And welcome everybody on YouTube as we begin off-the-hook overtime Where we get to talk to our listeners as well as talk to ourselves Which is all we are asked for Skype people y'all make it in We are here we are here and we are sounding good on YouTube. All right, couldn't ask for more then couldn't ask for more Kyle you're here too, right? Yes. Okay, good good Any further things we want to wrap up or words that we couldn't say on the radio that we want to say now or Before we take phone calls Could we say data secrets on the radio? Yes, we could that's Twitter and we did we certainly did. Yeah. Yeah. Yippee-ki-yay Can't say that on YouTube All right. Well, I guess I think I think it's worth Starting off where we left in that in the sense of people that are perhaps just joining We ended the show by noting how important it was to submit your speaking proposal your You know to respond to our CFP our call for participation for hope this year We've had a really great slew of submissions Thus far we think that you know after this bucket is Decided, you know, we're looking for more and more submissions It's just it's gonna get harder and harder to get your talk submitted, especially if there's other talks on that same topic So there really is a I think a not a great deal of pressure But it behooves you if you want to speak at hope this year get your talk in your submission in now or as soon as possible because You know, we're going through this stuff really quickly And we want to hear from you and it's up to you to make hope what it is and You know, you've done a great job in the past. We want to see you there this year in and don't forget This is going to be something that's in person. It's at a new location. There are just so many wonderful Reasons why participation this year is more important than almost any other hope in the past Well, it really is because You know, we we went through hell in 2018 And we wanted to do a better job in 2020 but then we found out the hotel was going to really screw us over by I Think tripling the rate and just making it impossible for us to have the kind of conference. We wanted to have So that was crisis number one and then we Found a great place. We found st. John's University and we were thrilled and ready to go with that but that was you know a big step the first time in a new location totally changing the way the conference is a whole new Chapter and then 2020 hit kovat and we did everything online that year so now here we are 2022 four years after our last conference and Ready to to have our first in-person conference in that amount of time, but also our first conference in a brand new location So it's really if you want to be at the beginning of history This is the place to be because it's so many different ways that we are doing things differently and and so many ways that this is hugely important to the entire future of Hope conferences if this this one does well, it works out It's a positive experience something that people really enjoy then Basically, the next one will be bigger and better and it'll keep going from there. We have so much space to expand into And it's it's just an amazing thing and The odd irony of all this is that it didn't really matter what the hotel did, you know They they they could have kept the price exactly the same we wouldn't have had the conference in 2020 there because of kovat and we Won't have the conference there in 2022 because the hotel is being torn down No matter what it was. It was decreed that we would not have another conference at Hotel, Pennsylvania So one way or another that was not going to happen and everything got in the way So here we are our new chapter begins. We'd love for you to be a part of it So visit and submit your your your talk ideas and let's make this happen All right. We have a phone call 802 I guess I should give out the phone number though Taking you the phone number before I gave it out 802 3 2 1 hack 8 0 2 3 2 1 4 2 2 5 So I'm gonna guess that this person is somebody that we know Yeah, I was gonna ask does that mean I have to reset anything over? That would be really rude. They they obviously wanted to call so they did and welcome. Welcome to off the hook over time. Go ahead Good how are you? Try not to flip out over to Ukraine stuff You know, I'd be a good subject for for hope those like trying to make Hospitals more accessible like using like something like a Wi-Fi triangulation with an app to like You know help people find a way around hospitals close man. I get lost in these things nowadays Yeah, it's easy to get lost in any big complex. But do you have any any specific ideas and how to make that easier? Well, you know how GPS works on the phone right where triangulates right Well, you could do the same thing with Wi-Fi and say you have to go to certain floor or whatnot you could just put in an app on the phone and Just use the Wi-Fi to kind of point you in the right direction yeah, or maybe have like a Vibration when you have to turn one way or the other two for one way You remember next generation of first episodes where they were talking about the new ship and everything They had like the lighter panels that showed you where to go and like an encounter at Farpoint Huh encounter at Farpoint is what you're talking about. Yeah, I don't remember that part of it. But but I believe you Yeah, well, you know they were showing off this ship and everything and I think it was Friker He was like in the middle of the ship going. I don't know where I'm going and like an incident or whatnot I said, well just Just that's computer where you want to go and they'll there'll be lights along the walls to show you where to go Yeah, it's funny. I was actually in a hospital the other day And I was in an elevator, I was trying to get an elevator They're intelligent elevators now, but I didn't know what that meant and I was I was pressing what looked like a button But all it was was a light and I couldn't figure out how do I get this intelligent elevator to listen to me? Apparently what you're supposed to do is find a little LED screen and press your destination And then when you press the destination it tells you what elevator will arrive But then the elevator doesn't arrive not right away Anyway, it knows it's going to arrive at some point But I was waiting 45 seconds for that door to open other doors were opening but I was told that's my door I have to wait for that one. I don't think it was more intelligent I took a took a lot longer to get to where I was going and I was confused and also I could have gotten Off at any other floor to I was in that elevators. It's going to physically stop me from getting off What was wrong with buttons? What's wrong with pressing a damn button to say what what floor you want to go to in an elevator that system worked? I'll sit down now Yeah, it just seems like people just I mean you can do this with bluetooth to it's like you know Say you need to go to a certain office You could just use bluetooth is like chicken and everything without having to do the thing with the the person at the front, right? Make sure it's your right spot and everything I Don't know. It's just I don't know. Well, why are you guys thinking about the about like the right wing just like Going pro-putin and everything the last few days Well because Putin is right-wing. I mean, you know, he's a lot closer to fascism than he is to to left-wing communism, that's for sure and And and he's basically saying a lot of the things that the right wing in this country espouse So it's it's a marriage made in hell. Yeah, that's sort of bird. Yeah birds of a feather at this point What do you guys in Skype land thing? Oh it's really fascinating to watch because of course all of this is doing a great job of pushing the Things like the January 6th investigation committee and that off of our headlines So no one's paying attention to that anymore in this country because of course there's really interesting things going on in the world stage And I'm not saying like Putin went ahead and invaded the Ukraine or when it went ahead and invaded Ukraine So, you know just so our newspapers would be be talking about something different But you know, it does it does everything affects each other in this media environment We've got and it's interesting to watch the patterns in these things Hang on call it like Gila speak. Go ahead Sorry caller I was in An appointment this afternoon and I heard music and they were playing Africa Toto's Africa on the old East Station not again, and it made me think it made me think about 40 years ago and how interesting it is that Republicans are lining up to support Russia and what a turnaround that is from the time of the Cold War and how the idea of any American politicians supporting Russia just things are so radically different and it's Fascinating they haven't really I want to say they haven't picked a lane yet, but now that they haven't They haven't picked a direction I don't know what way they're going because you know half the time I hear them basically making excuses for Putin the other half I'm hearing them saying that Biden is letting this happen and that it's all his fault and that Putin is getting away with all kinds of things. They don't seem to agree with each other They certainly don't agree with anything that's going on that that Biden does but I don't think they really know which which side is Politically expedient for them and that's the problem is that that's what they're thinking of first and not thinking about what's right? They're not thinking about what they should be standing for. They're thinking about how can we make this? benefit our political platform and There's no easy answer to that. So they're going to screw it up and it's it's it's kind of funny But very sad to to see that happening Well, also also today two prosecutors quit the Trump trial I heard about that I'm a little confused as to what's going on there I just heard that there's a chance that nothing will happen now, which really guys what after all this what's what what is going on? That's why I'm not understanding too. I wonder if they're bailing cause he didn't really find anything to stick to him But if you don't have anything to stick to him, I go through all this man No, they have a lot to stick to him. I just you know, Alex you're you're in the legal profession Did you have something to do with this? No, I I did not and and frankly I was not aware of this story So I didn't want to dive into it too much, but I will say generally when prosecutors resign there is some kind of Ethical issue That could explain why well they may disagree with a certain decision It may it may have to deal with you know, the manner in which things are being dealt or it could be something completely different You know There are any number of reasons why why things could change and prosecutors leave those types of roles and go into private practice really frequently so it could be something as simple as A couple of people from the same office the same team getting an offer somewhere and It being too too good for them to refuse so hard to say well what I heard at the deli was that There was a I think a DA above them who who recently? The the previous DA left was replaced with another one. Am I am I saying this right Alex they work under a DA the prosecutors Yeah, okay. Well, are we talking about a US Attorney's Office or are we talking about a stake here? We're talking about steak. It's in New York Manhattan. Yeah, Manhattan. Okay. I thought we were talking about it Sorry, I thought we're talking about it. There are a lot of cases. I know but Do I have it generally right? There's a DA. Okay Yeah, okay. So this DA let me at least get this out this DA Step down or was replaced and the DA that replaced him was Expressing doubt about whether or not the case should continue and these two guys quit at that point Or two people quit at the Rob. You're nodding your head. Is that what you heard to at your deli? That that describes it pretty well. Yeah, my deli agrees. So the cover-up squad Came in and the people they're like no, they're they're covering up this thing They're gonna make it go away because you know, the the Stooges were moved in It tells me that these prosecutors are so frustrated that all our work is gonna go for nothing because this new guy doesn't believe in The case. Yeah, it's something like that that they just said no. No way. I'm not gonna be a part of that That's that's what it appears at this point. I know nothing beyond what I what I heard when I was getting my sandwich Okay caller anything else? You know, I like to see you know, the stadium is coming up, right I like to see some people like just show up outside the Capitol like, you know protests for okay, right Yeah I think you're gonna get your wish because as we speak a convoy is forming of American truckers that plan on doing just that outside The State of the Union next Tuesday. I just want my god. Yeah careful To the intercepts and whatnot on the channel, I'm sorry say again And I don't know if these guys are the organizers to want. Uh-huh, but one dude is like from Wisconsin. Uh-huh And talk about Trudeau and it's like what what you got to do with Trudeau man. You're from, Wisconsin Well, the Canadians talking about Trump and there's a lot of crossover for sure. Go ahead Kyle Speaking of that one other thing regarding some of the cases His accounting firm fired him. There was that story a couple weeks ago, right? Also, very interesting that's a term they fired Trump you can do that fired him as a client essentially and Basically like a decade of his financial reporting was in called into question as a result Yeah, but what does that mean? Does that mean that nobody's gonna pay any attention to it or does that mean that someone's gonna be held liable for lying? Because it sounds like I'll just don't look at it. And no, I think everybody should look at it Yeah, I think maybe Looked at in in as in for its inaccuracies as more like exhibit a instead of some sort of Security on a credit line or something. I mean it's gonna be I think less important from it for business dealing Oh, I just want consequences. I want to see punishment and you know hand it out I don't want to see anything held back. It's all I want. You know, it's not asking for much. It's the American dream Go ahead caller Yeah, I'm I'm thinking it's just a way for the counter firm to Cover their own butts calls him in lock. They probably knew what was going on. That's what it sounds like to me That's the way I see. It's like oh, well all this stuff we like testify for him and You know called you doing this under oath. Anyway, we signed a paper for a tax return, right? You're sort of doing under oath. Yeah, I mean the crime was committed. So I don't think they can just say oh, yeah Never mind nothing. You did it already. They were probably paid handsomely to To orchestrate his crimes for him, you know legally, right? He might have even paid them a lot or Something. All right. Let's not talk about Trump anymore. I'm gonna forget that. Okay caller find a final word No, we're gonna move on to another call Well, you know just trying to sit here and relax, you know got some got some jazz on. Oh cool Yeah, wait, wait, hold on people out there. But how do you listen to us if you've got jazz on how do you listen to? TV and I get you on the computer. All right, as long as you can hear us, I guess I Listen to the show just mix music with the words. I know it's a kind of what if we were playing music Then it would be even more music and that would be my that's not how we intended it to sound Kyle It's not listening to it on the manner in which it was once it goes out about this afterwards when it's on my wires Talk about I get to do afterwards caller. It was great hearing from you again, and we hope to speak to you in a couple of weeks Yeah, take care. Well, you have a good one. And uh, just uh, everybody keep sexy out there I guess and Try to think happy thoughts. Oh, I don't know what else to do. I mean, uh-huh. That's what we've been doing Yeah, yeah, I don't know where it's gonna come from but thank you for calling and thanks for being out there It was pleasant every show is put together meticulously with all sorts of different I mean even the intros where that are rough. Sometimes there's a certain chemistry there. You can't mess with it All right, 802 3 2 1 4 2 2 5 8 0 2 3 2 1 hack is our telephone number We'd like to hear from other callers other listeners out there if they have something to say to contribute And you guys in skype line, of course can can step in anytime you want It's a little rough sometimes at the phone and Skype, but did you hear about our eBay auction on our Instagram account? We we did a screenshot of the auction. It's not funny. That's how we're promoting. It's not a lot on Instagram We're exclusive. We're not allowed on eBay either rare warehouse merch. Mm-hmm It could have been it could have been there that you could have seen all sorts of things on Instagram But you'll never know will you because we have numbers in our name Wow What an injustice, okay, we have a phone call good evening. You're on off the hook over time. Go ahead Good evening from a troubled time troubled time zone. Wow, this this is a voice We have not heard in a while Bobson from Bulgaria and Bulgaria is right near Ukraine Well, it's not really near Ukraine, but it's closer than we are for sure. What do you guys going through over there? What do you what are you hearing? Tell us your you know something of what's going on over there with Ukraine and Russia Well, I wish I could But well the to have a lot of history between them That could go one way or another Yes But you are you are aware of? Putin invading or about to invade Ukraine Okay, good, that's all we ask that's good. Okay. Just want to make sure you weren't completely oblivious to the situation I Should point out it's about 3 in the morning over there in in in Bulgaria. Is that correct? Standard display. Oh, yeah About 3 o'clock in the morning. Okay, so you're not completely oblivious to the situation Standard display. Oh, yeah a bit after Bit after 3 a.m. Okay we're sorry to wake you up at this hour, even though you called us, but There's no way we can do it differently that I can think of what else is on your mind. Yes Hmm These are called bobs and pauses by the way, they're they're copyrighted so that you can't just use them. Oh Are they now? Yeah. Yeah, they're special They're still having trouble figuring out the Situation Between Russia and the Ukraine which is a bit are we still talking about that? The situation between Russia and the Ukraine is a bit troubles Quite a bit of trouble. So let me ask you pops in that, you know in Bulgaria. Are you at all concerned that Russia might move? Closer to Bulgaria or into Bulgaria at some point even though Bulgaria was never part of the Soviet Union Is this something that you or other people there are worried about? Well, I haven't heard anyone Express such worries and I don't think it makes sense from The Situation or what I know of it All right, are you aware of any statement by your government on on their position on what's going on Well Not as such no I've heard some people express Disagreement to the Russian Movement Okay, yeah, yeah Well, if you could check with your government we can either wait or Get back to us in a couple of weeks and let us know what their concerns are if any Well, they may contact you it's after hearing this So, how did you do in the Winter Olympics Bulgaria were they in the Winter Olympics, I Think so, okay, but I don't think we Got too much of anything in terms of medals Okay, so Got too much of anything in terms of medals It's not about the medals it's about showing up it's about participating and it's about breathing in that cold Chinese winter air with the artificial snow Well, I Didn't make it to there to the to China for the Olympics. No, you didn't write all about the air. Yeah It's gonna be in Italy next time what I saw on TV it looked snowy enough to Participate in winter sports. Yeah, it's It was something it's over now Paralympics are starting soon And I don't know if you heard our last couple of shows. We actually were hearing from somebody in Beijing It was calling us who was part of the the media operation. That was fascinating or Mm-hmm. Yeah, it's quite a quite an operation to to cover and really great behind-the-scenes discussion and observations and Alex you are either measuring the wind with your finger or you wish to speak Indeed. Yeah option I question for you Bulgarian groceries again Unrelated to groceries this time. I I can get on to that subject next though, but it does seem like you might be a little Too tired to discuss the intricacies of the various wafer cookies and things that I that I did in fact purchased last week the voyeur out but moving on speaking of Olympics in Bulgaria, I remember reading something a while ago that I think it was in the 90s Bulgaria made a bid to host the Olympics and and built some Some kind of building near the Black Sea That is now completely abandoned and overgrown with vegetation and Kind of apocalyptic looking. Have you ever heard of something like this? Well, I know we had a bit in the 1980s to cost the Winter Olympics But I don't know that it has anything to do with the Black Sea side And why would there be an abandoned building there if they didn't get the Olympics why would they build the building I That I don't understand. Yeah, I'm kind of curious about that Well, if I knew which building you're speaking of I may have I'm able to Okay, I'm looking this up. I'm Yeah, something something apparently that's vaguely labeled as a gymnastics hall On on the Black Sea that was part of a bid for the Olympics. It might have been to to demonstrate the capacity to to build out a particular site But with the the bid having fallen through it seems like this entire arena has now fallen into disrepair And it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's it's Seems like this entire arena has now fallen into disrepair And is overgrown by by vegetation. It looks really kind of like a an interesting site to visit I have to say Guy calls from Bulgaria and all you have to say is talk about abandoned buildings in his country if you ever find your way Over here. We can go visit the site. Yeah Have you ever been to the Black Sea? Yeah, how would you how would you describe it for people who have never been there The Black Sea, hmm, is it different from other seas? Well, it's Not as large as the ocean so it's not as cold to be in it Of a summer Summer Other than that There's beaches on the side of it, okay makes sense Or there were Where would they go? Yeah, uh, well, no, there's there's the thing about beaches is they need sand coverage and It's That's uh Too malleable, I think in terms of People digging up the sand to use it for whatever Wait, are people stealing the sand off of your beaches? Is that what you're saying? Well, I've seen Some beaches missing a lot of sand With respect to what they used to have and in terms of People don't steal the beaches don't steal the sand from the you'll have nothing you'll just have land and water That's not exciting. No, you need the sand the sand is serving a purpose. It's there for a reason We can't put it back I don't think Well, I'd like to see are there well not unless you dig it from the Concrete that it's used for from water here sand is Beach sand is very good for concrete mixing or what have you well, they could steal it from the desert then, you know That's there's a lot more space. It's it's the desert beach is different. The desert sand is different I'm sure it is, but maybe it's better. We have we ever tried I don't know much about it, but I hear that the Sea sand is has its advantages when mixing things with it or because of shape and size and You know the things we discuss when you call just it's unbelievable But let me just ask you one more question about the black sea. Is there is there a surf are there waves? Well, uh, yes, there are waves depending on the weather I mean sometimes it gets stormy Are there black sea surfers Yes, there are oh, okay now we're getting somewhere interesting so there's probably a whole uh black sea surfer culture With the equivalent of their beach boys and and you know music and things like that Interested in learning more about this. I don't know about the music. But yes, I know that other there are people who Do surf here with and it's mostly wind surfing from what I've seen Now wind surfing doesn't I mean it's it's a different thing it's got to be water surfing with surfboards and all that kind of thing and Oh, you mean windless? you mean the surfing of Yeah, surfing usa except bulgaria and not usa That kind of thing. Well, I don't think the water is Agree about to the windless I got my hopes up Okay, well we're gonna do more more investigation into this. Um Skype guys you got any more questions for bobson? We're gonna move on to another call No, just just uh want to put out there that uh, you know, it wasn't me that stole the sand from the beach Um, i'm completely innocent. Um, in fact, I don't like sand it's coarse and rough and irritating it gets everywhere but um There's also like natural erosion is a thing so it might not be a person Except people cause erosion Care of it is a bit Disagreeable, I I think I mean Seeing how much is being did that up and I wish I wish you were right, but i'm not sure of it But We promise we will look into this and find out more Alex did you have any grocery related questions for bobson? Well, I I do, you know, I I did get some bulgarian cookies last week in anticipation of you calling them uh, and uh I I have to say I was so disappointed that you didn't call it last week And um I think I have forgotten the name of the cookies nor did I get uh two extra boxes to to send over to the uh, The crew out on long island. Yeah, we we didn't get anything. We were looking every day. We didn't get a thing Well, you know get used to disappointment. That's all I have to say. Oh, I am i'm very used to it future if nothing else but um Yeah, I I think the cookies were called something like the the voyeurette voyeurette, does that sound familiar? No Well concise answer uh in any event, uh the the bulgarian people at the bulgarian grocery store were very keen on me getting and trying these cookies and Explaining to me that they were fantastic. They were very very good. I have to say there are lots of different types of Wafer cookies that they have in this particular grocery store And i'm wondering if that's uh something that's peculiar to bulgaria or perhaps it's just something that ships easily to the united states Well in terms of shipping easily it doesn't just ship easily to large distances it also ships easily in general So, yeah, it may be part of why People manufacture them, you know with the needs of getting to market and such Wherever that may be Yeah They also unfortunately don't have any hot foods available. So I I couldn't You know try the delicacy that you had referred to me the name of which escapes me, but it's written Forever in my notebook. Hang on. Hang on a grocery store You're saying they don't sell anything that you can heat later that nothing hot or just nothing that's hot there, which would be odd Well, I mean they do have things that are frozen and cheeses and things like that, but they they don't sell any hot food So nothing that that they make themselves as a dish that you can buy Okay Yeah, uh, but I but I think uh, I what I think I would love to do Bobson would be to um to ask one of the women that works there and I think it's a a uh, uh Married couple that runs the place runs this joint and um You know if perhaps one day when we get out of this pandemic if she could come over And uh and cook a meal for us cook a an authentic bulgarian meal And when when we do this, I have this idea in my head, you know Maybe this is something that'll happen this summer perhaps around the 4th of july or something. I will i'll invite all of our colleagues uh from long island from queens over to taste these delicacies and then we can all report back and over time about our uh, Our thoughts so wait, you want this bulgarian woman who works in a grocery store to come over to your house and cook bulgarian food? Why don't we just go to her house? Why are we going to your house? Well, I I would invite her here to do it and and and ask if they could cater something like this I think that would be you know, really really great. Okay, that's different catering. That's that's that might be something there. They'd be interested in yeah, it could be really interesting the um, you know, I I just don't know if um, You know if you would be welcome in their home, that's that's the real issue man Who bobson or me? You what? I don't know you would behave yourself in in in you know, the appropriate manner. Excuse me I've I've been to bulgaria. I know the bulgarian ways You know, you do I I know what not to do That's what i'm afraid of. Yeah Entirely. Yeah, uh, but then maybe who knows maybe I would love to go over to her house and um, You know, maybe she doesn't even have to cook something anew. Perhaps you could just heat up some some leftovers for us Can you imagine the horror? Uh, if by chance this person just happens to be randomly listening to podcasts and is tuning in to channel 2600 right now Recognizes her bulgarian grocery store being talked about and then hearing this strange voice saying that he hopes that She will come over to his house and cook food for him Without any kind of conversation that they've had about this and just realizing. Oh my god. They're talking about me Yeah, I mean I I would be honored if it were if the the the roles were reversed here I think it would be absolutely fantastic, you know, um, hey look maybe maybe there's a hope talk that comes out of this And there might be a headline that comes out of this but We'll just have to table that for later bobson any final words from you Well, I I was hoping to wait out for a few years for my final words but for tonight I Don't have to be so dark situation in this time zone keeps improving as opposed to the Certain More eastern folks Seeing it differently. Well, that's the second time you've made reference to a time zone. So are you in the same time zone as ukraine? As kiev, yes as kiev, right because ukraine is I guess they're in two different time zones Um, they may have more than one time zone to deal with. Yes. How how far away are you actually from ukraine? Um Well, uh, it's on the other side of romania You know, that doesn't help us at all Well North of bulgaria is romania and northeast from romania is to ukraine. But how far is that? Well, i've traveled to kiev by train A few years ago and got back by similar train I used to like going to ukraine. Yeah, we we actually did the whole thing of uh, Going to we were in moldova and we had the bright idea to cut through ukraine to get back into poland But when we got to uh, kiev and I still say kiev Uh, they informed us that there were no trains until the next week that we could take to poland So we decided to go to the very same town or city that the whole american embassy moved to of uh, laviv laviv and uh We went there which is right next to poland and then the next day we just hopped on a tiny train that took us to poland and and we got out of the country that way so I guess maybe we inspired them I like the the transition there, too I remember just the night we came in how like dark it was how busy it was I think there was like a a performing group like a bunch of students with instruments or something coming back from something or going somewhere and then The the smoke in the station is all from the coal Um for the water heaters and the the trains themselves. They I think are electric But each car is heated with coal or something And uh, it was just so It felt like I was going I was in like a parallel time or something. It was just felt very old um, and and I remember buying uh Some soft drinks and some some stuff that this woman like microwaved like a pastry or something yes, and uh and getting on our train eventually, but it was It was really dark. I think when we were leaving that morning. Um That's what i'm remembering just uh walking into this very very old train station with the the rail cars the rail cars, I have a series of photos I I was able to capture the the changing of the bogeys Uh, that was a different trip though. The the belarusian border. That's yeah between belarus and poland. They do that. Yeah. Yeah It's fascinating and probably probably between romania and ukraine. I would imagine. Yeah, I think so They would probably have the same system. You remember that, uh, bob someone you took the train Did they change the bogeys at some point? Well, that's a note Uh, I don't russian empire thing that What they did is when they did the imperial of the time railroad They did it the russians did it a bit wider Right, so no one could invade the reason they did that is to prevent, uh foreign armies traveling by train into the country, right in the 1800 And in case people are wondering the same track gauge is used in ukraine and in russia So they won't have that trouble going into ukraine because it was indeed part of the soviet union when they did this So they have the same track gauge, but if you were trying to invade it was part of the russian empire right then but yes The the train tracks were never changed in the interim. Yeah, the gauge was never changed nor would they be they wouldn't be yeah well at this time You're talking about Thousands of miles of railroad that would need to be exchanged if someone decided to Adjust to Prevent this the surroundings they might prefer to be in But when when you took the train to kiev, do you remember? Uh the point where they did that to the train cars They lifted them up into the air and they changed the wheels underneath them. So they'd fit the new tracks. Yes, I do That's uh, it's a lot. I recommend that for everybody If it it happened after just after romania was over with As the train was Meaning after you got out of romania. Yeah. Okay. I see what you meant Yes Right, okay. Well bobson it's great talking to you as always and uh, We look forward to uh next time and we look forward to seeing you at some point Well same here have a great evening everybody thanks for the show Yeah, keep listening and call back. We'd love to hear your uh dispatch from there Oh, well, i'm sure the people on skype land mean to say good night, too. Yeah. Good night. There they are Okay All right, we'll talk to you again take care later I always feel so energized after talking to bobson. It's um, it's almost more than I can bear Well, you know the guy is is dedicated if nothing else I have to say I mean I appreciate his uh His willingness to stay up to all hours of the evening Yeah, alex i'll call you at 3 30 in the morning We'll see how energized you are when when somebody from bulgaria wants you to call them, you know I would love to you know Unfortunately, my my lifestyle does involve getting up in the middle of the night and making phone calls to various Places around the globe everything is a choice I find it difficult to be awake at this hour to talk to you guys and i'm in this time zone. So Okay, our phone number 802-321-4225 802-321-4225 and of course that spells hack And uh, if you're out there you have something to say to us Uh, it's our last show in a couple of weeks. So, uh, we'd love to hear from you any ideas for uh, the hope conference or experiences with hacking or with technology thoughts on what's going on any part of the world or Stories or questions or complaints? That's what the phone line is for 802-321-4225 802-321-4225 While we're waiting for a phone call emmanuel, I I wanted I know this story would affect you And so I was wondering if you have any uh feelings already about the uh, 363 overlay That's uh, that's oncoming. That's uh, the new nassau county area code, right? Absolutely They're overlaying it over. What's now 516 Yeah, those those swine they took our area code and from suffolk county. We used to be 516 Uh, and now we're 631 and you know, we have a an overlay too, but I don't remember what it was I don't know what our second area cut in suffolk county is so that's uh 363 though. That's a better one than whatever we got. I know that I think nassau county is definitely getting preferential treatment That's a 934 is the other one in suffolk. Well, you know your area codes, don't you? All right Then name all the new york city metropolitan area codes, please All right, two one two seven one eight nine one seven six four six. Yeah, I got started for you. Where the rest I I could name them, but that would be gosh. They already have names. Oh, wow. Okay. All right, fine um alex any input on area codes or thoughts on them I think you named all now, didn't you? No, I did not there are others you did. Yeah, nine two nine There's another one. See nine two nine. Yeah. Oh god. Yeah all these new area codes, you know, I I don't like them Three four seven look I've named them all so far. I I think there's one other I think there's one other so Maybe somebody can look that up Well, how about this? How about you name all of the exchanges within two one two? Okay, that doesn't make any sense because pretty much all the exchanges are exchanges everything that doesn't begin with a zero or a one That sounds like a cop-out to me. No, that sounds that sounds like the right answer to me We have a phone call. Good evening. You're on off the hook overtime. Go ahead Hi, it's a bob from minneapolis had a couple of technical things and I just one Thing of gratitude that we're going to have the whole conference. I will be there awesome And and greetings to six one two area code I am yeah, that's that's the coveted area code in my area. So it's actually minneapolis proper so if you have the six one two area code you You're kind of golden. Um, but but the two two technical things I wanted to talk about was you know Alex talking about what I call deep fakes. It was he had some synthetic term but I think if you use You know like deep fakes because that to me that's what they really are Um, depending on the nature of the deep fake there is no You know quote unquote antivirus to kind of detect them There is for like government documents really simple documents But when you get into videos or other sorts of pictures, it really requires a human being to be able to look at it The social media companies are investing millions of dollars in this and they're hiring ai um people like mad to to try and fix this problem because they know that If it gets out of control and the government's going to step in and that's the last thing That they want, uh, and then my last comment is that amazon recently opened up the recordings that they have of people Um off of alexa, but it's tied to your account So it's not like wide open but you can log in and you can request What alexa has picked up? Um, they'll actually give you all of your data. The most interesting what for me was it was the alexa uh recordings and there is no distinction between You know voices in in the house, you know in the family it picks up children. It picks up People saying all kinds of weird things. I mean, I find that you know, deeply disturbing But there was also a great comedic value that was mixed in there from you know from recordings from my household anyway, but but apparently they're never deleted and I don't know why amazon's starting to open up unless it's my theory about You know being regulated Um, you know, so I find you know, I find that to be, you know, very interesting, but those are my two two comments Alex I think that was directed at you Yeah, well I mean I i'm not sure what what the question was was that the the fact that they aren't deleting these particular recordings You know, is that is that a common practice? Well, no, they were both just comments and I was just addressing, you know, alex's comment about um being able to detect, you know deep fakes that it As he stated correctly, you know, it's not to a place where it's automated So human would have to look at it to be able to make that determination and at that point you've opened up the disinformation can worms that quickly gets out of control, but there really wasn't Just contributing to the conversation. There wasn't really a a question in there I see It's interesting. You know Yeah, okay Yeah, I I think it's uh I think it's a it's such an interesting space Uh at the moment because it it does seem like the manipulation of these types of videos or um Or or even audio files, right? I mean there are there are deep fakes that are completely audio based as well um, and and apparently I always wonder about whether or not this is true Not that there was an incident a few years ago In fact, which also leads me to believe maybe the technology maybe this is fake and i'm not sure but In the context of a cyber liability claim is how this came up but it was an incident of a deep fake that Or i'm, sorry an audio Fake so deep fake audio image that was used in the context of a business email compromise scam so that in audio, uh recording, I believe it was of uh, A german ceo of perhaps a uk subsidiary. I might be getting the uh, the the country's mixed up Was then played to an employee Uh and instructed the employee to make some kind of payment and the employee hearing that that that audio fake had then um complied with the instructions and and sent as I guess it was several million dollars to An account that was controlled by the fraudsters who had generated the deep fake audio And I always wonder about this too because it's very hard To to generate this type of thing on the fly It's got to be recorded in a sense and and and presented in this scenario or situation Where there aren't interactions with other human beings Because there's just no way to do this. We don't have the computational power as I think right now to do this on the fly so Everything in a sense is is limited by that uh, but we're going to be but but I think that the underlying technology that could detect this is is similar to the technology that Relates to the detection of steganography Or the use of steganography So it's it's the detection of small shifts and bits and bytes that you would ordinarily see in a pattern Relative to an ordinary wave file or an mp4 or something like that that can indicate that there's something wrong or there's something amiss um, but It doesn't seem like it works really consistently At all, and I see rob has got some some input here Well the the joy of uh, these kind of systems from a oh my god This is so insecure standpoint is that you don't always have to fool a human Um, and sometimes you're going through a phone and a human can't pick out the uh subtleties that would flag Something as fake anyway, but you just have to fool a machine a lot of the time and uh, you know 30 30 some odd years ago the uh, the film sneakers came out and had somebody like Splicing audio tape together to make that guy's uh audio greeting to get into his office You know, my voice is my passport verify me and you know, that was funny back then but it still works like that and I um In in cases like where you could elect to have your bank account, um Accept your voice saying some passphrase as security over the telephone to access your account That's a computer listening to you and it's still very easy to fool a computer Like take any of us on this on this show For example, we've all got years and years and years of our recorded voices publicly available on the internet for anybody to splice together Us saying whatever they want and uh, so like none of us should have that sort of thing enabled on our bank accounts Um, and and that sort of thing is only getting better um, it also reminds me of the soundboard pranks that we used to do, um, like with with soundboards, uh, back in the 90s the 2000s, uh People used to make prank calls with uh with like a screen full of arnold schwarzenegger clips of him saying things from his movies And there were buttons to click all these different words and you could call someone up and click the buttons And they would believe that arnold called them And it you know hilarity ensued so these these are all very old concepts and they have not been sufficiently solved Because as as the ability to pick out the fakes gets better the ability to create fakes gets better And it's just machines fooling machines. I think for the most part Yeah, but you know no matter how good it sounds there There should be a common sense switch inside your head that says there's no way arnold schwarzenegger is calling me Is that asking too much? Maybe somebody really wants arnold to call them They're willing to believe you know, uh caller though in in reference to uh, the whole alexa business You can um, I learned this recently at any time. I imagine you've had your alexis device occasionally just Start saying something to you, even though you never summoned her or him um And uh, you can always say alexis. Why did you do that? And uh, she or he will explain the logic behind them responding to something that you didn't say That's interesting I wonder because I only use it on the um fire stick um, because I well, I think that's how I That's our entertainment source now, right? I mean I Don't have conventional cable, but I was very afraid from the beginning of the actual physical, uh, you know alexa You know device I forget the dots or whatever they're called, you know, and I understand that they have the physical switch but I just i'm very So distrusting of of amazon. Um, I actually I can't say too much about this. I actually worked there for a while Uh, and some of the things that they do, um Are very interesting and that's probably that's probably all I could say without getting into a lot of trouble. Um, Um The fact that you're worried that you will get in trouble for even alluding to anything specific From a place that you once worked. It sounds like you worked in like like organized crime or something It would be great if you could at the conference Maybe put a bag over your head or something and just give a talk as to some of these things because we're all fascinated by them Yeah, I I will definitely um You know consider that um, you know for sure. I mean, you know You know anonymity, I mean, you know, I trust the conference but it's you know, you know anonymity and In amazon, I know they have a deep breach somehow. Uh-huh. Yeah, they're good at finding people Yes, they are Any anything else from from minneapolis I know. Oh, that was it. I just I normally because of scheduling conflicts can't um Well, you know do the overtime thing. Um, I Listen to the uh off the hook Um on uh on podcast, so it was a great pleasure to hear the full two hours tonight I don't have any other comments glad you were able to call and uh, look forward to uh to seeing you at hope Yeah coming in loud and clear from out there. Yep All right. Stay warm. Awesome. All right. Yep. You too. Take care There you go. Minneapolis. See bulgaria minneapolis. We're getting all the hot spots All right. Um, go ahead. Who's uh, who's gala? Go ahead Okay, I was just gonna say six five one Nine five two seven six three. Are you okay? Why are you spouting out numbers? Those are the other area codes for the minneapolis. St. Paul. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, let's say them again Six five one. Uh-huh. Seven six three. Uh-huh nine five two You know, I don't want to offend anybody and I I really hope I don't but those are the worst area codes i've ever heard Those are terrible area codes and they all three of them are are given to that state that region Somebody doesn't like them somebody in north american numbering plan does not like minnesota Seriously I don't know that I disagree. I mean look two one two, okay nine, two nine Seven one eight nine one six. We've got I mean, you know two one two obviously is the best but Uh, I beg your pardon they just It's not nice 206 in the house. Yeah, that's seattle What are your other areas out there 206 and oh, yeah, three six. Oh three six. Oh, yeah Two five three. Okay one two five one two is austin, texas Texas texas. What are you trying to pull here? Kyle? Just checking. All right Five one two. Wow, are we a phone call? Yes, okay good evening you're on off the hook overtime Hi How's it going? Just called in. I I couldn't make out clearly what you were saying once we were connected on the phone But I called in to give you the other new york city area code that you hadn't originally given You will have no trouble understanding us on your fiber optic line as we are able to understand you crystal clear Yes Well, you left out three three two Three three two never heard of that one. Where's that? That's manhattan three three two is manhattan Yep since 2017 Can someone verify that? Team, can someone go out and verify that? Yeah, you know no offense. Uh, we we believe you But we have to have somebody in house verify this information before we can confirm it It's it's protocol. Yeah, we'll get flagged on youtube. Yeah All right, uh rob What do you got rob? What do you got? Uh, aguila. Go ahead. Uh, yeah. No, we got it. Um apparently the earliest date it could be New new codes could be activated. It was 2017. Yeah, this is confirmed. It's confirmed overlay Two one two six four six nine one seven and three three two And three three two, how did I never hear that's a good area code? How did I never hear it's it's low numbers Two of them are repeating You're just on the top row of the touchstone Uh dial and if you have a rotary dial, it's easy as pie to dial that three three two It's almost as good as two one two I never heard of this one Alex you look you look you look Completely perplexed two one two when everybody knows that two one two is new york city and nobody knows that three three two is Yeah, I think that's that's exactly right. I don't think anybody knows that I really don't alex. You look very uh stunned I am I I never have seen a number in the three three two area code. I I live in manhattan Okay, that's the challenge someone someone find a phone number in it's like a an advertised phone number in three three two You need to like my question. I wonder if you get an exchange in in three three two We know of any exchange in three three two would be interesting to call uh three three two, whatever the exchange is plus nine nine oh one And see if it it goes to a switch that gives you all of the exchange information I'm, not sure that nine nine. Oh one is still something the phone company uses nine. I know one would identify the switches, right? I'm, sorry So I think a lot of them are still connect to a line a lot of them still It's not something they do going forward exactly a lot of them still will give you a list of exchanges Which is probably outdated, but I don't think when they you know install a new exchange They they say oh, let's make sure the 9901 suffix is updated. I don't think they do that anymore I wish they did because it's an awesome system As as were many of the systems. Yeah Just calling them. Okay. Alex is calling. What are you calling? You're calling random three three two numbers now five six seven five six three four seven two two four four eight five four four one nine and two one eight We missed Okay, you're calling out on long island though, that's not that's not new york city Yeah, that that was that was the save all dso in in long island. So yeah, I thought you were calling three three two or something I don't know what a uh Does anybody know an exchange in three three two? Well, okay If I had to guess I would say two two two would be the first exchange that would be used three three two Two two two nine nine oh one try that see what you get Yeah live phone hacking over over youtube here Channel 2600 The number and dial again or dial six one one forecast. Yeah, that one's right 209 Okay, why would they give 209 out? That's like a non-standard exchange. I don't know. I'm looking at I looked something up And this is my favorite thing The three three two area code is located in the state of new york and according to intellius data covers roughly zero phone numbers Is the largest city in this area code with a population of about zero uh-huh See, this is this it kind of tracks of what I thought Let's see what alex is getting here It's ringing No kidding It seems like that might be a valid exchange though, so let's try 9970 and see if we get it 9970 is the always busy suffix. So if Three two two zero nine nine nine zero one When the world was that? That that was a voice mailbox at the end of three three two two oh nine nine nine one Interesting. Okay. All right You know, it's not connected to a switch. That's you know Uh, it would be hilarious though. If that person put as their outgoing message a similar message about Their telephone switch Well, I think you have something to play with now numbers surrounding that particular number and maybe you can find a main number That will say what that is and you can figure it out from there Yeah, yeah, there's a there's a lot of exploring. I think in uh, the three three two area code Look what you did call her just by telling us about this area code now. We're obsessed with it Okay Now you have to find a real life person who'll pick up We're on it we're we're working on that right now In fact, alex, if you leave a message on that voice mailbox and ask them to call you back Then you can say who are you? Where are you? How did you get this number etc? And uh learn a lot more I'd have a lot more questions than that And i'm sure they would have their their uh series of questions as well for you and the authorities Uh any any other? Uh, um thoughts caller before we go Um Not on anything that you've been discussing is the new fiber optic line working out, okay I I guess so You miss the old analog. There haven't been any Outages. Well, yeah, that's true. But you miss the old analog hum line, right? What the old damn analog hum line it used to have you know with the loud hum on it? Yeah Well, that's because they didn't fix it. Mm-hmm Because they wanted you to improve your phone quality, I imagine i'm hearing a little bit of crackling right now Well, i'm unwrapping cellophane No, you're not. No, don't tell her that Why I always play with cellophane during the show, you know that See there it is That's different wait, that's a fire put that out put that out. Oh my god can't light up matches in the You know jokes on them though. You should just turn around and start like just be an isp and start selling, uh your own You're reselling your your uh file So I wonder if that's illegal in the 332 area card You have a whole area card to play with get a whole bunch of phone numbers and give them out like candy I mean and a subscription. I do have a question for you. Are Are you able to go into the station and and do your show and take phone calls? Yes, not as of now, uh, we hope soon it will be nice although, you know I gotta say it's pretty convenient to be able to do it like this But I I miss actually going out and and seeing people in person being in a different place So maybe we can do a mix of both. Yeah, we're probably going to live in sort of a hybrid existence where um We're able to be in either Or both at the same time. Yeah, maybe both And maybe people could be virtual as well or show up it's it's a little bit tricky just to um Have such a large people like max headroom those two but it's a little tricky because our show's among one of the larger shows and um, The station the station though spacious is itself somewhat limited It's large if you count the entourage which we can't bring everywhere and i've been trying to tell people this it's just Even getting on the subway is a hassle Uh, so we have to work out some compromises and we're you know, almost ready to do that But it's also, you know, it's up to the kind of community at the station and uh, you know what's best for the staff there and and um We're certainly open to returning. We miss it as well. I miss getting coffee and hanging out You do know they moved they didn't tell us where they went. That's there's that too. That's another challenge Think about instagram Couldn't you call your instagram account the? 2600. Uh-huh. And would you put would you put the in front of your name? Uh, if if say the irs No, but i'm saying how would you feel if you had to change your name to suit them? You see the And my name. Yeah, I am the Eleanor elizabeth foreman. Yeah, I I you know, unless that is something you like but uh, you know Changing your name because a computer can't handle your name. It's not changing your name. It is change if you're adding things to your name Well, we we decline we don't want to ornament our names in order to find you on the computer I put You add I had to add something Dot org well, it's dot com but it is dot org as well and dot net because those are interchangeable But the important thing is the 2600 You know and the same thing with the 2600. Okay. Okay, but how about this? How about How about if you couldn't enter you had to enter the because because the internet couldn't handle a number You know as a domain so it had to be you had to put a letter in there somewhere It would be ridiculous and we'd have to we'd have to basically change our identity to suit them And I just don't think we should have to putting the in front of your name. It's a big deal Well, then we will always put a the in front of your name and see how you like it You know, I used to think that human beings were adapted Yeah, that's not gonna make us feel better we don't I don't think that's the reason they're doing it uh Look, we're just trying to get past Their their obstinate bureaucracy of of no people and all computers that are saying no I'm obstinate because because I want to preserve a name that we are look we file taxes with that name Why can't we have an instagram account with that name? I'm, sorry You have preserved the name not on instagram. We haven't it's the 2600 Why do people stand up for these corporations, I don't understand it. I don't look on twitter. It works perfectly Never a problem on twitter. Eleanor. This isn't like you Well, I think you're being devil's advocate you and alex could uh, open a business together just on how is it not like me? Go ahead I didn't I wouldn't feel like you would uh, you know You would be with us on this and uh, you know instead of This making this new name By not letting yourself get on instagram and and Putting out the things that can only go over in a pictorial manner. It is a choice That trivial it is. Yeah, we are not self-censored, but it's it's just not playing the game. It's a non-starter It's like wait a minute. We we can be on your platform if we change ourselves that is that is basically Oh the the 2600 instagram account. Okay, you know what when you get wired to do that? We'll go along. All right convince them then then we'll we'll see Or time magazine or newsweek or whatever or nature, but they all get there. Everyone gets their name. It'll be nature. Yeah It's not right. Yeah How about we just say the is an illegal word Rob one one very important point here Is that they are telling us that we can't have 2600 because it's against the rules, but that's not the rules for everybody I'm looking at an instagram page right now for something called 433, which is apparently a podcast about sports And you know, we are not a podcast about sports But why don't we get to have the same privileges that they have? This is some uh, this is some big account with millions of followers And they they don't have to be the 433 and they got money to follow those because because they're a number Yeah, because numbers are cool. All right, i'll say it. I'm not i'm not ashamed And I think I think this also is really just a way for instagram to um throw a a kind of uh Kind of opaque little rule there and and and really not get it at what they may or may not have a problem with Which is more along the lines I think of the subject matter the kinds of things we talk about the things maybe that um You know, we critique in some of these companies. I have a feeling maybe that is part of this on a deeper level But it allows them excuse me. I'm talking go ahead It allows them to sidestep it Put this in front of it and not even uh, not even allow us in the first place You know what? I think the irony is I don't think it's that I think nobody there knows what's going on because You can never reach a person there and I think any almost anybody who works there can say oh This is what you want. Sure. No problem this You know type in something or throw a switch and that's it It's that simple, but you can't reach anybody to get them to do that. They just have this weird ass rule They claim that's the rule. There's no reason for it And we can't even get to a point where somebody will justify it. It's just text on a screen. That's all it is Alex I think you had something to uh contribute here. Let me let me jump in here and um, And and also just uh act as a as a slight reminder Of what you had said during the show Uh, and I think during over time too, and i'm i'm on eleanor's side here, by the way I'm not surprised coming to the rescue not surprised at uh, just just giving you a preview if I recall correctly emmanuel you were going on about how You know because it's their platform they have the right to kick people off they have the right to regulate the content They have the right to determine What it is that we see and and shouldn't see they do. Yes Harmful and not harmful to us. Yes But and so but by necessary implication then a what we would call in the law an a40ri Argument by necessary implication then don't you think that they would have the much smaller right to their own? technical And and seemingly insignificant naming convention for users. Yeah, but see it's not technically impossible They want us to think that or they want us to accept that but we want to actually hear them talk about the other stuff Yeah, we'd love that to be on record. But this this little technical hurdle of numbers They're they're having difficult with numerals arabic numerals Uh, that system is complicated for them in their naming scheme. Don't say arabic numerals gets them nervous Oh, you're right. Yeah, you know if you ask people No, if you ask if you ask parents at a pta meeting should arabic numerals be taught in schools, they will say no try it It's a lot of fun But uh, alex, no, you're right that I did say that I did say that and I mean that they have the right to do it But we have the right to complain about it. We have the right to say this is you know This is ridiculous and we want our name. That's all That's the right to be as inconsistent as you want. I agree I don't think it's being inconsistent at all and I I think you know if you were a decent lawyer, you'd send a cease and desist to them and uh, And we'd get somewhere. I agree with eleanor self-censoring over a Minor technical configuration. I've never heard of anything. So ridiculous. I am self-censoring right now my reply to you. How about that? Yes, eleanor great to hear from you and uh, we will hear from you again, hopefully soon and um, Thanks for the uh exchange or area code. Yes, a valuable bit of information was learned here tonight. You've opened doors Thank you. All right. Take care All right. Uh, you know what? Um, i'm not gonna give the phone number out again And i'll just say uh, if the phone rings in two minutes, we'll pick it up It'll be the last call. But if not, then we're just gonna slink out of here because it is late and uh, We have other things to do. Um, yeah, but um I don't know. I'd like to I'd like to see some some changes in the way things are done It's uh, it's only fair and the only way you get things done is if you complain we all know that Or challenge Or ask questions the challenge and yeah ask sometimes painful hard difficult Questions like the proverbial three-year-old always asking why why why why but why? Why why damn it? And that's when he gets sent to your room Uh, okay. Well, you know i'm gonna i'm gonna give people the opportunity to have closing remarks assuming that we are done um Anyone I was playing around with some stuff off mic while that exchange was going on earlier and I did find a 332 number that works That is active. Don't give out the number but tell us something about it It is a taco bell. Are you serious a taco bell has a 332? Yes. Can you tell us one of the one of the very few? Uh, 332 numbers that I found on the web in you know, admittedly a cursory search is a taco bell in manhattan It's in manhattan. Okay. Wow Yeah Here's the thing with such a cool area code I imagine you can probably get any number you want almost so, uh, maybe we should try to do that 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 6. Oh, oh, yeah. Yeah This is the last call, but let's make it quick Uh, good evening. You're on off the govertime. You're the last call. Go ahead Hello You know what that counts they hung up that counts nice try Yeah, that was the last call a for effort and it was it was you know, it was a comment of sorts All right, maybe they missed i'll give them one more chance But that's it Okay, one more chance last call. What's on your mind? Anyone there? No You do it twice. It's not a mistake anymore So you can call back a thousand times and we're not going to pick up do not look directly into the bright light All right, who was uh, gila go ahead I I did have a thought because I was looking at my um missed calls and I got a Obviously a junk call that I didn't pick up But it was from the area code that my cell phone is in and the prefix on the call was 9-1-1 Which I thought was very interesting which is of course not a technically, uh, not one that An actual exchange, but at the same time it was making me think about 10 digit dialing and how We don't even a lot of places don't even think about it anymore But places where there's really only been one area code and there are not overlays and people are still seven digit dialing Is fascinating and how much easier it might be for people to fall for a junk call with a 9-1-1 interchange If you're 10 digit dialing Yeah, that's what I thought about yeah, I don't understand why we need the one anymore I I really don't get that if we're if everybody is doing 10 digit dialing or 11 digit dialing at this point I mean, I I only found out that fairly recently 516 in nassau county was still using seven digit dialing I didn't think anybody still did that but um I'm assuming that there aren't any more but there might be maybe i'm wrong but if there aren't then we don't need the one anymore, so Let's start the campaign to abolish the one I'm all for that Save a little bit of time and and that time can be spent on other more important things Yeah, we're gonna still keep one one, right plus one one. What's plus one one? Well the international dial We need it for international. Who told you it's plus one one. Oh, isn't it plus? Oh one one or when's the last time you called overseas? What is it? It's plus oh one, you know I'm not gonna tell you i'm not gonna tell you it's it's plus It'll keep you from dialing expensive calls and uh, you need to you need to learn plus one or it's oh one Okay, then the you're partially right the number But the way things are are spelled out internationally. It says plus country code, right? Because they don't know what country you're in So, you know in europe you dial zero zero to get to go overseas and then that's the plus then they well It's on your cell phone. It's a plus exactly and that's what you would do on a cell phone You you hold down the whatever button it is that makes a plus show up a long hold Yeah, and and and um if you're dialing from a landline and in europe It's zero zero the country code and and phone number and our country code happens to be one So it looks like they're dialing the one that we dial before area codes. It's a different one, but it looks the same Uh in our case, we dial zero one one zero. I was right No, you weren't you said one one. You said plus one one zero one one is what you call I corrected myself. All right, we we have this on recording and there's a time stamp and and yeah That'll be an inquiry Zero one one country code and and city code and number and then pound sign That's the way you used to be able to do it So i'm just saying we can't totally abolish the one we're gonna need it You need the one for other things, but i'm saying the one in front of the area code for domestic calls Yeah, no, i'm fine with that. And by the way, we don't really have a country code because we share it with canada So there we don't even have a country code. How do you like that? Did anybody else have any closing statements before we go completely nuts here? No, alex anything from you No, I think it was a fun overtime appreciate everybody calling yeah, I gotta go um installing some radar arrays Oh, we're doing that. Okay. Yeah Sure, why not? Um good hearing from everybody. Please write to us oth at is our email address Uh, and again, if you have ideas for hope talks the deadline for early submissions is this coming monday the february 28th go to for more information on that and spread the word about the conference because it's going to be awesome and It's uh, it's the next step. It's the next chapter. It's going to be really really interesting and historic we'll be back in two weeks with uh more radio and more podcasting till then stay safe and alert and um, Let us know what you find And we are not picking that up Good night