And you're listening to radio station WBAI New York It's seven o'clock and yes, that means it's time for another exciting edition of off the hook Now I can't make a call, we couldn't get much worse But if they could, they would, so give them all the best and take the worst I hope that's understood, one minute more I hope that's understood, one minute more I hope that's understood, one minute more And a very good evening to everybody, the program is off the hook Emmanuel Goldstein here with you on this Wednesday evening joined tonight by Kyle Hello And over in Skype land we have Rob T. Firefly Good evening Gila Good evening And Alex Good evening All right, I think we're all together, this went rather smoothly Welcome Well, you know, even a stop clock is right twice a day Yeah, thank you for that. Alex, are you back in the city or are you still in Pennsylvania? I am still in Pennsylvania because yet again the New York City Board of Education had elected to delay my son's school opening So we will be heading back, he started school but only remote sessions And we're going to be heading back to the city for a couple of days at least next week All right, well we're all looking forward to that with great anticipation Look what I have in my hand, I don't know if you guys can see this But I have the new issue of 2600 Magazine, which, that's what it sounds like hitting the microphone Yeah, we actually have it and boy, this issue was met with more controversy before it came out than I think any issue we've ever done And it's because of the cover, we talked about this a little bit last week And the cover was posted as we released the PDF version on our store and the Kindle version A number of people didn't like the cover because it appeared to them to be anti-police It really isn't anti-police, it's pro-justice Maybe some people think those two things are the same, I don't But a number of people cancelled their subscriptions and the reaction to that was a mass outpouring of support Which I really appreciate, I want to thank people who stepped up It matters, it matters whether it's WBAI that you step up to or 2600 or the HOPE conferences It matters, people like us who volunteer time really feel energized when people say, yeah, what you do matters And we're just talking about a small number of organizations here There are so many more that deserve your support as well So please consider stepping up to them and saying what you do matters Whether it's medical workers or civil rights organizations or just nice people Let people know that what they're doing matters and is making a difference And by the way, when I mentioned WBAI, let me just give out that phone number because it is important It's 516-620-3602, did I get that right? Okay, good, I was totally out of memory this time And that number you can call and just pledge any amount and become a BAI buddy What that means is you can pledge $5 a month, $10 a month, but it's once a month But it adds up to a bigger number over the course of a year It's awesome and it keeps us going It keeps annoying pledge drives from polluting the airwaves constantly And the more people who do this, the better So if you appreciate what we've been doing here over the years, over the decades Please, 516-620-3602 or go to And you can pledge that way And make sure you say off the hook, is your favorite radio show? Don't lie, we assume it is, you're listening now If something else is your favorite radio show, okay, say that But we sure hope you name us It's certainly my favorite I would hope so, I mean, how many other shows are we on? Well, yeah, so the issue is that And we're very happy, this issue is very late, as you may notice We have a cricket in here, don't we? We have a cricket in our studio Not to be confused with our audience No, they're not sleeping It's impossible to find a cricket, you know that? You can hunt them down, you see them occasionally But they're not making noise when you see them If you go hunting for one and they get quiet, that's when you're getting close But you can never actually find one So we have a cricket, you might hear that And that means it's autumn It's peak time for them, this is when they're fully grown They're starting their careers Well, it's amazing, just the wildlife that we see Because we're spending a lot more time not being in the city And not traveling places So you notice the wildlife around you Some people have noticed things called spider crickets Which are some of the scariest insects I've ever seen It's kind of like a shrimp and a cricket And yeah, it's weird when you see that the first time But now we have crickets You found a katydid the other day Inside, inside, and they're big They're big and they're scary Yes, absolutely But I was able to safely capture it and release it We have wild turkeys You almost ran over a cat today on your bicycle I did, I did Wow, a lot of wildlife So yeah, but getting back to the issue Yeah, it came out in the autumn It's the summer issue Yes, we're late, pandemics will do that But we are committed to making up that schedule, catching up We put out an amazing conference in July and August A nine-day conference And tomorrow I believe we will be announcing officially Our thumb drive set for that conference So you can see all the talks And hear a number of musical performances And hear the music that was played And just relive the entire experience It really was magical And I'm very happy that we were able to put that together as well So we've been busy doing all kinds of interesting things Post-production Yeah, post-production and pre-production Because now we have the autumn issue to work on Which we promise will come out before winter In earnest, yes Yeah, so on the issue of controversial covers We're going to talk about controversial topics as well And I know sometimes people want us to just talk about exploits And software and hardware and things like that You're going to be disappointed Because we talk about the world through a hacker's eyes We're going to talk about the hacker perspective As it relates to whatever is happening right now And what's happening right now We are seeing all kinds of social unrest throughout the nation And I happen to think it's a healthy thing When people stand up and voice opposition Because today in Louisville There was the Breonna Taylor decision, I guess Where the grand jury gave what I guess everyone expected The only police officer who was indicted for any crime in her murder Was a police officer who missed, who didn't hit her Who fired his gun and hit a wall of a different apartment But those cops who actually killed Breonna Taylor while she was sleeping They got off scot-free So yeah, people are going to be a bit upset by that They've imposed a 72 hour curfew in Louisville I didn't know that You mean for 72 hours? I don't understand how curfews aren't infringing on speech Well they certainly are And we're sort of conditioned to be used to curfews now But that is the antithesis of what freedom should be And liberty Don't I have liberty to be out? And especially if I'm out exercising my first amendment right But apparently we're supposed to accept That 9 o'clock to 6.30 And they already arrested like 8 people Wait that's not 72 hours Every day for 3 days it will be a curfew in effect from 9 to 6.30am I thought you meant 72 consecutive hours That would have been crazy And they already arrested like 8 people And people are joking or asking them Is it 9 yet? Because it's certainly not 9 o'clock yet No it's not Yeah and so we have to accept that apparently And I don't think people will I don't think people are feeling too good about this And I think it's silly that the only reaction from the authorities Are that they'll impose this curfew And infringe on people's ability to express themselves Because of their feelings about safety But I truly think they're short sighted They don't understand the conflict they're creating By not having any kind of consequence for the authorities The very authorities that are now going to enforce this And that's the irony Is that it is the same authorities that are in charge of this I would bus in a different police department Or just have some other group of people handle the crowd instead Maybe a bunch of plumbers or bakers or somebody like that Because these are the people that are responsible for what happened For the injustice that is being protested against We're currently watching on our screen WLKY Which is a TV station in Louisville So we're able to see what's going on right now And one person who was speaking to a reporter Said something I thought was quite eloquent Saying that these are always peaceful protests Until the cops arrive And that's so true And having been in some demonstrations Both intentionally and unintentionally Like in 2004 I can attest to that That people generally are chanting and holding signs But then cops show up And they start pushing They start hitting with their batons They start barking out orders to people Or just getting in their face And that's when things turn If you let people alone And let them express themselves for a while It usually turns out a lot better But for some reason That is considered something unacceptable They don't like when it becomes concentrated enough To be viable Or something that people will hear Or that is a statement in and of itself A sort of autonomous gathering of speech And their attitude is Let's disperse that speech At the soonest sign that it's growing Into something that they deem Might be outside of their control Right now we're looking at live video From Jefferson Square Park in Louisville And I see maybe three, four dozen people Gathered around a circle With Breonna Taylor's picture And a whole bunch of signs How is this a threat to anybody? These people are standing In solemn remembrance And in a few minutes I'm certain the cops will arrive And start pushing them And that's when things will change Mark my words But in true Orwellian style And this is something we love to come back to On this program The narrative has been changed So that when people see Black Lives Matter Or when people see demonstrators in the street They pivot to rioting They pivot to civil unrest and violence And they completely ignore The reason why they're out there in the first place And this is a skill Republicans have That Democrats are sorely lacking in Changing the narrative And basically taking something That you're responsible for And shifting it over to the other side Donald Trump is in power right now Not Joe Biden But if you ask any Donald Trump supporter They will blame Joe Biden for this They will blame him for violence in the streets When it's policy That Trump has implemented And backed up And supported That is responsible for the unrest And just a couple of words On the Attorney General From Kentucky Who made the announcement today People don't know this He spoke at the Republican National Convention He is very much in support of Donald Trump And he is on the list of people To fill the vacant Supreme Court seat That was left by the tragic death Of Ruth Bader Ginsburg last week Something else we should touch upon Because that is certainly going to affect The direction our nation goes in In the years, maybe even decades ahead Alex, now you are not only a hacker But you are an upstanding lawyer I'd like to know your views On both the grand jury process And the whole way this has unfolded I understand the grand jury Got the case I would assume it would have been weeks ago And they were deliberating all this time They got the case less than two days ago They got it on Monday And they basically had this worked out super quick Is that unusual? I don't know It depends on how much evidence they were provided That they had to review And the grand jury is just going to return As I understand it In this case I'm not an expert on Kentucky law But in New York a grand jury Would just return an indictment Which determines whether or not Charges are going to proceed I was sort of hoping you were going to ask me About crickets As opposed to all these thorny legal issues I have to say Going back to the issues that you're watching right now And reporting on on the radio With respect to curfews I think there's a couple of points to make On that front too In that a lot of police departments and cities Will get away with this Because the curfews are at a certain time of night And so as Kyle mentioned I think he's right That this definitely does have an effect On one's ability to peaceably assemble Which is a right that is protected Specifically by the First Amendment And you can peaceably assemble And voice your disapproval of the government So the First Amendment The right to get together And the right to speak Go literally hand in hand with the First Amendment And these are incredibly important issues I think to remember But because they happen at night And people have other opportunities To speak when it's daytime out The government can get away with a lot of this And by enforcing these curfews preemptively Before there's ever any problem Violating the curfew becomes an arrestable offense And that's how the police can get away With taking these protesters off the street And that's how the media Can capture a lot of footage Of police scuffles And protesters pushing back Because, you know, look I think to a very large extent, Kyle You're right here That these curfews present Some serious constitutional issues Yeah, what ends up happening Is the debate happens in the street The protesters feel that they have a right The cops try to challenge that right And in turn, there's resistance And then those scuffles, as you said Turn into arrestable offenses We've seen this over and over and over again And I'm just curious What technology, what can people do? I mean, in Portland protests There's a lot of innovative use Hong Kong, umbrellas These signs and symbols of resisting The kind of force that's used Here, we know what's going to happen We know how it's going to play out Protesters have already been raising their phones There's tons of media out there So there's going to be lots of footage Of however this plays out I just think it's kind of unfortunate That all we're really going to see Is more protest voyeurism out of that Right? Because the only recourse people have Is just raising a phone And just showing people Yes, this is how you can't protest What I want to know is How does somebody not support Protesting an obvious violation Of someone's civil rights By being murdered in their bed And nobody being called to account for it? I believe it was 9 out of 10 witnesses Said that there was no audible announcement Of a police presence Before the door was kicked in So the person in the apartment The boyfriend of Breonna Taylor Had every right to shoot at the people Who were breaking into his home But the one person who said He heard somebody say something That became gospel That became the truth And this is the problem And Alex, maybe you can speak to this as well When district attorneys Have these close relationships with police They very rarely do anything That goes against them They work with these people So how can you expect them To actually come down hard on them? So if one person says something And a hundred people say something else Well, if the one person that said something Is a cop or backs up the cop's story That's the version they're going to go with Yeah, I mean, there's clearly A conflict of interest When the district attorneys Who rely on the executive branch Of their counties The police department When they rely on the police To investigate crimes And collect evidence And bring that evidence to them So that the prosecutors can do their jobs I mean, one function is contingent On the other They know these people extraordinarily well This is something that, you know I've been saying for a long time And not just me But I think scores, hundreds Probably thousands of other lawyers Around the country And even district attorneys themselves Have been saying We're not the ones who should Be investigating police misconduct here It should be some kind of Independent tribunal Bring in a district attorney Or a special prosecutor From another county Or another state Or appoint somebody You know, who's not a prosecutor Appoint somebody Who is, you know, a private attorney Or perhaps, you know This is where the federal government Could step in If we had any trust In the Department of Justice To do the right thing I would even suggest regional Like regional tribunals That answer to sort of A national policing standard, right? I mean, there's so many ways You can make it up, right? Yeah, I mean, look The infrastructure's already there When it comes to the Department of Justice Every single state has at least One U.S. Attorney's Office And most states You know, think about New York And a couple of miles We've got two We've got the Southern District of New York And the Eastern District of New York You know, any one of those jurisdictions If we had trust and faith In the Department of Justice To investigate, monitor And regulate police misconduct That would be a great fit, wouldn't it? And that's someplace Where the federal government Could step in And ensure that people's civil rights Are not being violated You know, the Constitution We're talking about here But unfortunately We have somebody At the helm of the Justice Department Who is doing the bidding Of nobody but the President Well, again It's hard for me to understand Why the suggestion you just made, Alex Is opposed by anybody But if you go back a little bit And just look at some of the TV programs We all were brought up on Like NYPD Blue Always internal affairs Were the bad guys And when you look at Who internal affairs is They are part of the police department That investigates misbehavior On the part of cops Or detectives So we are always kind of programmed To view them The people investigating As the bad guys Because they want to take down Our heroes that we see Week after week That kind of thing Lodges in your mind So that you realize Hey, the cops can't be the bad guys And anyone who says they are They're the bad guys So it's weird how Since childhood We are programmed to think In a particular way But clearly If you look at it From a more neutral point of view It's not a good system To have people that Are in law enforcement Working with people on a daily basis Be the ones to decide If somebody is going to be charged or not It's common sense Yeah We were talking about this recently It's so baked into the media environment For the past generations I don't even know how many That, as you said You watch the dashing and sexy Cops on a cop show Say things like Oh, we can't hold him Because we can't prove anything And we got to let the suspect go And talking about How that's ruining things And letting the bad guy Out on the streets You have them Oh, I can't find That last piece of evidence And we got to let the killer go No, that last piece of evidence Is what gets in the way Of innocent until proven guilty But we are baked We are fed this image Of the cops being the good guys The civil rights Of those accused Being the bad guys And it really Twists one's perception Yeah I want to follow up That point On the subject of disparities here And image issues Think about how The teachers' unions Are being portrayed Even right now in New York And holding up school districts Reopening Or auto workers' unions In general, right? So Republicans Those on the right Tend to look at unions Not as the protectors Of the downtrodden Or those who fought For the eight-hour day Or those who busted Child labor laws Or sweatshops Or gave us health care Or workers' rights Or fought for hours Wages and conditions No, they're Problem cases But when it comes To the police unions The police unions Have an extraordinary amount of power An insane amount of power, really And they are constantly Getting in the way Of disciplining police Properly for misconduct And one of the functions Of a union And I think this is An important point to make As the devil's advocate here On behalf of the police now But one of the functions Of all unions Is to ensure That there is due process For all people Who are accused Of workplace violations Due process Just means everybody Has noticed an opportunity To be heard On both sides of the case But there is a big difference Between ensuring That due process rights Are adhered to by tribunals And misusing process And abusing the process To prevent people Who have engaged In obvious misconduct Or civil rights violations From facing justice And I think that's what We have a lot of With police unions Especially here in New York I hate to say Except you're in Pennsylvania But I know, I take your point Oh, that's true Yeah, but yeah You're absolutely right Pat Lynch was the head Of the police union In New York City Guy is an unhinged psychopath And I say that With all due respect But my God The things that you hear him say To his fellow cops Telling them Oh, don't do your job Because you'll be prosecuted If you do your job You're wondering Why crime is going up In New York City It's not because people Are more violent It's because people like that People like Pat Lynch Go and tell cops Not to do their job And to just see what happens Because people dare to criticize The way we do our job When we kill innocent people So, yeah That is something That is unhealthy That is not what unions Are supposed to be about And it just speaks to The insane Adulation that Many people have Towards law enforcement It's not healthy These people are here To protect us Not to harm us And when they do harm us We need to find out why And we need to prevent it From happening again And that's not what Happened today in Louisville For sure, that's not what happened And when you see people Out in the street You ought to thank them For their service For what they're doing Because that is vital That is so important For the preservation Of our democracy And that's why we're talking About this on Off the Hook Because we care about democracy In all its shapes and forms And what we've seen Over the past four years Is an attack on that A steady attack on that That is threatening To get much, much worse And certainly with the With the vacancy In the Supreme Court Now being something That the Republicans Are jumping at In direct contradiction To what they said Four years ago Yeah, we know We know what kind of fight Is ahead And we know that if If it goes unanswered All kinds of bad things Are going to happen Just yesterday Trump said that we need Nine seats on the Supreme Court To decide the election He literally said that He's like the villain In one of these Scooby-Doo cartoons Who basically ties everybody To a chair Announces exactly His diabolical plan Before the dynamite blows up He can't shut up He's his own worst enemy But yeah, that is why They want to fill this seat so badly So that if the election is contested Which it's already being contested That's the crazy thing He wants to rig the election And then rig the court So that everything's rigged And then the very first thing He'll say after the whole thing is Oh yeah, it was rigged Yeah For him, yeah He's doing everything he can So we have to We have to stay awake on this We have to basically Forget about what we believe As far as policies And look at behavior And if you're somebody Who is on the other side Of our general politics here And there are many people who are Our condolences Well, I mean, all sarcasm aside Look at what has been happening Alright, look at the actual Statements that have been made And ask yourself Is that right? Does that seem a little sleazy That four years ago My side said that Can't select a new Supreme Court Justice During an election year That's what they said They didn't say Unless this or this or this Which is what they are saying now Changing the rules After things happen to their advantage You know, if it was the other way around And it was somebody I supported Saying that I wouldn't feel good about it You know, it's not going to change The way you vote I get that But can you at least acknowledge That this is sleazy This is sleazy behavior It's not honest And it's really not something To be proud of I just wonder if people can do that Yeah, there's a C-SPAN clip Going around from about an hour ago When Trump was in front of the press And a reporter asked him You know, in the case In the case that you lose the election Basically in so many words Asking, will you commit right now That there will be a transfer A peaceful transfer of power And he responded to that With a non-answer That rambled for a bit But then he actually said In a room full of reporters And this is the direct quote We want to get rid of the ballots And you'll have a very peaceful There won't be a transfer Frankly, there will be A continuation of power Wait, he said He wants to get rid of the ballots? Yeah, he said He wants to get rid of the ballots And there won't be a transfer of power There will be a continuation of power This is the President of the United States Who just got up Hang on, Rob, Rob No, no, no, no, Rob You must somehow Have tied into Lukashenko And we're watching A Belarusian program Belarusian C-Span It's the next channel over Sometimes people get confused There's no way In our country The United States of America That a President said That he wants to get rid of the ballots And just have a continuation of power He just said the quiet part out loud And it's pretty amazing That we're even at this point I don't know if I should say What I really feel like saying about that But go ahead, Alex Yeah, we still are Subject to FCC regulations, Kyle Oh no, no, it would be more like Yeah, I'm good, go ahead You can email us OTH at And we'll send you the words That we want to use Through email That's true And you'll know then I do want to present You know, one point And then perhaps One contrary point of view When it comes to The Supreme Court nomination Here, I think This is an issue That came up four years ago In the Merrick Garland context And the sole reason That the Democrats I'm sorry The sole reason That the Republicans Insisted on not pushing Through Merrick Garland Is the same reason Why they insist on pushing Through whatever the new nominee Is right now Because it's an election year And this has nothing to do With the Constitution It has, you know, a lot to do Perhaps with, you know The composition of the court But it is most to do With energizing the political base The lowest common denominator Of the Republican Party To get out the vote And it's Four years ago It was about pandering To the evangelicals And this year It is about pandering To the evangelicals And the contrary point That I want to make here Because, like we said last week We don't shy away From pointing fingers At both sides of the aisle here I think the blame for this Can be squarely pointed On the fact that the Democrats Four years ago Let this happen They created some bizarre Crazy, idiotic precedent Because they were resting On their laurels All safe in the belief That Trump would not win The 2016 election That Hillary Clinton Would then be able to nominate Whomever she pleased To the Supreme Court The Democrats had no spine back then It energized the political base Of the Republican Party The evangelicals And it's exactly what is happening now And I dare say You know, this could Very easily Tip the election Back into Trump's favor And it would be The Democrats' fault Yet again Well, okay, two questions What could the Democrats Have done in 2016 To prevent this from happening then And what do you think They can do now To prevent it from happening You know, it's Difficult for me to say I'm not in office right now But, you know, this has got to be Something that has to It's a political issue, right This is also a constitutional issue That a president has the right To do this Not in certain circumstances Where the Senate may be controlled By one party And then the executive branch By another party We're talking about the Constitution The Democrats should have relied On the literal text Of the Constitution That gives the president The authority To appoint Supreme Court justices And use that Like a goddamn cudgel To beat sense Into everybody else Who did not agree with it Yeah, but Alex In 2016 They didn't have the votes In the Senate to do that How could they have done it I'm sorry, say that again a minute In 2016 They didn't have the votes In the Senate To push forward a vote So how could they have done this Well, they have to make They have to make The constitutional argument They have to insist That people Do their constitutional duties Of pushing forward This kind of vote I mean, the fact that It was a political stalemate To not push forward a nomination Should not be a complete bar To getting something moving With a Supreme Court nominee Yeah, but I don't How do they do that If they don't have You might have the answer here But I don't know how it works If you don't have The majority in the Senate How do you push it forward anyway I know Rand Paul Knows how to do it He can always stop Anything he wants But how do the Democrats Actually push forward something If they don't have the votes They can get They can get stalemated On these procedural issues For sure But then And if that's the case You know It may be very difficult To do something like Get the courts involved Or you know Issue writs Because you just Don't have enough time But at that point Then what you need to do Is find a compromised candidate Somebody that both parties Can agree with That's what the political process Is designed to ensure That there is a candidate That's palatable to Whatever political parties And whatever persons There are representing the people So What they should have done Is not insist on Merrick Garland Perhaps But they could have insisted On somebody else Somebody that would have been You know A little bit better I do have to say though That the people That Trump appointed You know You know Mr. You know Beer guzzling Frat guy aside But Neil Gorsuch I have to say Has been a pretty Decent jurist Well The latest one That he is Putting forward Her main goal Is to establish A kingdom of God Whatever that means And the law career Is secondary to that That sure doesn't Bode well And I don't know If compromising Even further Is the answer It doesn't sound like That's really moving forward With strength I think what Needs to be done I think you touched upon this Is that Yeah They have to get in the way Of anything happening And I think We as citizens Can do that as well You know Basically Prevent any work From getting done Until this is put aside For one thing The stimulus package Needs to go through That is more important That's something The Senate has been sitting on They need to do that Before they do anything Involving Supreme Court justices And we have to raise our voices And surround buildings And cause denial Of service attacks Whatever it takes To shut them down That needs to happen Because they're clearly Not listening Yeah I mean I agree And while you were talking I was thinking about this too I mean Procedurally I don't know If there really is much That the Democrats can do But they have to Be able to Wield better Political pressure In a concerted manner And I think We saw this a lot When it came to Questioning anybody With the Russian investigations With the Senate Select Committee On Intelligence And the House Permanent Select Committee On Intelligence It all seemed like When the Democrats Were questioning these witnesses It was all about Whoever the person was Doing the questioning When the Republicans Were doing this There was a much more Consistent theme Between questioners And there was a And the transitions were good They have to be Less out for themselves And more out for the country I mean I really believe that Had this not happened In 2016 We would have had A much better chance At avoiding this Ridiculous and thorny situation That we have with Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Replacement now And I do have to say One sort of anecdote About RBG Is that I actually Had lunch with her In 2006 In D.C. When I was a I was a law clerk I was clerking for The Chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals For the Armed Forces We were like the Supreme Court of the Military And once a year Or once a term I'm not sure what it was But she hosted a lunch For federal law clerks Down in D.C. And so it wasn't just She and I You know About 20 other people There in the room But it was pretty cool To sit in the room And have lunch With Ruth Bader Ginsburg And I think You know The most amazing thing That I took away from it Was that she was just A person You know She was approachable She was kind Personable Non-imposing And then four years later We had a case In front of the Supreme Court Where we were Arguing on behalf of U.S. service members And civilians And against the United States government And Iraq And Ruth Bader Ginsburg Asked one question Of the government We wound up actually Losing the case In the Supreme Court But because She asked one question To the government It seemed to pin them down And after the case We were able To get a good settlement So I have a tremendous Respect And great Memories Of RBG Well let's Let's get to a couple Other stories too So Because there is a lot Going on And this is kind of Along the lines Of what we've been Talking about As far as self-reflection And looking at With a critical eye At At At People that You're supposedly aligned with German authorities Said last Thursday What appears to have been A misdirected hacker attack Caused the failure Of IT systems At a major hospital In Dusseldorf And a woman Who needed urgent Admission died After she had to be Taken to another city For treatment So I can say right away You know If a hacker is responsible For something like that That is That is awful And we condemn that In the strongest terms The Dusseldorf University Clinic Systems have been Disrupted since Last Thursday The hospital said Investigators have found That the source Of the problem Was a hacker attack On a weak spot In widely used Commercial add-on software Which it did not Identify As a consequence Systems gradually Crashed And the hospital Wasn't able to Access data Emergency patients Were taken elsewhere And operations Postponed And the hospital said That there was no Concrete ransom demand And that the data Is irretrievably lost And that its IT systems Are being Gradually restarted Now You know Looking at a story Like this Is this what Hacking is? Because It seems to me This is some kind of Automated attack That is relying On insecure Networks That is being Started by people Who are looking For some kind of Payout And All of that Speaks to What hacking Is not And if a hacker Is behind this We would Condemn it In the strongest Terms I don't think This meets The definition Of what Hacking actually is Even though Every media outlet In the world Is reporting This as a Hack attack It doesn't Take any Hacker ability To push A couple of Buttons And have Some exploit Run That cripples A system And it's tragic I don't Think It's A good Thing to do But I don't Think It's A good Thing to do I don't Think It's A good Thing to do I don't Think It's A good Thing to do I don't Think It's A good Thing to do I don't Think It's A good Thing to do I don't Think It's A good Thing to do I don't Think It's A good Thing to do I don't Think It's A good Thing to do I don't Think It's A good Thing to do I don't Think It's A good Thing to do I don't Think 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