And welcome to everybody over on YouTube as We begin another edition of off the hook over time Emmanuel over here Kyle. Did you make it? Of course. All right, and Alex over in skype land. Did you make it? I did indeed. Okay, since we don't have Robin Gila this week We have no way of actually knowing we're on YouTube, but I think it's gonna work. I have faith It's worked all the past few weeks. And if for whatever reason we don't make it onto YouTube I'm sure somebody will tell us our phone number is 8 0 2 3 2 1 4 2 2 5 8 0 2 3 2 1 hack Yeah, I gave the phone number out well before somebody actually called. So how about that operators are standing by? Are they oh, you're the operator. You're the one on the phone. All right, kind of lounging All right, is it ringing yet or not? Sometimes it rings before we even get on the air or start this particular segment Did anyone have anything additional to add to the whole NPR conversation or anything else we were talking about the previous hour No, not necessarily I think You know stuff. She will come up just naturally, but I think It does bear mentioning that we are in fact on YouTube. I just checked it. Oh, thank you very much. That's that's good to know yeah, you know the NPR thing is is upsetting because it just feels like Like there's somebody with an agenda labeling things that he doesn't like in a particular way and just trying to To push an agenda. Yeah, it's really petty and I don't know that's big moves then okay, you can have that but it's wrong like it puts it and it puts them in a category of organizations that are Wholly distinct from there is a difference between you know state-controlled media that you know changes its tune based on what they are ordered to do by a dictator or by a totalitarian regime and Something like NPR or Pacifica. It's completely different and if you're gonna categorize things get it, right I understand I've heard their critique, but it's technically kind of it's misinformed. It's not really based There's no basis. Really. I mean it's Indirectly been associated it's been accused of that a lot in in popular culture and I think that's more what this is Is is latching on to that and showing that you have some kind of I don't know influence and explain to me why Fox News simply can't be categorized right-wing media because that's what it is. Can anybody argue that point? It's absolutely right-wing media or group. Yeah. Well, okay You see that's where you get into into some, you know, rather turbulent territory. You're listing different things You could label they're gonna say they're not, you know They're not promoting hate speech and we'll argue that they are but they can't say they're not right-wing They can't say that who can say that Fox News is not right-wing media. Well, they would they would enjoy that Yeah, who cares if they enjoy it or not? The point is this is an accurate label, but it's not being applied to them. Why is that? they're just getting the the blanket moniker of Media, you know something like that, but you're not willing to give that to NPR You have to you have to put some kind of asterisk next to them and say oh look the government is controlling them when the government Is absolutely not controlling them Could you even say that NPR is left-wing media then if that scenario played out you can say that but it's a it's a lot Harder to prove it than it is to prove that Fox News is right-wing Well, the reason for that is because you know left-wing has as particular Particular meaning the particular points that NPR does not blindly follow They they report things and oftentimes you hear people with a left-wing Philosophy being being heard or represented but it doesn't mean the network itself is It has it has those particular values It can become unbearable from administration to administration, especially the press core White House press corps Following around George W Bush for you know, all of all of that invasion or whatnot I mean it was pretty nauseating after a while And so that's where I would say like is it really that left-wing like? It I don't know it's more left. They have different personalities. It's more left-wing than Fox. Okay, but that's not hard to do again You're not yeah, you're not qualifying very maybe Pacifica. You could say there I mean Pacifica is most certainly more left-wing than anything else Although there are some ultra left people on Pacifica who you can see coming around the corner and with the right ring because that's what Happens what what is in the the label anyway? And like those terms themselves are in different circles become taking on different meanings even to this day You know at the moment to moment there are dog whistles and when when you say certain things it implies something else And that's what Elon Musk is doing. So He's he basically enjoys the attention. We have a phone call. Okay. Yes in the Babel for so long funny. Oh, no No, I didn't want to interrupt. Okay Okay, it appears they're already speaking before I even introduced them but let me try again Good evening, you're on off-the-hook overtime Hi, Emmanuel calling from maker fair or no a maker space a hacker space Okay, cuz if you're calling from maker fair, you'd be calling from the past because there are no It's a maker space hacker space. I don't know what you call, but we have some we have some guests here We have Leo say hello. You remember Leo. Oh, hello, Leo. Yeah, and we have logic X. Hello logic How's it going? How you doing? X 3 8 9 2 1 4. Oh, you can't expect us to remember that a ham radio signal Anyway, we are here and we're I'd really like I've never been to this. I make it. I met these guys at the 2600 meeting Oh, I know Leo already, but I met the other guys at the 2600 meeting. Wait, there is no 2600 Oh, you met them at the 2600? Okay, how was the meeting? The meeting was good Good to hear Meeting was great. I like it. Well, that's awesome. I I do hope to make it to one of them Yeah, sounds like you're connected with a good crew there. Yeah, definitely. So what's going on? Yeah, what are you guys up to? What are you doing? Are you are you revealing? Leaked documents or anything like that Yeah, have you seen any crumpled papers sound awfully busy Yeah, don't let me interfere with whatever you're doing What the cold Our time is your time Never mind. So anyway, we're here at these hacker fair or hacker space. Yeah, get it, right Yeah, the hackers face make it face. Is it a maker space or a hacker space? You got to make up your mind They'll tell you It's back at fab labs. It's the one in Manhattan. It's a maker space. We call it a hacker space because we're old school Okay, all right, all right you can do that that's clear Did you know this? Did you know? What was the name of it again? Anyone I know I asked you what's the name of it? It's back at fab lab. Okay. Yeah, I've heard of it. Oh, yeah Okay, yeah, we used to park our van next to a maker fair I remind you of a lack of many hope conference Okay, no, that's that's a that's a good thing and I'm just doing people doing Linux. I don't you know what I like about Linux. I'm hearing about Linux It's like the terminal like an old terminal like, you know the text terminal Tell me you've used Linux before now I Never knew Okay, I'm a bit envious because there's so much ahead of you now Well, I mean I went to the 2600 meeting and people with running Linux and it looked like I reminded me of terminals from like 90s like the text terminal. Yes, you've been asking about those lately, too. Yeah now here they are You know now here they are, but I can't I mean it could do it put it on my computer But I'd have to choose I mean it'd be kind of a pain because I'd have to partition the hard drive and do this And you also wait a minute. You could do it in newer versions. What operating system? I mean, there's lots of ask around there Yeah I don't want to get into the particulars, but there's there's a all kinds of ways to to have fun with it Okay. No Getting to what I want to talk about. I am in Bayside Queens in the 718 area code There's a couple of exchanges and all of them that used to do 9901 used to say the central office from the 5d. So now they all go to this With we the number you've reached cannot be if not in service But we can help you find another list all the exchanges in Bayside Queens do that Okay Remember when I told you that I remember you're telling us this every week When I'm also some of the 2 1 2 2 7 9 exchange the old WBA I say now it just lists the area codes that it served We serve area code 2 1 2 9 2 9 and 3 4 7 or something like that That's how they don't say the exchanges that it lists and all that just says the area codes it list What a disappointment Yeah, it's being really well Yeah, there's all sorts of 3d printers and laser cutters here and No, that's awesome Yeah, they're gonna come here every week. I'll bet y'all never leave Well, actually I can't cuz I'm not a member. Ah You should become a member support them Yeah, but um, that's true. I should that's true I'm a big I'll bring my portable CB radio and you know tinker with that and you know The one with the little rubber antenna and anything that you want to fix or you know explore by all means. That's that's the place Yeah, that's what it's for. That's what we're trying to find out somebody who stole an electric bicycle We have their phone number, but we're trying to find out where what their last name is But we we're here at the hackerspace. We found out if it's an AT&T stole phone Okay, those are very exotic. They they they are everywhere Rebel I know you mentioned you had an electric bicycle. This wouldn't be your electric bicycle. They got stolen with it Actually, it would be oh dear. I'm so sorry Then actually I let this person I known this person for a couple years Wait, you know who it is. You know who it is I know I actually don't I mean I kind of have the first name but it's a friend of a friend So it's kind of a long story and and you know, it's like, you know Kind of you know, you thought you trusted the person and you know, and then now you know, I know the first name I know Let me tell you about people rebel people will always let you down You gotta you gotta keep a wary eye out whenever you have the person in your life. That's all I gotta say Alex Alex has some advice for you. I believe Alex. Go ahead. Yes Question one one bit of advice What is this number relate to this AT&T number that this is not the number of the person stole Yeah It is it's an AT&T phone because we looked it up here at the hackerspace. So I know the first time What is that what does it have to do with with any of the circumstances Well trying trying to find out where the person is and where he lives and things like that But I call if I turn I don't know social engineering come to into possession of this phone number and associate it with Electrifying what you could But I I so I could find out what's going on and where the person lives and what his last name is What Alex is asking is how did you get the phone number in the first place? Where is it coming from from my friend from my friend? Is he the friend of a friend? So my friend gave me his number? Okay, so here's a little trick with numbers. I don't know if you've tried this or not, but very often People with cell phones will have things like whatsapp profiles that will have their actual name on them. So if you add The natural Let me finish. Let me finish trouble finish here Yeah, let me finish if you add him as a contact in your phone If you just add put it, you know Whatever random name you want to call it call it a manual Goldstein on your phone Hey, and then you go into whatsapp and you look for that contact You may see a photograph of that person You might see his name associated with or perhaps in telegram or perhaps in you know signal But you you know, I would take a look on what's up first that is a valuable tip Alex Yeah, that might be the most helpful thing. Maybe I'll try that I could try that and he has Twitter or Instagram or Well Go for what's up first to basically try to do a reverse lookup on that telephone number because he might be on a mobile device That's registered on whatsapp with that number now Alex What you just told rebel is very handy in tracking somebody down possibly tracking somebody down What would you say to people who don't want to be tracked down to avoid falling into that trap? Obviously, this is something they overlooked. Yeah. Oh, absolutely. I mean, this is a very Rudimentary but effective technique that people very often overlook, right? You want to connect a phone number to a name? That's a very good way of doing it. But If you don't want that to happen, don't use your real name associated with that telephone number what's that profile or Just don't associate your phone number with a whatsapp profile because it's I think I don't think there's a setting where you can't be Looked up. I could be wrong, but I'm not sure if you have the ability to to change those types of privacy settings interesting Why don't you guys have what's up so that we can see each other like I could put it on my website when you call I think you just explained it. I think I was just explain why we don't Yeah All kinds of things that happen with cell phones Kyle you were having it an episode with your phone where it was blocking you and then it wasn't blocking you Yeah, we're trying to access your voicemail. Yeah, I had a phone number forwarding and it was disrupting a lot of the functionality that I was expecting with my voice and Message system. Yes, that happens all the time. They may have called from different phone numbers and get the same thing really But then you get something different No, you don't get something different. You get the same kind of recording saying good only the part of your record is not Why not? Well, you know one one trick that I like to do is It's basically I can tell you to do this but figure out how to forge your caller ID which is pretty simple and then you call from that number itself and Sometimes that gets a different response. Sometimes you wind up writing their voicemail too because some people Don't really think it through and they say yeah be convenient for me not to have to enter my password from my phone So if I'm calling from my phone just log me into my voicemail without asking for a password. However, if somebody basically Emulates your phone number on caller ID and then calls that they're gonna get into your voicemail Right, I see what you're saying That's kind of tricky and now I just want to ask Alex a question They said that because I lent the guy my bike I said, oh, yes You want to go up to this but on the block in there? Yep, you can use it and then he just never came back They said that's a simple thing because you let him use your bike and it's not a wait. Wait, hold on a second You lent him your bike. He rode down the street. He just got smaller and smaller and didn't come back And that's what this is about Right. Okay. I don't think I don't think lending someone your bike means that they can keep it forever I thought but I'll share the lawyer. Tell me if that's true. Yeah I mean, it's theft right is when you have the the intention to keep it All right, so, you know if he has the intention of let's say bringing it back an hour or something like that you know arguably wouldn't wouldn't be theft but if he had the Intention to keep it and you didn't authorize him to do it. It's not technically a civil thing just because you gave him Authorization to ride the bike doesn't mean you gave him authorization to keep the bike. It's Is Is that what the police told you rebel that this is a civil thing that's what they But the people who I need to complain to the precinct, you know, they're wrong about that they just don't feel like helping I'm sorry. What if you charged him like 25 cents around the block, you know, and then they didn't return it. That's a Transaction right? Yeah, but that's still be tough, right? I mean, yeah Well, that's what I'm saying is I would escalate it to theft instead of this civil nonsense You're talking about but don't ever let go of the handlebars rebels. Do you have proof of ownership of that bike? Yes. Okay. That's a simple thing. If you locate where the bike is and you say hey, that's my bike I can prove it and this person stole it Right. So even though I did let him use it and I was assuming that he was going to come back I'm trusting him. He's never came back Now rebel does that friend that you know this person through do they have anything to say about this? I mean, what's there? He said well, you know, he doesn't know and You know He was there I mean he was there when I lent cuz I let him ride it you know I let this person ride this bike before a couple of years ago and you know, of course He brought it back, you know You know, so I feel like on something that I just somebody that I just met and my friend introduced me to hey This is Kevin. I mean and We don't want to know who he is. Don't tell us his name. Well, I don't know his last name Okay, and neither do we we don't want to but here's the thing if your friend was there, okay and Witnessed all this. He's a witness. Is he gonna help you? All right, he did try and help me by giving me a phone number, okay, which you assume is his phone number But you know if he's if he's still the friend of this guy and he still sees him and he's not doing anything about this I question if he's really your friend Well, he says he's not gonna hang out with him because of what he did. I don't know. That's what he says Okay. Well, that's something I guess I Don't know. That's what I'm gonna try the social media thing. Maybe I could traffic your social media Yeah, but you know just finding him no won't necessarily get him to give you a bike back, but right that's true Is there anything that we could do here at this hacker fair that you said is that social media entering that phone number in Mike You gotta go to what's up? Well finding out the guy's name is a good start. I can't believe your friend doesn't know his full name I don't know. I mean I Well, that would be a good start because you could you could learn a lot very quickly and create some pretty funny scenarios where all of a sudden It's compelling to give the bike back. Do you know your friends full name? Yeah, okay. So go on to Facebook or Twitter or whatever place I did. I did that Facebook. He doesn't have a Facebook I don't think really sure Well, if he did Go on your friends and look for any any You said Kevin? Okay, look for anybody with that name or anybody with that face. I look I look Okay, well, you know at some point he might have mentioned him somewhere there's always more information to be found if you keep looking try to think of what else, you know about them and What direction they went and where you where you are, you know all that? Yeah, but just try to piece some of that stuff together Terrible, you know, they may you know, what happens the bicycle thieves What I make bicycle thief pie. Wow, where'd you get that one? Kyle? That's very dark. Yeah rules are rules I Suggest I read this for two years. I've had this for two years. It's like I mean I suggest watching the film bicycle thief from Italy in the 1930s was it it was an excellent film 40s 50s It's it's just it's about a bicycle thief, but it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's It's kind of you know, who is the bicycle thing? I'm not gonna give it away. It's good movie. It'll make you feel better So sorry that happened. It's not an electric bicycle though. So don't get your hopes up on that Right, but don't give up and just keep looking for more details. There's always more details out there someplace There's always something there's a clue No, he couldn't fold the bike. He could have just sold it. He could have sold it. That's true. That's true at his own peril You're gonna get to the bottom of this rebel just don't lose lose faith keep asking around sounds like you have a good a good Team there that they could help you sort some of the details out Don't let people ride your bike Yeah, I mean Checking pawn shops I mean you have to do all that kind of stuff if you really want it back and Try to compare the serial number and stuff like that. Yeah, I mean I think it's like a well, I don't know if he would tell it to a pawn shop or a bike shop You think you would just buy but then if he rides it around and you you know Catch up with them could lead to a tense situation and and or it could be a really positive situation if you're like, hey That's not fair and you got you know some support and listen Don't let your friend off the hook either your friend introduced you your friend was there when it happened He bears some responsibility for this and certainly it's possible that he still is in contact with this person So I don't want to say that he was in on it But he definitely is not uninvolved Now I wish this was off the hook on the radio so I could mention this what's going on So let you know all of New York City time. Well, we're not going to mention on off the hook on the radio Especially since you can't call in But we do help you get it back and we'll offer any advice we can get I'm sure you're your new hacker friends at the Hacker space will help you Maybe you have some ideas for a bicycle lojack or something I'm gonna put the tile on it if I get it back or I'm gonna put I have a regular bike Yeah, you know you'll be better in better shape you'll be stronger and you'll be able to catch up to the yeah Year, so mm-hmm Well, I'm sorry to hear this happen, but it does happen and maybe that's a warning to other people out there Not to lend your stuff out to people Let's say goodbye from here By Leo have fun great talking Hack the planet indeed. Yes, I'm said from a hacker space that that matters and oh, yeah. All right We'll see you next time rebel good luck with all that. Thanks. All right. Thanks. You know when I was a kid, I remember this There was this kid that I would always let ride my bike, you know Because he didn't have a bike and I did and I'd always I'd always let him ride it Then one day he got a bike. He got a brand new bike And I asked to ride it and what do you think he said said no his parents said nobody can ride his new bike. I Told my mother about that and then he let me ride it That's the kind of involvement you want parents to get into you know instances of justice like that But you know what we've fallen out of touch. I I don't even remember his name Wow, I was sick. So I don't remember anybody's name back then Okay 802-321-4225 802-321-HACK is our telephone number if anybody out there would like to talk to us about any other issue Please feel free to dial those numbers and we'll be happy to put you on the air and Let us know maybe somebody out there has seen 2600 the hacker quarterly the documentary motion picture that grossed a million dollars and Got positive reviews from the New York Times the Washington Post and the Los Angeles Times Among others. I'm sure I could ask Google bar to make up some more crap about I'm thinking it's going to actually produce The film with the next installment or whatever of the the GTP set up there. Maybe it will actually produce the full-length. Well, I mean, it's using it's using our name They made a million bucks off of it. You know, I think we should get a taste of that This is a this is a lot here that is keeping me up at night. You know, it's yeah Yeah, there's some some loose ends stuff. We got to deal with production side. Yeah Chachi GPS has no idea what I'm talking about, by the way Never heard of the film, but but Google barred. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I said chachi they're competing, right? They don't they don't share a brainstem Whatever it is Hmm yet yet. Yeah, what happens when they like become one like My osmosis sort of like in my brain My osmosis sort of like meld into one another with modules and so forth. Is that a third? Ai or machine learning in In and of itself like is it wholly new or is it it's just the evolution There will be a name for it alex, are you there yeah, it looks like you're doing something else Yeah, i'm here. Okay Looks like you're soldering something. I don't know. It looks like you're busy Yeah soldering, yes Yeah, no, not not soldering. Yeah, do we have any if anyone calls we can go we can go home early Well, um, the line is open now we're gonna give it a couple more minutes 802-321-4225 because you know eventually we run out of things to say to ourselves and um um Not that we don't think so You know, we've been talking for a while, right? So, you know, we've been blathering on for quite some time, but not as long as we usually do So we have the opportunity. We have a lot more room for uh for discussion with with callers Maybe alex if you ask for a call somebody will will take it seriously. Sure 802-321-4225 call us the phone lines are open And our operators are standing by Remember when uh commercials were like that, right and everything for some reason, you know You had to it always took like six to eight weeks for delivery And everything you had to always mail some kind of self-addressed stamped envelope to wherever in omaha, nebraska Send a postcard. I always wondered what people send postcards saying greetings from the statue of liberty I never did that. I never requested something using a postcard, but the six to eight weeks, uh Waiting for something to arrive and no cods. I remember that as well uh, that was um That was a special time quaint. Yeah, very quaint. Yeah, but why was it always what was going on in omaha, nebraska? I don't know. I don't know, uh, pueblo, colorado. That's where all the government printing took place It was a process Totally different. Mm-hmm, but it wasn't just there. It was other places as well that Had various things Yeah, I do. I hear the phone kyle Do you not hear the phone? Okay So we have a phone call. All right. Good evening. You're on all talk overtime Hey, how's it going? How are you doing? Where are you calling from? Uh call from new jersey, new jersey great state. That's right Thanks Um, i'm not a first-time caller. I have called before. I love your show listen to guys all the time. I think um Two things i'll try to just have one uh about like naming. Um categorizing media Um, you know, I only learned this myself when I was going to these fact-checking websites like one of them is media bias fact check Dot I don't know order com or whatever and uh stuff like that how they categorize one of the ways they categorize one criteria They use is is it commercially funded government funded or listener? Funded I guess that's like the other category But I mean that right there to me kind of closes the whole confusion Which it seems to me like a lot of people maybe just aren't aware of that Like you're calling it bbc wanted bbc is funded by their government their government funded deutsche Well in germany is government funded. Um, you know, fox news is commercially funded wbi listener Like in that at least gives you three different uh ways to know and it's a good thing to know too because a commercial media is going to be Uh, they're going to be pro business They're not going to run anti-union stuff as much. Let's just say for example, uh, a government funded site Yeah, isn't gonna maybe talk as much trash about the president or if the government's not doing something So, uh, and then listener sponsored is You know supposed to be in a way neither of those but then you know, whatever has its own drawbacks. Um, That's just something I wanted to put out there. I guess for listeners Yeah, I feel like I hear a lot of people talk about it and friends of mine and even myself I mean, I didn't I didn't know it until I was looking this stuff up in the past couple years Yeah, it's not a binary. It's not the binary people want it to be like it's either this or that right? Right, you know, I agree for the most part. I'm a little uncertain about bbc I hear what you're saying about them being government funded, but it does come from the listeners and the viewers However, it's mandated that they pay a licensing fee where that money goes to them But it's not controlled by the government. In other words, they don't say you can't cover this story or things like that However, it's probably more in that direction than we're used to here Um, so I don't know that's a it's a tricky one because that's kind of a combination Yeah, that is tricky I get maybe come comes down to the government that it's that's funding it and if it's a Government, let's say whatever russia. China. Myanmar or something that's funding it then Kind of obvious that it's going to be government controlled and funded but in more democratic places Um, the government technically is supposed to be run by people to begin with it. Yeah, it quickly becomes philosophical, right? About where your information is coming from and of course, you know they're broadcasting in the public interest for the public good presumably and they have a a mandate, uh, and serve in that function and of course for a breaking news or emergencies and and and the like they're um, um an important emergency resource, which is very very similar to all the broadcast types, um tv radio the the sort of traditional older types in the u.s. So you could argue there's a public interest and there's a A certain loyalty to the audience which may be from that country, right? Respectively so you get into philosophical good. Like what is the purpose of this? Broadcast, I remember when trump was in power People were calling fox news state media and I always had a problem with that because for the same reason Um when trump was out of power fox is still fox. It's not like they suddenly changed to to biden propaganda They're still right wing. That's why I think right wing media fits them because whether their person is in power or not They're going to have the same philosophy Okay, that was another criteria on the media bias fact check this is one site i'm not trying to say it's the best one There's other ones Other ones out there, but that was another thing that they say is does it lean left or does it lean right? Right and they have their own metrics and each site has their own kind of metrics and that's how you can kind of Think to yourself whether you're going to believe them or not. But yeah, that was another criteria. They had what's how much like Now go ahead. How many times has the story been retracted? Or proven false or something like that, right? That's another criteria that they had so they had a bunch of rights against them Yeah, yeah What was the name of the site that you were referencing This was media bias fact check. I'm pretty sure that's it It could be a little bit off with that and I don't even know if it was a dot org Okay, or not and and then when I went to I went and looked at that Site and then I looked at some other sites and what I found was they all use different criteria And even the sites themselves are run by different types of groups of people Some of them are like related to universities Some of them are just like I don't know a couple friends that came up with this thing They used to be journalists or something like that so Even those things i'm just not saying like, you know Not for people to kind of swallow whole what they say when they're like saying that uh a media outlet is good or bad, but just that Like we should at least be starting to all speak the same language when we go to ask What is the media that we're listening to? It's going to be more complicated like like you just said it's not going to be black and white i'm sorry That's how things are not going to be black. All right yeah, yeah, no, I like that you said that you pointed that out that uh, even the uh, the fact checkers themselves may They you know may be taken with a grain of salt, uh, or it may have a certain weight of validity, uh, because of their reputation Well, I think we can all agree that we can all agree elon musk is not the arbiter He's not the one that has all the answers. That's a takeaway I'd like to categorize I'll jump off after this is what I find interesting you guys talk about chat and gpt You know, we we try to ask it stuff that um, we want to be fact-based and then it lies or it gives us You know answers that aren't actually based in fact or whatever And i'm just kind of thinking to myself like the real purpose I feel like of this is to be creative this thing It's to it's to not make facts but to like make crazy stuff up that sounds funny or cool and I mean and you know, I could be wrong about that, but I feel like that's what it's doing and that to me I thought was uh, what what we thought would be the final uh Um hurdle for ai to get over Was that there's no way it'll be able to be creative It can't be and now it's like it's coming up with stuff. That's just as creative Well, it's not telling us. I think it's funny that it's not telling us as being creative It's pretending to tell the truth and actually making up fiction Um, but you know, we had we had some success with chat gpt when we asked it to write a david lynch film about hackers It wasn't bad. Oh, that's right. That's right. Yeah, that's what I mean. That was kind of creative a dark room He's throwing some adjectives Uh-huh, envisioning what it might be like exactly. Yeah that connective, uh linguistic um uh Transitional verbiage all of the work the assembly of it based on those cues but it's as good as as how how you Um, how much information you and the criteria you feed it? Here's the thing that with with the film that that uh, google bard made up it attached a real life person to it And said they were the director. How does that person feel? You know, they didn't have anything to do with this That's when it gets they have to put that little statement at the beginning that says if this film has any relation to real life Like it's not on purpose or something. Well, they should say that before they say anything on google bard I guess every single thing that comes out. Yeah should have that little watermark on it Yeah, it's probably it's probably there somewhere in the page like Do not trust Anything else I appreciate you guys taking my call. I appreciate you guys taking my call I'm gonna jump off so somebody else will get on a lot. Okay, great show. Thanks. Thanks for listening. Take care Have a good night. Bye New jersey, there you go Great conversation. Those are good questions and so so very true 802-321-4225 remains our phone number Um, we have a toll-free number too, don't we but I always forget that does anybody have that in their head? No Alex is doing something else 70. What's the vermont 321 hack? Hey alex. It's us. Yeah, i'm here I'm, just uh, you're doing another radio show for somebody else doing a little coding at the same time here I got uh, some some things I gotta sort out but the uh, but i'm listening i'm i'm here Well, do you know what the toll-free number is because I don't It's uh, one eight hundred Something Okay, first of all, it's not one eight hundred. It's one eight something else. I'll tell you who would know was uh, eleanor Eleanor whose name She always wanted us to speak. Okay. Well now that you've spoken her name Maybe you could give her a call and find out what the phone number is I don't know. Yeah, I don't know. I don't know her number but uh, we haven't heard from her ever since You refuse to say her name. I said her name Not in full as she because we don't say full names That's that's that's long been our policy because of privacy issues because we're hackers and we know that we know about privacy You know, it's not a good idea to give someone's full name out and say where they're from um, if if you want to do that on your own go ahead, but We're not gonna we're not gonna help not with that even even though somebody is generous to us and and and would like that um Wouldn't be able to sleep at night. Your call is is in uh in our good care here and we take it very seriously And do we have a call? We have an open phone line for the next caller. So the phone number remains country code one for those of you overseas eight zero two three two one four two two five Hack. Yeah hack is what that spells in case you have Letters on your phone. Does anybody still have letters on their on their keypads? I don't know if people still do well I have to put it on a t-shirt. So people remember. All right, we'll give it a couple minutes Uh, and then uh, we can we can retire early. That'd be kind of nice Alex any adventures this week? uh Jeez, I had um I went to this this boulder park out in the poconos. I don't know if you ever heard of that. What is a boulder park climbing? It's yeah, it's it's a it's a park full of giant rocks that have been there for about 20 000 years and um Yes, I was over there. It's in hickory run state park in the poconos And it's just it's this fascinating park. I've been there a couple of times now You basically have to drive into the middle of this massive state park and you're driving for A while and then it turns into this dirt road It's very narrow and it's it seems like it's a it should be a one lane road But it's you know, it's got two-way traffic on it feels You know like you could be driving in italy or something like that It feels very european in a sense because of how narrow the roads are And then you go in for miles on these these one lane roads And then all of a sudden you come to this area that's kind of cleared a little bit And that's it's kind of like a makeshift parking lot And you walk over to the this edge and then out of nowhere Is just as far as you can see these massive white kind of orangey boulders in the middle of this forest With no trees who put them there Well, obviously aliens. I mean, come on. Okay Well, okay So what are you supposed to do when you get you drive all this way and you see all these boulders is it's just you Take a picture and go home No, you can climb on the boulders and you can walk Amongst them and you can you know, you can go You know just kind of have fun on the boulders. It's a form of recreation have fun on the boulders Yeah, I mean it's it's this bizarre scene because all around you is uh, you know, very very heavily wooded areas and Out of nowhere is just this massive boulder field, right? So it feels very incongruous with the surroundings feels like you could be on another planet or something. It's um, it's definitely odd It's very very strange. And are there boulder people there that are sharing the experience? Yeah, there's a lot of people. I wouldn't say a lot of people over there, but i've never been there by myself There's always others that are that are there um, and what was really interesting when I was there this, uh, this past weekend Is um, because it was it was actually easter sunday when I went over there so most people I guess are um, Aren't doing easter, right, you know, unless you're a jewish but the the uh, The majority of people that I was seeing out at the state park Were all orthodox jews You know most most of them from brooklyn, you know, just kind of out in pennsylvania and out in the poconos and um, and one of them uh came up to me I as I had uh, Passed by as I was going into the parking lot And I see a couple of the orthodox jews over there So I I rolled down the window and I said, you know, happy pesach and happy passover. How's the man? And then they showed up at my car Like three of these guys big guys, too And they just said to me Do you have a jack? I said what what do you mean? Do you do I have a jack like what what is this? Sounds like I had a flat tire and they know that Yeah, it's not hard to interpret. I got I got my jack out for him so of course, you know, so I get the jack then it turns out I had the jack but I didn't know this I was missing the metal piece that you use to crank the jack over. Oh my goodness So they didn't have a jack nor that they have a metal piece, right? So, um You know where they're trying to figure out, you know what we can use to crank this thing up screwdriver What's that screwdriver? Well, we didn't have a screwdriver either not one not one that would fit You can't go into the boulders unprepared like this. So what'd you use? How'd you figure this out? Well one thing that wound up working For a little while was if you took the back like your seat post off like the headrest of your seat That's smart, right? It's got this iron bars underneath it You could use that to turn it until it starts to get you know, too heavy right for it Then this guy came in a big pickup truck uh with a us marine corps t-shirt on And uh, no way he doesn't have a screwdriver Well, he didn't have a screwdriver or a jack oh my god, I know this is crazy, right? so, um Uh, so then another guy shows up uh in in this van and um and so he he Comes out and they're asking me, you know, do you have a jack or do you even you know? I just have like the metal piece over there for the jack and uh And he said, you know, I think I do but then he couldn't figure out how to get the jack Out of the back of his car so It was uh, like the jack was extended and he couldn't figure out how to retract the jack so that it was Become smaller and he was able to pull it out of the side pocket in the back of you know Hold on a second and all these people not one of them has a jack Well, this is the thing. Yeah, and the the interesting thing though about this this guy too Eventually I showed him how to to retract the jack we were able to do it manually with our hand he got the jack out and then he comes over and he hands over the um, The uh the metal bar so that we could turn my jack over that's already underneath the car And I looked over at this guy and he was you know, another guy with a really long beard He wasn't wearing just a white shirt. He had kind of like a parka or something over him I looked at him and I said, you know I think this is another orthodox jew that just showed up in the parking lot, right? So I said to him I said, you know, did you guys come together? And he said no we didn't he said we just happened to be here at the same time So, you know, we're part of the same tribe I was right I was driving around for half an hour until I could find the entrance to this place And then I showed up and there's another you know Guy who's orthodox, you know with a flat tire So i'm like, oh well, this is you know, kind of weird, right? So then um at the end of it, we got the tire done. Everybody was happy We got the new we got this donut on And uh, and then we made the joke How many jews does it take to change a tire? wow, you know, it was actually very funny because there were a whole bunch of us there and You know, really it took like seven or eight people to change one tire because nobody had a jack That was quite a story and much longer than I was hoping for because I just wanted to fill the time We had a caller on almost the entire story, but I didn't want to say you told me that well I couldn't interrupt the story like that. That's too good Yeah, so so many elements and also just one little fact to uh in jack you said that um, it's easter last Sunday, which you were correct on partially but uh orthodox easter is next sunday. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah I know christos and that's it was palm sunday for the orthodox community the other orthodox community That's right. We have a phone call and this person is very patient. Thank you for waiting. Good evening. You're on off the cover time Hi, everyone. This is johnny fusion this week. Hey, johnny fusion. How you doing? I'm doing well. I'm out of the hospital a week. Awesome Doing okay, you know, I celebrated my birthday last week. Oh great. Happy birthday Thank you very much. I'm getting up there. You know, the old hat is getting older Well, you can always get another hat I Wanted I wanted to talk about you know, this uh large language model and their propensity for Hallucinations and a little bit about why this happened Go right ahead So, um The thing about these large language models is they don't actually have knowledge they're about Putting together Conversation Right, you know putting one word in front of the other in a way that makes grammatical and syntax in syntax sense right And facts don't really Come into play Like i've heard large language models described as spicy autocomplete Yeah, I was thinking that we were talking earlier audio autocomplete is like sort of something you use you don't necessarily trust it you You use it more in an editing way Much in the way that people started using word processors to edit in real time and so forth Yeah, I mean so I so i've been saying i've had this little witticism for a long time that Google knows everything but sometimes it lies. Yeah, that seems to be true You know and uh for for this last article I wrote, you know, I used um this service called character ai And they actually do have a disclaimer that says everything our ai says is made up Right because every because everything's fictional Like everything is a fantasy to these things you know, it's it's not based in reality and they're very straightforward for that and I think this is just kind of You know a bit of the hype machine that these corporations are doing With the ai and they're not being completely honest about the limitations I of ai because they're selling the height Of what they're doing and they're overselling yes, right because You know and this in the hype and the anxiety Like we've talked in past weeks and what I wrote the article about about the fear of ai replacing human creative endeavor And and it's just not there yet you know because Um What ai does Like what it generates Humans have to fix Because uh, there was a story of one of the papers They wrote a health article and at the end, you know, they did the big reveal That oh, by the way, this article was completely written by ai And the thing is so everything in the article was wrong And it was supposedly health information And it was misinformation. Oh, wow, like it got through editorial and they just trusted whatever the ai said And people are you know, and you see this in Like on reddit and facebook and stuff like this where people are using These large language models as a substitute for search engines And it's a complete misuse of the technology because These large language models are living in a fantasy world You know, they're just making shit up and it's not reliable as fact Yeah, I think we're starting to see that I think that people's eyes are opening to this Yeah, and like code wise like Large language models are not programmers Right So what they're going by is any code examples that are in their database? Yeah, right or in their in their training set I should say not database because of how Neural nets are made and applying syntactic rules based on whatever language you're talking about presumably, right? right, right, but they're going but They don't understand the logic of the language and So they're going by code examples without actual cognition Or understanding of how the computer language functions. That's why I was Because they're seeing it as grammar Not as logic. That's why I was suggesting recipes might be interesting to play with because oh boy Because oh boy Just trying to follow the directions if it's trained on all of that or like you're saying if it just puts Something together based on ingredients you say you have in different proportions the first person poisoned The lawsuits who's responsible I can just see it all playing out now well, what would it even taste like any kind of approximation that a human would be able to As a cook be able to interpret. Okay. I have an idea Artificial intelligence cookbook read it at your own risk and i'll just come up with all kinds of weird dishes Uh, and um, you can you can try it But we're not responsible I'm certain there's been tiktoks in youtube that have already done this experiment. Okay. Okay. Damn it. It's over You know, I like i've seen i've seen people do uh crochet patterns, okay, and they've turned out awful Yeah, yeah, that's that's again, I think it's just more evidence of of the kind of point we're We're making here that it's fantasy. Like you said in a fantasy world Well, you know, I think it's up to us as hackers to try and break this as much as possible and try to make it do things That's embarrassing and obviously wrong just so we can make it clear that this doesn't replace us This doesn't replace human beings. It doesn't replace individuals writing And uh, if you do depend on that and and think that that's the answer You're going to ruin the day you will Yeah, and You know and the and the premise that's I mean That's the whole premise of what you're going to publish of me in an upcoming issue Is that humans aren't replaceable like we're not interchangeable Like what you write and what I write Are not interchangeable because we're unique individuals I have a unique voice you have a unique voice and even if we got Artificial general intelligence like I really do think it's going to happen eventually Right. We're not there yet But I really do think we're going to have real machine intelligence someday And but even when we do it's not going to replace us. It's going to be beside us It's going to be our little digital siblings You know who's going to work hand in hand with us or maybe automate menial things but of course, we gotta break away from capitalism and Have our basic needs met You know either through universal basic income or universal needs Just met, you know housing and clothing and food and education and enrichment And all that stuff get away from the grind You know, but you know, so Automation could be a good thing. But I mean they're doing it ass backwards They're saying here let let ai create art and have everyone work in their cubicles which is which is Wrong, it should be the other way around Yeah, I just felt like um the the usefulness in in the real world as you're saying is is Where the direction that where I think they want the usefulness the usefulness to be eventually like you said and it may um emerge but the product like now in this moment, like you're talking about earlier the hype itself is um you know the types of examples we were thinking that people have shown to be wrong and just Don't work like oh you can make you know, come up with have it make recipes and do all this stuff custom You know, that was the sort of selling point. And again, I don't even know if there's an actual product now, I think really what it is is to get people to use it and Revise it in real time based on public Yeah inquiries and I mean that's a lot of how Google search engine emerged, right? I mean people were using it. We were all using it Yeah, oh right now I mean again, it's it's uh It's being used by surveillance capitalism. We are the product we're feeding it with our queries With because these are conversational we're having conversations with it and it's learning from us everything We type into chat gbt or into bard Goes into its deficit. Yeah, that's so that's kind of where i'm going. Is it like There may be there may be sets of information that you don't even want to go You don't want entered into it you don't want In there at all. Otherwise, you're you're all of a sudden being credited for having produced a documentary that you didn't produce you know and stuff like that and I mean there's serious interest in not um supplying it with with information because I think that's really what is going on now why it looks like a lot of hype and doesn't really fit with the way it's being described and and it's uh Basically to get a lot of people to use it in different ways so that I mean, even if it's training itself on all the activity, there's going to be aspects of it I think that from a management perspective They're gonna just look at and say like let's do more of that and like let's get good at this We can we can then we can build that into this product. We already have and just make more dog food or whatever Yeah, and the thing is though, you know Like you talked about on the radio show about the leak of the top secret document Right. Yes you know, these ai models have secret information in them because of someone brainstorming with either propriety company information or government information and open ai or google or whoever's Doing these models Has been fed proprietary or secret information That's a really interesting Part of it too is like how compartmentalized is it if it's being trained on everything or actively Modified and so forth. I mean there's probably strict rules about how this is being used in different government and private enterprises and for those specific reasons, but you're right, there's probably a lot of really Public information that it could put together but again in a in a creative way but um if it's Verifiable and so forth. Yeah, it could be like kind of more too much information Like in real life Yeah, but you know because you know, there was somebody who was being lazy Right, right you know who just decided to use it like like Supposedly these top secret documents were leaked on discord to win an argument Right because it was an online beef Right, right, right like a flame war or something and you know when this guy had clearance and He needed to be right on the internet and so he so he uh I presume he but you know, it was a leaning right ring discord and women do not fare Well, so in those spaces, so I presume a guy Yeah, it sounds to me that if you want to get more leaked documents out there Just get into a lot of arguments with a lot of people and eventually somebody's gonna Gonna crack and say here's the proof and show you something. They're really not supposed to share Yeah, like like that tank game. I mean like every week there's Some military secret on their forums. Oh, really? But but tell us tell us more about this. Oh, we know nothing about this Okay, so there's there's this uh tank simulator game Well, it started off as tanks, but now they got jets and ships and other stuff like that and the selling point of this uh this game this this tank sim Is its accuracy to real world hardware? And so and it's and real life soldiers like playing this game from the real military and on and when A simulated tank or piece of military hardware is a little bit off in the simulation They get on the forums they complain And lots of times to back up Um how the simulation is wrong they'll upload to the forums military classified documents about these weapon system capabilities through this tank game forum You know and just leak it to the world To say hey get your game, right Right That it's That is a special kind of like, uh, uh first world problem, you know That like guys getting but but it's yeah, but it's american military chinese military russian military like all different militaries and Yeah, it's like I'm, oh i'm exaggerating by saying every week But no i've heard about anecdotes six or seven times a year There's a leak on this forum of some weapon system capability And they have proximity to a lot of the equipment their interests and of course playing the game and they they are using the platforms and the forums in in Public, you know with people they can't really verify who they are or anything and uh, they Their point their personal pride is sort of outweighing their judgment Yeah, especially when they lose because they think they're right online simulated tank or fighter jet Should should have been able to win the skirmish or whatever And they get mad and they say no see this has this capability And um Well, bless you, yes, um, are we done for the night you think I Think we are. Yeah, we could be done. All right Yeah, we just uh passed top of the hour. So I just saw the clock up there. Is there any other story or uh, Um, I just wanted to talk about you know, the large language models, you know, they have real no they have no knowledge about the world right They're just they're just making conversation and they're making shit up Yep as as you found out about the 2600 movie Which I still want to see Maybe somebody that'd be great. Wouldn't it? Would it be great? Yeah, I'd come up with a better title than that though it's a pretty lousy unimaginative title, but I guess they're busy doing other things 26 Yeah, I mean I watched that movie. Yeah. Well, let's let's let's see if maybe the people named will make it now Now that uh bard has said they did And well it was good talking to everyone yes good hearing from you i'm glad you're out of the hospital and uh Hope you stay healthy I'm trying. All right Okay, take care And I think that's going to do it for us tonight, um, yeah, let's let's call it any um final words from you guys No, I think it was uh a lot of great conversation tonight and some really interesting topics, so Let's see how this whole bellingcat thing goes over the next couple of weeks. I'm i'm really curious about that I'm sure we're going to continue to talk about that one the witch now The bell i'm sorry the uh the discord Uh leaks that that we that bellingcat had covered. Oh, yeah, right I don't think has an official name yet, but I think it's the 2023 pentagon documents leak Look, I think we should something we should make some predictions. So I predict by next week. They'll know who it was Come on guys come up with a prediction like that Uh I I don't know. I think it's going to be longer than that. I think I think that there very well may be Some kind of foreign intelligence angle here, and I don't think we're going to learn Who the who's actually behind this for a while because because it's a foreign foreign source Yeah yeah, I think it might might take a little while it's online or It might be of such a nature that um Criminal charges can't be brought I'll say friday then Yeah this friday. Yeah this friday. Okay. I said it All right. I don't know you want to make it interesting. I'll say midnight. How about that? Yeah step on it So you just did like the one dollar over on the prices, right? I probably did i'm just I got impressed. That's what you want. I do think they will they will find Somebody involved with this if there's already somebody out there saying they know who it is, right? So If that's the case then someone else is going to talk for sure Yeah, I mean there there haven't been official, um official warrants or any kind of uh persons of interest and uh, of course that always can come with some sort of reward they're gonna put pressure on because this is not a good situation for the uh, the uh, international world stage and um the state department itself and their interests and Um, it's good for somebody it's good for us. You have to ask yourself. Who is this good for and that might lead you somewhere That's a good yeah those lines of inquiry that's Exactly the kind of thinking or is imaginative is a particular injustice a la snowden being revealed here uh that um, you know might benefit us knowing so these are the questions that have to be asked but Uh considering there are documents out there considering there are pictures of documents out there There might be something that uh gives a hint as to where they're from or what they've been through to get there So, uh, we'll know more we'll learn more this all happened within a week or so where people found out about it Yeah, I didn't really I wasn't following it at all. I didn't know that the the story had evolved as much I was just catching up a little bit. I didn't even know what was in it I just heard people talking about it happening. So everyone's Uh still trying to get the facts right of what exactly it was about All right I'll predict this too though If this is somebody that you know is identified Accurately within the next couple of days or a week or something like that then I think that uh, the story behind it is going to be a story or just you know, absolute stupidity or or idiocy and You know somebody Taking these documents i'm getting drunk and uploading things to accidentally to a discord server It might be some kind of accidental type of situation where The stuff is out there and then you know, once you send something presumably to a discord server Whether it's intentionally or by accident, you can't reel it back. I I don't think so Maybe it was this I still think it could be uh, you know some kid's dad who had uh documents in the briefcase and a kid took pictures of them And uploaded them to discord while he was playing minecraft and got into an argument with some I don't know It says it's as sane an argument as anything, but why are they folded up? Wait, why are they folded up? Why does anyone fold anything up? Oh, if they're in the briefcase they're gonna be in like folders. Maybe there's a lot in the briefcase maybe dad like stuffing his pockets and I don't know just Maybe they got folded by accident I don't know. Maybe maybe his dad is the spy and the kids trying to You know do the right thing But doesn't want to get in trouble himself or herself Yeah, or or the person on the discord server didn't really know what it was I just thought it was part of one of many different sources They get these things and or somewhere else and then that's itself. Uh, these documents have not been been Certified as authentic yet. Have they alex? Well, I don't think that they have I I don't think I think So maybe maybe some new form of artificial intelligence generated these at someone's behest And they're just confusing the hell out of everybody That would be that would be a funny story Or maybe the whole beef was artificial intelligence. Well, I just had a conversation with chat gpt about uh, About sensitive documents and it wanted no part of it Uh receiving them or generating them wanted no part so you'd be hard-pressed to find Artificial intelligence that's more willing Hmm. Yeah All right. Well, you're having a lot of conversations lately with chat gpt. I feel like There's an intimate relationship evolving here. I don't even need a keyboard anymore. I hear it all the time So much. Okay All right with that we're gonna we're gonna leave you until next week write to us oth at 2600 dot com And we'll see you next wednesday at 7 p.m. On wbai 8 p.m on overtime