And you're listening to Radio Station WBAI New York, where the time is 7 o'clock. Time once again for Off the Hook. And you're listening to Radio Station WBAI New York, where the time is 7 o'clock. Time once again for Off the Hook. And you're listening to Radio Station WBAI New York, where the time is 7 o'clock. And you're listening to Radio Station WBAI New York, where the time is 7 o'clock. And a very good evening to everybody. The program is Off the Hook. Emmanuel Goldstein here with you, joined tonight by Mike. Hi. Rob T. Firefly. Good evening. And Jim in the studio. Hello. Down in Pennsylvania somewhere, Bernie S. Greetings from Pennsylvania. Let me start the proceedings by saying that we had a challenge to our listeners to pledge a certain amount or have a certain number of people call in, not call in, go to the website,, and pledge for the WBAI Buddy System. And if 20 people did that at $10 a month, we wouldn't have to fundraise tonight. Well, we did not make that goal. I think we didn't even come close. We're not even halfway done. We're not even halfway there. 15 people doing that would have made this a fundraising-free program. Unfortunately, we did not make that. Now, it's not all bad news because we're learning as we go along. Next time, we're not on here next week. We will be on in two weeks, and we already are planning a special fundraising show for then. But there are at least two more programs after that. And if we reach the number, if we get to 20 people, by that time, one of those programs, or maybe even more, if we get 40 people, will be fundraising-free, even though it's in the middle of the fund drive. So we're still opening it up to our listeners to do this. So the people who are—there are going to be people who email us tonight. They're going to be like, Hi, I don't listen live. I listen to the internet, and I really want to pledge to your show. How can I do it? And we have an answer for you, and that is go on, look for the BAI Buddy thing, click on it, fill it out, and then send us an email saying your name and that you pledged and that you really like us. You could say you only like us a little bit if that's more honest. And then—so if enough people do that, then we won't have to pledge at the end. Okay. And also, we're offering a special incentive for people, including the people that already have pledged, who are local or who want to be local. We have free tickets to an event on, what is it, Saturday night? What's the date there? The date is Saturday, October 27th. Okay. From the times 1 to 5 p.m. or 6 to 9 p.m. Well, evening will be 6 to 9 p.m. Right. So what are we offering? I think Bernie knows the most about it, but it's tickets to a haunted house experience. Okay. Well, our friend John Huntington, who's been a HOPE speaker and been on the show before, is a teacher at the New York City College of Technology. And it's an entertainment technology curriculum. And they do a fundraising thing every year called the Gravesend Inn Haunted Hotel. We've been to it before. It's pretty amazing. I'm going to read a brief description here that he sent us. It says, The Gravesend Inn is an interactive, high-tech haunted hotel done by the Entertainment Technology Department of the New York City College of Technology's annual fall production. We've been doing it for more than 10 years. And each year we add and revamp the technology and are using many of the exact same technologies as used in places like Disney and Universal. The audience, while unaware, actually runs the entire attraction. And we do some fun stuff with surveillance video that we don't want to give away. So if you just search online for Gravesend Inn, you can find out about it. And the tickets that you're going to be giving away to pledgers are for the following dates. Well, it's only for one date. It's actually for, what was that again, Rob? Saturday the 27th. And that's the evening show? Yeah, the evening show, 6 to 9 p.m. Okay, cool. And what people have to do is they have to, and those of you who have already pledged, we'll be contacting you, I suppose. If you go to and sign up for the WBAI Buddy System, send us an email saying that you did that because we won't find out otherwise. And also let us know if you're interested in attending that show. Again, the date is? Saturday the 27th from 6 to 9 p.m. Okay. You don't have to be there all three hours, but you can if you want to. And we'll set you up for that. And if you're not local, don't fret because you still get the WBAI premiums that come with being a BAI Buddy, and you also get all kinds of other fun things that go along with that. So please,, become a BAI Buddy. If you're listening to this show, in the future sometime, and if we get, I think, another 15 or 14 more people by the 24th, we can go fundraising free for at least one more night. So that's kind of cool. Tonight, though, it is going to be a fundraiser. And to get into the theme of what that fundraiser is going to be, we have this special presentation. Welcome back, netizens, to this newest edition in Juice Media's series of Rap News Journalism with me, Robert Foster. This evening, we're actively delving in depth to facts which affect all of us who dwell on this Internet. And we've got to give a special welcome to all the ladies and agents from the NSA, ACO, MI5. Glad you're listening in because today's show is all about surveillance and how it's spreading from the streets. Here's Robert. Hello, everyone. I'm Robert Foster. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. I'm a journalist. Anything we do now actually is. How is it? You can't question my authority thanks to this. And that's just global, people. In Australia it's now legal for the government to store all sms's, searches and e-mails. Australians is taking place under your nose. Unless you can wake up all your data are belong to ASIO. Come on, everyone knows. You can trust the government now. If you got nothing to hide, you got nothing to worry about. That might be the case with things that are happening now because most people all agree with most of the laws that are being handed down. But once the Illuminati reveals their agenda for you then surveillance will enforce laws you can no longer consent to. But by then it'll be too late to protest, too And anything you've ever said, time to browse Can and will be used against you I'm confused, so what should we do then? What should we do? Nothing, this is all an illusion It's just a ride, a delusion The Matrix, the Maya deceiving us Oh, you hippies really make our job so much easier Sorry to interrupt, but we're picking up A signal from beyond the space-time continuum Quick, switch on the juice-channeling portal Wait, is that... George Orwell? Good day to you Wow, what do we owe this honor to? I tried to warn you noobs, but I see you are actually fools What else, you thought this was an instruction manual? Yes, so can you advise us? What would you have us do? An open and universal internet is the most effective tool you have To address the issues that afflict the world at hand Therefore, protecting it is the most essential task That stands before your generation I think I understand Hush, man, you must not lose the internet Heed this mantra Who controls the internet controls the data And who controls the data controls the future We're losing you I leave you with a tool to use An onion? Don't be simple, Robert This is but a simile It stands for Tor Tor? Google it It's for anonymity This onion router open network helps considerably against tyranny But its abilities only work if all you f***ers use it consistently And even if you don't use it, run it So it's forced wealth Thanks, Mr. Orwell From no one, call me George Torwell If we'd had such tools when I wrote this, well It would have been so much simpler to tell Big Brother to go f*** himself The motherf***ing, sucking piece of s*** Thanks, George Torwell For manifesting direct from this memory hole of history To impress on us these messages We're told we need safety, which is precious, yes But can a society that can enforce all its laws ever progress? Hindsight shows that many figures guilty of thought crime Turned out to be luminaries and heroes before their time But if a surveillance state had reigned then in this form and design Just think of all the progress we may have all been denied Could lobbies for women's or gay rights have appeared and thrived? Would revolutionary ideals have materialised? Would science have pioneered or even survived If every word had been monitored by thought, police and spies? Big Brother brings chilling effects, freezing our collective hopes He doesn't protect our safety, but protects the status quo And threatens this internet, the one channel yet uncontrolled Whose openness we are now called upon to effect and uphold Wow, that was pretty cool. Rob T. Firefly, what was that? That was the latest edition of Rap News, which is by The Juice Media You can find them on YouTube and other places And we've played them before on this show And I suspect we will do in the future They just keep cranking up Well, they certainly have intro'd us into tonight's theme And tonight's theme is surveillance And we were talking about surveillance before With relation to various other things We've talked about it many times in this program And tonight we are offering all kinds of surveillance-related things But first let me introduce, joining us on the phone, is Kyle out in Seattle You there, Kyle? Hello, yes, I'm here How you doing? I'm pretty well Okay, yeah, you went on a long bike ride today, I understand Um, yeah, I was out there for like five or six hours Okay, well, you're probably pretty tuckered out, I can understand that So we'll try to keep it simple and not too strenuous here You are half, well actually, yeah, you're one of actually several people That have poured their heart into the hacker calendar We did this last year and the theme was telephony But this year, and by this year I mean 2013 Because the next calendar is for next year Uh, we, the theme is surveillance And, um, uh, you've taken half the shots Half the photos that appear in this calendar And, um, I gotta say, um, between you and Dave Buchwald Who did the other half of the shots There are some really amazing pictures here Of surveillance in our world Low tech and high tech And, uh, I think this is something that, um, uh Will be on the walls of many people's homes and offices in the next year And it's something that we're offering tonight But first, let's describe it a little bit Um, uh, Kyle, would you like to, uh, say something about, uh What it was like to put this together? Oh, wow, well, see, you're talking about the, uh, 2013 calendar And, uh, actually, I was, I was just switching over my 2012 calendar That was the first hacker calendar that we did Um, and it was the same group Dave was doing half and I did the other half of the photos And, uh, his photo for October of 2012 Is the Palm Street building Which is a big, uh, central office in New York City And that actually ties in with surveillance a little bit Um, because that's, uh, where a lot of the alleged NSA, um Kind of siphoning off of data and all that stuff, uh, is happening That was one of the buildings, I think, that was referred to As a part of what the NSA is trying to do As far as collect everything Which, which was mentioned in, in the, in the, uh, track The Juice, uh, media track So, um, yeah, the, the, uh, calendar is basically, uh A little bit of Dave's photos, a little bit of mine And, um, we went out and produced a lot of the stuff for the 2013 calendar Uh, we did some field production We traveled a bit We sure did, we went to some interesting places We got into a bit of trouble, too We'll get into that in just a couple of minutes But, um, yeah, you know, you were mentioning this The first calendar was basically a collection of photos That, uh, you guys happened to take over the years But this one, um, you guys really went out and, and sought out some things And surveillance is a fascinating topic And it's really interesting, too Because, uh, the people in charge of surveillance Never want you taking pictures of them And that's, of course, what we love to do Um, so, yeah, going all the way over to the UK to get shots And you got some really fantastic shots We're gonna describe them in just a moment But first, let me just say to the people that are interested in obtaining this As quickly as possible The phone number is 212-209-2950 And what you'll get for a pledge of $50, only $50 You will get two of these calendars signed by the three of us Myself, because, uh, I did a lot of the research onto the calendar dates And we'll get into that in a moment I didn't take any pictures But I, I sure looked into a lot of, uh, hacker history here And pretty, pretty sick of it, to be honest Uh, but, uh, Kyle, uh, took, uh, half the photos Throughout, uh, various parts of the world And Dave took the other half And, uh, you'll get all of our autographs on there for what that's worth We won't, we won't cover up any, any really good-looking picture With our, with our scroll For a pledge of $50, you'll get two of those And the reason we're sending two is because Maybe you want to give one as a gift You know, it's quite possible So you're saying the, where the signatures are You'll know that's the worst picture? No, no, no, we won't scroll it over a picture We'll put it on, on the white People complain about that They say, why'd you sign on my favorite picture for? You ruined the whole thing, you know? I've, I've heard that We wouldn't want that So you'll sign on the white part Which there's a little bit of But it's really, it's a big photograph We could sign on the dates We could sign, yeah, we could sign on There's lots of white space I have a question which none of our listeners are going to care about Why is, uh, the 2012 winter solstice blacked out? Well, uh, because, first of all, um It's blacked out on, on the 20, 2012 calendar And the 2013 calendar, as many calendars do Has the last four months of 2012 on a single page So you could, you can start using it immediately You can install this calendar in your home right away You don't have to wait until January 1st And of course, as, as many of us know December 21st is the date that has been marked as, well, possibly Possibly, we're supposed to say possibly the end of the world Ah, I see Because we don't know for sure it's going to be the end of the world But if it is If it is the end of the world If it is, you know Because it's a big black square on December You don't need a 2013 calendar in that case But I don't, I don't think the world's going to end And, and if the world is going to end Then, uh, you should, you should support WBAI Who will tell you, uh, more than, than anyone About how the ending is going Oh, of course, yeah, yes, Carl? Uh, uh, well, we're erring on the side of, of like optimism We, we decided what the heck Uh, we'll just, we'll come out with the 2013 calendar As you pointed out, um, this theme is, uh, surveillance The first calendar we had, um, uh, original art Of mostly telephones and, and this telco building as I had, as I described And I, I did also want to speak to something you said, uh, Emmanuel That, um, you did an outstanding, like, truly outstanding job Compiling a lot of the dates, um, and the info And we really filled in more than, like, your typical holidays And things like that And I want to also, uh, thank the supporters and listeners Of, uh, Off the Hook and WBAI, um, as well as readers of the magazine Who contributed, because that was, uh, basically we, we compiled a whole lot of information From people that had suggestions for important moments In either, um, recent hacker history Or very distant, um, or, um, tangential, uh, uh, hacker history So that was, that was one thing that was just amazing Is that how, how filled up the actual days are And as, as you guys were speaking to, um, the end of the world and whatnot And is, is noted on there as well Thanks for saying outstanding, because usually people say manic And, well, you know, I do take that as a compliment as well I, I know outstanding is more of a unconditional compliment So, yes, I did pour many hours into, uh, tracking things down And getting things right and checking sources And then checking them again Yeah, and it really is, it really is incredible I'm flipping through this calendar And you see on a lot of, uh, themed calendars, uh, a couple of things written on days here and there Besides the standard holidays and whatnot But most of the days on here, I would venture to say, um, the Majority of the days have something on them And a lot of them have multiple things on them So, it's really, there are really lots of lessons to be learned from this calendar As to days in hacker history and significant, uh, other, other events There is just so much going on I just found out that, uh, Gary McKinnon was apparently indicted on my birthday Um, I did not know that before And that sort of makes you complicit in that You'll find out many things If you look at your birthday on this hacker calendar You will find out something that happened that might shock you What's today's date, does anybody know? Uh, it's October Look it up, there's a calendar somewhere Oh, wait a minute October 3rd Oh, look at that, October 3rd Okay, look at all the things that happened on October 3rd Wow, look at that Okay, let's start Um, Microwave Communications, Inc. was founded in 1963 Have you guys ever heard of Micro Communication, uh, Microwave Communications, Inc.? Is that MCI? That is MCI, very good, Mike Yes, that's, uh, that was the company 1963, that was founded That's the kind of thing you learn When did it go out of business? Has it gone out of business? It merged with Verizon And became something evil But that's not all Many of these dates have more than one entry And October 3rd is no exception to that Email storm generated at Department of Homeland Security Causing more than 2.2 million messages to be sent Exposing the names of hundreds of security professionals That happened in 2007 So, you know, that's a fact that, uh, you probably wouldn't be aware of Unless you had the hacker calendar So again, let's, let's, let's get out the information Because we have several levels here $50, you will get two of these calendars Autographed by, by the three of us For $75, you will get the calendars plus 15 separate talks from various Hope conferences That deal with the topic of surveillance Everything from, from William Binney The NSA whistleblower To Steve Rombaum, who, uh, who tells you all kinds of things About how your privacy does not exist anymore To various spies and government people Fascinating stuff, absolutely fascinating You'll get those 15 DVDs along with the two calendars For a pledge of $75 to 212-209-2950 And we have one final level For $125, you will get all of that You'll get the calendars, you'll get the DVDs And one of those amazing spy pens That, so that you can become Big Brother yourself And stick a pen someplace and spy on somebody I guess that sounds pretty evil We offered this before and we got an overwhelming response to it We got complaints from the phone company So many calls were coming in What it is, it's a, it looks like a pen I think you can even write with it It is a pen It is a pen You can write with it And in an emergency you can write with it And, and you would never suspect If someone was just carrying a pen around You'd be like, oh they must like to write But what they might be doing is spying on you Recording the video And then they can upload the video to their computer And look at it and, and see everything that the pen saw You can be the they in that scenario You can be the person with the secret pen Pledge $125 or more Oh, where's that ringing coming from? I don't like that Oh, I'm turning that down Okay, I hate that sound I love the sound of calls coming in Don't get me wrong I just don't like the sound on the air all the time Like some people do I'm sorry, continue Anyway, I was going to say the phone number Go ahead, someone already knows it Which is 212-209-2950, country code 1 If that's, if important to you How am I still getting, I turned it down Where's it coming from? Is it that one? All right, maybe it's over there now Wow, well the calls are coming in as you can see And apparently we have a new ringer Because that used to be a bell An old-fashioned, like what, 501 bell, Kyle? Oh yeah, mall 500 or something And it seems that it's been upgraded And now it's a digital, like, desk phone Well, I can tell you we have two calls on the line And let's bring in some more Again, the spy pens are really cool Now, I know some people out there might be saying Hey, wait, what gives here? I pledged for a spy pen The last fundraiser, I still haven't gotten it Yes, the order is still coming in We have not forgotten you We've got everybody's names Everyone's getting them The order is going to be delivered pretty much With a bunch of extras And they'll probably all go out at the same time So if you pledge for it now You won't have to wait the amount of time That the people who pledged last time And we're sorry to them for having to wait Sometimes we just get backlogged But we're ordering a whole bunch of them And they should be pretty cool and fun and amazing Steve Romba actually was talking to me about these And he said they're a lot of fun to play with And if he says something is a lot of fun to play with I would believe him Because he spends his life doing this kind of thing So again, 212-209-2950 $50 you get the two calendars The two surveillance calendars $75 the calendars Plus 15 separate talks from the HOPE conferences On surveillance And $125 you get all of that Plus an amazing spy pen That actually will record video and audio I was just reviewing the list of talks That come with the $75 pledge It comes with the $125 as well, the DVDs So and one of the talks on there is John Young and his wife Deborah from Krypton Who have a thing on the New York Police Department's Ring of Steel Oh yes Which is... And they've gone and they've mapped the whole thing And there's a talk about it And I didn't see the talk which is really sad Well now you can If you pledge you can see the talk Because you'll get the DVDs in the mail And you can just put it in your DVD player and watch And yeah, the Krypton folks They are some of our favorite people in the world They've been on this show And boy they are vital resources Not only here in New York City But throughout the world For the information that they get out And they've been doing it They know their stuff They've been doing it for years And they shared some of this with us at HOPE No. 9 And they'll share it with you if you pledge 212-209-2950 And for that pledge of $75 You will get that talk by Krypton Plus 14 others I don't know where you could get 15 DVDs Full of interesting content For $75 anywhere But in return for $75 We'll give you those And we'll give you two of our calendars Signed by the people who made them And I just think that's an incredible deal But of course most importantly You get this radio station And you keep this venue alive for people like us And listeners like you Let me correct you on something, Rob You say they'll get 14 of the DVDs Some of the talks are more than one DVD So you'll actually get more than 15 DVDs You'll get 15 talks But some of them are more than one DVD So you'll get more than 15 DVDs And try buying 15 movies Or 15 TV show DVDs For anything around $75 You can't do it I don't think you can do it Again 212-209-2950 Frontlines are open now And again we have those three pledge levels And those are the pledge levels that we will have tonight That's everything we are offering But we're only offering it until 8 o'clock our time So that's how it goes If you're listening after that Well we've already gone over some of the options That you have for that But it won't include this And the reason for that is because We're practically Actually we are giving it away Not practically giving it away We are giving it away to the radio station And we can't give it away 24 hours a day Otherwise our supply would soon be depleted Now Kyle let's go over some of the shots I know the cover The cover is not your shot That's one of Dave's shots But would you like to describe it to us? Yes, yeah The cover was really fun I got the honor of being on the cover of the first calendar And this one Dave had the opportunity to do it And he put something really iconic on It was sort of a kind of beat up old Hard to make out But classic peephole in the outside of a door You might find in a building or something like that And this was chosen for the cover And it basically speaks to the theme of peering out Somebody on one side looking out And authenticating who's out there And that kind of thing So it's kind of a At first glance you can't tell You can see that it's a door and stuff But it's hard to make out that it's a peephole And then you can make it out with its big brass plating And the old name cards or whatever Sort of tarnished or disintegrating Well that's what makes it so intriguing to me It looks sort of like the eye of HAL in 2001 You're looking at this thing wondering What is this? What is this thing staring at me? And then it comes to you You realize wow that is a peephole in just a normal door The most rudimentary of surveillance devices That exist out there and that are everywhere For sure for sure Now I don't know exactly where he found that I don't know the background behind it But I think he just walked up to a door I believe somewhere in Brooklyn And just snapped that shot Which you know if somebody was looking out At that peephole at the time It must have really freaked them out There's a lot of doors in Brooklyn There are there are And he tested out several hundred Before he found the one that worked But let's move on to the photo that graces The walls of people who hang the calendar up right now Because four months are represented on this page Because it's a 2013 calendar But like we mentioned the last four months of 2012 Are featured on one page So that you can start using it immediately So for September, October, November, and December There is a photo of Kings Cross station that Kyle took And this this is one of my favorites Because you see the motion of very busy people Walking through the station You just see that kind of the blur of the people there But then if you look above them You see what appears to be an endless row of surveillance cameras Just goes on into the into the distance That was that was an amazing place wasn't it Kyle? Yeah I was really taken by this station It's really cool the way they remodeled it Keeping some of the old structure and facade But also integrating these enormous metal beams And I don't know gantries or rigging I don't know what it is But they hold up this amazing glass ceiling And people just are milling about And it seems every shoulder width or so apart Above this one entryway Some domed cameras are looking are peering down Over every no more than like two shoulder lengths For each camera it seems That's just how they're blanketing every person that What and you'd think you know what Who's going to walk Who's going to do something right there What is possibly in the field of view It's sort of absurd And that whole station was like that I remember we've talked about this I think mentioned it before But when we were there I did sort of a panorama Just turn around and count it And I looked at every single angle And tried to count as many cameras as I could And in that particular spot Just adjacent to where I was photographing this There was at least 70 I think between 60 and 70 cameras 70 cameras that you could see standing in one space? Yeah just turning around and pointing and counting them Either they were up on the second floor Or covering the escalator or other entryways I just spun around like pivoted around And counted every single camera And do you realize there's a recording of you doing that From 70 different angles now? Yeah there's probably a photo of that incident Of me spinning around from 70 different angles And this represents something that we learned in England These are public places So the scheme Which is what they refer to these surveillance systems as The scheme is managed by the railway And thus to some degree the government So it's implemented with probably a lot of money And it's integrated There are other systems And we learned this as a part of researching And doing a bit of the field production That you know a small convenience store Similar to what we would have here Doesn't have an integrated system It's not connected via a network or something like that So in a train station you have the expectation You can actually ask for copies of video So I could, if I was a citizen Or maybe even as a traveler Request video of me spinning around counting cameras Can you request 70 different... That would be amazing if you could do that But yeah I've heard from people Remember this stuff we learned about this I've heard from people in London that you can request If you know that you're in a particular public space And that you are on CCTV Which is what they call the surveillance cameras Or surveillance network You can request that for whatever reason I think they might be trying to cut down on that Because so many people are requesting it That maybe it's tying up their actual surveillance needs Or they have to hire all kinds of new people I would guarantee you I would say that these settings The system would almost certainly give you tape of some sort Because it is integrated And it's a public space If it's a pizza place or something like that It's like us going to a convenience store here And asking a private citizen to hand us tapes It may take a while They may not be willing And there may be reasons why But in this place that system probably would work And we learned the distinction When we were moving about in England And researching the schemes they have there And one thing we really learned in London Is that it's everywhere It's very hard to avoid being on camera someplace From one of these many, many public cameras That are just fixated on lampposts Inside buses, on trains, on street corners, in train stations And folks, this is the future Because the United States is looking at London and taking notes And you're seeing more and more cameras popping up every place And people are basically buying into the whole thing That this is how you stay secure This is how you stay safe And I gotta say, you know, no disrespect to London But it's not the safest city in the world People don't feel secure there It's like any big city where crime happens And okay, you know what? You can see maybe some video of the crime after it happens But it sure doesn't prevent it And I think that's something that we've learned We focused on in this particular program time and time again But boy, is it ever fascinating And these pictures that appear in the surveillance calendar for 2013 Really demonstrate that You know, we could spend And Kyle, we're demonstrating this right now We could spend so much time talking about every single photo But you know, we haven't even started the year 2013 yet Do you want to like breeze through a couple of them? Because I really could talk about things we learned And each of them in different ways We sure could Maybe we should have like an expanded version of the show Where we just spend an hour on each photo But well, let me just say For the benefit of the listeners Who want to support the radio station And this is how you keep us on the air By supporting the radio station We will give you, for a pledge of merely $50 Two of these full-size calendars Glossy photos and also historic happenings On virtually every single day of the year in the hacker world All kinds of amazing things We'll focus on some other dates in a couple of minutes You'll get that plus I believe 14 different pictures You get the 12 months plus the last four months of 2012 And the covers That's 14 separate photos taken by Kyle and Dave Who are our staff photographers And really did an amazing job of this year and for 2013 So $50 you'll get two of the autographed calendars $212, $209, $295, $075 You'll get the calendars plus 15 surveillance related talks From the Hackers on Planet Earth conferences Which took place over the years From 1994 until 2012 And are continuing into the future For $125 you get the two autographed calendars You get the 15 DVDs I'm sorry, 15 talks, more DVDs And you also get a handy spy pen What you can record people moving around You can record video Technology has advanced to this stage Where you can be Dick Tracy and walk around And actually record people from your shirt pocket It's that simple That's a pledge of $125 You get all of that $212, $209, $295, $0 And also for any of those pledging levels You also get a membership in the station Which gives you a voting voice Which gives you their newsletter And you can actually have a say In how the station is run So if you love the station enough To take an active interest in it Pledge for us Pledge for WBAI And become part of it Absolutely It's a really important thing to do Now, okay, let's take a look at January 2013 And again, we're describing this on the radio And we cannot do it justice Unless you actually see it hanging up on your wall It really is incredible Very colorful shots Very detailed shots And this one in particular Was taken at great personal risk By Dave at JFK International Airport You see people feeding a machine Known as the InVision CTX X-ray scanner And that's that machine that You basically put all of your luggage inside And they tell you if it's safe There's just so much detail in here What does that mean? CTX X-ray scanner You'd have to ask the people that made the machine What that actually stands for This is the thing that scans your luggage? Yes And where is this picture? JFK Airport, but where at JFK? It's right in the foyer Or kind of right in the entranceway Before you go to a ticketing counter Right in between the ticketing counters In that particular terminal And you see two people there Looking at luggage going through Not looking at the camera I mean, the picture being taken It looks like an enormous Like sausages or something Coming out of this huge machine I don't know They're there to like catch it as spotters And is it coming out or is it going in? What's that? Is it coming out or is it going in? Which way is it going? It could be going in actually Yeah, that's true You know what? It has to be going in But it's something I think It would be overlooked We see this so much I mean, in that part of the airport Even if you're just visiting You don't have to actually be traveling Yes And you sort of Don't pay attention to it But this is where you go When they say, you know That you must have your Luggage scanned before it's checked And it's this behemoth of a machine It's huge It really is huge And they say, you know It cautions you There's all these warnings About the radiation and stuff And it's just, you know In this enormous area Where all these people are milling around They also warn you against taking pictures But we did it anyway And the picture can grace your walls If you're daring enough In January of 2013 And you'll see the InVision I don't know if this is a serial number Or the model number C679 That's what's clearly written on the side of it So that's It is a good shot It really is very, very colorful and detailed My favorite thing about the shot they took Is the fact that in the background You can see a billboard for a hardware vendor The slogan of which starts Your business is your business Of course, while these people are taking A keen interest in everyone's business Yes, your business is our business I might as well say Yes, go ahead, Kyle Can you imagine going to somebody's house And they have this in their front door? That day is coming Can you just put your bag and stuff through this? We're stepping up security around here Well, I mean, look at schools now You have to go through metal detectors To get into schools You have nanny cams in everyone's home It's getting to that stage I don't think it's that far in the distance And probably in some places in England They're already doing it But we'll hear from our listeners, I'm sure Okay, so now let's move on to February It's another Dave shot for February And I like this shot too Because it kind of mixes the paranoia of the present And future with the paranoia of the past It's a big surveillance camera Kind of an old one, I would say Because it's big and clunky And it's weatherproof It's weatherproof, for sure And I think it's one of the kind that move around as well And it's right above this sign That many of us are familiar with There are not that many around anymore But it says fallout shelter in basement So right away you have that whole Cold War thing Where everybody had a bomb shelter Because, well, the nukes are going to fall at some point And right above that you got a surveillance camera For all the crimes of the future that might be taking place It's interesting that the in-basement part is a sticker That's sort of added That's like the local flair, you know Hey, just in case, the fallout shelter is here But locals will tell you it's in the basement It's not upstairs Well, because people go to the wrong place If they don't know where it is I imagine whoever it is that made up those bumper stickers That say in-basement made a killing Because what fallout shelter is not in the basement Most of them are in the basement So you have to stick those stickers pretty much everywhere Where there's a question It must be a trick sign We can ask for the footage from the surveillance camera And see who put that sticker there I don't know if you can do that in the United States Well, we can ask We may not have a legal right to be told yes But you can ask anyone for anything Here's a legitimate question What do fallout shelter signs look like in other countries? Because they don't all look like that, obviously That's United States fallout shelters I don't know I'm sure our listeners will probably help us with this Because I know there are fallout shelters in other places Is there fallout in other places? Well, there will be If people get angry enough and drop those bombs So, okay, go ahead There's a shot with the brick wall And the sign is fading and rusting And very, very, very cool Good shot Yes, absolutely But now, let's move on to March And we have one of your shots now, Kyle Oh, yeah This is the Bioscript device Now, you want to tell us what that is and where you found it? Yeah, I've seen it for years Riding by this one particular area So, I knew it was there It struck me as like the sort of older model Big and clunky You know, a lot of these fingerprint scanning devices Where you basically put your finger in it It scans a biometric Whether it's your finger or your, you know, eyes even Now, it's just big and clunky And has a huge armored enclosure with big gaskets To keep the weather out It just seems like totally overkill But it's solid And it's been there for years and years and years So, I knew it was there And I wrestled with it a bit I was trying to get the photo just right And eventually, I got a pretty sharp picture of the actual scanner You see where you can put your finger and the different lights And I guess it gives you the all clear And it just was amazing details for the installation of this kind of thing Well, something that we should make clear to the listeners When you say you wrestled with the shot Obviously, as a photographer, you have to get everything just right But when you're taking a picture of a surveillance device like this You also have to wrestle with Are you going to get apprehended for daring to take this picture in the first place? And I believe you had to stake it out for quite some time Yeah, yeah I made a couple trips and I think second or third time I just basically didn't want to arouse suspicion Because I had to run up to their front door And it's cumbersome to pull out a camera And to begin photographing Especially if you're using flash And I don't want to have it to be interrupted I don't want to have the conversation where I have to explain what I'm doing Which is perfectly, you know, sort of normal to say Well, I'm interested in this thing And I'm just taking a photo here really quick And then I had to figure out because the door closed on one occasion And I did, I was waiting for several people who were there You know, on one of the attempts And then when I finally got there, the door on the thing was closed I had to figure out how to open it And I don't know, I hope I didn't break it But basically it was a lot of fun Because I was sort of sitting there Waiting for people to sort of get out of the area So I could run in and get it quickly It's the challenges of subversive photography for sure And that's something that I think a lot of people will appreciate It's a quarter after, you know We're going to have to speed through these to get through them But also I want to get some more calls coming in We have one call on the line I know we have room for about a dozen And I think this is something that will be of great interest To WBAI listeners and to Off The Hook listeners in particular Surveillance calendars every single month With a big glossy photo of something surveillance related Plus hacker happenings, hacker history On pretty much every single date of the year And sometimes several of them on one particular date It's the second hacker calendar The first one was very well received This one has a surveillance theme And I think it's something that many, many people will be very interested in I want to go over the next shot in particular for April 2013 in just a moment But let's get some calls coming in 212-209-2950 $50 you get two calendars autographed by myself and the two photographers Dave and Kyle And for $75 you get the calendars plus 15 separate talks From the Hope Conferences on the subject of surveillance Yeah, we have a lot of talks on surveillance, that's for sure For $125 you get all those You get the talks, you get the calendars And you get a really nifty spy pen that you can use for good or evil It's really up to you I want to tell you about one of the other talks that you'll get One of the 15 talks that you get if you pledge $75 or above Which is the talk from Nick Merrill who works at Calix He was the recipient of a national security letter That's a high honor, isn't it? Yeah, yeah And what's even higher of an honor is that he He fought the government for years so that now he's able to tell us That he was the recipient of a national security letter What he's doing now and what he talks about in his talk Is he's trying to create a privacy-protecting Internet service provider and cell phone provider So you will be able to become a customer of this entity And make phone calls and use the internet without government surveillance And he goes into great detail about how he's going to do that It's, again, just one of 15 talks you'll get You pledge $75 or above If it's $125 or above, we'll include the spy pen $50 or above, so both of those levels as well You'll get two copies of the calendar that we've been talking about 202-209-2950 And with any pledge, even less than $50 if it's all you can afford You get to help keep us on the air Keep this radio station on the air Keep this program on the air Become a member of WBAI And vote to control the direction of the station You're the only reason we're on the air Listeners calling in to support the station since 1960 That has kept the station on the air commercial-free We could not talk about any of this if we had commercials That is a fact And WBAI is one of the most unique radio stations in the world If not the most unique Now, Rob, I notice in cartoon fashion That your eyes are bugging out of your head As you're gazing at the April 2013 photograph That's one of Kyle's as well Why don't you describe what you're looking at to us Or what you think you're looking at? I'm sorry, I've turned your mic on too Indeed, to the untrained eye This looks like a grassy field With a couple of lethargic sheep doing their thing Oh, I wouldn't say that They were kind of lively, I think They weren't lethargic They were walking around And Kyle must have photographed their good sides But in the distance There are all these strange sort of structures That look like golf balls of various sizes Attached to buildings They just look like featureless white domes And if I didn't know what these were From talking to you guys about them I would really be wondering what these were So, Kyle, what these were? I mean, what were those things? Yeah, so in learning about the NSA And what they do We found out about various places in the world Where they operate And part of signals intelligence is collecting signals And that comes in the form of radio waves And they have places in the world Where they monitor other people's communications Around the world But also get their own data That's perhaps beamed from, like, the Thomas Building Or, you know, sent over wires of some kind And then sent to these locations And they, in turn, send them somewhere else At least these are some of the ideas I started thinking of When we were actually around some of the facilities We kept asking ourselves, what do they do? Like, what does that one do? What does this one do? And the correct answer is they probably all do a lot Yeah, they all do a lot And they're covered up So you don't know where they're pointing That's why they look like golf balls But they're not there to receive HBO They're there to listen in on all kinds of sensitive things Things that they're not supposed to listen It's kind of all unauthorized access But on an official level Which is really kind of interesting The place is called Menwith Hill It's in the northern part of England It's really a fascinating place Kyle, we had one hell of an adventure getting up there And not getting tailed by the cops We actually found a very peaceful farm To just sort of take pictures of It was a little bit of a rodeo there for a bit Absolutely, yes But, you know, we were on our game Yeah We definitely did some great field production And we're literally in a field with some sheep And had a lot of fun and got a lot of great art And I actually love this photo Because it's so calm And the sheep are just sort of happily And that was the other thing You got this quiet in these areas That perhaps are the noisiest of places I mean, you think of all the signals in general And then all the encryption, too I mean, there's a lot of noise going on in these places But they're so quiet, you know Yeah, and you know, there's a real side story to this Which has to be told And that's that, well, we were scared We went up there You know, you don't, you know, foreign country We're going to the biggest listening post on earth And we're trying not to get caught by the cops There turned out to be lots of cops in that area I guess they were sensitive to this We had heard stories of these local grandmothers Who were challenging the authorities And regularly getting arrested Just for taking pictures of their own neighborhood So we knew that it was, the stakes were kind of high But we found this one turnoff on the road That just kind of went into a driveway And, you know, I was driving at the time We had rented a car As if it wasn't stressful enough to drive on the wrong side of the road We're trying to do all that And not get caught by the cops And find a good place where we could take pictures So I pulled into this driveway And right away, I knew it was a mistake Because in front of us was a gate You know, a closed gate And basically we had agreed that we were going to Turn around and back up and try something else But then the most amazing thing happened The gate opened It just invited us in And I remember saying to you, Kyle I cannot turn down this invitation We have to go in Apparently they thought that we worked there That's the amazing thing It was a network operations center of some sort And they actually opened the gate for us And we just drove through there And we kept going and wound up at that farm field With the wonderful sheep that we gazed at for about an hour and a half Yeah, that's absolutely how it happened It was sort of local access only And we were certainly communicating about What types of journalism we wanted to do And I was very much into covering this And getting some great art But I also wasn't into scaling fences or anything stupid So when the gate did open for us I definitely was like, are you sure? And then he said, no, you went for it We couldn't pass it up And I thought, yeah, I was a little hesitant But it made sense I was worried that the gate wasn't going to open on the way out And we'd be stuck there But I thought it'd be more suspicious if I backed away when the gate opened So I decided, yeah, I'll play the game You know what? We're not going to make it Because it's seven minutes to the hour And we're only up to April But this gives you an idea of just how fascinating this calendar is That we spend so much time talking about pictures on the radio And this is your chance, listeners, to get to be a part of this To get this calendar delivered right to you You'll get two of them for a pledge of $50 to 212-209-2950 I just have a clarification If you called previously and you were told that we were out of calendars That was a mistake We are not out of calendars Call us back, 212-209-2950 Who is going around spreading misinformation? Surveillance people, they stop at nothing, right? I would imagine that's the case All right, so there's NSA plants now inside our studios I don't want to go that far Well, I think you should go that far Wow! No, we're not out of calendars We've got boxes of them We do 212-209-2950 Give us a call if you called before and something strange happened Give us a call if you didn't call yet Because we only have about 5 minutes and 20 seconds left And we have looks like three calls coming in And we have room for a lot more Now, again, to run down the pledge levels $50, you get two of these amazing calendars for 2013 Filled with pictures, filled with hacker history And signed by Kyle, one of our photographers Dave, our other photographer And yours truly, Emmanuel, who did most of the research On all of the many, many dates of hacker things that went on I think we were going to go over another date Let's... why don't you guys pick a date while I go over the rest of the premiums For $75, you will get the two hacker calendars Plus 15 Hackers on Planet Earth talks in DVD format Region free, so you can play them anywhere DRM free, so you can copy them if you want And those talks having to do with surveillance of one sort or another That were presented at one of our conferences And for a pledge of $125, you get the 15 talks You get the two calendars And you get a spy pen A spy pen being something that not only can you take pictures with You can take videos with Yes, it's true You can do that You can have a little pen in your pocket And you can record people It's great for undercover recording of all sorts And I just want to see what our listeners are able to get into with these amazing devices 212-209-2950 Join the four callers on the line now And help us have a grand finale here Again, these premiums are only available for the next five minutes 212-209-2950 Do you guys pick a date? Yeah, May 1st is of course the date you should pick on this radio station You do not note on the calendar that it's May Day Which is a shame But you do tell us that May 1st is when the EFF and Steve Jackson Games Filed suit against the Secret Service in 1991 And May 1st is also the date that Hacker ISP Access For All Was the first company, the first anybody in the Netherlands To offer dial-up access And that happened in 1993 And I'm just looking at this calendar And the rest of May and the rest of the year is filled with other stuff Just as much stuff Yeah, and we mark as much as we can We mark as much as we can We'll try to add May Day if we can fit it in there But there's so much Some of the days are just completely chock full of information 212-209-2950 This is really the last chance for this hour to call in And become a part of this amazing spectacle here And of course if you're listening too late If you're listening on an MP3 or something Go to There are so many options for supporting us and supporting this station You can be our BAI buddy And email us for your BAI buddy benefits And again, if you want to be a BAI buddy Go to and click on the BAI buddy icons And to thank you, we will give you a couple of free tickets to what now, Rob? To the Haunted House John Huntington's Haunted House on Saturday the 27th in the evening And that's in Brooklyn, right? That's in Brooklyn And I have it on good authority that John Huntington will also give Off the Hook listeners a behind-the-scenes tour if they wish Yes, but everybody who pledges through the BAI buddy system Gets WBAI premiums of all sorts and our thanks And again, if we reach the number of 20 by, say, the 24th We'll be able to skip a show as far as doing fundraising We'll do a normal show instead All right, write to us, oth at Kyle, I want to thank you very much for joining us Any final words? Thanks for the opportunity Definitely, people, call in for the pens and the calendars And see the kinds of surveying that we're doing And maybe do your own surveying, you know, pick up your own camera And take pictures back at the world and, you know, hack that Because the authorities and other people certainly are themselves Absolutely, and hopefully someday we'll be able to go over The remaining months of that calendar We only made it up to April, but boy, there were some really, really good shots In the remainder of the year Thanks, Kyle Thanks, everybody else, for joining in Thanks, all the listeners, for calling in 212-209-295-0heroknight Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah It's 8 o'clock here on WBAI New York 99.5 FM Also streaming on the web at It's October the 3rd, 2012