For the next backstage stories on WBAI 99.5 FM and streaming at The previous program was Economic Update with Richard Wolff heard right after the WBAI Evening News on Wednesdays at 6.30 p.m. Stay tuned for Off The Hook. It is now 7 p.m. Stay tuned. And you're listening to Radio Station WBAI New York. The time is 7 o'clock. It's a Wednesday night and that means it's time for Off The Hook. 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The program is Off the Hook. Manuel holy with here with. Joined tonight by Kyle. Yeah. For the most part. Alex. Good evening. Firefly evening and Gila welcome back. Hello. Thank you. Well, here we are again on another Wednesday evening in the waning days of May and I guess we're getting closer to normalcy. I'm seeing signs of it everywhere Hey, we went Kyle and I went to Manhattan a couple days ago and boy that was interesting The city is coming back. It told me last week that you're gonna tell me when you were going to Manhattan and I would meet You there. Yeah. Yeah, I know Wait, I remember that it was Alex that told us that we had to tell him We never said that we were gonna tell him Yeah, he did tell us that we had to tell him I think I realized we didn't have to do that We could just go on the spur of the moment and check it out for ourselves You know, we want to keep it low-key You know what happens Alex when we get together crowds form autographs all that stuff and I just wanted it to you know Be a little bit Mellow this time and it you know, I put a hood over my head and everything was fine But I gotta say, you know, the spirit in in New York is is incredible You know You expect contentiousness when there shouldn't be any with the whole mask situation and social distancing but everybody was really looking out for each other and I didn't get any kind of The feeling that you might hear about in the mass media people were just happy to be out and You know glad to be seeing Old places again and and and people and just being outside in the fresh air So don't believe the reports that you might be hearing about how New York has turned into a cesspool and everybody's killing each other No, it's not like that at all. It's it's amazing. It's like a breath of fresh air and Hope to come back soon. Alex. I see you're holed up in Pennsylvania, though Yeah, I'm holed up in Pennsylvania, but I spend about you know half the week in New York, I guess Okay, I will say this you're you're seeing New York at a time when it is Re-emerging from the pandemic and the darker days of the the fall and the winter I have to say it was really not such a nice place. Well, no place was no place a nice place I think especially in New York. It was yeah, there were very few people out on the streets. I would look out For my street, which is a very busy Street in Manhattan And you know ordinarily any time of the day or night you can see people milling around three o'clock in the morning four o'clock in The morning doesn't matter. So if people I would look out the window and not see anybody walk down the street for ten minutes I mean it it felt like a ghost town. It was certainly more dangerous, but it is so Very much snapping back right now. I mean the city feels happier. It feels healthier. It's sunny You know, it's it's a it's a vibrant place again And what the city lost to my mind during the height of the pandemic was You know when you walk outside of your apartment or whatever it is your office building here You're on the street in Manhattan any borough really and you feel this buzz There was always a buzz of activity in New York. That was what was missing during the lockdown It was gone but I feel like it's back you walk out the streets and people are happy and they're doing things and and once again and What did you think by the way of all the the outdoor dining? Oh, I think it's great, you know I wanted to be first of all, I was wondering somebody must have made a fortune building all these structures The designs got really really good. Yeah, there's some incredible finish work out there They're just a craftsman behind all this but there's every shop through their own They have like high voltage for for heaters in the winter and it was incredible Yeah, I think if any good is gonna come out of the hell we've been through in the last year That's the good that's going to come out of it You know was being in the city. Maybe this is just me not being in the city for a while But I really do think there was a change. I see a lot more people out on bikes I see a lot more people walking. I see less cars and certainly less parking spaces because of all the The new outdoor dining and I think that's great. I think you know, we need to to have more of a people-based City not Deadly vehicle type sitting I think we're making the transition rather nicely And you know, I hope that these these outdoor structures help to save a lot of these Establishments that might otherwise not survive. Yes, Rob. Go ahead Yeah, I I do appreciate the outdoor dining structures. I Also appreciate the bike lanes and walkable sidewalks So in some places you've seen the app we see the outdoor structures actually taking away from those In in a lot of places they're taking away from parking spaces for cars Which is fine for me because you know fewer cars is not a bad thing in this city Well, they are in the street, you know, they're in the street. They shouldn't be on the sidewalk The structures are for the most part in the street, but not always not always there are several restaurants by my office I have been in the city two days a week Since right after Labor Day and it's fascinating to see there it I actually basically slalomed down the sidewalk yesterday because that There are there's a restaurant that has taken over half of its block with strategically placed tables and at one point there's like a stoop with stairs and there's I have no idea how someone who had a Stroller or who used a wheelchair would be able to get through that block right now because the sidewalk is so constrained I love seeing the outdoor dining in the streets. I'm a little less Enthused about outdoor dining tables on the side. Well, yeah, that's true. There needs to be some tweaking I think we're in that stage right now If you walk down the sidewalk going from one place to another and you wind up getting handed a menu That's a sign of a problem and we need to address that and make sure that it doesn't encroach on people who are simply trying To get from one place to another but I just you know, I felt like I was saying this to Kyle I just felt like people had ownership more you know what I mean by that is People were walking around like it was their city like they had reclaimed it but they had survived, you know a year of hell and they weren't going to to lose anymore and I just I just got that kind of defiant attitude and I think defiant attitudes are great So I'm hoping this is something we don't let go of and we keep we keep building on it I Suggest people just go into town walk around spend a day just seeing things and and Experiencing these first new days because they are very special Yeah, and and support the businesses that you've been worried about all year the the places you love the places that that take care of you well and the places that deserve to Survive the rougher times as we've all as we've all been facing. We we had a frozen yogurt recently out of an outdoor dining area You've been living in the fast lane haven't you Wow tell us tell us about those Our air conditioner is not working correctly right now so in the 90 degree heat on Sunday, I said we're getting out of here and We walked through our neighborhood and it was lovely and we got frozen yogurt and we ate it outside And then we went shopping in a store that had air conditioning and and then we came home Yeah, Wow Life in the fast lane, there's life in the fat, but but great good for you. And that's that's that's awesome Um, I did have a new experience This past week. I did something that I haven't done in a year and a half do share. I caught a cold. Oh, wow Hopefully not intentionally But I guess I guess we can do that again any particular event, I mean masks work is the thing and We are completely vaccinated and we were visiting family who are completely vaccinated with the exception of the small child who was so excited to see me and He while I was holding him coughed directly into my mouth and Shared his daycare cold Wow, and you brought that back to Manhattan or to the Queen. I sure did I well mostly to Queens But it was very interesting I Contacted the HR department at my work and I said I feel terrible like I physically feel terrible but am I gonna need a negative kovat test to come back in and She said oh, well, you're vaccinated. So Only if you're actively symptomatic and I'm not actively symptomatic The symptoms are the same as a cold though, aren't they? Not entirely because I still have my sense of taste my sense of smell I'm not achy. I just had a stuffy nose and and a cough, but the good news is that It was not a kovat cough because you should pardon me, but kovat coughs are not productive and mine was Well, good for you. I'm happy to hear that and I had and I also had no fever Wow But I think you touched on a very good point in that us wearing masks for the last year Yeah, I guess there have been fewer colds as well. I was wondering about that if I catch a cold How is it? I'm catching a cold but not catching kovat. Do they travel? And in fact, it turns out they they the germs do travel in a different manner So you can catch a coat a cold while while wearing a mask, but not be protected from kovat But I do think that wearing the masks Kept us from other unpleasant things as well. So there there's a you know, another positive aspect to all that I feel like just at least having It as one more thing in your pocket has been The theme and will probably be the theme going forward yeah, because you slip it on or you know, you at least have it for a situation that You may have learned from like as in Gia's story You know walking around we went to the west side. I don't often go to the west side I know Alex you spending time in the west side But we went to the Hudson River, you know that little island They built the floating island little island got a look at that You can't go to it because you have to make a reservation months in advance And we weren't about to do that But the architecture is interesting all the new buildings there that have sprung up in in recent years Hadn't really gotten a close look at them before there's one scary looking building there If maybe a listener can help us tell tell us what this building is with a kind of a ledge way up high It looks like an observation deck It's right by the Hudson River and I get scared just looking at it and seeing all the people standing on it You know, it looks looks like you know, we're on the Hudson. That's a pretty long stretch of river Yeah, it's in there I think it's in the 20s the 20s or the 30s in that in that zone probably and we visit Moynihan train hall Which is great. You know, we actually have a European style train hall and in Manhattan I urge everybody to go and visit that and if they rebuild Penn Station to to make it worthy of its name Then we'll have something truly amazing in that region. But you know one thing that we saw that was distressing Hotel, Pennsylvania Locked up literally got a padlock on it with a laser-printed sign that says hotel closed Nothing more than that. There is no reason for that hotel to be closed now because people are Visiting again other hotels are open and the only reason we can see for this happening is that Vornado really wants to push ahead with their plans to demolish it and build a Another office building that we don't need as part of a master plan of some sort really. It's it's a disservice I know people in New York don't appreciate it because you know people in New York don't tend to stay in hotels in New York, but people who travel and need affordable places to stay that hotel was a godsend and It's just recognizable to everybody. It's it's their trademark is the most popular hotel in the world So I think we have the most popular hotel in the world Being shuttered by a greedy landlord who wants to put thousands of people out of work So that they can build an office tower that is not needed. It's so wrong I know the hope conferences aren't being held there anymore, but that's not the issue You know when we said we wanted to save the hotel back in 2008 We meant it then and we mean it now Because it's a structure worthy of preservation. It's got so much history and it serves a Very valuable purpose. It was a very successful place and there's no reason to have that depressing site greet people when they get out of Penn Station of a once vibrant place closed just because Some some landlord made the decision Alex go ahead. I Raise just the issue of What what in the hell is the landmarks Preservation Commission doing in New York these days? I mean they were so quick to Insist on rubber stamping the landmark designation of the strands building an entirely unremarkable building architecturally And claiming that it had all of this cultural significance Well, the hotel Pennsylvania has a hell of a lot of cultural significance a huge amount of history and yet they're doing nothing In so far as I can tell to save that building As they did nothing with with many many many other buildings that also deserved landmark recognition the biggest Comment I hear about the hotel is that it's it's not attractive. It's not pretty but you know a lot of times history isn't pretty Okay, you know some of the some of the ruins in Rome and boy, you know It looks like somebody let it go, you know go to waste but it's there's history So many stories so much has happened and It really is a significant structure. Yes, Kyle I just want to add that when you look in through the side entrance You can see the exposed beam that was part of a small project they had started inside the hotel showcasing different intact historical parts of the hotel with some kind of placard and A setting dressing to put it in context for what it was originally and people who say to the hotel could go and look at different parts of it and this beam is one of those things in the Lobby there and peering into the closed doors was surreal Knowing that that was something that they were emphasizing and now here it is in flux so I imagine whatever it becomes some of that will have to stay put or You know Be a sticking point on any kind of demolition. Yeah, I just realized we have a phone We can call the hotel right now and see what greets people when when they try to connect Kyle Do you think that's something you could work out? Because we use the phone for overtime and by the way folks if you want to call us you can call us just not during this part because we're not in the studio and we have no control over the phone and More importantly the delay system But we do have a phone here and we have overtime at 8 o'clock do you want tone or pulse? It doesn't matter well tone because we might have to hit some some numbers after so Going to call Pennsylvania six five thousand, which is a famous number ready. Yeah It's exciting That's amazing Thank you for calling New York's Hotel, Pennsylvania an Energy Star awarded property and the world's most popular hotel We're conveniently located at 401 7th Avenue at 33rd Street Directly across from Penn Station and Madison Square Garden if you are calling about booking reservations You may choose to access our website at For real-time booking 24 hours a day seven days a week and for information about our packages and specials If you know the extension of the party you would like to reach Please dial it now or select from the following options for room reservations. Please press 1 Please hold on while I try that extension Oh, maybe they're open The number you are trying to reach is out of service And there you go that is sobering that is very very sobering It's like somebody just walked away and unplugged it that's that's that's horrible Anyway, so that was a that was a negative part of our trip to New York seeing that I hope that situation Gets resolved somehow. I hope people come to their senses literally thousands of people work there and Some of the best people around they really are awesome people and I hope those jobs can be saved. Go ahead Gila I was gonna say I did per the recorded instructions. Check out hotel Penn dot-com Which is still running fairly normally except that on the home page. There's a little Banner that says we're closed due to kovat 19 and then there are Steps that they're outlining about how they're handling kovat 19 and they put in hand sanitizers and told their staff to stop hugging people Yeah, but except their staff is no longer there. Yeah, they're close No, I understand that per the website. You wouldn't know. Yeah, that's true. I don't think it's been updated in six months. Yes, Rob This is also a bit of telecom history because as people might know I think Pennsylvania six five thousand holds a holds a record for being like the longest phone number in service or one of them anyway You know, it was it was that when Glenn Miller wrote the tune and it's still Pennsylvania six five thousand if you translate, you know PE six five thousand to modern numbers and use the area code, which is Manhattan two one two, and here's a bit of trivia those people Okay, thank you. Is that your your toddler cold there? Okay The second place number is the WBA I pledge line two one two two zero nine two nine five zero. That's right We got it back I had a long fight and we got the number back if you call that number now you can pledge and support WBA I support this radio station support this radio show just tell the nice person picks up the phone that you want to support the station and Tell them how much you'd like to pledge one-time pledge Monthly pledge all sorts of different things. You can also go to give to WBA org keep this voice of freedom alive and keep people away who try to Lock the doors and take it over. It happens every now and then it's it's it's like a pandemic of sorts We call it the Pacific a pandemic or a telenovela Sort of like that, too Hey one of our listeners Called us actually after the show last week on overtime and this is the kind of thing that That we're talking about when we say you can participate in the radio show Yeah, when if you call after the show You can talk to us and we can actually get involved in things that you're involved in Except I've lost I've lost it. Did I give you a piece of paper Kyle? Oh Yeah, give me that you need that yes, damn it Looking all over the place for it and you you had the paper that I needed. This is what our listener wrote to us I called you on off the hook overtime this evening asking if you might help me with a petition for The disabled and this is important the situation our listener is going through involves home health aides and The issue is that she doesn't know if they're vaccinated for kovat 19 when they come to her house and She's getting difficulty finding out that information. I find the situation to be completely abhorrent Did a little bit of research into this and I know there are people out there who know a hell of a lot more Hopefully can write to us OTH at 2600 comm With more information or perhaps be part of overtime later when no doubt we'll talk about this some more But according to a New York Times article from a couple of months ago This is a question of many long-term care employers from individual families to big national companies are confronting as vaccines become more available In a pandemic, can they require vaccination for those who care for very vulnerable older adults and should they well some employers aren't waiting Atria senior living which is one of the nation's largest assisted living chains Announced that by May 1st, all staff members must be fully vaccinated Silverado a small chain of dementia care homes Wow dementia care homes a chain of dementia care homes. Just it's just a weird phrase to say mostly on the west coast Mandated vaccination by March 1st juniper communities, which operates 22 facilities in four states has also adopted a mandate We felt it was the best way to protect people not just our residents, but our team members and their families Said Lynn Katzmann juniper's chief executive of the company's nearly 1,300 employees about 30 individuals have self-terminated Wow, that that means quit in corporate speak, but it sounds so ominous They have self-terminated because of the vaccine requirement now juniper's experience supports with public health experts have said for years vaccine mandates like those that many health care organizations have established for the flu vaccine remain controversial, but They do increase vaccination rates as of February 25th 97.7% of juniper residents had received two vaccine doses and so had 96% of its staff members which makes sense a National recruiting platform for health care companies my CNA last month polled 250 companions aides and nursing assistants and facilities and in home care it interviews thousands more daily It estimates that 35% plan to be vaccinated 20% do not and more than 40% remain unsure. That is abysmal absolutely terrible These workers can't distance from the older people They help with tasks like bathing dressing and toileting as they enter and leave facilities and private homes often working multiple jobs These workers can spread the corona virus and they and their families are likewise vulnerable to its dangers Now experts say it's probably legal for employers to make vaccination a condition of employment the Federal Equal Opportunity Employment Commission has agreed so long as mandates permit health and religious exemptions University of Pennsylvania analysis found last fall that nationally about half of American adults would consider employer mandates acceptable It's unwise to mandate a vaccine while it's under an emergency use authorization as the three vaccines and use in the United States are That's according to Lawrence Gostin a law professor at Georgetown University Now because mandates during emergency use authorization known as EUA could bring legal challenges He advised waiting for full Food and Drug Administration Approval which could come fairly soon actually for Pfizer and Moderna vaccines After that, he said I would expect state or local governments might mandate that people working in health care be vaccinated They would have the right to do that ethically He said though it's entirely justified people have the right to take chances with their own health that they absolutely do not have the right to endanger others now some individuals who hire home care aides Privately say they will require future candidates to be vaccinated and that's that's something I think our listener needs to keep in mind that she has the right to insist that anybody who comes into her home be vaccinated now From the Chicago Tribune when Melissa Fisher learned she'd have to get vaccinated to keep her job. She tried to fight it Fisher works in an assisted living and memory care facility run by Chicago based and Levant She gave the company a letter from her pastor explaining her religious objection She also volunteered to get tested for COVID-19 each week rather than be vaccinated But and Levant stood firm telling her in an email that her request to forego Vaccination was denied because of the nature of her job and the threat to yourself and others from remaining unvaccinated and Fisher expects her last day will be Monday. I just thought they would honor my freedom of religion my rights But apparently we don't have that right anymore Yeah, but you do you do have that right you just don't have the right, you know, I have the right to you know To launch a rocket for Elon Musk, you know, but I'm not qualified really So I'm not gonna get to do that, but I have the right, you know there's nothing saying that I don't have the right to do that if I'm qualified if I pass certain tests and by saying You don't want to get a vaccine and you want to work in home health care You're not passing a test an important test Fisher is an apostolic holiness Christian And Levant has more than 200 facilities across the country Fisher who works at an on Levant facility in Tennessee helps residents with daily tasks Yeah, so basically she believes requirements to get vaccines could be a first step towards and I'm quoting her here towards the mark of the beast and Apocalyptic reference from the book of Revelation. Okay, you know what you're free to believe all this But you're believing all of this should not be forced upon other people just as you say You don't want other people's beliefs forced on you. That is what you are doing by insisting that you're okay. You're safe I mean she says she would never endanger the people for whom she cares. She wears masks and gloves It's not enough How do you explain this? She doesn't think it makes sense for our Levant to require her to get vaccinated when outside health care workers and visitors are allowed in the facility without proof of vaccination I Understand that I'm dealing with the elderly. I don't take that lightly. They're my family. I'm not going to do anything to jeopardize them That's right. You won't because she's leaving on June 8th so It's you know crazy conversation we have to have but Science medicine. These are important things and religion is important to people too. I get that but just like you know the woman who was in charge of or was it a guy in charge of Granting marriage licenses who objected to gay marriage licenses? Well, you know what you have the wrong job because that is your job to do that And if it's something that conflicts with your religion, you need to be reassigned to something else It's not a hard concept to grasp Yeah, it's it's right up there with people, you know objecting people who work at like say a pharmacy objecting to the fact that they Have to sell people say birth control items when their own beliefs don't allow for such things But yep, you're the person there whose responsibility that is and no one's forcing you to Do these things, you know, no one's forcing you to put yourself at risk But at the at the same time like with an issue like vaccination There's an old saying like you're right to swing your fist and somewhere before it reaches my face And when you're when you go out there unvaccinated you are putting everyone around you at increased risk That is a scientific fact that is not your feelings that is not your religious beliefs That is how this works. We know this and there are so many other Aspects of our lives that we can apply that to you know, waving guns around Just acting in an unsafe manner driving on safely, you know, you have rights you have privileges You have things that if you're able to do them, you should be able to do them but when you start acting irresponsibly hurting other people you lose those rights and That's just the way it is. That's how it has to be. Otherwise Society can't function. Anyway, let me read this this petition and people can get involved if if they want to I am disabled and at high risk for severe consequences or death if I were to get kovat I need the help of a home health care aide who was fully vaccinated Hhc Hhc agencies claim they can't ask their aides to be vaccinated or disclose their vaccination status to me But this is not so hhc That's a hard acronym to say Agencies are allowed to insist that all employees be vaccinated They can ask aids to sign a confidentiality waiver to let them to let me know the vaccination status of an aid as it is I have not been able to get an hhc aid since January 3rd and My need is dire I am only one of many vulnerable people who have the right to be assured that the help they need will in fact not Endanger them although Hhc agencies claim all of their aides are properly trained and how to wear masks I have witnessed this is not so e.g. People climb the stairs and as soon as they get in the door take off their mask to pant to pant They also claim that having had their temperature taken earlier in the day means they are healthy Anyone who was actually serious about their clients safety would be willing to be vaccinated and to say so an agency that is serious about Clients safety would require this of all employees Please pass whatever legislation you can to help make this happen and the link for this petition Disabled need vaccinated AIDS. I don't know if it's case-sensitive if it is Disabled need vaccinated AIDS each word is capitalized and AIDS is spelled a ID es again disabled need vaccinated AIDS and Yeah, this is a you know, I had no idea this was an issue I just thought common sense was prevailing here. And of course, this wouldn't be a problem, but I should stop making that mistake because obviously it is it really shows there's like variability even in a sector that deals with people who are at specific risk for a situation like this and the Seriousness of the pandemic is no less serious. We have options and it's a sort of relative freeing up and opening up so to speak, but I would say it's still a sort of situation that demands a certain amount of caution and Yeah, I don't know. I just how are you in health care if you're not taking advantage of all the possible things especially with something like this Disease that we're still learning a lot about we don't know the long-term effects of it We don't know if there's going to be re-emergence in some way or these Variants, of course as I've been in the news so much still and you know, we feel like we're experts on this now Somehow there are a lot of intelligent people well-trained people who make the wrong decision who reach the wrong conclusions There is no field that is immune from this If only there were a vaccine, but there isn't for that So don't be surprised when somebody who you would think would get it doesn't for one reason or another It's and it's very easy to be to be convinced and I know we're gonna get angry emails from this It's it's it's inevitable. We always seem to get the angry emails like for instance last week We got an email from somebody in between the really fantastic ones didn't get well I don't know we seem to get more of the angry ones in the than the fantastic ones late I don't know if the fantastic people just doing fantastic things somewhere else, but not writing us letters Maybe you can write us a letter oth 2600 calm make us feel like you know, we're not shouting into the wind here Okay, here's a letter from Alex you said it was laughable that the unvaccinated were wearing masks So they won't catch kovat from the vaccinated Yeah, it was that was pretty laughable. I thought he didn't think so You should do your homework before talking over 5,000 fully vaccinated people have come down with kovat and from Pfizer's own official documents state both inhalation and skin contact will transmit whatever is in the VAX from the vaccinated to the Unvaccinated and that the results are devastating. So please inform yourself before opening your mouth Well Alex how How do I say this nice how does this ignorance get so pervasive How I mean well I know how I know how because like I said people that you trust people that seem to have some kind of stature in the community say things that are utter nonsense and whenever somebody does that Many many more people believe them. So we're not blaming you Alex for getting this so incredibly wrong But understand that this is a huge problem. This is something that So many people are falling victim to it doesn't take much to look into this Even though you really shouldn't have to The claim is that people who are fully vaccinated against kovat 19 can shed viral particles from the vaccine and infect Unvaccinated people and Basically that there is An organization known as Lifesite la fe si te they bill themselves as an independent pro-life news outlet And they have written that people who have received the coronavirus vaccine may still infect others As these experimental vaccines create spike proteins vaccinated individuals can shed some of these particles to close contacts causing disease in them including in children It says the sub headline of the article which has more than 2,000 shares on Facebook and Facebook, of course is the other The cause of all this well the clearinghouse as evidence Lifesite which was banned from YouTube for repeatedly sharing misinformation about the pandemic Cited in April 26 press release from a group called America's frontline doctors The vaccine produces many trillions of particles of spike proteins in the recipient patients who are vaccinated can shed some of these spike protein particles to close contacts The particles have the ability to create inflammation and disease in these contacts. In other words, the spike proteins are pathogenetic disease causing just like the fall virus So when you develop a check on this, which you know is is not too difficult to do Fatality rates among fully vaccinated people who develop COVID-19 That is misleading according to experts Now the information which comes from an official sounding group makes it seem like there's Little benefit and potentially some harm to getting vaccinated against COVID-19 That could not be further from the truth Public Health Authorities say three coronavirus vaccines approved for emergency use in the United States are safe And effective at preventing serious COVID-19 infections Americans who receive those vaccines do not shed particles of the virus or the vaccine For one thing the virus is not a part of the vaccine So how would that even happen while there's a small chance COVID-19 vaccinated people can still get sick and spread the virus called breakthrough cases Research suggests they are less likely to transmit the virus and unvaccinated people and I can also add that if you do get sick and You're vaccinated the sickness will be much much less serious And if you were not vaccinated that has been proven over and over again America's frontline doctors has previously spread misinformation about the pandemic. That's their name. That's not who they are America's frontline doctors They spread misinformation including the false claim that hydroxychloroquine is a cure for COVID-19. It is not We can just go on and on about this, but I you know, I want to take so much airtime and just stating the obvious The the claim basically that this listener repeats Misconstrues the the Pfizer trial protocol the claim that people vaccinated against COVID-19 Can shed viral particles and affect other stems from a misunderstanding of documentation in the Pfizer trial When asked for evidence to support the central claim in the live site article author Patrick Delaney pointed to a tweet from dr. Simone gold Claiming Pfizer itself had acknowledged people near vaccinated persons could be exposed by inhalation or skin contact Goals April 29 tweet does not prove Pfizer told clinical trial participants. They could expose unvaccinated people to COVID-19 It shows a subsection of the company's trial protocol that lays out What should happen if a participant becomes pregnant or comes in contact with a pregnant person? That's common practice for clinical trials during clinical development of most products pregnant women are actively Excluded from trials and if pregnancy does occur during the trial The usual procedure is to discontinue treatment and drop the patient from the study. Although her pregnancy is typically followed to term So while Pfizer's vaccine was not tested on pregnant individuals the company and public health authorities say it's safe for them to get it so Looking this over on a number of different sites. I haven't been looking at USA Today. There's another one on Reuters Basically, the conclusion is that this is completely 100% false something We probably already knew but here it is again the claim that vaccinated people can shed viral particles from the vaccine and Affect unvaccinated people as false based on our research and the research of so many others None of the three COVID-19 vaccines approved for emergency use in the u.s. Contain live coronavirus and spike proteins cannot be transmitted to another person meaning there's nothing for patients to shed The claim is based on a misrepresentation of routine clinical trial protocol by a group of doctors that has previously spread misinformation about the pandemic We should stop listening to them. You know, this does prove II if you think about it, is that email works? We got their message Yeah, yeah email works that's that's for sure Alex if you have something Yeah, I mean bringing this all back down to you know a topic we often address on the show Hacking and cyber security too. I think look Assuming that some weaker version of this conspiratorial theory is is even true or let's just you know Take a fact that that is true. Let's say you can still get the virus if you have the vaccine, right? You know, they're 95% effective. You can get the virus. You can spread it to other people. But here what we're doing what the vaccine is To put it in cyber security terms is a form of risk mitigation. We are the vaccine is essentially a compensating control for a security vulnerability here in our immune system. Right, the vaccine is going to prevent a massive catastrophic breach, right? So To bring it back to it another analogy, right? If you are a CISO and you implement Let's say 2FA two-factor authentication on all of your users as inboxes That doesn't mean that you're never ever going to have a breach. It doesn't mean you're 100% safe It just means that you have taken some safety precautions some protective measures to reduce the risk that something bad is going to happen To your company to your users in the future. Nothing's 100% And and that's what the vaccine is as well. I mean it is a risk Reducing measure for yourself for other people in and to a very large extent I think we need to come to grips with the fact that we have a duty To others not just to ourselves stop being such a damn narcissist Yeah, I think that's kind of where we have gotten to as a society as a culture just thinking of me first I want to drive the biggest vehicle and be aggressive and you know basically take as much for for myself before anyone else gets anything and and listen to whatever propaganda I want to believe and Facts be damned. Go ahead Rob Yeah, and people have asked about this, especially when we talk about it on this program, um, excuse me That like this is the hacker radio show off the hook. We're a bunch of hackers here How does just going along with what everyone says about vaccines apply in the hacker mindset? And I I would put forth that this is how we do things in the hacker world is you know To compare it again to like infosec When you need to be able to do something and you don't know how to do it You go out there you find sources with the information you consider the sources you consider the information you find all the data that's out there you go with the Conclusions that make sense and the scientific conclusions with this make sense the sources which are you know? trustable the sources which uh, which are Staffed by people who know what they're doing and you know, maybe do this sort of thing for a living Those are the people who have the uh, the best information at this point on how we can all Do our part in in dealing with this in a responsible manner in a way that will you know? Hopefully see an end to this thing for everybody And uh, so yes, I I think it's very hacker like to go get your vaccines Um and to wear your masks and to wash your hands and to do the things that we all need to be doing To take care of ourselves and and one another. Yeah, you know, we are not blind Hackers don't do that. Uh, we weigh the evidence. We look at the science. We experiment we we hear different circumstances And sometimes we agree with uh with the advised protocol. It does happen and I think alex's points about the computer security are are well taken because Uh, there are many times where? You know what you are advised to do is the right thing There are other times when it's not the right thing when that's not the right thing You know what you are advised to do is the right thing there are other times when it's not the right thing when that happens We question and we have evidence to to support our our theses um in this particular case, you can't argue with this and you can't argue with the science, but you'll just make a fool of yourself and Um probably get sick in the process Uh, this is something that obviously I mean, I I just I can't believe we have to have this conversation But look around look at all the people who have suffered as a result of this You know the millions who have died the the the many more who have uh been been um forever altered in one way or another It's not fake. It's not some kind of crazy conspiracy or um, or something the media made up. Uh, and if um, If you find yourself being taken in by that what you're looking at is something far more insidious uh where uh people are able to be manipulated through uh powerful sources And that's something to study that's something I think we really uh need to uh figure out a solution for yes, go ahead I was thinking about vaccinations in general and how you know, people are kind of extrapolating You know should no vaccine should be required and it was my mom Uh did some volunteer work with elementary school students And they were talking about vaccination and she said to them. Do you know what polio is? And they had no idea Because it was such a non-factor for them And I think about how diseases that had basically been eradicated have come back Because people refuse to vaccinate think about the measles outbreaks in the past few years And are we ever going to get to a point where people? Don't you know in 50 years? We're like will kids have heard of covid19? Will it have gone away? Will it be a thing that people are hearing about? And I can't imagine people Getting on board in the same way That they did with the like if polio happened now We'd all be in iron lungs yeah, that uh That definitely is a possibility given the current mindset. Um of just Distrust and and believing what you want to believe in nothing else I dare say there are people today who don't know what covid is because they refuse to acknowledge that it exists And uh, that is that is simply shocking So I guess you know the conclusion is uh, yeah, um Listen, listen to the scientists. Listen to the doctors. They know what they're talking about And get a vaccine so that you can do things freely and um, uh, you know, enjoy life Because we've all gotten it. We're all doing fine and we're all able to um to walk around and yeah I know, you know people can claim they they have it, you know, they've gotten the vaccine and um and and move around but At great risk to themselves and to others and it's it's um, it's completely irresponsible. It's Incredibly easy to get the vaccine now. Um Go online, uh, their phone numbers public service announcements constantly You can walk into a drugstore and probably get it today And we'd love to hear from somebody Who listened to us and said you know what? I got the vaccine because I listened to what you were saying and it made sense I know we'll get 50 angry letters from people accusing us of being shills for you know, one thing or another but um We really want to see people get past this and and and be healthy um Okay, uh u.s government wanted us to pass along, uh an announcement, uh that they were not in any way behind the disruption Of that russian hacker ring's computer network in the wake of the cyber attack on the fuel line um the colonial pipeline apparently, uh They're they're a little worried that the hackers might think that they had something to do with it. Uh, the shuttering of dark side's operation has led to um, um complaining by I can't believe this complaining by hackers affiliated with the group who claim they have not been paid by the ring leaders Wow, my my heart bleeds and these are not hackers. These are criminals. I'm reading the story Uh from the washington post who really should know better but uh people who go around Spreading ransomware and getting paid for it. Um, no, that's not what hackers are about in any way right alex Well, absolutely. I mean it's it's certainly one of these all too frequent instances of people Conflating hacker and criminal yet yet again but what what's interesting to me here though is for dark side, which is the ransomware group that was responsible for the Colonial pipeline ransomware event what we talked about last week Is is relevant here and that they were offering this as a service ransomware as a service so these guys that were left in the dark are essentially The criminals that were performing the initial compromises of these victims the ones that would Breach the systems maintain some kind of persistent access and then provide that access to the dark side group So that they could then initiate ransomware that they could start encrypting their files in one way or another perhaps moving around laterally finding, you know, the high grade or and then Uh deploying ransomware on that particular network but from from a legal perspective here, I mean this is uh, you know first day contracts law type of principles is that Even if they had some kind of agreement with dark side that they were going to get paid a certain percentage of the ransom That was going to be paid for that ransomware event That's an illegal contract. It's a contract for something illegal and you cannot enforce that So, you know if rob has a contract for you know me to buy Uh 10 pounds of cocaine hypothetically, of course Uh and and I I renege on that contract he can't go into court and try to demand performance Because it's an illegal activity. So these guys are are um what we would say in many years ago poop out of luck Yeah, it's like it's like, you know trying to sue organized crime for not uh hiring more diverse People to work for them. No, but they they just find other ways. I mean, that's that's why That's how like, you know, you have gunplay or other forms of retribution in in Illegal activity, right? Well, that's not right either Um, anyway last thursday dark side announced that it lost access to its servers, which is where it housed and displayed data uh stolen from its victims, um, and in addition and this is kind of sad, uh They said in a blog post funds from the payment server belonging to us and our clients were withdrawn to an unknown account I mean, I don't know who I'm supposed to feel bad for here but it just means there's another set of criminals that are taking advantage of this set of criminals and the saga just keeps going on and I guess there'll be a mr. Robot sequel or something like that Um other hacker news hackers interrupted an israeli tv broadcast with a pro-palestinian message saying jerusalem is the eternal capital of palestine All right, that's kind of interesting. So, um, that's one way to get the message out all of jerusalem Well, I mean, you know, I guess so Well, why not it's it's it's you know being taken in the other direction so um going big, huh? You got to go big especially if you're gonna take over a tv channel if you take over a tv channel You got to say a a strong yet simple message And and reach a lot of people that way unfortunately can't get any more details other than one line on this story So it's being um, it's being sub subdued a bit Um, we're gonna have to continue Talking about all this and other things on overtime Let me tell people how to get to overtime because the hour just goes by so fast Uh, we are on youtube and if you go to channel 2600, that's one word and the number 2600 You should find us there starting eight o'clock. If you go to the website you will see A little slide up on the top with a link that you can click on and you'll go there as well And then you can call us Uh at our special phone number, which is 802-321-4225 802-321-4225 which spells hack. Hey, I want to um, I want to leave with um A song that I think was was um, not Given what it deserved at the eurovision awards this past weekend. It's the dutch Entry actually from a surinamese singer songwriter named jongo mackroy. It's called birth of a new age. It's um, Written about george floyd and about black lives matter And it really is inspirational and I think it could be a hit everywhere it's played so Let's see if that happens here We will see you next week here on wbai and We'll see you in a few minutes on overtime Good night Your rhythm is And they poison your ground Names this ain't the end. No, it's the birth of a new age You know Like a hurricane Prison your thoughts Of your faith We are the fruit adorning the legacy of every forgotten revolutionary born in resilience Yeah Me