, again, that's another thing I don't talk about on the air Well, you see, life experience is very important if you're not book trained And book trained doesn't do any good without life experience, you know? And you can't talk around these things without getting to the real meat of it And this way you'll get people to respond on Saturday and on Monday Like I'll be there, I'll never vote for George Bush Because George Bush doesn't represent a conversation And George Bush is by no means a moderate, a CIA cutthroat George Bush is a reactionary And we've had reactionaries ever since the so-called civil rights movements And that was the thing that began to set America free As a consequence, we're eating dirt now Who supported Hitler before he became Hitler? Was it really Stalin? Or was it John Henry Ford? Real anti-Semites We gotta know what we're talking about so we can talk truth to people Because otherwise, like the fellow came on before And talked about African Americans, he's called them blacks, I don't know who they are African Americans, they're being used by so-called liberals And I don't know what that is, about anti-Semitism In regards to Israel who's breaking children's arms And it was the American public that stopped that, wasn't it? Because of their criticism of Israel, wasn't it? There are people in Israel who have views that are extremely Excuse the expression, I don't know what it is, but they call it progressive That want to sit down and talk with other people rather than break children's hands And they're considered anti-Semites, I suppose If you mention Jesse Jackson's name You're an anti-Semite But he holds views that a lot of folks hold And we gotta deal with that because If we don't, you know who's gonna rule the roost? Well, who's gonna rule the roost is who's ruling it now You understand? And it's very painful because The quality of life is extremely dear to all of us If we do not celebrate the quality of life that we are capable of celebrating Then something diabolical is gonna happen to our psychic And we'll be goose-stepping into the next century Jew and Gentile alike That's all I have to say Okay, well thank you very much for calling And we'll see you on Saturday Yes Alright 279-3400 That is our telephone number And it's just about 17 minutes after 3 o'clock We're here until 3.30 It's Emanuel Goldstein filling in for Tom Whisker On the weaponry program We'll be back for the next two weeks as well And we will be taking some more phone calls Right after this public service announcement Don't take it too seriously The loudspeaker spoke up and said The loudspeaker spoke up and said The loudspeaker spoke up and said The loudspeaker spoke up and said Christianity is stupid Christianity is stupid Christianity is stupid Christianity is stupid Christianity is stupid Christianity is stupid Christianity is stupid Christianity is stupid Christianity is stupid Communism is good Communism is good Communism is good Communism is good! Communism is good! Can you hear that? Give up! Can you hear that? Give up! Give up! Give up! Give up! Give up! Give up! Give up! Christianity is stupid! Christianity is stupid! Christianity is stupid! Christianity is stupid! Christianity is stupid! Give up! Give up! Communism is good! Communism is good! Christianity is stupid! Communism is good! Christianity is stupid! Communism is good! Give up! Communism is good. Communism is good. Give up. Give up. Give up. From 5 o'clock in the morning till 10 o'clock at night. Give up. Give up. From 5 o'clock in the morning till 10 o'clock at night. Give up. Give up. Give up. From 5 o'clock in the morning till 10 o'clock at night. Communism is good. Christianity is stupid. Christianity is stupid. Communism is good. Christianity is stupid. Christianity is stupid. Communism is good. Give up. Give up. From 5 o'clock in the morning till 10 o'clock at night. Communism is good. Christianity is stupid. Communism is good. 17 hours a day. Give up. Give up. Give up. Here now is commentary by Vladislav Kozlyakov on the coming Soviet-American summit in the Mediterranean. It was agreed in advance, he writes, that it would be an official meeting and that no agreement would be signed. However, it is not ruled out that Mikhail Gorbachev and George Bush will approve some directives and will give instructions to their foreign ministers or other representatives, especially in preparation for a summit due to take place in Washington next spring or summer. This seems to be very important. Such an approach makes it possible, given reciprocity, to advance in any field of cooperation and put any understanding into action. Moscow does not share the fears expressed by some American commentators and politicians prior to the meeting. They allege that a meeting in Malta will be like the meeting in Reykjavik. They have assured us that if anything like that takes place, it would be a disaster. The creation of this Reykjavik image is surprising. Wasn't it a real breakthrough in Reykjavik in 1986 when the two leaders coordinated nuclear disarmament objectives, adherence to which is now being reaffirmed by both sides in their work on an agreement on a 50% reduction in strategic offensive arms? Didn't the Reykjavik meeting contribute to the signing of the INF Treaty in 1987, a treaty called a historic accord in East and West alike? The impression is that some American politicians seem to be afraid of radical agreements. Shortly before the Mediterranean meeting, they wondered, with something of timidity, whether President Mikhail Gorbachev would come up with some new proposals. In the meantime, with all the importance of Soviet initiatives, the situation in the world, in particular in Europe, compels the West to adopt new bold approaches for the benefit of cooperation. Historica in the USSR and renewal in Eastern Europe have given rise to rapid development. The essence of changes is to promote democracy, the freedom of nations, and freedom of choice. In these conditions, global understanding, in particular between the USSR and the United States, is of special significance. When President Bush spoke with Soviet parliamentarians in the White House on the threshold of the meeting in Malta, he asked what the United States could do to help the Soviet Union. The Soviet guests said that Americans could help by agreeing to reduce arms and expand economic ties with the Soviet Union. President Bush welcomed this and said that such an approach would be advantageous to both sides. Moscow believes the Mediterranean meeting could melt the ice of the Cold War completely and open the door wider for cooperation between the Soviet Union and the United States for the benefit of their nations and also for the rest of the world. Commentary by Vladislav Kozyakov was prepared at the studios of Radio Moscow. Good morning. Good morning. Okay, well, perhaps I should say part of the game plan is you have to be there. You have to be on the other side of the phone. So let's see if we can both get on the phone at the same time. Good morning. Good morning. I just have a quick question. Yeah. It concerns the show you did a few weeks ago when you were talking about the phone company. Uh-huh. There was a gentleman who had all sorts of information, and he left a P.O. box number. I'm just wondering if you happen to get that, if you have it. I know you probably don't have it right now. I'll tell you what. Write to me at the station. I don't have it here. Okay. If you write to me, I'll pass that information. I've written to you. Okay. Well, then I'll probably pass that information along to you at some point. You do have it, though? I'm sure I can get it because I do have the show on tape someplace, and I'll dig it out. Okay. Thanks. Okay. Bye. I'm going to a lot of trouble. I'll let you know that. Again, if you want to write to us or write to me, I'm Emanuel Goldstein, and the address here is WBAI 505 8th Avenue, New York, New York, 10018. That's right. Okay. Let's take some more calls. Good morning. Is anyone there? Maybe there's something wrong with our phone. Hello? Yeah, go ahead. Yeah, hi. I have a little interesting little piece of tape here. A piece of tape, huh? Yeah. Yeah, you should be able to hear it okay. Let me preface it. Tom Whisker sometimes plays these tapes of Arthur Godfrey giving you a radio, an earful tour of the Strategic Air Command, the vintage tapes from the 50s and whatnot. Okay. Speak up a bit so we can hear it. Okay. Okay. This is something a little more recent. This is from the 1950s. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. Okay. This is something a little more recent and more with your topic of El Salvador and Central America, so hang on a second. My God. Hey, there. What have you done? Don't go away. Don't go away. What were all those noises? If anyone out there could translate those tones, I want to know what they are. Main 75, this is MacDill, Command Sauce. You're requesting a request for a radio call. Scott! What have you done? Don't go away. Don't go away. What were all those noises? If anyone out there could translate those tones, I want to know what they are. Command 75, this is MacDill. Command boss, your request to land here is approved. Roger, sir. Appreciate it. We should be there, like I said, in about 40 minutes or so. I need you to do me a favor. If you could give 21st Air Force a call, let them know of our intentions. And if we can request that they send to MacDill three computer flight plans. One from MacDill to Howard Air Force Base, and one from MacDill to Roosevelt Roads, Cuba. And then from MacDill, Puerto Rico, Roosevelt Roads, and then down to Howard from there as well. Roger, sir. I understand your basic request. Please read me the three flight plans again. Two computer flight plans from MacDill to Howard Air Force Base, Panama. Another computer flight plan. What you were listening to there is a shipment of probably more guns headed down to Panama. Fascinating. Do you have that on actual tape? I mean, obviously you do. You just played it. I was wondering if you might be able to send us the tape. Send you the tape? Yeah, because it was breaking up a bit over the telephone. Oh, sorry. But it would be a nice thing to throw on a record or something. I probably could. And the other side has something even a little more interesting in it. I happened to catch George while he was in the air the other day. Did you? Did he make a phone call or something? But it wasn't... I didn't quite get George, but they kept on referring to the boss being on the same plane. And they were talking all about the Secretary of Defense. Well, was the plane referred to as Air Force One? No, actually they didn't quite refer to it. Actually, I just... No, I didn't actually pick up an identifier, but the traffic... They were talking to guys in Belgium and setting up all this stuff. And it was like two personal secretaries talking about his schedule for next week and all this stuff. I see. They were lining up press conferences. It was funny. They were talking about the guy from the New York Times. Well, we'll give him a... Hey, the New York Times is okay. We can give him an interview. Yeah, they've heard of that. Yeah, right. Listen, sir, we've got to go. Okay. Thanks very much for calling, though. And thanks to all the other folks out there that have called. And my apologies to those folks that did not get through. I mean, it happens occasionally. But I'll be back again next week between the hours of 1 and 3.30, talking about something. I mean, who knows what's going to happen between now and then. Of course, the Malta summit, as it were, will be taking place. And we might have some, you know, amazing thing out of that. We might have nothing at all. But I do want to see people at the El Salvador rally on Saturday. It starts at 11 o'clock in the city. And just keep listening to the BAI. You'll hear more specific details on that, I'm sure. And, you know, look around other places, too. I'm sure there'll be a lot of talk of it. Let's hope we get thousands of people in the street because this is something very important to us, to our future, to the people of many other countries. As well as one country in particular. Anyway, it's been my pleasure to be here with you. Emmanuel Goldstein, filling in for Tom Whisker. Thanks again to everybody that called in, and we'll see you again soon. Good night. Good night. ♪ Everyone's feeling pretty It's hot surfing in L.A. ♪ Hey, you! Don't watch that! Watch this! This is the heavy, heavy monster sound. Monsters from the it. ♪ ♪ The monster DJ is on the air Creeping into your home tonight The monster DJ has got the sounds To make you screaming bright ♪ Yeah, here it is, number 13 with a silver bullet Yeah, it's got blood on the tracks It's got a single wax My radio started shaking and gurgling I was rocking Delete's terror tune Blood oozed out from the speaker And I let out a howl through the mood So if your heart is begging for excitement It's good to rock