And welcome everybody to overtime here on YouTube. I Think I made it Kyle are you here? Yeah Technically I can hear the the fan from Robin Gilow out there in Queens Yes, yes our fan made it and so did we we have a fan too. You know, we turned ours off We have an AC and it is keeping us sentient at the moment. Uh-huh All right. Well, you know Comfort is important. I guess No, we have so few listeners. Why is that? Did we drive everybody away with the The constant pitching asking people to support the radio say I hope not because supporting the radio station is super important I think they're all signing up for their WB AI buddy Program. Oh, maybe yeah, maybe they're all on the phone. That's it. They're picking out. Thank you gifts Well All right, does anyone have anything they'd like to add to what they were saying on the radio station Just this this has been such a ride to be part of both as a listener and as a producer I You know, I could tell my story I was a listener to the station for long before I I met you guys or or anyone else involved with it Listen to off-the-hook listen to lots of other shows my old analog boombox radio that I had which was not very good had its Round, you know analog tuning knob and antenna pointed just perfectly so it could get BAI in and I didn't often move either of those things because just there was so much to listen to on BAI and I also around the turn of the millennium had a job running an arcade in a shopping mall out on Long Island Which no longer really exists and I drove past it the other day It's called Adventureland, isn't it? No, it's it was a bit smaller than that It was the arcade in the Sunrise Mall in Massapequa, which is a dead mall nowadays completely dead but I Ran the arcade. I I was the manager there and I had you know, nothing else to do sitting around doing job stuff But also I had a radio in there and every Wednesday I and the rest of the arcade was listening to off-the-hook I think I called in once or twice from there but also just people would wander in, you know play video games like you do in an arcade and Some of them would hang out and listen along to the show and ask me what is this? They're talking about this stuff on the radio. This is hacker stuff are they allowed to do that and it was it was it was a fun ride and You know eventually when I when I did started when I did start getting involved with The conference and other stuff and eventually with this program. It was just you know It was such a fun ride and I met so many great people you guys included But you know others at the station people who worked with us people who worked behind the scenes in front of the scenes on the mics Comes to mind Robert Knight very well With us was such a great guy to just hang out with and speak to in the lobby before a show time And he was usually there introducing Robert Knight to Julian Assange when Julian came to our radio show And it was just what a conversation they had It was kind of magical place when I was talking about, you know, how his most interesting room in the in the city I wasn't kidding There were so many interesting people that that wandered through just in the course of the day Absolutely, and just those those those friendships behind the scenes and and on the mic have been some of the greatest of my life And I'm eternally grateful for the station as you know for all that it's held for all the position that it's held in my personal life, but also just as a source of Radio as a source of information as as a source for community and organization Very true very I'd imagine, you know other places, too Where radio is just you know, not every frequency is filled. There's a lot of empty space I dare say You'd be hard-pressed to find a place where you can just sit and listen to the radio and just listen to the music and just listen to the music and listen to the music and listen to the music and listen to the music and listen to the music and Empty space um, I dare say You'll be hard-pressed to find Any kind of non-commercial radio representation simply because there aren't a lot of people And you know for that I think the internet is a godsend because you can simply tune to Another station, you know, we were listening, uh to the radio station over at burning man Uh in the last few days because they have a radio station I guess they got a frequency or something 94.5 And they're you know, we can hear the whole crisis unfolding right there on the radio, but on the internet And um, it's fascinating to listen to that's something that we didn't have the ability to do a couple of decades ago but now we can reach out and hear the more interesting voices or Things that go along with with monumental events and I hope people are doing that with wbai. I hope people are Tuning in from all around the world um If I could just drop in a note from YouTube, uh, thank you to listener mk Who shares with us that uh e you need to turn your mic up a little bit? Because you're harder to hear than any of the rest of us I don't know how I can go any louder if I go louder i'll be distorting. Uh, there's something with youtube I think right? Is it just me because I will check that according to the levels i'm looking at my levels are the same as everyone else's boy You know sometimes radio is is is too much. Was there an issue kyle? Everything looks about normal. Mm-hmm Um, it may be that in some cases it's a directional thing Some sometimes we're reading things sometimes. Uh, we'll we'll take a look at the talking directly into the microphone configuration. Yeah Can't get anyone directing this I just checked in on what we sound like on youtube and you do sound. Um, excuse me You do sound a little uh a little lower in volume than the rest of us, but you you are still hearable Well, then i'm gonna push through the tape that kyle put on the uh, on the on the you're blaming my tape And now i'm even louder. Does that help totally disrespect the tape? No, somehow you got lower turn it down That's you're breaking. No See, this is what happens. This is what happens Who do we who do we believe who do we listen to I don't know We're doing the best we can okay, i'm, sorry we're doing the best we can Any any other listener feedback literally how much was that microphone Um So now that we're not on air, um, I will say That one thing that's been amazing is looking through the archive When After we mentioned the april fool's show, you know Rob looked it up and then I started looking and it is amazing the time capsule That we have and remembering Things that happened. I came on the show. I started on air after the shutdown Mm-hmm. We got the station back and all of a sudden the show was back and And I was on it and that was really the time that it happened. And And then seeing you know, what was our last show before? COVID And I looked it up. Do you guys remember? Uh, yeah, well, I mean it depends what you mean by that because I know I went in for a show where virtually nobody out kyle and I were both there I don't think anybody else was there right, but the last show with all of us turned out to be when we were talking with guests about You remember the guys who put together the program where they put together every possible configuration of music? Oh, yes, they could like The copyright protections around music and like sam smith and tom petty and all of that. Uh-huh So it was half about that and half about wow guys this coven thing sounds really scary. They turned they like Canceled the st. Patrick's day parade Yeah And what we figured out also Recently is that the last time that we were all together in the studio and jim was there too And kyle helped me put my hair up Yes, I tried to put my hair up with a pen Yes, I tried to put my hair up with a pen Yes, which which ended up being the last photo we had uh taken of jim in the studio and we shared that uh when he passed Yeah so it's this amazing amazing time capsule and It's been fantastic. I'd also like to mention that our um, oh Okay We have more feedback not feedback But more listener commentary that says to my ears everyone is lower than gila and rob and gila is slightly lower than rob But louder than everyone else. Okay. Well, they are a little bit hot. All right now now try talking gila Uh, how am I doing now? You're much lower Is that what people want but it's probably even That's a super low now Well, it is low. Okay, I would say it's about being even you want every single mic to be somewhere in the ballpark of the Of the next one so that it's balanced. I have them at what we call unity That's what i'm told is best. Oh, we're using we're using lingo. We're gonna get in the look or jargon. Uh, Can I can I just ask um people giving feedback? Is this does this apply to the radio part of the show as well or is it just when we're on youtube? That's very important because if it's different then we know where to look but if it's if if if these are If this is how we sound, you know throughout the radio show as well Uh, then it's on our end And also, you know the archive how does it sound on the archive you people listening in the future to the archive? Let us know I will confess in between shows. I I move them down. Uh-huh. I I put everything down. Oh, that's nice Thank you for that. That just makes my job a little harder. I know I I like a challenge. Thank you very much Uh rob, you have your hand up. Go ahead Yeah now we're being told on youtube that uh gila is harder to hear and I Because I turned her down because someone said she was too loud But uh, also, uh, eugene tells us it's just happening on youtube. All right, um, which uh, I just happening on youtube Then it's youtube's problem well, I I should point out that our signal to the station after the station gets us from skype and uh, And everything else from lucy and all the stuff we're using Um, it then goes through a further compressor Before it goes on the air like everything that gets put out on the air So it will be changed when uh from the virtual studio from one to the other another magic of radio We don't benefit from the expertise of wbai. We've done the best we can We're on the goddamn internet for the internet But the internet is fussy in ways that you see how the internet just gets people aggravated the professionalism of of a radio station like wbai is uh Excelling. Uh-huh. Yeah, i'm angry. Are you angry? I'm i'm livid and not only am I livid i'm sweating because it's 95 degrees in here. So yeah, i'm i'm fit to be tied right now I have a hooded sweatshirt just to be more angry. I should also point out We don't have someone named lucy running around helping us That's that's actually software that rob referred to just now thinking that everybody's gonna know what he's talking about You might maybe want to explain who lucy is Our pal lucy who uh who never who never says a thing but uh works very hard. Um no, uh, we're we're we're being told this is just on youtube, but um It you know, this does lead into something else. That's great about wbai you were mentioning before how it offers A chance for voices from uh from folks who might not otherwise get on the radio in a strictly like commercial sphere Um, obviously the station has been putting us on the air this program for for all this, uh for all this time But also just so many voices from the community voices from underrepresented communities um black indigenous people of color the lgbtq plus community Um voices that would not have gotten on the air on a commercial station And uh people who would have not gotten on the air on a commercial station I mean I I learned I started learning audio and broadcast engineering through my involvement with the station I went on to do that for work and uh, you know, I I do it for this program and I also do it, uh other places And it's uh, it's a great It's a great pleasure for me to be able to develop in that skill without having to have gone to school for it instead I just got uh thrown into the deep end at a radio station that allows people to grow and develop and succeed and uh and And share basically these voices which would not be presented. I think Any other way over the broadcast airwaves in this city? And uh, so yeah, I will once again tell people to go to give to or call 1-212-209-2950 And become a bai buddy have to be the only show that continues pitching even after they're off the air That's incredible. Wow, and and it's important. I was not gonna know we're doing this because they're not listening to us right now Oh that might not be true There are people at bai that enjoy listening to us But you think they're they're listening to this show on the internet rather than the station that they are currently at they can time shift Yeah, maybe they catch up somehow. All right, it's possible. I guess it's not I don't advise. It's not a requirement They have important things to do exactly Yeah, but you know So any any time of the day you can you can donate and choose off the hook as your favorite show and the station will? Get that message. That's true. That's true We want to have a lot of people do that, but you know rob what you were saying about representation and all that You know i've seen society change so much over the past decade or two and I think bai was in the lead because we've been providing voices for the underrepresented for so long and Now we're starting to see recognition of that in uh mainstream not nearly enough but Definitely more than it was and I think you know if you listen to bai You might be listening to the future. You might be listening to how things are are represented in days to come how people Um are are voicing their opinions and and telling their stories. I think we're hearing that more in in various places Oh, that is so incredibly true, uh, especially Retrospectively with some of the archives that we've been referencing But going forward there's so many things that i've heard here on this uh first on off off the hook, but wbai and on the radio in general that you couldn't get information about in ordinary outlets that you'd pay money for like a newspaper or Traditional like a cable or television satellite that kind of stuff Uh, even uh satellite radio, I guess emerges as a place where people spend a lot of time consuming information but um it it is, uh It's totally uh unique in that way. So I don't know I lost the train of thought but I I just was so um I don't know so captivated by the by that sound and and um I don't know the accessibility of it. Mm-hmm Should we give out the phone number? I guess we should add another element to the uh magic. Yeah, I was doing that I I have the phone here It's on but no calls of that's because we haven't given out the phone number And and sometimes people wait until the phone number is given out before calling unlike some other people that don't All right. Yeah, if someone calls we'll be we'll be able to pick up the phone number is eight zero two Two Three wait eight zero two three two one, right? Am I am I correct? Okay. I'm, sorry I think the heat's finally getting the heat is getting to me. Uh, eight. Oh eight. Oh two three Two one four two two five eight. Oh two three two one hack Is our phone number you can call us with your opinions voice? Uh any anything you have to say and and uh, we'll we'll uh, we'll listen for a little while anyway before we I'm saying something about satellite and it just totally uh-huh. Uh-huh Rob are you there? How's that air conditioning? Oh, it's it's quite nice actually. That's what's wonderful to hear This room doesn't actually have air conditioning has a fan that pumps in the air conditioning, but the fan is very loud That's why the fan is off right now. And that's why the room is very hot Did I did I mention my respect for audio as a medium and my enthusiasm For uh putting out the best sound we can over the air Um that is humanly possible No, you didn't Eight zero two three two one four two two five is our phone number and we're just going to wait a little while uh for a phone call if we don't get a phone call we're going to just exchange pleasantries and call it a night and uh Dump water over our heads or something When is this going to stop by the way, when when is this heat going away? I understand summer is over labor day, you know all that the understanding is that's when summer ends. So what the hell? Um, I mean my question is if it's still 90 degrees, does this mean we're still allowed to wear white shoes? after labor day, um Dear lord, I think it's gonna break this weekend. Um Ish I'm looking forward to hurricane lee. I I heard that lee is forming In the atlantic and I looked at the path and it looks like something that could actually make a turn and hit us dead on Actually make a turn and hit us dead on and you might say emmanuel. Why are you wishing for a hurricane? I don't know. I just like to spice it up a bit, you know I don't want anybody to get hurt. I don't want anybody to lose their homes or anything like that but I do like a good storm whipping around, you know with rain and and uh All kinds of uh school closures and things like that. So, uh, you know just a little bit of variety in life What's wrong with that? Uh batten down the hatches and all and um, i'm sure we'll get through it. But yeah hurricane lee that might be something we're talking about Then two weeks when we're on next because uh, we'll probably There'll be the aftermath of it then because if it hits us, it'll be between now and then I was talking about the future Oh, you're trying to remember. That's what it was Wow, okay. Tommy chong. What do you got to say to us? Wow All right. We don't have a call so I guess I can finish before I forget again Yeah, the the ringing of the bell is gonna it's gonna throw you off for sure. I'll totally get lost Yeah, and and we lost him again. Okay, what? Kyle just basically drifts in and out and um, um next time he's he's In oh, yeah, you hear ideas That you don't hear on on uh on other entities. That's what it is We did hear that idea though because we mentioned that a few times but yeah, that's that's true Uh, gila, it looks like you have something. Yes. So while the listenership Viewership the number of people who are joining us, uh live on youtube right now has grown exponentially Since the top of the hour, um Everybody's a little quiet tonight However, johnny fusion does very politely point out that to look on the bright side This is going to be the coldest year going forward. So thanks for that Bright thought johnny fusion. How is this going to be the coldest year going forward? It's been the warmest year on record, but it's going to continue getting warmer So, how does that make it the coldest year on record? It's like it's gonna get uh, well you just said this makes it the coldest year on maybe i'm not understanding no just like Starting now, this is going to be the coldest year Going forward because it's going to be warmer every year from now and in 30 years. We're going to look back Because next year when it was only 90 right next year is going to be utter hell So the fact that we're just in junior hell right now Means that it's not so bad. I like that that way of thinking. Yeah, you could pretty much get through anything that way Wow, that could be like me saying Okay, trump is the president but you know, eventually we're gonna get somebody even worse. So this isn't so bad You know, you know what? It doesn't work. It doesn't work for me No So no one ever said to you if you kiss a toad first thing in the morning your day can only get better You live a strange life. I know uh, definitely definitely had not had that thought crossed my mind To uh, no i'm getting out that new york city phone number, uh, 802-321-422-5802-321-hack is our phone number If anyone out there has anything they'd like to share with us Please call now because uh, we're rapidly losing patience with the oxygen situation here Tell us boast about becoming a a buddy a wbi buddy. We want to hear about your experience Or maybe they're all ashamed that they didn't become a bi buddy. How about this become a bi buddy then call us And yes light fifteen dollars But uh, you know what you won't feel that I don't think I really don't because like I said, that's two cups of coffee at starbucks Or you could tell us your your bai story if you're if you're a listener Um to be a I tell us what grabbed you what pulled you into bai what grabbed your interest? Uh, what keeps you coming back? Or why you hate bai and why you will never pledge a penny to that rotten place You know, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know Or why you hate bai and why you will never pledge a penny to that rotten place, you know We want to hear that story, too either way I mean that that's fine, but it's what it takes. I mean You have a lot of different sorts of models changing around different media organizations they're changing those more subscriber based things or Testing out new new ways to to attract people and it's no different So we we we try to be innovative try to uh move with the times a little bit um I think we can still take Does the sms system still work? I mean, there's there's so much. Uh, we've tried over the years, but um it's really really important to Support this model because it's it's a different a different way than all the stuff that is ad based and I don't know I i've been subscribing to more things that i'm i'm interested in so that they stay around And I think that is the subtext with our fundraising episode You know and and that's a that's a good point because like we're now in a Time in sort of the media environment in which people are going back to having to subscribe to each and every little thing separately Um, you you've got your different streaming services Uh, so many independent artists out there using things like patreon or or other uh crowdfunded ongoing support platforms um to to to help them develop into some sort of uh, uh Continuing income stream and here we are. We've been keeping we've been keeping the station on the air um for 63 years not um Not we specifically Um, we haven't been here that long but bai has been keeping itself on the air for 63 years with just asking for help and So we continue to do that and if we can can we continue to do that and have it work? We really hope so we would like it to work And uh, you can make that happen That's true. That's true But we're not on bai now. We're on the internet. We're on youtube and youtube doesn't need your donation Don't send them money. They're bastards. No, they are bastards. I'm, sorry But you know all the advertising on youtube really Gets me, you know The ultimate is is is you have live broadcasts now where they break things up with ads Like, you know, they have meditation live, you know, or eight hour videos Where you know, you're supposed to be calmed down, you know that get uh, Get nice and and comfortable and buy this Yeah That's what happens How do you feel you know? That is what google is doing. They've broken youtube completely. I'm, i'm sorry. I blasted you out of your headphones just now It's a dynamic microphone. I was impressed by the sound. I'm really sorry about that Yeah, literally fell over It's funny because I was looking I have a compressor. I just don't know how to hook it up Anybody else who's hurt by my outbursts, please, uh, but write us and what do you say? If I just store this compressor that I haven't hooked up right over your Are you are you threatening violence? Is that the one with the loose screw right? Uh-huh over All right. We do have a call. I've got a laptop and i'm not afraid to use it Do we have a call? Are they on are they are they connected? Yeah. Okay, because you're walking out of the room Um, all right. Let's see a good evening. You're on off the cover time. Go ahead Hi, emmanuel. This is this is johnny huge and I felt bad that no one was calling so I called Well, we appreciate uh your pity. Um And it's good to hear your voice Yeah Um, I ended up in the hospital this week. Oh, no, so i'm calling from the hospital room. Oh, that's terrible I'm, or at least you're in a place where you can you know Get fixed or whatnot Yeah. Yeah, I just I got I got Um, I got a little infection in my blood and so And on ivy antibiotics for a few days, okay, well that'll help Yeah, and i'm getting my Port removed tomorrow. I have a port In my chest, uh where I used to get medications when I was a lot sicker. You call it a port It's called a port Like a usb port Well, it's more like an ivy, okay. All right, but the idea is pretty much the same Wow, it's a little piece of cybernetic. Yeah, you're like a cyborg That's a little little techno technological enhancement because when I was sick and the uh Progression of my illness like it got harder and harder to start ivy And so we got this so it would be really easy To start ivy because it's just this little piece of Surgical plastic under my skin with a tube that goes to my heart and just Poke a huber needle through a membrane and i'm hooked up Easy peasy. Wow What they've done in technology and and health these days is simply incredible Really is yeah, but it's yeah, but it's gotten infected and so it needs to come out tomorrow. Uh-huh well The important thing is that you were able to recognize a problem and you went to the right place And you're getting it dealt with Indeed indeed but you know, there's A lot of hacking opportunities in the hospital if I was a little more dangerous like in my youth Because there's so much tech around You know, they leave a computer In my room that that the nurses and the nurses assistants use But I haven't I haven't shoulder surfed to catch a password or anything Yeah, and you know, I'm not sure what you would do if you did catch a password because you well You're gonna hack your own care It's not a good idea places like that Uh, you know, it's a good idea to notice the security issues and and maybe tell the right people This isn't a good idea. Don't do that Uh, but as far as messing around with things, that's one place. You definitely don't want to be doing that Right because like other stuff is you know, because there's so much tech in the room because everything is tech now Like a little machine that reads my oxygen levels and temperature and blood pressure The IV pump and they're all computerized So they're I mean And i've talked to nurses And um Some nurses have trouble with the tech portion of the job like they just want to do You know help patients Right, but to be a nurse today you need to have All this skill in tech True Okay, I guess we've all run out of things to say then um Is somebody do you mean like they're taking on too much? They're Well, it's just some like, uh After my transplant I had this, uh nerve block right and it had this little computer that they had to register the medicine and And it would disperse it at a certain rate And stuff like that. You actually had to program this thing and the nurses were the ones Doing the program and it took two of them because it had opiates So I had to co-sign And it was so interesting because one would coach the other or they muddle through and figure it out Themselves because it was it was it was fairly complicated And um You know just like hacking some people have an aptitude and some people just are non-technical And a lot of these nurses they've been nurses for a long time And the tech marches on and they never had this in nursing school and they have to learn on the job Yeah, that that's a great point because ongoing training is something that is so neglected in so many companies and businesses and firms all over the place, but you know being prepared on one level and then new products new things come through that are really flashy or they're absorbed and and Become standard and different institutions that are trying to move ahead and benefit their patients and they sort of leave no room for people that are on the clock to Really absorb what it actually means to use that product Yeah, I mean related I used to date this teacher Like it was our first year teaching high school and she would End up in tears with her technical difficulties because like she was a brilliant teacher Was a great writer But computers Just stammied her it was it was like 2015 before she got a smartphone Like she resisted it for so long and then because she didn't know anything about smartphones she got a windows phone And you know and had no apps and so and then she got I I forget what either an iphone or an android you know, but If she would volunteer at these places and they and they would say oh you need this app on your phone She's like I do not have a phone And then she showed up once i'm sure I have this phone And they're like that's the wrong kind of phone But the but she would have to do grading And Attendance and everything on using computer programs and it just Stamming her and I had to even though I wasn't familiar with the specific software. I had to coach her through Using tech in the classroom Um It's very interesting i'm i'm thinking of like I know computers i'm comfortable with you know computers smartphones internet stuff, whatever But like I don't know much about cars And if I applied for a job where I was taking care of people And you know doing medical stuff that I had training for But in the middle of that job one day they showed up and said oh and by the way You have to know how to put a car up on a lift and change the oil Um, I would be pretty stymied too and Yeah, the way the way technology has Um become such a part of our lives and also a part of our medical care In in cases like yours and in cases where people have implanted devices that themselves have like some kind of smart functionality Um, we've had uh, we've had people come to the hope conference and give talks on on things like this and medical technology and the security issues inherent in even having Things like this and how much that's not even considered by like um, so many of the people who depend on them or who use them in their work or in their lives and So, you know you you having a port that needs maintenance Um, you know port security is very important any it person will tell you that and uh, you don't want to you don't want to end up leaving a port open that uh, that is uh, That will lead to some sort of vulnerability But uh, we're glad that you're that you're there and that you're able to get hold of the The care you need to take care of this for you Yeah, I mean and I was doing so well last week when I called, you know, yeah, it sounded great Well, but but it just took one little like being around one person who had a cold and it just snowballed Isn't that always the way it is still suppressed. Yeah But You know good that you're getting what you need to get taken care of taken care of And can continue I don't know kicking ass and taking names. Is that fair to say? Yeah Yeah, i'll be i'll be recovered in no time It's a very minor surgery. It's a very minor surgery to have it installed You know implanted I guess but um But um So, I don't I don't expect surgery will take long and uh a couple days of more IV antibiotics and Be right as rain Very cool. Uh, do you think uh in two weeks two weeks you should be okay, right? Yeah, are you off next week? We're off next week. Otherwise we'd say call next week Uh, but in two weeks call us and uh, and i'm sure it'll be it'll be much better Yeah, I missed I missed the 2600 meeting this past friday because I was too sick and I ended up in the er I really wanted to go But I wasn't in the car. So maybe next month. Yeah, fortunately we have them. We have them every month Yeah, it's san francisco the one that you would go to Yeah Cool it's right. It's right off of bart stop. That's really easy to get to Because I live right near bart Near bart station. I don't even have to change trains or anything I take it I take the yellow line all the way to embarcadero And then walk a couple blocks. Yeah, mass transit is amazing. I wish there were more of it I agree but you know henry ford Is dead Okay, but you know what henry ford has been dead a long time it's about time we moved on I agree but I mean our country Is Is engineered around automobiles? that's that's the technology that We literally engineered our cities and lands and transport systems Around And um, like I used to live in amsterdam that's not a car city It's it's car hustle. That's a that's a bike city. Yeah Yeah, if you want to get anywhere you go on a bike and uh, there's uh, definitely uh moves in new york to uh, To do more of that, you know to have the congestion charge like they have in london This is something you'll see more of uh, people will complain of course, but um, hey, you know what? We're complaining right now. We're complaining about air pollution. We're complaining about uh hazardous, uh Ways of getting around the city for pedestrians and bicyclists it's it's time that our complaints are heard and that the um, the planet is uh, Is is brought into a more healthy place? Yeah, it's basically the world against the capitalists I mean do they want to continue burning fossil fuels because they have all this money invested in fossil fuels Or are we going to Take our planet back. I mean, this is a global problem that capitalism is That created and is continuing Very true very true All right. Listen, you uh, you become healthy healthier and um, and and be observant in the hospital there and and you know Tell us about the technology without uh without messing with the technology Right. All right It was good talking to you, all right you two get well, bye-bye. Bye-bye Wow Sorry guys, I had to turn you off because your fan was so damn loud Sorry about that. Yeah, but uh Yeah, I think I think uh, maybe we can turn it off for you can just mute yourselves when you're not talking that would work But we will we will get better about that have a mute button so yes, yes I'm sorry. I I turned you off too. Kyle. What is with everybody? I'm turning everybody off. What am I? I'm turning my I turn myself. I'm trying to participate is ringing. Is anybody gonna pick that up abuse my microphone? Yeah, it's ringing You want me to pick it up? No, I want you to rip it off the wall No, this is off the hook All right, good evening you're on off the hook over time go ahead It's good, I like to establish my position first and just say okay cactus cactus cactus but I I've been kind of going insane with the modern world of technology as it once was whereas it is now I It it Very, you know, the the usual cliches very orwellian. What have you? And it's remarkable how You own nothing yet all the devices you own supposedly all this on you non-stop and it's More than just your phone, which is a terrifying thing And i'm I I like the last advanced thing I did was build a red box. So it's been a minute So i've been in the game as it were Red boxes. Oh that brings back memories Red boxes blue boxes. Ah, you know the good stuff. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. So it's been a while relevant and I just I don't understand how Any of this became what it is And it's kind of maddening when a grand scale. Yeah, I hear that fact that if you see No, I I I hear what you're saying. It's uh, it's definitely maddening Yeah, I just it'd be kind of nice to own the stuff that I you know purchase but you don't anymore it's it's all Rented and everything. Yeah, it's a lease. It's like you're agreeing to uh, you know, the the software which changes Or you have to pay a monthly fee. It's It's it's insane and people have been warning about this for quite some time and we seem to be in the in the in the Place now where it becomes a reality and it's really hard to actually Buy physical media or physical hardware even sometimes Well, I'd like physical media is this physical media Exists in the fact that it's physical but even one of you like like this video games, for example, cool You can buy a video game all you want on this But there's only two gigs of information of the disc for 98 gig games. Yeah. Yeah, so you need the internet You need the internet. Well, you know what I like to do is tell people I don't have internet access You know, I live in a place where I have no access whatsoever What do I do? How do you help me? And either they they have to admit that it's completely useless Their product is completely useless without a net connection or there's some other alternative Oh, absolutely, I've earned it Like so what one of the things I because I only recently within the last two years fell into the windows 10 Hellhole as it were Hellhole as it were Yes, and I'm picking it screaming from windows 7 to windows 7 like fine. I'm forced to update this, you know I I understand exactly what you're saying because windows 7 did not constantly reboot like windows 10 does is that one of your complaints? Oh, no, actually not at all. Like I believe it or not. I don't care about the rebooting doesn't happen very often But what drives me insane is that window I have devices that I need very specific drivers for And for whatever reason windows is not happy with that. Oh, well your drivers are six years out of date I'm going to update them no matter what you tell me to do I have gone over windows 10 at least six or seven times to try and turn off auto updates And you can't turn off the auto update no matter how much you try. I know I know That's part of the complaint. I was I was Basically, yeah that they they auto update they know better than you you're just a consumer Looks like hey, yeah that hardware you bought even though like it's a capture card and unfortunately for me I capture retro consoles which requires a 240p signal And 240p is out of the norm. It's not it's not crucial as it were And the capture card I have even though it can capture a 240p signal it only does it with a certain driver version But windows will force the latest driver version every single time no matter what I do And that'll break something else and uh, it just it never ends You know, I I have a lot of respect for people who continue to run older systems If they're able to keep them running themselves, they shouldn't be forced into upgrades they don't want or need uh, and uh, I think we need to become less disposable as far as Always throwing out our our phone when a new version comes out and getting something new Sometimes something old is better You know sometimes sometimes it suits you better to constantly be told you have to do this. You have to do that new software Okay, the new software only runs on new hardware and now you need new hardware with that new hardware. Hey, there's even newer software It's just you're caught in this spiral of planned obsolescence I I am referred to as a dinosaur. I I still have a crt. I I believe in the glory of the 4-3 resolution I have a modern tv and I hate it with every ounce of my being. Uh-huh Did you miss analog tv signals as well? Because I do Oh very much very much Wow, well you you you ever you're in the right place because we we all understand what you're saying So I have all this Quote-unquote ancient technology. I'm like, yeah cool this tv maybe 25 years old But this tv will outlive me and outlive you that's right. That's right My modern tv i've had it taken apart two or three times to fix minor issues and popped up and i'm like I I paid $500 for this thing and i'm repairing it every other year What the hell I I have an old tv, you know this year i'm talking about kyle. It's it's it's uh, you know small tv uh, my grandmother used to have it 1986 I think is where it's from or maybe maybe the early 80s Even it still works to this day. The only problem is there's no tv stations anymore It outlived tv tv set outlived analog tv. So it's it's kind of useless, but it still works Oh, yeah, I I have a small portable handheld tvs, you know Back in the day when I was the greatest thing in the world and I I still think they're relatively cool and If I want to I can jerry-rig my nintendo my original nes So it'll broadcast and I could pick that up on the little handheld tv Wow, okay, that's cool. That's very cool. Whatever you do. Don't throw out any of this stuff because it's all pretty awesome to have Oh, yeah And there's more and more like uh support for repairing stuff I think the you're absolutely right like the guilt is due I think on some of the uh providers of the software and hardware Because they're building in the costs that are essentially their problems That they're making you pay for them over the lifetimes of the lifetime of the product I know exactly what you're talking about with flat screens like power supplies things go and there's no Parts to repair it. Um, they'll just consider it disposable. It's not worth the time because it's uh, the life cycle is so short so uh doing like Board level repairs is just unheard of everyone thinks you're insane and that's the thing, you know I I I saw a forum recently where somebody was complaining about this very thing where They wanted to hold on to windows 7 and not be forced to upgrade to windows 10 And they were asking a particular question as to how they could make something else work without being forced to do that Did they get any help? No, they got universally shamed. Why do you want to run windows 7? don't you know that by running windows 7 you're going to be opening yourself up to all kinds of security holes and Nobody took their request seriously. Nobody was helpful. They just were shaming Yeah, and the irony is that in many cases an older operating system is more secure than something brand new that everybody's using And that the um, the security holes have not all been found yet That might be a problem. But you know what let the person make the decision for themselves That that's a very big issue I because I I am massive on the rights repair I think it's asinine and insulting that i'll spend two thousand dollars on a phone. I'm like, oh the screen cracked Well, if I gotta spend another two thousand dollars instead of you know 50 bucks for a new screen, right, right Your phone costs two thousand dollars. Wow, that must be a good. Oh god. No. No, I I This phone the phone i'm talking to it's like 120 bucks. I think I spent uh-huh. Uh-huh. I am relatively broke Well, you know we still but we still use rotary dial phones Literally to talk to people sometimes because they sound good, you know, they're from the 1950s, but they really sound good Hey a pair of twisted copper geese through our life, that's true. Uh, rob, you got something go ahead Yeah talking about those old tvs those old crt tvs Um, johnny fusion points out in the youtube chat that people still use them for retro gaming Um for using those old nintendos and other things because you can hook them up to an lcd flat panel But there are subtle differences not only does everything look different Um, but because the things were meant the graphics were created to look their best on a crt television But there are timing issues and things like competitive gaming the game smash brothers in particular Like it makes a huge difference if if you're on a genuine tv of the time versus uh versus the modern equivalent um, but also like those things are so coveted because Crts no one's making those picture tubes anymore. There's a finite amount in the world and uh, you know more blow out every day So yes, if you've got an old tv somewhere Don't get rid of it because if it works there is uh, you know There are things you can do with it or there is probably someone who would very much like to buy it from you somewhere um, and uh, yeah, the the uh, the and the fact that uh Talking about the magic of radio again, you know You could still turn on a radio from 1960 that was receiving the original wbai signal from when it first went on the air And it will still tune us in today Yeah, but there are people who want to change that they want to you know Change, uh the radio frequencies or there's a move to get rid of am radio now, you know not have it in cars You know why because electric cars interfere with the radio. Well, you know, that means you haven't quite developed electric cars To the point where they're compatible with things that we need am radio being one of them It's remarkable how quick everybody is i'll throw it all throw it all out i'm like stop hold on I have stuff from the 80s that still works better than most, you know things built today And what i'm gonna do is gonna go in replace a few capacitors and it's just like brand new That's right, that's right and And I I don't understand why or when everybody decided to let's just throw away by nil because my my living basically comes from Getting broken game consoles Taking the two or three hours to get them off running again and selling them. Wow. Okay There's a demand for that and everybody's going You know, this ps2 doesn't work and i'm like i'll buy it off you for 10 bucks and then you know Fifteen dollars and two hours later running just like now. Uh-huh And then you're able to sell it but Yeah, yeah but Even even during the days of the ps2 when it was new Sony was very much if you repair this we're gonna slap you in the mouth because how dare you Because every company now really enjoys ignoring these magnets and mallsack For whatever reason I guess if you have more money than god what what the law is better to you, right? That's how they act It's yeah, I mean, oh cool you find them 105 million dollars that's nice they made 22 billion I don't think they noticed no Definitely not Wow, okay. Well, uh, this has been uh eliminating anything else before we go Uh, yeah maintain your vhs case keep your dvds nice and clean Good advice. I have a huge vhs collection. I've digitized it so I can I can look at it, but i'm keeping the tapes Perfect. All right. Thanks for your call. Hi. Take care What a great call wow That was uh, that's pretty awesome and speaks to a lot that we talk about in a very elegant way yeah, uh so many things that uh, I I could just delve into it's uh, Just a conversation, but it's an important one on so many levels. So i'm i'm happy to hear about what what that caller was, uh Was uh moved by and and and what what gets them excited? You're made to feel like you're crazy, you know Like you just don't get it if you want to hold on to something that's old or keep doing things You know the way, uh, you've always done them sure be open to to new things, but don't throw out the old things You know, maybe you're using a word processor. That's 20 years old, you know, maybe it works better for you Maybe you're comfortable with it. Maybe it's compatible with all the files you've made and something else wouldn't be so, uh, let's support that person instead of shaming them into uh, moving to something they're not that comfortable with I I think it's especially Um sinister when you're putting the blame on Entities, you have no idea how they operate. You don't know what kinds of things that machine is responsible for and because of the design life cycle of the software they they want people to they want to kind of uh force this on on the consumer that It may be their whole business that gets ruined or or they have to Needlessly or in an unexpected way re redo an entire process or um and and hope that you know, everything works out as far as Uh sales or their their just ability to adapt Uh, that that is a terrible cost and it's part all part of the conversation. Uh, whether whatever Avenue we take and I mean there are benefits like there are not benefits, but just weird um Things that we we take for granted like yeah, there's hundred dollar phones. I have a hundred dollar phone. I never use I just got I mean that I think a lot of people. Um also see the like the economies that like the scale and the way, um that produces just uh an abundance of stuff but Here in we're talking about stuff that we can't repair. We can't truly own because it's locked down by like, uh Intellectual property and all sorts of licenses yet We're going to trust all of our data all of our we're going to put all of our communications everything about our lives uh, and and um if we want to Like a certified repair it's going to cost double what we paid for in the first place and you can't live without it You know, I mean give up that's the deal that that we're supposed to love It feels like a lot of people have given up and that they're just basically succumbing to uh, you know this uh This need to always have the latest and if you don't have the latest then there's something wrong with you and you're vulnerable and uh, you have to keep up and throw out the old stuff and uh, yeah, it's It's insecurity and I don't think it's uh, it's very wise No, it really damages people's regular operations their regular lives and so much that They originally were counting on being there for them when when they put their trust in whatever mega company or uh Entity there that is, you know taking control over their books and and and all the sort of ways they interact interact with technology We got to keep talking about it. So Please update us share what you see out there Rob gila anything else? I think we're going to close it up in a bit because we're about to hit 100 degrees in here Yeah, we we turned off our fan and uh, we turned off our ac rather and uh, it's Rapidly rising in here too. So I think uh, this would be a good note to end it all on right to repair is important um You know old stuff isn't bad just because it's old And uh, we can keep tinkering with the things we want to tinker with and no one should be able to tell us we can't And question the uh, the kinds of the ways you're you're being encouraged to use products and so forth and Beware the conspicuous consumption because that's uh That's driving a lot of these these entities as well Good words to end on write to us. Oth at if you forgot to become a vai buddy Despite our many pleas you still can do. So give to give the number to and Become a bai buddy fifteen dollars a month or more and uh, you'll be doing amazing things for a radio station that Is truly unique and so valuable We will see you again in two weeks until then Stay cool and uh, we'll see you next time And um Let us know if you uh, see any interesting technology or um abuses of privacy or the other various things. We we always are interested in And uh Use the telephone a little more. Yeah, call somebody. Yeah, give a call I mean you can call somebody at random I guess but uh call somebody, you know, they'll be surprised But maybe you'll have a conversation who knows that's what phones are for All right Good night, everyone