And welcome everybody on YouTube, this is off-the-hook overtime did we all make it Kyle? Yeah, I'm here and overtime and Rob We are here Gila Here and Alex. Oh For God's sake he took another field trip. What's with him? I can't stay on on the microphone there. He's always leaving You got another radio show you doing Alex? Well, we can admire the artwork on his wall that's normally blocked by huh? Oh, he's got wood Why are you coming back with a bunch of lumber Well, you know somebody's gonna keep you guys in line is that firewood are you oh, this is that stove you were talking about, huh? Well, it's gonna translate real well on the radio Interesting conversation and it continues to be Most intriguing I mean not to Not to gloss over the seriousness of the situation with the hell people are going through. It's just so weird to see The very places that Kyle and I journeyed to just on a whim, you know We decided we want to see what Moldova is all about and and you know The poorest country in Europe and we were intrigued by the whole place. It was just such Such a spirited place and now it might be in the focal point in the weeks ahead some of them I mean, we've been to every last one of the places that has come up. We've been to a lot of these train stations We've ridden on these trains. We've been to a lot of these major cities You know, I think Anderson Cooper's staying in the hotel room we stayed in Lviv. No, he wasn't in that hotel room No, okay, but uh, yeah like places like Bratislava. I'm thinking I'm Remembering my experiences there seeing Western companies seeing the the kind of modern architecture and development and just really Interesting stuff same with Romania, you know, they've got like we went to like a megaplex What do we went to some huge cinema and it was we did this giant mall and we did and I was in Bucharest In Romania and we saw we saw a film Of course we saw yeah, okay, but we saw the film we saw it's about Istanbul. Um, it was it was It had to do with the train murder on the Orient The remake of murder on the Orient Express and I remember they were listing all the cities that were it was gonna stop And Bucharest was one of them and here we are in a theater in Bucharest They say Bucharest in the film Of course, I do what I feel is the right thing and start applauding and I'm the only one doing that Apparently that's not what you do in Romania when somebody mentions your city but the the thought I kept coming back to this week was what will it be like to go back to Through Ukraine to a city like Kiev. It's it's gonna be really really difficult for for me and and you know travelers who've Who've had experiences there and and met the people and and explored but that's nothing compared to what tragedy and what loss the entirety of the country is facing and that I think just to me makes the the the experience exponent exponentially more dire and and just the the words fail me for the the amount of tragedy being suffered and it's it's so So disappointing to hear like I was hearing conversations people on call-in shows Talking about that that Ukraine thing talking about it like we've talked about like we've heard people talk about other wars and Like it's someplace that doesn't matter that and what I realize is people are really dumb in this country a lot of I don't know If dumb is right, we're just misinformed. Well, not uninformed not well-traveled not curious. Here's the thing I wish we had talked about this on off the hook On the radio show because people don't listen to foreign media enough I know Alex made reference to that and we're gonna give out some foreign media sources that we We like and hopefully people can share with us as well. But to get back to Ukraine, we've been there twice The first time we went there was when their former leader Timoshenko was still in prison that that's the woman with the braids that you might remember from the past and We were walking around right right by the square the Victory Square Yeah, they were celebrating the 20th anniversary of independence. We just happened to be there on that day But she was still locked up in prison and they were they were competing demonstrators Outside and they both were using megaphones at the same time drowning each other out that pretty much summed up the spirit in in that part of the city at that time and we went to the Pro I want to say pro-ukrainian side, even though the other side will say they were pro-ukrainian But this was the more pro-western and and what the election actually you know reflected they wanted a leader that was not a pro-russian leader as as the current guy had been and how he got in was was sneaky and there's all kinds of ways we can we can talk about that, but Basically the the difference between those two camps that are literally right next to each other was staggering We went into the first one and it was a lot like going to like a BAI meeting where there are, you know Elderly people passing out leaflets and everybody's friendly and they have cupcakes and things like that And then we wanted to see what the other people were like We went in there and I think you noticed that they were Basically positioning flags to make it seem like there were a lot of people there when they really weren't All we wanted was a leaflet and what we got instead were hostile stares we had people following us afterwards It was scary. It was really and we weren't saying anything. We weren't judging. We weren't taking sides We just were there to get information. But the the the level of suspicion and hostility that we saw there really really Was something that I can never forget And that told me something about where the different sides were coming from and You know, they they basically paint an image of themselves That did not go over too. Well now this was before The bloodshed in that part of Kiev when the people won they won the power back And they drove their their leader. He fled to to Russia But then after that was the seizure of Crimea and the the breakaway republics We went to Ukraine a second time when we were leaving Moldova. It's my bright idea To basically look at the train route and say, you know, it'd be quicker if instead of going back through Romania We went up to to Kiev I called the Kiev at the time as many did and then make a left turn and and and go back into Poland that way What I didn't know was When we got to Kiev, it was impossible to get a train that went to Poland very much like what's going on right now But nowhere near as as bad. There was a a war going on. There actually was fighting between The Ukrainians and and the people breaking away supported by by Russia but We didn't think that would affect us so much But We didn't think that would affect us so much. But then, you know, we saw we saw these public service announcements on screens Basically kids saying goodbye to their dads going off to you know to serve and you know at the time to me It just seemed like oh, yeah, you know join the army see the world Didn't even hit me at the time It did hit me but didn't hit me right away that these are people going off to fight right now in their country Defending their country and it was it was pretty sobering to see that we saw a bunch of soldiers getting on trains And and and realizing what they were what they were facing So basically for us to get out of the country We went from Kiev to live in the very same cities that are in the news right now Because we saw hey this this city's right next to Poland. So if we take a domestic train, it just goes there I'm sure we can get a local train that will just go over the border and then we're in Poland we can get back to Berlin, which is where our ultimate destination was and There was a bit of back and forth with train agents But in the end we won out we actually had to argue with them about various things But I had a train book and I was able to say No, this train really does exist and I want to be on it and it worked then it would not work now It's just it's so weird to see all that playing out with such desperation and sadness right now. And I do look forward to seeing Seeing that part of the world When this is over and I am convinced that it will be a happy place because I do believe they are going to win I do believe people power will will show its strength and it'll be inspiration for so many throughout the world and That's my hope. That's my hope. I don't know how naive that is. Oh Oh Yeah, we should take phone calls, I'm sorry about that Our phone number eight zero two three two one four two two five eight. Oh two three two one hack If you're out there and you want to say something to us or you have information that you would like to To share please give people who might be calling from far away a chance If you're a regular caller This hold off for a little bit, let's see if anyone else is out there right now Our country code is one phone number eight zero two three two one four two two five Any thoughts from sky plan Yeah, there's a lot of words go ahead Alex, sorry, okay sure I was about to say go ahead Rob I'll just say I don't want to dwell too much on this though, but It has been something that we've been talking about for the last couple of years so I figured it's worth mentioning You know things have been very very busy for me over the last two weeks I guess and You know, my my days have been about 12 hours long every day Plus I've been doing a lot of exercise Cycling into the office and going to the gym and working 12 hours and cycling home by the time I got home Feeling like other crap where I could just Yeah, and then you combine that with the news of everything that's going on. I could barely Stay awake, you know come 10 o'clock at night and and then this past weekend You know, I started feeling worse and worse my in-laws were gonna come over So my wife and I said, you know what? let's take a kovat test just to be sure my wife had taken one earlier in the week and And and she was fine So I presumed that we would be fine and lo and behold it wasn't overworking myself and over exercise exercising myself I had covered the whole goddamn week. Really Wow. Yeah, so I I had covered It it didn't knock me on my ass by any means I mean I was still I still put in probably a between a you know, probably about a 60-hour week last week with kovat Thanks to the vaccine. I think if I if I didn't have three shots of the vaccine I think it would have been an entirely different story, but I'm still feeling some of the after-effects of it I'm still a little bit tired still hard for me to stay up a little bit later. And I still have a Still have a cough and and the cough is not a dry cough. There's stuff there when I cough And that doesn't seem to be going away. But today was the first day that I tested negative for kovat this morning I took a test and I no longer have the antigen. So I'm I'm on the mend and But it was an interesting thing, I mean I had coven last week this first I'm hearing about this and Wow, that's that's You know terrible and good at the same time good that you got Past it and that it didn't affect you so much and and but terrible that you had to go through it in the first place But yeah, it's because of the vaccine, you know We're all happy that things are taking a step towards normalcy But the only reason that's even something under consideration It's not because of people getting angry. It doesn't make a virus go away. It's because of the vaccine it's because of the the Social distancing and the masks and things like that that had an effect that made a difference I saw from the governor that 95% of people in New York State have gotten at least one shot and that's incredible I believe that's adults So that makes a difference when you have numbers like that Yeah, it's possible to do more than if you if you refuse to believe that it even exists So it's possible Alex and you might have had it twice because when this whole thing started Remember you were holed up in Pennsylvania. You didn't know what you had and you never got tested then so It's possible. You might be in the in the double kovat club I think I am quite frankly because that that happened and it was almost two years ago to the day Which is what's really crazy. I think I might have might have missed that anniversary by Perhaps a week maybe ten days, but two years ago when this whole thing kicked off That was when I had a fever that wouldn't leave me for about ten days. I was really really tired Digestive issues. I mean all the signs of kovat but back then the the advice was to stay away from the hospitals Unless you had respiratory issues not even to wear masks to recall that Because those should be should we're being saved for the first responders and health care workers that that sort of thing So I probably should have taken some kind of antigen or antibody test rather Before I got the vaccine. I didn't do it though I just jumped at the chance to get the vaccine but speaking of this and to bring it back to Russia in a sense and and talking about conspiracy theories and this nonsense and and people like these goddamn Truckers driving around the beltway in DC complaining about kovat regulations Meanwhile, there's there's literal massacres of children and families happening Across the world But I've been hanging out as we talked about for the last couple of weeks In some of the telegram groups for these freedom convoy people and I will tell you some of the stuff that I have seen them say About the war in Ukraine is absolutely golf You're cutting off right at the most important part now what So just repeat that last part some of the things what? several things that the the truckers these freedom convoy truckers have said in in one of their telegram groups about the Ukraine war is absolutely galling Wow and I'm going to read this to you Okay at the moment, so one of them and this is from maybe about a week ago Like yeah, you're cutting out you're cutting out Yeah We're not hearing you at all, I Don't think that's me. It's somebody not on mute perhaps. No Go ahead we heard you say that so go ahead Okay, so here somebody was posting something about the war and then it said I'm finished with the New World Order being promoted by blah blah by this channel See you wouldn't want to be the New World Order is essentially Biden the United States all of this then somebody writes in response and go Putin He is killing the globalists. Don't believe the mainstream media Putin is saving Hundreds of millions of lives Wow Earlier than that. Somebody wrote the Russians are standing up against the globalists behind NATO Ukraine is just a proxy used by NATO and the globalists to go get Putin and take complete control of Russia You know that he didn't really want to do this, but he had to go in because he had to fight the globalist This is just absolute insane. And and now that we're off the air I think we can say it is absolute fucking bullshit You can say that yes, you can say that but but here's the thing and now Alex I find this to be interesting because What you just said? It's almost word-for-word what I hear from people on the far left They say that somehow this has become a progressive talking point that the u.s Forced all of this and it's all part of u.s. Imperialism and basically, you know I'm not for u.s. Imperialism, and I recognize the the harm that it's caused throughout history but You gotta give credit to Putin for this one You gotta you gotta see the evil for what it is and you can't always be blaming the same bad guy realize there are many bad guys and right now he is bad guy number one and it's horribly naive to simply fall into that but it's just weird the the bedfellows that are coming out of this, you know truckers and and people on the far left saying the same thing and And and look who's look who's suffering. Yes, Robin and then we'll go to the caller Yeah, the most toxic thing about the current media and political and social environment Is that it's become about picking a side and then going with whatever that side is perceived to to be on You know instead of going to the trouble of looking into the Russia and Ukraine situation and learning what's going on You just figure oh, okay. My guy doesn't like them. So they're bad or my guy likes them. So they're good And you know yesterday's Trump fan is today's Putin fan, which is weird. It's weird as all hell It's it's really distressing. Let's um, let's go to the phone call. That's on hold. Good evening. You're on off the hook overtime Hi, is that me? Yes, it is. Yes. Oh good. Okay, finally The first question is Can't you get a what's up account? I'm paying for this ball. I know it's oh dear But it has that especially when I'm on hold for a long time. We're calling from Where you're calling from I'm funny enough from New York City. If you had a local phone call. We have a no we have a we have a toll-free Number, I guess we should have given that out to we have a toll-free number that you can call You want to write this down for future reference? Yeah, I'm ready. And someone tell me if I get it wrong. I think I have memorized. It's one eight eight eight Okay, I give up go ahead Rob I tried it it is eight three three seven five five 2,600 and we have our friend lucky to thank for this. It's one eight three three seven five five twenty six hundred is a toll-free call in the United States Sorry, so it's eight three three because I got a date first it's confusing eight three three it's eight seven five five twenty six hundred seven Twenty-six. Oh very good. I had all the rest of it. I had all that. I just didn't get the area card, right? But I had all the rest of it Yeah, yeah, you know, that's fine. You know, it's just I started writing that Uh-huh. Well, thanks for a wonderful program And and I suggest you should take the calls on the air at BAI Because you know, I mean right now there are 42 people watching. I imagine in the tri-state area There are a few more listening. Not maybe not that many but yeah, no, I mean There's there's a reason there's a reason we don't do that and and you're right radio You never know how many people are out there and we do tend to get many more listening on the air than listen online but the reason that we can't at the moment take calls is because We are subject to FCC regulations and we don't have a delay system here There's a delay system at the radio station, but we're not at the radio station. So if somebody says something unfortunate We have to rely on somebody to be at the station monitoring it and we don't know what's going on down there So it's it's basically something that we can't take a chance on at this point, but we would love to be able to do that Can you react to me in person broadcast many many other programs have Well when they give the go-ahead at BAI, that's that's not the case yet. I mean there are Even even with his name Sergeant that you know was was off the studio for two years just this past Monday You know did a night shift live which which was interesting. Well, I think there's I think there's a couple of things going on I think Overnight periods late-night periods. I've have less people in the night shift Periods late-night periods. I've have less people in the station complex But when we're on 7 p.m. There's more people there and I think what they're doing is they're limiting it to a certain number of people also Our show has several people so that would involve us being in the room The studio which itself has limited space with all the staff at the station plus engineering We don't want to put anybody at risk and necessarily dive right in before we we have any more information So just for our own group being a larger show, it's a little bit more complicated than one person doing it overnight We've got the entourage and we got the limo driver. We got the guy who brings us snacks the popcorn machine Absolutely. Well, that doesn't count as a person but it's just it's so much that is involved But you know as soon as we get to go ahead, we're in for sure Okay, now for the meat and bone of this call as I said you did an amazing program tonight and congratulations Thank you. I want to I want to hook up to straight to what? Emmanuel said about the bully, you know, it's it's exactly what this situation is But once you confront the bully you have to bloody his nose because otherwise it's not gonna back down And he's gonna get even more perturbed. You know, this is not just any bully. This is a bully It's not just any bully. This is a Hitler situation I think we all understand that except for you know, the lunatics on both ends of the political spectrum on the fringes But you know, it's a clear reference to what happened in 1938 39 First he started in Austria then it was Czechoslovakia and then finally was Poland and then it was a world war So I understand that this country doesn't want to get into it But it's not a matter of not confronting him we declared an economic war on him and it's quite clear now, you know when you say oh we don't want the American pilots flying me 29 on Ukrainian airspace because there are air defenses on the ground and it could be dangerous What are we paying them for? What are we spending? You know three quarters of a trillion dollars a year if you have the damn hardware Use it not the American pilots The American pilots would deliver it to Ukraine and then the Ukrainians would do their thing now if we look at all dotting all the keys and know the eyes and and you know Crossing all the keys this guy. Meanwhile is killing people every minute, you know, and thank God his generals are also getting a Little bit of their own medicine and that that's a good thing because he may he may get you know Some thinking but you know We're in a confrontation with the bully and the bully has to be blotted because otherwise it's just gonna go on now The US government is normalizing this thing and you can see it in the markets today the markets went berserk They went up today and the oil more worryingly went down and as we all know American congressmen and senators are all Investors in the market. So while they're talking tough on one hand on the other hand, they're saying oh gee Let's not do something that would really upset my financial situation, which happens to be pretty good Many are millionaires. There are a couple of billionaires in there too as we all know I don't need to harp on that but You know as for power to the people It is happening and I knew of this a week ago when I heard on the BBC was over a week ago You might have heard this report. It was late at night on NPR The NPR station, which I don't need to mention in New York City carries BBC all night You all know that so around 430 it came a conversation with cyber warrior From an undisclosed location who say many of the things that you have say tonight I knew with him a week ago, but he also knew them a week ago But finally the people because of the scheduling and it is true that many things happen Either on a Thursday and the program is on a Wednesday and or when you're off the air I'm now I don't think that Putin waited for you to be off the air to invade Ukraine But many times I wanted to call and I can't because you know This is the first time I get on and I'm depleting my Skype account, but never mind. It's worth it So, you know many things that are announced on a Thursday What do you and you know so that they have a week lead to to prepare the defenses on? What you and other people are going to say on the program and I noticed that before so this undisclosed location cyber warrior Said exactly what you say that that the Russians have tried many things we have neutralized them we are getting support from all over the world and Their war is not working We are winning this war and he say then a week ago in one week. There will be no internet in Russia That's what he said, and he wasn't bragging. It was very calm and collected. He wasn't being arrogant He just stated the facts and funny enough now it seems that Russia is pulling out of the Internet So he was prophetic. He said in one week. There will be no internet in Russia for whatever reason Now for some of the things that you have say concerning the domain names and the alternate net it's also very interesting because On one hand they can build their own sites and put in their own content when which I forget we was it didn't mention the country's by name, but we know China does that and And many other countries that try to censor free expression But you know, I wonder once they pull out and they have all this alternative structure If they ever try to get back in what's going to happen You know, it's it's a pretty radical step if they do it for their own defense As they see it. I don't know if it's if it's a step that can be easily undone So, you know a lot of food for thought about what's going on now the last thing I want to say Concerns our State Department Because you know whenever Something comes out of Russia in terms of cyber attacks Their government always denies any connections to this and no, they're not connected and we know not only they are connected But they are guided by their own government So if something, you know, I have to disagree with Alex and I disagree with him on many Aspects which I don't want to go into tonight. I'm just want to focus on this now. It's not a matter of Not being too rash Power to the people the people are doing this. Let our State Department earn its taxpayers money and put out their denials that they have nothing to do with this and I want to see if they want to After people in this country for doing what's right and it's not state inspired and It's not state sponsored and it's just the people Expressing themselves Against the war and I'm gonna just hang up and listen online and thank you so much. Thank you for that call It's good hearing from you. I think that's a Strong sentiment and It's true that the deniability Aspect with electronic warfare or whatever. We're calling it is something that states really depend on and and And that ability to distance and remove yourself from it and you know Declare it as some rogue digital mercenary that you don't have anything to do with and all that Even if it was maybe bought and paid for or not or maybe some of your you know private Associates handled it and you're mildly aware of it There's all kinds of different ways stuff like this can occur as well as the ways we're talking about with, you know wide Public Activation doing, you know, really literally everything people can think of that is in most cases reversible stuff that is Simply a statement simply pushing and and resisting the kinds of fear and control that that that That we're we're led to believe is You know what? We should should be paid, you know obeying the the comment about Politicians and I think that's valid in many ways in this country Hang on just to let people know what's going on here. This is the air raid sirens in Kiva just started going off We have a camera watching. This is gonna go six times. We're not going to turn it down because We want to we want to share the experience as much as we can I think there is a delay in a lot of the reporting. There's there's a lot of people that have better imaginations, I think and better understanding they're good at Playing out gaming out what kind of a scenario a crisis like this What kinds of ends? And options there are I think a lot of this saw A week ago two weeks ago anticipated a lot of what we're now Announcing or hearing about or hearing rumors about that. That is only Only then a little bit later codified or turned into something And it's gonna take weeks and months for a lot of the things the choices that private entities have Decided for those to really finally set in you imagine retail places. Okay, they're gonna shut down Temporarily. Well, that means they're gonna pay rent, but they're not gonna be active So you can see there's different levels and layers to it to hold the u.s. Accountable and to see the kind of political Cravenness, I think the best antidote to that is pressure from other NATO actors. In other words Those countries have a say and if they see America Diverging or treating this in something other than the terms that the rest of NATO has collectively or the UN the national not National Security Council, but the UN the wider General Assembly has agreed is egregious or that the Human Rights Court In the Hague has has come to a conclusion International Criminal Court those kinds of entities need support and yes, the u.s. May appear as though they're overly cautious or they're on a delay, but You know, they can be influenced and bolstered by other nations But we can't expect them to Bolstered by other nations, but we can't expect them to want to go running in and and and and Changing the course of this as though it is their immediate fight. We have been reminded over and over again This is about Ukrainian sovereignty And this is the world community the members those General Assembly Assembly nations and NATO leadership Pointing out what is what is egregious violations and the the world collectively holding The bad actor to account. So those are the the things but there's so much there in that call. I really appreciate the sentiment I'm very thankful he called and there are so many people out there who do have so much to share and you're encouraged to do so 802 3 2 1 4 2 2 5 and I guess that's the first time we've heard the sirens over the air, but boy it hits you every time We we we have this up quite a bit actually just to be reminded that people are going through hell It's 3 30 in the morning in Kiev right now Can you imagine trying trying to get through a night and then this? happens and now, you know now we have to listen for sounds of Of Rockets hitting or gunfire or all kinds of hell like that and and Kiva isn't even In the front lines yet. It's expected to be but right now It's not and throughout the rest of the country all kinds of hell is being unleashed Alex I know you had something go ahead Well, first of all While you were talking Kyle and that was going off It was really really Disquieting let me tell you I found a very difficult to focus on anything that you were saying when there's an air raid siren going Off and you know that it's real. Yeah real and live. This is happening right now over there and live. That's I Didn't expect that and it was really it was very very jarring to me But before we take the the next call, I want to say I very much appreciate our previous caller calling and and I think that You know, this is what? Wva I in particular was designed for it was designed for people to disagree with each other Respectfully to talk about the issues and And to move on and sometimes we change each other's mind I loved hearing that this caller usually disagrees with me and then agreed with me today. This is a thinking person we have rational people listening to us Discussing the issues. I mean this is really this is this is what we're this is what it's supposed to be happening Well don't sound so surprised. We have lots of rational people. We also have a call Who's probably a rational person? Let's see. All right. Let's let's see who's on the line and good evening. You're on off the hook over time Good evening over time. It's watson from bulgaria Yeah from the kiev time zone You're in the same time zone as kiev right now. So it's about 3 30 in the morning You probably didn't hear the air raid siren where you are, but uh, we heard it here Well, I heard it over the headphones I was listening to over time So, yeah, not pleasant no, it's never is it never is and you know, we we In the states, it's probably something the rest of the world would find bizarre At least here on long island. Uh, we have a siren that goes off every day at noon just to tell you that it's noon I can imagine people coming to this country escaping the hell that's going on over there And hearing that at noon i'm completely flipping out because what does this mean? And it's just to say hey, it's noon time lunch time, you know, how long does the siren go on telling you? Until it's one o'clock. No, no, no kidding kidding. It only blows once But but you know, we also have a system where it goes once if um, if a volunteer ambulance is needed I don't know what happens if an ambulance is needed at noon I don't think that's ever happened. Uh, and if it's a fire three times, that's it That's our system That sounds bearable I had some comments about what you mentioned on the radio show. Go ahead the site intervals interval signals dot net Doesn't seem to be working at the present Uh, I was on it before, uh, you sure you're spelling it, right? Well, I is getting to some weird setups on their end that Make it an accessible Interval single signals dot net without or and with a dash Yeah, no dash words Well without the dash anyhow, it doesn't seem to be working I just I just went to it now I'll spell it out for you. Just to make sure you've got it, right? Uh, I n t e r v a l s i g n a l s dot net Yeah, I tried that didn't seem to be working that's that's weird for some reason it's not working from bulgaria um I I don't have an explanation for that, but maybe try a vpn or something if it continues to be a problem Well, i'm gonna be next part of the What you talked about earlier is getting a Shortwave receiver to catch the bbc broadcast. It's we're going back. Uh to a you know a rather special time. Um, radio transmissions to foreign countries Yeah I'm not I wish it wasn't the case, but well if they're gonna be doing shortwave radio, I may be able to get a receiver to Enjoy a month I'm sure there are plenty still there because that that is how Uh when bulgaria was behind the iron curtain, that's how uh, you'd be able to listen to radio for europe radio liberty Uh and and bbc, of course, that's how people did it. Oftentimes. It was illegal to do it Well, that was 30 years ago or so. Yeah, not that long ago So well But can I ask you since um, uh, you're in a country that's that's relatively close to what's going on Have you noticed any change in in day-to-day life where you are? Well, I don't get out much so no I haven't the The numbers that are reported on the tv. There's Tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees in the country now And I haven't seen any but so well It's interesting, you know after our last conversation a couple of weeks ago when we were talking about the black sea I you know, and I suggest people do this take a look at the black sea. It's fascinating all the countries that surround it You know, uh bulgaria moldova Wait, there's bulgaria is one of them, right? It was romania. I'm thinking of bulgaria romania moldova the ukraine Russia russia And i'm not Is it turkey is turkey one of them Turkey is one of yeah, it's it's just a lot of a lot of countries bordering on on that one body of water Yep So be careful you don't sail out too far in itself It's the Part of its blackness is that it has the highest Line of End of life Basically, it's the least deep where any form of any life form sent to appear in the black sea then compared to other Seas around the world. Okay, that's interesting. Do you know why that is? Well, there's chemicals in the deeper part of it which are very explosive Unfortunately Not that there's been any confirmation of it by explosions, but yes research have shown that toxic stuff that's deeper than the End of lifeline is Could be very explosive are these are these man-made chemicals or natural chemicals Well as far as I know they are reportedly natural appearing Well, that is interesting Well, if I hope no one tries to nuke it because it's gonna be very unpleasant I mean, do you think that um, we're on the precipice of some kind of nuclear conflict in in that area? Well, I hope not because I mean that Who's gonna try and do something like that if you're talking about russia or Some russians who might be and I don't think they're they they will there Mm-hmm Does anyone in skype land have a question for bobson No, okay Well, uh bobson any any final thoughts from you Well, I think i'll wait a bit for the final thoughts a few decades maybe Oh, yes I I have an unfortunate way of phrasing that Okay, have a great evening everybody, all right good hearing from you keep us keep in touch All right Stay safe Bobson. Oh, what now now alex has something to say go ahead alex Bobson before you go. I I just didn't think it was appropriate this week to uh Discuss and compare groceries. Oh for god's sake alex. Not again with the groceries I just I just wanted to let you know that but uh, I I hope to resume our dialogue shortly Well, I I don't mind at all Okay, very good. All right. Excellent. We'll look forward to that on a future date We all we all do. All right. Take care bobson and uh, hopefully we'll talk to you again soon Have a great night everyone you too get some sleep 3 30 in the morning 3 44 in the morning actually over there in Bulgaria and in kiev in in ukraine And you know, I suggest this to people look at a map look at the region see where georgia is, you know See where moldova is Learn about these places. They're fascinating That's why kyle and I went over there because we were fascinated by the culture by the people And it's uh, it's so unfortunate that it's it's you know In this particular, um focal point right now but um That's just the nature of things um You're gonna pick it up. Oh, yeah. Okay. So here we go. Another phone call And good evening. You're on off talk overtime. Go ahead No, this is phil permissory. How you guys doing? Uh phil, you're gonna have to speak louder than that because we can barely hear you Oh, i'm, sorry. Is that better? It's a little bit better. But um, you know, feel free to get angry and shout Well, how you how you guys doing yeah, it's been it's been a rough week It's been a rough couple of weeks, but um, you know, we're doing fine, you know It's worry about people in other parts of the world. That's got us up at nights Yeah, um, I heard a little bit where somebody was talking about cutting off the internet to russia I I think that basically you need putin to have some way to communicate with the outside world You know what I mean, uh-huh you know, it's it's The talk i'm hearing is coming from russia themselves You know that they want to just cut off in the rest of the internet. Yeah more than the rest of the internet That makes it even worse on it, I mean It's I don't know. Let's talk about something a lot more light-hearted like the uh trucker convoy Uh, okay. Yeah, if we can find humor in that go ahead I sent an email to you guys with a couple of links for a couple channels that live stream and stuff. Uh-huh I I might have seen some of that these these were actual uh videos of them. Uh in in dc and on the beltway and stuff Yeah, if you can call it that it's basically them just stuck in traffic I don't think they realize that dc already has traffic and that they were Just basically were more traffic and and not many people noticed Yeah, that's what I was saying it's like, um to my brother earlier it's like well the beltway is kind of built so you can't have a bunch of Lines of cars like that, you know um to try to well, anyway, um Last night they had a meeting they live streamed their meetings, too, right? The guy comes on there and he um, he talks about um, um He talks about The uh meeting up with cruz and um, who was it jordan or johnson? um well, um somehow magically Facebook took down the live stream of that and so did youtube Okay, the only The only newspaper I saw reporting on was like washington post And maybe the heel or something like that I'm, not sure why they take down the meeting unless they were asked to by the people who are giving the meeting there's no real reason to take it down as I can say that they're not really causing much of an effect anywhere or Well, it kind of makes me wonder if they actually met him. You know, I mean If they actually what? If that actually met with ted cruz and them Oh, I do know I do know they were supposed to meet with uh, cruz and johnson. I I do know that Yeah, I heard that being announced And uh a couple of things that I heard today, uh, they um, uh, they're basically hanging out in haggardstown Which is maryland Yes, and they they have They have that until the 24th So that's the plan is for them to be in that area. It might not be that Far off because the there's a race there this weekend And they don't have they got a place after tomorrow Okay, interesting Yeah, i'll send you I can email you the link where you can see these meetings oh anyway last night, uh, they were going on about it and um People are kind of getting mad and fighting on the cb over this stuff because the convoy gets getting broken up by traffic because it's dc four lanes Um sounds like you're listening to zello 60 miles sounds like you're driving 60 miles down to the beltway to do this, right? People aren't getting reimbursed for food and hotel and gas and all that reimbursed by who who's going to reimburse them? supposedly to organizers Really organizers one of them Uh one night one is um, mike liston or something like that. I can't remember Well, anyway, he was um, he apparently pled guilty to fraud. Okay Earlier this year or something like that. Well, the reason I was weird is because last night Um, they were they were um talking to him and they started talking weird like well Now it's the time that people can start going home to get people To show up in the state capitals and stuff like that Yeah They canceled the convoy today because of rain Well, it was cold. Are you by the way? Are you listening to them on zello because because that's where I get a lot of information. No, no, this is on youtube Okay, but you said on the cb, so i'm not sure if that's if you're actually listening to their their two-way radio No, no, no, okay, they they these uh trackers they played your cvs. Well, they actually Live stream everything. So there's like eight eight ten hour videos where they're actually going to the place and doing this stuff Interesting, uh, one is named sanska Well, i've sent you the links just click on those links They're there. Um Well, anyway, the dude goes on about that and then he Um about how everybody needs to start Talking back home getting people to go to the cap the state capitals to bring his stuff up and everything to protest there Well after he says that and everybody just kind of grows a little bit he Tells everybody he spent fifty thousand dollars to buy uh rfk jr's book on falchi Wow Okay, yeah, I mean it's it's in those links you you just gotta see to believe it uh one guy, um His name is uh outlaw outlaw ministries Outlaw reform outlaw ministries. Okay He's got a two-year-old kid he carries around with him and it's in a minivan with his mom. Uh-huh Um and he's always broke He doesn't have enough money to go out there it turns out these guys are are quitting their jobs and Selling off their 401k stock It's sad to be able to do that. It's I mean, you know, I I do I do hear some conversations um, and and they you know, I as i've said before when we played the canadian version of this They seem like nice people, you know, they're getting along with each other They're having a bit of a fun with with a convoy but then there are the darker people the more serious ones who really see this as some kind of Uh epic battle against I don't know what um, one of the exchanges that I heard, uh involved, uh, washington dc And how they were just going to stay on the beltway, but they were not going to go into dc Why because washington dc is a foreign country. I don't know what they meant by that But they all agree that washington dc Was a foreign country and january 6 is what proved that and that's when they went off the rails and and lost me completely Well, they they they also said there's different laws in dc for some reason. Yeah, they keep freaking out when they drop past the um, You know the exit that goes to arlington and has the pentagon written on it right before you hit the bridge Probably go by the washington monument. Uh-huh Yeah, they freak out at that because they think that the pentagon is listening to them on that rampway And it's so easy to get caught up in this stuff if you believe what you hear You don't question any car that merges into the lane. They're trying to convoy in it's all Always nt for somebody i've heard that I you know, I hear them live on on on the road and yeah They're identifying cars and assuming that they're all out to get them and it's it's really kind of kind of scary Well, also, um, they had a lady there who was a one of the gents, uh, january 6th Riders, right and she got released on bail And she was there giving a speech to him And talking about something about 1871 that all the elections were fake After that and the only thing i'm assuming is like where they Changed the inauguration date from march to like january 20th or whatever 20th or whatever um but It's it's interesting. Um, this girl, um x um xot She says she's live streaming it now And we live when you click on the live link you can go back you can listen to the speech they're giving now About where they might lose their venue and if they can't get a place in virginia They don't know what they're going to do Well, you know what my question is what what exactly do they want the all the mandates are disappearing because we're reaching points Where we don't need them anymore. So what is it that they say? They say it's about the mandate and then they say the media doesn't want anybody. No, they're not covering calls They don't want anybody to know And then they say that the government is actually letting them have freedom of speech As a as like some kind of trick Okay, because they don't they're actually Not letting them have their freedom of speech. But yet they're letting them have their freedom of speech It's a lot of weird stuff It really is it really and they sound like nice people but uh boy They they have bought into some some really interesting things rob. I know you have something to uh, add. Go ahead Yeah, that that's the trouble with a certain mindset that uh, it is so easy to fall into when uh, When you end up in these sort of echo chambers where you're just getting a lot of bad information And it's uh designed to click with uh, someone who's uncertain about things And you get to a point where you're just taking in all this bad data and then acting on it And uh, then then it gets to a point where like you could you could try and rationally explain something away to somebody but uh, then their Perception will just shift to make it something else and it's like oh, well, that's not really what's uh, what's making my life miserable Oh, well, it must be this other thing And you're just going to get into cycles like that and uh, so many people i'm i'm sure On this program and listening to this program Have had experiences with maybe a friend or a family member who they've tried to Have a rational discussion about these things with and the discussion just wasn't clicking and it is because it is it is so easy and like the environment of the media and Just the way everything is set up now is designed to Manipulate a vulnerable mind at its most vulnerable and uh and go from there and it's really really hard to counteract that It's scary. It's scary. What uh, what people are doing? I would also say that um, the the ease of um, the democratization of the tools That are used to create media has made it incredibly Affordable to produce content that is very rich very engaging That is very rich very engaging it may have uh pictures it may have uh, deep explanations and and that uh medium itself Uh, uh lends to a sort of passive consumption. We we've known about this about television and all of that um for a very very long time and for all the reasons people would be skeptical of mainstream media or skeptical of a A government produced video. Well, you should have the same energy when it comes to uh self-produced stuff That has no footnotes that cites, you know specious sources and makes really grandiose Unusual and bizarre claims uh, it's not expensive to create that and uh, and yet it is incredibly powerful is just as powerful as um the film and television formats and radio Uh are in in other realms, I guess democratization is the right word, but it just feels wrong to call that democratization because It it leads to something bad. It leads to everybody. Uh spouting forth with nonsense and having every every opinion every opinion, uh, uh weighed equally but you have to hear me when I say this i'm talking about the tools themselves i'm not talking about the the publishers I'm not talking about the curators the people The that are that are creating the content. I'm just saying that the tools are cheap enough that anybody can make stuff that is convincing no matter how stupid or Untrue those claims may be and that takes us back to the theme that we have been on for our entire existence that um, you know computers technology Um, they are tools They are tools that can be used for good or for bad and you can't judge them based on what the tools are You can judge the actions of the people who use those tools. So yeah, I think it um, I think it uh, It matches that pretty well Uh caller any any last words from you? We're going to try open it up to some more people Well, uh, it was zot not xot. I'm, sorry, but she's from canada, right? Oh, we don't know who the people are Yeah, she was she was not vaccinated or anything like that she was able to get into the united states Which goes against what these guys are arguing that there's a mandate for vaccines and all that You can do a virtual who's who of these people you seem to know a lot of them and you could probably write a book about this yeah, that's a lot trying to giving it to the local paper, but uh this um, this whole thing is like, um It it they say they're friends with rfk jr and they bought fifty thousand dollars worth of his books The truckers are going to doing curbside things at chili to get food and stuff like that when they're complaining about mask mandates right Um, they're always begging for money That's why they that's why they keep these 10 hour videos up there because they monetize it on youtube to try to get money out Of it. Wow Yeah, it's it's I mean it just that the that one guy the uh outlaw guy he He was complaining that he didn't have enough money to have a hotel and get back home and all that Because he only had a thousand bucks to his name And he was looking at hotels and said well i'll keep the baby in the back seat In the cold if I have to use a mask I know I heard that I heard that someplace where uh, somebody said they'd rather keep their kid in a cold car Than go into a hotel that requires a mask a mask just to walk through the hallway Because you don't have to wear a mask inside the hotel room, but for god's sake that's that's child abuse as far as i'm concerned They they won't even go down to dc to visit any new sites They're not even visiting the town to go out to the bars or anything. Yeah, it's a foreign country. They won't go to dc Yeah, uh, yeah, that's true, but they are actually live streaming inside our hotel rooms all day A really crappy hotel room That they have to beg For money for and they won't do they won't do super chat anymore. They won't pay pal exclusively now Um But they keep begging for money for gas and everything They're starting to complain about how much gas is causing them to drive 60 miles just to go once or twice around the beltway Yeah, it's it's rather unfortunate for them that this is when all the gas prices are going up Bad time to be doing this Well for for others it is not for them That's discouragement enough. Uh-huh And it's got nothing to do with the with the with the virus and they like manufacture grievances So they can come up with all kinds of reasons to blame it and rationalize why they're not out there. That's perfect Good for them Ukraine, it's like a like a liberal plot to keep the attention off of them. Oh my god Vot was like They apparently don't cater they potluck everything And um the cot chick went got some food and um She they they made sure to make sure it was low formic acid Because that is genocide or something Is it's weird stuff, but you know, it's kind of entertaining to be honest again write a book You got a lot of material here. You really do and i'm sure there's a film option i'll come out of this You know, maybe maybe record some of the audio definitely record some of the audio now get on get on zello And uh, they have channels there and they're talking all the time so you can you can actually well, you don't need it Like I said, they're they're just live streaming everything they do anyway Well that make sure you make sure you capture it because it disappears as you as you noticed it disappears So capture it so you you can go back Okay, it may turn into something really interesting All right, good hearing from you stay well and uh, we'll talk to you again All right, thank you. Bye. All right. Take care and um I think we have time for one more call 802-321-4225 802-321-HACK or the toll-free option 833-755-2600 Skype land go ahead anything from skype land Um, just uh one thing that's uh been coming to mind is we've been watching all this go down and now we're seeing for the first time in quite a while, uh The the headlines are starting to involve the words russia and nuclear at the same time And I know for sort of the the the gen xers and the people who grew up before that um bits of this are starting to feel very familiar and it's uh, it's cast sort of a a gloom over over uh the thing that um Um, I I I saw someone online say to someone younger. Oh, is this your first cold war? And uh, Yeah, we're we're we're back and we're we're back into that stuff now and uh, you know for For someone who grew who grew up being scared of certain things and then later on went on to feel like oh, yeah That was that was just kind of a boogeyman. Thank goodness. It never happened and now seeing oh wait the boogeyman might be real again It's exhausting. Yeah, you know, I just have a real problem with acting on what might happen You know being being judged because of what you might have done Or not doing something because what this person might do I I prefer to focus on what's actually going on now What is the right reaction to that and what is the right consequence for what you actually did do? you know, it's um Right now I see so much suffering horror injustice and and we need to act on that in whatever way we can but the worst thing to do is to uh, Is to turn away from it or or say we can't we can't do too much or it might be It might be seen as a bad thing All right. We have that last call Good evening. You're on off the hook overtime. Go ahead Yeah, hello, yes, go ahead you're on you're on right now Oh, okay. Yeah. Um, I just wanted to give a suggestion, uh for the show Oh, what now a suggestion go ahead Yeah, my suggestion because I don't know how you guys actually stream on youtube. Uh, because In other words, even though you're streaming live there is no There's no like chat box. We can't do like live chat No, we can't send messages on the uh on the uh on the show Yeah, that's trying to say we call that a feature, you know We call that a future man from bulgaria calling or whatever maybe I had I had a you know I would have liked to ask him a couple questions Maybe like type the questions in that you can ask him, but you don't have live chat I'm, just trying to ask why don't you guys have live chat on this because Personally, I feel live chat has taken over everything. It's a distraction and uh, it invites the worst from people Uh, and also there's no guarantee that bobson is going to want to get on a live chat Uh, you know as well as as talk to us on the phone Also, we don't get to hear your call or like we don't get to hear you And you don't get to participate in the same way like like, uh in an audio format. Yeah, I mean, you know There's all kind of go ahead rob. You was going to Yeah, just um caller. This is the live chat. Um, this is what we're trying to invite We would be doing it if we if we could do it on the radio The reason we're doing over time is because we couldn't take the phone calls and that's what we're interested in We're interested in having a two-way conversation with somebody who's listening to the program who's interested in what we're saying But rob the caller wants to chat with the other listeners and and leave us out of it Yeah, we're no longer part of it you you want to just basically spin off and and and and talk about Maybe asking a question like you there was a couple weeks ago You had a guy from china calling you and he was saying all these interesting things and I would have loved to like type Of questioning that you can ask him while you had him on the phone Uh-huh. I don't know if he had time to stay on a chat though Because he had to go to work right afterwards. I think he only had time for the phone call Yeah, we we can't control necessarily the you know, everybody's availability Um, but in the past we've used at hacker radio show the twitter handle to um field sometimes But we can't we're not committed to making that a part of the show Yeah, but here's the thing and we've also had irc in the past There is an irc channel, uh, but that is also something that we don't necessarily monitor during this show But other people like bobson and and uh community members are talking very frequently there Yeah, you see we probably use this less than anybody else because we're doing we're doing we're on the air while it's while it's there So we're not actually familiar with what it looks like But one thing I think does exist is after the show is there is there not a place for comments and can people? interact through the comments Yeah well, how is that what's wrong with that was I just I hope I hope they give you know with what's going on in russia right now I just hope they give putin some kind of way to get out of this gracefully Well, yeah, I get the feeling he wants to get out of this But there's got to be a way that way he can stay safe I I just hope they give him some type of way some type of confession so he can get out of this and say yeah I achieved something Well, you know there have been so many opportunities where I think that could have happened in the past for instance When the soviet union fell, I think that was a great opportunity for russia to be more Uh, you know, uh brought into the western sphere a bit uh, but I think more recently and Most people don't agree with me on this but I think you know, uh since crimea has a history of of being part of russia in the past and the only reason as part of the ukraine is because Khrushchev signed it over in the 50s for no particular reason and also the breakaway republics mostly russian don't want to be part of ukraine you know if if if if the um, the deal was okay, you keep that but Ukraine becomes part of nato. You never invade them I think that might have worked but that's not going to happen now Hmm, I see everybody's shaking their head, but I still think that might have worked Ukraine should have kept their nuclear weapons in 93 when they broke up. They should have kept those weapons I don't know about that I don't know and the thing is they're being accused of that now by russia and by conspiracy people Of having nukes and all kinds of things which is simply not true I don't think the answer is to give the guy a cookie I really don't think so and you know, you look at the situation now you have like nuclear facilities. You have a site of a former Reactor accident in chernobyl. Um, I think they're on there. They don't have generators now. They've lost power um, the situation is a lot more serious, I think than um, Relitigating what was in in whatever decade we want to get into but the call is right He he does need a way to save face in order to get out of this Gracefully, otherwise, how does he get out of this? And you know, the only other solution I can think of is a coup And you know a coup in russia makes the rest of the world kind of nervous because then you have an unstable nuclear giant So, uh, yeah, because he's he's not gonna stop. He's he's just gonna keep doing this. I don't think he's ever gonna stop Well I I take issue with people who compare him to hitler, you know, uh, basically taking over country after country I don't think he has the strength for that. I don't think he has the popular will for that Uh, I you know, I I if he can't even uh get ukraine He's not going to get anywhere else And it's simply going to be uh, taxing on on the entire society and and um, I think that's where he'll he'll be forced out domestically Yeah, he's burned by the way, there's a report online right now that he's considering using chemical and biological weapons Oh us intelligence says he's saying that I don't know yeah, and um You know, uh asad in syria has done the same thing and uh, you know, he's he's good friends with putin So it's entirely possible entirely possible Anyway, I love your show. Have a great night. All right. Take care. Thanks for calling. Go ahead Yeah, I just it's uh, it is that uh moment, uh when I think it is very important to look at the alternative and Are you agreeing to a future where we? acquiesce to this while where we basically um, you know let whomever go in they get the contracts to rebuild and and we just uh, We continue to do business with everybody that approves of this My point is it never should have gotten to this stage in the first place You know if if there had been some kind of rational back and forth Well before this we might have been able to avoid going down this road It's a moot point now because here we are. Um, and um, I don't have any easy solutions You guys over in skype land any any solutions to this whole world issue? Oh, yeah, but uh, i've decided to uh, Instead of sharing it on the radio minted as an nft. No. No, I I really don't Alex you look like you have something to contribute Uh, yes, I do as a matter of fact I'm gonna bring it all the way back to what we were talking about a long time ago Yes, what about it? So we were talking about, you know, who's behind this right? I think I have an idea Does it really matter who's behind it the fact is it's a resource and it's a useful resource well, it's interesting though It's interesting And I was going to give a little teaser about this at the end of off the hook So I might as well just do it at the tail end of overtime. Okay over here so if you look at all the dns data on you see you The location looks like the united states because it's hosted behind cloudflare. Okay, so those are the ns records, but There's mail server records that Uh relate to So that's usually the middle east And then there's a subdomain on top of that for the mail server records. So they're this embassy. I'm, sorry Has a mail server record So that's very odd Then you take a look at the records for and you have their mx records They're also behind cloudflare So it's very likely that these two sites are connected, right? Okay so, um I'll just go right back to it right now Is a uh a travel agency that is a tour company in russia Interesting so yeah, so it's uh, and remember you have to have a um, a a visa You know that in that includes an invitation to go into russia So you're saying this could be something this could be a service that russia Offers to people wanting to travel to russia so they can go to the consulate or the embassy And and get the get the right paperwork Well, then if that's the case, I would suggest that we grab this data asap before it disappears because it very well might Yeah, that that's right. But what's interesting too is like this, uh, this travel agency knows that it's important that the The addresses of the embassies are located so that you can go and apply for a visa And you couldn't otherwise find it. So they're the ones that created this resource, right? Right interesting Yeah, bizarre. Yeah, so, um, that data is something that um is very valuable right now and um, It could be gone. It could be gone. So Um, if you know how to grab it, please do if anyone out there knows how to grab it, please do so Otherwise, we might not know the telex numbers to use It's a challenge. Can anybody use telex to send them a message? But the internet archive probably will have some uh, you know people like jason scott, right? We'll probably have some you're right. You're right. Actually. They just in fact, I happen to know for a fact that they do So if you go back I think to march 2nd index the entire site they might not index, you know more than four or five pages But they will they will index all of the countries so you can click on a country on on there So yeah, it will okay. I was being paranoid. It will be there uh, but this is invaluable information if uh, you're looking to have a protest or uh, Send a petition or call or fax or again telex, whatever that is um And it's important to have that information out there I guess that's it. We ran out of things to talk about I've you know, I uh, I think we should take another call. No, we're not gonna take another call alex. We're tired We're done Kyle's got the phone off the hook. In fact, so Yeah, I mean, I know I know what happens when the calls stop coming. Uh-huh Yeah, you didn't have to sever the cord why did you do that now we have to Okay. Now we have to find a new handpiece mouthpiece there Um any final words from you guys? Just uh you know keep uh, keep in touch, uh, send us email and i'm gonna repeat what I asked for on the Broadcast portion of our program which is if you know of efforts that the hacker community are taking can take could potentially take To directly help those in ukraine who are dealing with the invasion and all the associated chaos, uh, get in touch with us oth at 2600 dot com tweeted us hacker radio show, um, let us know and uh, we We we want to know what's out there. We want to know what's going on. We want to know what what we can help with Yeah, I think a lot of that is going to involve technical solutions to um, you know websites being cut off This applies not only to people in ukraine, but the resistance in russia as well Uh people who need to stay in touch people who need to organize with with others Uh, and we need to help that out as much as we possibly can So any creative solutions from the hacker community definitely would be welcome something that we will help with Uh, alex, did you have something? Uh, I would just like to end with a note that um You know just like on our radio showing it's okay for people to disagree and be from different places different mindsets and things and uh You know that this is about uh, what we've been talking about all night is a war that relates to one man one person Not the russian people the russian people, you know should remember that foreign policy is dictated by domestic politics And uh, and and we support them and their bravery to to rise up and oppose this madman Gila anything Uh, no, I mean I absolutely agree with everything it's turn Your powerlessness into power take action do Something anything do something. Amen kyle yeah, let's just like uh Not lead with fear for another 40 years or whatever. It's uh, it's not a future. I want to live in Yeah, yeah, I don't think any of us do All right folks, thank you for um, um for listening our email address oth at back again Next week on bai at seven and on youtube channel 2600 at eight Please uh, stay awake. Stay alert Be aware of injustice and share your information Talk to you later