If you want to see more of it on the streets, you want to see more of it on the radio Please call 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 and pledge your support This is the last place you can find any of this Thank you so much and good night And you're listening to radio station WBAI where the time is 1900 hours at 7 p.m. To those Americans out there Time once again for off the hook Myself while shaving And The very good in terror by the program is off the hook Emanuel Goldstein here with you on this Wednesday evening joined tonight to buy Mike hello Rob T. Firefly Redhats hello back from your honeymoon. Yes. Welcome. Thank you and Down in Philadelphia or Pennsylvania somewhere Bernie s From Pennsylvania, okay Well, here we are again week number two of our May fundraiser and I gotta say wow Did we do well last week? I Don't know that we did our listeners haven't said it yet. Wow. Did we do well last week? I just felt I had to say that because we did we did pretty well our listeners did all the doing Yeah, that's true. But we asked them to and they they really came through and I want to thank them for that I wasn't here last week. So should I leave? Well, no that had something to do with it Definitely, but I don't think that you're being here this week is necessarily gonna harm us. But if it does, yes We will ask you to leave well, we just have to it's it's all about raising money to keep the station going keep the station afloat and Our listeners have done a bang-up job of that so far so what we're doing we're we're kind of thanking you in a different way for those of you who Invariably email us afterwards and and say I can't believe I missed out on something so cool and so amazing What we've decided to do is extend what we have last week into this week But really and I'm not kidding when I say this that's it. We're not doing it again next week. So what that means is that Last week we had we had Steve Rambam in the studio For two hours and we were we were basically offering his his seminar set Which is 15 DVDs of Steve talking through various Conferences about privacy issues and and all kinds of other things So we have that still available for a $75 pledge But in addition, we've got the special spy camera pen that people are going all crazy over That's basically a pen that you can walk around with that that will record Audio and video and all kinds of cool things like that. It's a real spy pen something. I did not think was even Possible to to get unless you were someone like Steve's, you know a private eye that has access to these kinds of things but that's yours for a pledge of $75 if you want both the The Steve Rambam seminar and the spy camera pledge of 125. So the number 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 Again, just tonight just for the next hour We're going to have that now, but we also have other things in addition, which we're gonna get to in a moment So basically if you were talking with a friend last week and they missed hearing it You can call your friend and tell them they have 55 minutes to give us a call 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 and get these premiums more likely the scenario would be that you were talking to a friend and the friend was mocking you because they Got the premium and you didn't and now this week you can turn the tables and tell the friend that ha ha I got it, too And maybe I'll even get something better because we're offering additional things But if you're listening to the podcast six hours for no, you know, you don't count. Yeah. Well, no you do count You can always donate to the radio station just by going to the WB AI org But we can't offer these premiums all the time I mean, I hope people understand why we can't do that because basically we're turning into a 24-hour free store We we basically donate all this to the radio station all the time. We kids just can't do that We can donate these things to the station for an hour, maybe two hours But after that, you know, it really starts to to affect like our grocery bills Thanks because all of these premiums are donations and the money that you pledge goes to the radio station. Yes Yes, what we do is we go out there and we try to find something cool We either find people who donate things to us or we go out and actually buy them ourselves and give them to the radio station either way the radio station doesn't pay anything but postage and and and that's That's how we keep afloat by by getting people to call in But obviously the reason to call in is to keep the station going period So if you just want to do that again the number two on two two zero nine two nine five zero now interesting we were talking about Steve last week and talking to Steve last week for a couple of hours and And afterwards, of course, we hung out for quite a while afterwards quite a while afterwards because we had to tally up all the people that called in we were we were kind of blown away by By was that flashing light mean anything? Yes, they're testing the fire buildings on fire. They announced it earlier. It's only a test Well, wait a minute, okay So we have a flashing fire alarm now in the studio and you see how do you know? It's only a test because they told you this in advance Yes for those of us who were out in the lobby and listening. All right Now what happens if there actually is a fire? How do we know the difference between the test and the real thing? So right now we're totally insecure because there's a real fire. We're not gonna believe it in that case We've been supremely trolled and I salute whoever did it Yeah, really saluting them from your grave. Yeah from from all of our graves or watery or fiery graves. All right Well, let's hope that's That's it's really kind of distracting that flashing light. It's a blinding white lights to be it's a fire alarm I guess yeah, we really shouldn't be sitting here during a fire It is smart though that they don't have an audible alarm in the studio Bernie. This doesn't affect you at all Okay, well so anyway, we're talking to To Steve afterwards and it was just interesting being down in tally room for a few hours It was like an hour and a half I guess our tally came in at over seven thousand dollars for two hours So we were very happy with that, but we had to basically make sure everything was written down properly and everybody was getting the right thing but it's just kind of Kind of cool because if you go to the conferences if you listen to the to the radio show You'll soon realize that we don't always agree politically on various things and Steve is is not somebody who generally agrees with most of us who are on the left and That's fine and good with me because that's how you have dialogue and conversation and things like that And I think that's a really good thing when conversations start and people just exchange Different opinions and ideas and and you don't condemn somebody for not agreeing with you on certain certain topics There are people who do too many people I think who do But I find that at the hope conferences at the 2600 meetings and here at the radio station for the most part the dialogue is open and and that kind of thing is Is encouraging to me, but that's also why tonight I wanted to do something a little bit different sort of turn in the other direction and ask well What would be the a good counterbalance to to having Steve featured last week? And to me the answer to that was Jell-O Biafra Jell-O Biafra is probably the person who has spoken You know I don't know who has spoken more if it's Steve or if it's Jell-O because Jell-O Has spoken I think at five of our conferences and when he does it's usually for a few hours He he gave the keynote at h2k He also talked to h2k to the fifth hope hope number six and the last hope that's five conferences He wasn't at the the next hope which was the one in 2010 So five conferences of at least a couple of hours each but but surely the record holder is still Robert Steele Oh, you know, I totally forgot. How can I forget Robert Steele? Yeah Robert Steele gives talks at last overnight, so Okay, we don't have enough DVDs to give you copies of those talks Actually, if you go to the hotel right now Robert Steele is still there talking from they they didn't unlock that door did they Oh, wow Okay. Well, anyway, that's that's what we're giving away tonight We have what's known as a Jell-O pack And what that means is for a pledge of $50 You will get all of the talks of Jell-O Biafra that have taken place at the hope conference from 2000 through 2008 so many many hours of material that just can't get anywhere else What we're gonna do now we're going to launch into the very first talk that he gave back in the year 2000 this was his debut when he first came to the hope conference a lot of people wanted to know what's what's this guy got to do with hacking what why why is this punk rock star coming to talk to a bunch of computer hackers at hope in 2000 and Well, it turned out to be very relevant because technology and society and social issues and all kinds of things like that They merge a lot and that's one thing we've learned with the hope conferences is that all these worlds are related in one way or another and Mixing and matching and introducing people to new ideas and and and trading information and opinions That's how we move forward. So bringing Jell-O into the mix. It was it was good for us. It was good for him He enjoyed it so much that he kept wanting to come back year after year so That's that's why he showed up. That's why he was a part of it And that's why we're offering that tonight. So pledge of $50. You'll get the Jell-O pack of Gosh, how many DVDs is that probably about 10? Maybe more than 10 DVDs of Jell-O speaking on various issues and you'll find also that the issues don't get old This is the year 2000 that we're gonna feature in just a moment It was another election year, but think about it the year 2000. It was before we even got George W Bush this was the Campaign that was Gore versus Bush Clinton was the president at the time We had not yet even gotten into the Barack Obama era The WTO protests in Seattle had had happened months earlier So independent media was was starting to to become well known amongst many of us. It was a changing world It was an exciting time. It still is but Back then it was it was different but also similar So I'd like to focus on that and give out the phone number again 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 anyone have any other remarks on this before we plunge into Jell-O from the year 2000 Bernie Well, yeah, it Jell-O definitely was one of the most popular keynote speakers we've we've had they're all been well-received but people keep coming back for to hear these talks and How many how many DVDs to this of Jell-O in this Jell-O pack are there well that was I was trying to calculate that because Sometimes we cram a few hours into one DVD. Sometimes we have one hour per DVD I'd have to say if we're talking about five conferences an average of between two and three hours each We're talking 10 11 12 hours of content Wow, and that's for a pledge of $50. That's pretty good. It's a lot of Jell-O It's more more Jell-O than you can probably digest in a single sitting but it's it's enough for you to come back to when you want more and You can also get The Steve Rombaum package as well You can mix and match you can get the the $50 Jell-O pack and a spy camera pen And that's 125 dollars right there so just say what you want the spy camera and Jell-O or you can get the Steve Rombaum set and the spy camera or you can get the Steve Rombaum set the spy camera and Jell-O There's all kinds of possibilities here. It's amazing You can always just pledge money to not get a premium at all If this is too confusing you could do that as well But we want to give something back in addition to to the actual radio show and the radio station So let's take a listen to Jell-O from the year 2000 This is moments after he began speaking for the very first time at a hacker conference Let's listen in case you haven't noticed we are living in very interesting times I Thought it would be years before a mass backlash if not outright insurrection against the increasingly runamuck and arrogant corporate rule Began but it's already here and it seems to be growing and growing and growing like some sort of prairie fire Not since people came out of the woodwork from all walks of life To just say no to the Vietnam War fight for civil rights the environment and Feminism, etc have this many people banded together for one thing against the wishes of our rulers and Like Vietnam right now. It's advantaged the other side You know the corporate world order the World Trade Organization IMF World Bank, etc. They have the money they have the power they have the guns they have the media But that was the same situation People faced when a few lonely voices in the wilderness Put down their rah-rah American flags and said we should not be in Vietnam We got to stop this and it took a long time and a lot of hard work but eventually the American people did stop the Vietnam War and This battle against corporate rule is at least as important and will probably be at least as tough to fight But like Vietnam, I think percolating out there the numbers are there Even among people we don't necessarily agree with on a lot of things the same wedge issue applies Why can't I put food on the table anymore? It's no accident that wasn't just I mean in Seattle For example, one of the really cool things about that the at the anti WTO demonstrations last fall was that it was that people who would normally derive be derided as tree huggers or Freaks or whatever were marching side-by-side people. They would normally deride as rednecks or hardhats steel workers unions Teamsters, etc Who I might add were not marching with the protesters during the all the protests against the Vietnam War This is new and this is important and this fight is gonna go on like it has already Both inside the system and outside the system. I think many people here have had at least some experience and inner glee fighting it from outside the system one way or another and You know with both with Seattle and interesting little online pranks and United students against sweatshops, that's pretty cool. I would say if people band together and pressure their universities to quit making the rah-rah school mascot shirts in Places that not even Kathy Lee Crosby can stomach anymore and I think it's going to be very very interesting outside the Democratic and Republican Conventions coming up real soon Although I am biting my nails after the Philadelphia police were shown in all their glory Well, yeah another person from Philly told me well Yeah, of course, they're gonna go wild people here don't care if it tarnishes the image of the city. They just don't care And From within the system Even the most pro-bush and pro-gore Pundit oids are predicting the lowest election turnout in our history this fall and Which actually opens the door for real alternative parties to come in and make a bigger impact Than if every brainwashed Democrat and Republican actually showed up in Christian coalition Nazi actually showed up to vote Well jello is not a candidate for president anymore See, I'm a member of the Green Party and went to their convention last June and the Green Party nominated Ralph Nader And there's a diverse group among the Greens much more diverse than I expected Actually, and if you're gonna build a real alternative to the Republicans You have to be willing to work with people you don't necessarily agree with on every single nitpicky issue So now my job is to urge all of you to get off your butts and register and vote for Ralph Nader this fall Probably the only candidate whose gut instinct is against complete Corporatizing of e-commerce and the net and using it for almost nothing but Fascistic and shopping purposes if you will and that mean what another reason to draw people into it this way is because hopefully then people Pay attention to the local elections to where the more people like us show up The more likely somebody cool can get on the City Council a state legislature You know and and keep Christian coalition stealth candidates off School boards and things like that. They bank on us not showing up, but they're organized They do show up and we can learn from that and keep an eye out for But they're organized they do show up and we can learn from that and keep in mind nationally that if Nader gets 5% of the vote this fall That's a hell of a victory in a way because the Green Party gets matching federal funds in 2004 Visualize the possibility of some of those funds are spent letting people like us design the ads And I think the thing is grant where this groundswell is really coming from is more and more people are realizing that yes Corporations are going to damn far too damn fast. I thought it was gonna take years for this backlash to happen here It is it's the galvanizing issue just as Vietnam civil rights etc were in the In in the 60s early 70s, I mean at this point, I mean they so they're threatening the capitalist system Oh, what do we do, especially if we have to like let people go to a doctor without paying up the ass to HMOs That's communism. That's socialism. Oh, it's a human, right? I mean what we have In Every other industry of major industrialized country on earth including Canada all of Europe Access to a doctor is written into the law as a basic human right here We have a disease industry instead that likes to see how they can profit off of other people's Misfortunes and would rather spend billions and billions of dollars on the next Viagra than even bothering to Manufacture stuff that cures malaria because there's not any money in that let those people die That's the attitude. That's the corporate attitude of the drug companies. So basically what we have now For the big folks signed into law by the world to buy the GATT treaty that created the WTO and the NAFTA treaty, etc This isn't even capitalism anymore. This is feudalism You know feudalism barons and lords in the high castles with a big old moat around them and an army of Knights while the peasants till the land on the other side and have to turn most of the food over hoping they don't get killed or run off their meager meager rental property or whatever and How different is that from every time we go out and buy anything from shell oil or Microsoft? or IBM or Sony or McDonald's or whatever we are their serfs and The only way to completely divorce oneself from corporate feudalism all the way in this day and age I only know of one person Pure and politically correct as the driven snow who ever pulled this off the Unabomber But Mr. Kaczynski kind of suffered for his art, didn't he? I mean not everybody who wants to get away from corporate feudalism wants to live in a little cabin as big as this platform with one window in it and Because I get so miserable that you spend all your time mailing bombs to people. You've never met Because you can't get laid There's got to be a better way You know all of us who want to divorce ourselves from this sort of thing You know We each kind of have to decide Pick our own moral code that we not only can live with but can live up to So I've noticed some of the ones who go way way way over the line militant squat vegan. Everybody else is against me, etc Are some of the first to snap like rubber bands and go completely the other way because they see everything in black and white terms Right. So if I can't do this, well, hey Maybe I'll just go back to school and get a computer job and a BMW. I mean I've seen this happen I mean if you don't go so far over this way You're less likely to spring like a rubber band and turn into the very SUV parasite you hated in the first place But of course you never hear about this very much at all in the straight media Which in my opinion has gotten to the point where it's outright Old Soviet evil Empire style censorship I mean the worst kind of censorship going on now in my opinion is not necessarily What tipper gore Jerry Falwell or any of them have done? It's CNN USA Today ABC NBC CBS News Time Newspeak, excuse me Newsweek, etc Deliberately not reporting the major stories that actually affect our lives Global warming who cares in syncs album is the fastest-selling one in all time Everybody's buying it. Therefore you should to buy buy buy Shut up and shop shut up and shop shut up and shop is the mantra if you will It wasn't that long ago That there wasn't just three branches of our government the president the Congress and the Supreme Court The fourth branch that kept the others in check was the press. I mean I remember Part of what turned people against the Vietnam War was the raw footage of blown-up American soldiers on Primetime news every night. You don't see that now. Do you? Oh Dear me Meg Ryan's breaking up with her husband. Oh my god, how important? That's what you get instead I mean same with what same with you contrast the way they covered Watergate and brought down Nixon with the way they covered Contragate which was a much bigger scandal involving government operatives running drugs into this country assassinations the mysterious death of a reporter who uncovered the ins law Software scandal if that rings a bell, but that doesn't get reported and there's a reason for that during the Reagan administration Part of the great swindle the Reagan Bush Clinton swindle still going on was deregulating business laws so that corporations had a much easier time merging with others or Swallowing up others in hostile takeovers which meant some of the very rogue Corporations that used to be policed by this fourth branch of government through exposure of how horrible they were Started buying up the media themselves for example How many of you know that NBC is owned by General Electric? one of the world's largest arms Manufacturers this gives General Electric editorial control over NBC News So naturally it's like rah rah isn't the Gulf War great don't our missiles always work after all GE helped build them Oh, this is great. Yellow ribbons. Rah, rah, George Bush, etc Okay, we got it. We got to stop you there Jell-O That's Jell-O be off for a speaking to the hackers on planet Earth conference back in the year 2000 his debut appearance at the hope series We are offering that talk which runs a couple of hours plus for others going all the way to the year 2008 on all kinds of Relevant topics that remain relevant years I can't believe that's 12 years ago, but I'm still riveted listening to this because it all applies today a Pledge of $50. You'll get all of those DVDs with and there's a lot of visuals here, too That I think I definitely worth worth the cost 212 209 2950 that's not all we're also offering the the spy camera pen yes an actual pen that writes and has a video camera hidden inside it so that you can Next time you get stopped by authorities Well, it's not really legal to do this I guess but you can record them and that's that's totally legal. Is it legal? Yeah to record. I mean you might get arrested anyway, but they'll say it's Next time I go through Homeland Security and I get I don't know about at the border The border is weird, but once you're in the country, it's legal to record Okay, so if you feel that you can be harassed by the police and having one of these pens I think is an essential thing They record what we determined. It was a couple of hours of audio or video other I don't remember exactly but you can you can record the video and the audio and then you just plug it right into your computer And you can play it back and you can analyze it frame by frame and whatever you want. It's incredible technology That's yours for a pledge of $75. We also have the Steve Rambam seminar set on privacy and and database Technologies have taken place over the years from those talks go from 1997 all the way to 2010 And that's 15 DVD set again a pledge of $75 So we have a variety of things but the Jell-O Biafra is what we're focusing on tonight primarily because he was another important part of the hope conferences And it's a great way to to catch up on the history to to hear what the issues were I mean, he's talking about about the election about conventions about third parties And in some ways it's kind of frustrating because it doesn't feel like we've really advanced in 12 years It feels like we're in the exact same place other instances, you know, yeah, okay We have we have grown a little bit. There seems to be a lot more awareness The Occupy Wall Street movement is out there There does seem to be more dialogue and we've certainly been through a lot in the last dozen years It's it's it's definitely something that will make you think that'll educate you and it's yours for a pledge of only $50 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 we need to raise over a thousand dollars this hour And I think we're only up to about a hundred so far So we need to get those phone calls coming in and if there's any indication last week the phones were lighting up off the hook No pun intended for the spy camera pens because they are just so cool so Again, we're only offering that this hour We will not we will not be offering this next week or the week after or any other week That's it after 8 o'clock tonight not offering those anymore So that's applied to $75 and you can combine these two if you want the spy camera and the Steve Rambam seminar You can get that for 125 at $50 for the jello be Afra Series as well all kinds of combinations that you can you can you can put together but only available this hour important thing The reason we're doing this is because this is how the station stays afloat. We don't have commercials if we did have commercials Do you think we'd be able to air what we just aired? No way No one's gonna allow that you go to any other station on the FM dial. That's that's that's not a non-commercial station and That will be strictly forbidden and even if it is a non-commercial station many times They're locked into very rigid formats and and for other reasons just kind of this kind of material is not allowed So it's it's vital that you support this so that we can continue to bring it to you Hope conferences would not be happening the way they are without this radio station because we are able to reach a lot of people We can't just reach on a website or through the magazine. It's many different ways of Connecting with the community So WBA is a vital part of all that and your call your pledge helps to ensure its future 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 You know, it's interesting when you say you point out that most radio stations No radio stations would air this kind of material and what's really interesting to me is even if they did They would air 10 seconds of it. You don't get the kind of in-depth. You don't get to hear 10 minutes of JLB Afra anywhere. It's 13 minutes my 13 minutes. Well, imagine how little how rarely you hear that we didn't stop to sell Telephones or or beer or anything like that. We we just kept it going and yeah The only thing we had to do was censor one of the words, but but you can figure out what it was Yeah, that's not that's not our rule. That's the FCC's And and they just you know this the sound bite Way that the most of the media operates is just not what we do It's not not really what any program on WBA I does we give you the full story and then you can make your own judgment So help keep us on the air Let us continue to do that 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 join the two callers on the line right now I intentionally don't turn up this this knob here because a lot of other people on the station do What that does every time the phone rings? You hear the bell now I'm not asking people to call in now just to make the bell ring that would be kind of childish and immature and would Just make a lot of people very sad because if there's nobody there Making a pledge when you call in it kind of earns your whole day But if you do want to call now, I have that I have that switch up just to show how annoying it can be when people call in So this would be a good time for a flurry of people to call at the same time 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 if you're on the fence about this you're thinking Yeah, this might be a good thing to have, you know to give to Grandpa or something like that. Yeah, it's it's a really good way to open people's eyes and say yeah, this is what I'm talking about This is what's important to me whether it's the Steve Rambam said on privacy issues or whether it's general be out for us Oh, you see you see can you turn that down? No, I can't turn it down because it's locked It's locked in place. Once you have this up, there's no volume control. So pledge now and give us the freedom to make a Slider that actually slides in both directions 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 that first person hung up and I condemned that kind of behavior that that's not the second Person is still on the line. So thank you for that call. Assuming you're calling in There's another person calling in as well. I don't know see when you're down in the tally room, right? Is incredibly loud when you're down in the tally room they Anybody picking it up? Okay That's not where the bells are right That's a computer-generated bill You're saying this isn't a real bell. I thought we had a room with like bells we used to really Unless we have a new one. Well, I haven't seen they do all seem to sound the same I'll say that it used to be different kinds of bells Maybe if more people call in we can we can analyze this on the air. We have two calls right now the third call coming in All right. Now if another call comes in and it sounds the same then I think Mike's theory might be correct We have three calls online. Please don't hang up. Please stay on the line and pledge. I see that person hung up. That's not okay We're not learning anything. If you just hang up we have to stay on the line and and actually make a pledge two one two two zero nine two nine five zero Alright, let's get a couple more calling in and then we'll we'll know for sure if this is just the same bell over and over Again, that'd be kind of sad if it wasn't why would they take that away? You know, it was a real bell sounding All right. Is that another one or is that the same line? I see three calls on the line. All right, we need I see four. Okay. Yeah, you know what I think I'm sorry Yeah, I guess so it's annoying it's annoying okay, I can turn it off now, but thank you We have four calls on the line right now. You see this is what it takes for the hacker community You got to make a little Jingle or sound or just some effect that people can have by calling a number and it it entices people to call in and say yeah That noise on the radio. That's what it used to sound like in the in the back room That's what used to sound like in everybody's room. That's what phones used to sound like it was it was kind of cool But you know in addition to making a nice little bell, you'll also get an incredible premium. You'll get DVDs You'll get a spy camera. Most importantly though You'll you'll get the the knowledge of knowing that you helped you kept this place going Imagine this place not being here for all this time period. I mean back then it seems like yesterday, but that was right after the WTO Protest or a few months afterwards in Seattle back in 1999 This place was essential for that pivotal moment in American history. There are so many other moments coming up I mean, do you really think this year is going to go with just a whimper? I don't think so I think it's going to be an incredible year with the conventions with the election with Occupy Wall Street with all kinds of Social issues happening and and world issues as well WBAI is where you find out about this 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 get the Jellabee offer pack at the Spy camera get the Steve Rambam seminar set 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 light those phones up Rob Yes, and as as as you know, this is a community sponsored radio station. This is what pays the bills It's you right here right now. We don't do anything else to pull money in this is all this is all that we can do is ask our listeners and our supporters to Contribute to the well-being of this station And yes, you get these DVDs and you get these cameras that that we're donating to give you as gifts But most importantly you get the radio station and your your pledge also makes you a member of the radio station You become a member with a vote and you know a voice in how how things actually happen at this station So if you care about this station, you always wanted to take a more active hand in it this is the way to do it become a member and and You know contribute not only a vote you can run you could run for office if you actually want to do that a lot of people a lot of people wind up Controlling the direction that that the station goes in that particular way all of our listeners control the direction by voicing their opinion and and and voting with their with their pledges and Also voting with their ballots when that time comes It's a great Participatory system that you will not find anywhere else on the radio dial that I can I can think of two one two two zero nine Two nine five zero. I mean it's it's Like so we get it that it's a little bit obnoxious for us to be asking you for money all the time We don't like doing it either. But the reason we do it is that it really lets us know Who supports us? We know that you support us We know that you support this program if we went by some other model We would just know like who the serial companies support and I guess it's probably not hackers, but we could find out But this lets us know does the audience like this program or not? Are they pledging or not two one two two zero nine two nine five zero to cast your vote? say you want to keep us on the air and and Sure, you know, that's that's all we can do. It's annoying. Yes, we know that it's annoying to to be hounded Especially when everybody's doing it these days But it is essential. It is essential. Yes We do have more jello we do have more jello to serve But the amount of time we spend on the air fundraising is a fraction of the amount of time the commercial stations play commercials and You get much less good stuff listening to other radio stations from a content standpoint And even from a premium standpoint So I encourage our listeners Please call two one two two zero nine two nine five zero and keep a radio station on the air that really cares About what you listen to and it doesn't really care about what corporations want you to listen to namely the commercials when you when you listen to commercial station the price of the products you buy that are advertised on a commercial radio station is is is more that is more than it would be because those radios those radio stations Take a lot of advertising money, which the companies that sell cars or whatever have to increase their price Absolutely, we don't do that model here and you don't get a choice you don't get it You you don't get to you don't get to be asked. Do you want this? It just happens When it comes to radio and and really stimulating audio content two one two two zero nine two nine five zero We've got some great premium gifts and great content Jell-o be opera Steve Rambam Camcorder pens camcorder key fobs But just call no matter what the premiums are if the important thing is to call the station and support this model of information Yeah, I can only wait to get my spy camera pen because it's just the coolest thing It's it's every kid wants something like this and every kid can have it now, too. That's that's really amazing thing He's just be Dick Tracy had this Wouldn't it be amazing if when you went to buy a can of soda there was like a ballot on the back Do you want your money to fund this radio program or that? Mm-hmm? Yeah, how would the? We were talking about commercials and how much time is spent on commercials All you have to do is is watch any any commercial television program and just count up the amount of time that the actual program Crappy as it is Takes up for that hour or half hour. You'll find that an hour long program goes about what 42 minutes. That's that's 18 minutes of Pure commercials per hour. All right, that's that's significant That's a significant chunk and that's every hour of every day exactly Yeah, and you're paying for it if you buy products from corporations now even now when we're begging for money on the radio We're still providing content. We're still playing things that other radio stations will not dare to play. It's It's quite simple. We're gonna go right back into that. Let's get one more call. We get one more call coming in We've had a flurry and that's great to see Running over the the premiums once again you'll get the the Jellabee offer set of I think about ten maybe a dozen DVDs of all his talks during the the hope conferences For a pledge of $50 5 0 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 and Jellabee offer Of course the lead singer of the Dead Kennedys Back in the day and someone who has an awful lot to to communicate to to say in the spoken world world Spoken word world as well 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 a pledge of $50 gets you all of that incredible deal there but if you want to pledge 1 125 you can get the Steve Rombaum seminar set which is 15 DVDs of privacy issues from a private eye and all kinds of information about the databases that the government keeps and various corporations have on all of us and In addition to that you'll get the spy camera pen which allows you to basically walk around with impunity Recording whatever it is you want to record or just leave a pen out on a table and see what people say about you when You leave the room All kinds of possibilities. That's not legal. That's not legal But I'm just saying it's it's possible that someone could do that or they could do it by accident to what happens then Good Yeah go on a state-by-state basis though, I mean some some states are one party some states are two part Again, I'm sorry, right Yes, you should consult a lawyer licensed to practice in your jurisdiction if you have questions Well, we don't have a lawyer in the room, but we do have Bernie on the phone. So that's the next best thing Can we record you will find a great website that talks about the different states laws primarily There's 12 states that are required to two-party consent as opposed to one party's consent But it's just too detailed to go into the bottom line is, you know If you're breaking the law, you have to be caught doing it and second of all Just call the plate support the station to Yeah, you know even if we were offering a pen that just wrote with ink I think that's still we're still giving you a good deal here to one two two zero nine two nine five zero again The spy camera pen $75 pledge Steve rambam DVD set $75 pledge Jell-o be offered DVD set $50 pledge two one two two zero nine two nine five zero. We have more jello be offered this coming from the year 2008 this was his last appearance so far at the hope conferences. It was at the last hope and Here he'll be discussing Voting machines will be discussing Obama everyone's favorite topic and all kinds of other I guess more current issues He has everything all kinds of things to say about any issue and even if it's 12 years ago It's still fascinating, but this was only a few years ago. So it's even even closer to relevancy four years ago Yeah, okay four years ago 2008 all right two one two two zero nine two nine five zero make your call now. Here's Jell-o Have you ever wondered Who the eraser head baby would be as an adult Well, I have and the answer is right in front of us. It's so obvious Think about this for a minute John McCain I Mean some of these are so obvious like most of you have seen Oh, what's the name of the TV show on Comedy Central where the woman gets out of jail and goes back to high school? Yeah strangers with candy Jerry Blank Nancy Pelosi I Mean think about that one. You'll never be able to look at one without thinking of the other ever again No, it doesn't it supports Halliburton and they all know that and Pelosi was well aware of waterboarding for years and Intelligence briefings and did nothing about it the eraser head a baby the the elderly eraser head, baby Among other things he wants to kick Russia out of the g8 legalized hate crimes in possession of a machine gun and Voted for the Military Commissions Act the one that legalizes torture Waterboarding rendition where you kidnap somebody from one country and torture them to another and legalize Military tribunals where the defendant isn't allowed to see the evidence and no appeal they just kill you in other words all the things We entered World War two to stop the Nazis from doing for us Doing to us. I mean anybody who supported the Military Commissions Act ain't no better than a Nazi as far as I'm concerned McCain also says that Christians are more fit. I gotta get my imitation of these guys down Are you chewing tobacco in my jaw for him, but are more fit to be president of the United States? Since this nation was founded primarily on Christian principles. I prefer someone who has a solid grounding in my faith So that mean we're all gonna vote for Ron Paul, right? well Okay, I don't understand the gaga thing about Ron Paul He's good on the war and he's good on drugs, but check out his views on abortion Check out his views on immigrants check out the attacks He made in the 90s on gays Jews and especially African-americans claiming the Rodney King riots ended only because it quoted came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks Yeah, he told Tim Russert last December, you know the talking onion on meet the press who died recently that the 64 Civil Rights Act was a violation of property rights and That Lincoln started the Civil War to get rid of the original intent of the Republic Although he may be right on that one It was white slave owners who own wrote the Constitution and said that only swipe land owned male landowners could vote way back when We've had a breather during the dark days of Bush because so many other things are going so bad from the so-called culture wars where every year or two you'd have things like tipper gore blaming Judas Priest and Ozzie for teen suicide and juvenile delinquency Then realizing black faces scare parents even more and going after public enemy then Joseph Lieberman your friend in mind Holding hearings in the Senate on why Marilyn Manson caused the Columbine shootings and all well You know attacks on her freedom to read Listen and think and no matter which one of these clowns becomes president that is coming back Obama has said about games and the content as far as taking away the edgier content that he doesn't happen to like If the industry fails to act then my administration would While McCain has been a co-sponsor over the years of the Media Marketing and Accountability Act co-sponsor Joseph Lieberman You know Al Gore's vice president is now a little parrot wherever McCain goes You always see him in the picture and stuff the Media Marketing and Accountability Act is a one-size-fits-all rating system for movies DVDs music and games Much nastier and more explicit and strict than the tipper sticker the explicit lyric parallel advisory It said that anybody who doesn't use the rating system their products automatically become illegal and if you try to say, you know, in other words everything I've ever done and And if you try to sell something without the mark of the Lieber beast you can be fined by the Federal Trade Commission $11,000 per unit sold per day Last time that bill came up it had a third sponsor Hillary Clinton surprise surprise But beware of the enemy of my enemy is my friend is Obama the anti Hillary Judging from his voting record. I'm not even sure that's true Granted it would be kind of cool to have somebody in the White House Whose first name rhymes with Iraq whose middle name is Hussein and his last name rhymes with Osama and luckily They're giving us another choice besides two royal dynasties Bush Incorporated and the hillbillies but Obama looks all the more attractive as a leader precisely because he's never actually led No defining issue or accomplishment except he's so cool. He's so cool How can you not dig him? He's like the Odesity of Hope change we can believe in as long as it isn't too specific And he is cool when you see him on TV He's a wonderful speaker comes across as a cool guy You could actually hang out and talk to if only that was reflected in his voting record Obama voted to make the Patriot Act permanent Obama came out against the war early in 2002, but then when he was in a position of power he keeps voting money to continue the war when he finally has the power to cut it off and Watch his language on the war very carefully. He's a very clever lawyer after all He says that my first act will be to tell the Pentagon to find a way to end the war Withdraw the troops to where? Ending the war does not mean taking the troops out and Obama has also said he doesn't really want to take the troops out He wants to leave as many as 80,000 of them and calls for protecting American enclaves like the Green Zone Yo, the Green Zone belongs to the Iraqis. We stole it. It's at least what a third of the size The Green Zone isn't Obama Saddam's Palace by the few buildings like they show in the aerial photo I've seen one of the whole thing and it's maybe a third the size or more of Manhattan It's all the downtown real estate. We stole it all people can't drive to work on all the boulevards anymore It doesn't belong to us. We need to leave and surely He's aware that we've put almost eight hundred million dollars into the largest embassy ever built by a factor of ten Right along the river in the Green Zone Although it's a tiny dot on the Green Zone photo, even though it's what the size of 80 football fields 3,000 Americans expected to work there my wall 20 feet thick around it got its own Missile system inside its own water supply its own electricity supply since we never bothered to fix the Iraqis just gave money to Bechtel they didn't fix it and that was the end of that and Basically, what does this say to the Iraqis when it's the closest thing to us finishing a project on time? The real goal and Obama and Hillary and Pelosi know it is to never ever leave I Mean at least Ted Koppel was honest on Charlie Rose a few nights ago And he said well, you know the talking walnut or the clamshell on his head and stuff But well, we have to have 50,000 troops somewhere in that area and we have nowhere else left to go How about the Iraqis even the puppet we put in as a so-called president is telling us to get out now and Many of you know that Obama completely reversed course with a Calculated stabbing in the back of every single person in this room. We're after initially threatening to filibuster the new law legalizing all of the NSA's illegal wiretaps on people and Letting the phone company off the hook for spying phone companies off of the flying on us He turned around and voted yes and gave Bush and Cheney damn near everything they wanted and a lot more than they expected Legalizing the exact same crimes that got Nixon thrown out of office During Watergate and don't forget when it was revealed that Bush was doing this They took a poll thing with CNN and over half the country wanted Bush impeached at that point But oh no, Jerry Blank Nancy Pelosi Support the troops In 06 it was a little different Obama with all this glow and halo No more illegal wiretapping of American citizens more and no more ignoring the law when it is convenient No one should get a free pass to violate the basic civil liberties of the American people Not the president of the United States not the telecom companies that fell in line with warrantless surveillance programs But now the NSA can just go after everybody like a vacuum cleaner, but then they have a new problem They've got so much data. How do you find somebody bad in there? That's why they didn't find the 9-1-1 hijackers ahead of time. It wasn't some badass Conspiracy it was spinal tap and they'd over spied on people so much. It was like looking for a needle in a football stadium Now we get more of that But at least some of the phone companies did their patriotic duty and cut off the FBI's wiretaps when they forgot to pay the phone bill All right, let's step in there and stop jello and 2008 speaking to the hope conference because we're almost out of time and we need to bring in a few more calls. We're within touching distance of 1,000 bucks for this hour and we would like to to reach that 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 you'll get this talk on video and DVD plus for others and You'll hear that You'll see that if you pledge $50 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 It's it's quite a deal. And we also have other other Offers as well. We have the special spy camera pan Imagine how much how much information you could you could gather surreptitiously with a pin that records video for a couple of hours that's yours for a pledge of $75, but only for the next five minutes and We also have the four minutes. Is it four minutes only? Yeah, time is fleeting. We have two calls on the line right now Let's get another three or four and I think we will have done fairly well this this hour 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 listening to jello is just the most Entertaining thing watching him is even more entertaining and There is just so much you will learn yeah, a lot of things have changed a lot of things are different, but a lot of things remain the same and I think if you just watch one of these every every night or so You'll become very educated. You'll learn a lot about society and about people and if you couple that with the Steve Rambam DVDs Wow, you'll be educated on on government databases privacy ways to protect yourself things like that And add the pen into that and boy you've got a weapon that certainly can can serve you in many instances 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 join the three calls on the line and Support the radio station. Keep us going. Keep this kind of programming coming in for calls on the line, you know, Emmanuel They say that the pen any pen is mightier than the sword Can you imagine what they would say about a pen that can also record video? I can imagine what who said that who originally said the pen is mightier than the sword at a founding father or was that? Aristotle or someone said that And Nixon no It was Mike Mike said, okay fine Mike's in Mike's quote But imagine if Mike had known at the time when he said it originally that there was such a thing as a pen with a Camera in it. I think the quote would be even Different more different 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 you took away all the phone phone lines I don't know how many calls there are now. We had like five calls for calls now. We have four Okay, 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 we're out of time. We gotta get out of here it's a special two-hour personal computer show coming up and That's gonna that's gonna just blow you away. So get ready for that We'll be back again next week with other material, but I guarantee you we will not have the Steve Rambam DVD set We will not have the spy camera pen We will not have the jello Biafra pack all of which are available to you now if you call in to 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0 in the next 5 minutes 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 5 0. It's manual for off the hook Have a good night. Here's a little more jello for you Oh Oh Oh It's all right, the pen is mightier than the sword first said by Edward Buell were Lytton in 1839 from his play Rick Leo or the conspiracy