We've set up a web page at fsrn.org slash crisis It has the latest of what's going on and provides some links to relevant resources about this situation Thanks, Nathan that was FSRN administrator Nathan Moore This is free speech radio news. The newscast was produced by Katherine comp. Thanks for listening in San Francisco. I'm Danny wood You And it's seven o'clock you're listening to radio station WBA I and it's time once again For off the hook Make a car I I Am Good evening This is a manual and I am wikiLeaks Hi, I'm Mike and I'm wikiLeaks Hello, I'm red hat and I'm wikiLeaks Hello, I'm dot rent and I am wikiLeaks. Hello. I'm Rob T firefly and I'm wikiLeaks. I'm Voltaire and I'm also wikiLeaks I'm Kyle and I'm wikiLeaks I'm Bernie s and I am wikiLeaks and Jim Yeah, me too. Okay Awesome. Yes folks. We are all wikiLeaks we have all we have all committed our souls to to the furtherance of this kind of of action that's been going on over the last a couple of years and especially several months and last few weeks and days It's it's been unreal and of course if you've been following how do you how do you not follow a story like this? This has been everywhere. This has been front page in every country in the world, hasn't it? You know, it's kind of interesting to have seen it snowball I mean back when we spoke to Julian and he was here in the studio When was that? That was April April beginning of April and and and and since then kind of his view or the view of him He's coming to the spotlight in the media and in obviously the the are of politicians But yeah, it's been interesting to see it grow first with the collateral murder video and now, you know with that with the cables and it's interesting because they're also, you know, the thing is that They do do a bit of journalism on it and that they do try to redact things that could be it's you know, especially sensitive but You know, it's it's well the way it works the way it works from what I understand Is that the the mass media the newspapers that were selected by WikiLeaks to to spotlight certain memos or cables or whatever? They do the work of redacting Various names and saying this is probably too sensitive and for the most part WikiLeaks goes along with that and then they they actually Release this information afterwards after the media has gone through it So it's it's it's rather intelligent to have them do all that work and then then release it But it also makes them exactly the same as WikiLeaks as far as getting information out. They're doing the same thing WikiLeaks is let's not forget though that we each are the first people to get the information and they have to do like a ton Of work to cure it and make sure everything to verify it. They're just like I'm not saying they don't do any work I'm saying they it'd be impossible to do work on 250,000 documents or however many they have and it's good to share the load like this No one's saying they're not doing any work But basically what you're saying is when a lot of people are saying that they are Responsible for all sorts of threats around the world because of all the secrets they released in reality they and other real and respected journalistic organizations have also take played a part in Checking so obviously I mean this is They're under attack because they're releasing things that were meant to be confidential They're meant to be private and just exchanges between you know Different diplomats and so obviously the politicians would be embarrassed There are things in there that you know different countries talking about other countries, you know Everybody apparently wants Iran to be bombed things like that that You know are sensitive But the fact the matter is that the genie is out of the bottle and so it's kind of you know, it's tough to say what the right move is for the government to go from here and well and Also, just one thing I'd like to mention is that there is this insurance file that was released a while back To p2p networks. It's number one on billboard about a hundred thousand people I think have this a lot more by now probably at this point But and so if so right now, you know WikiLeaks and and the journalistic organizations are going through the process of kind of trying to redact things before they post them But you know if the whole thing were just to go away or be taken down or something were to happen All it would take was one of the people and I'm sure there are more than one who know the password to release it and then suddenly, you know, all of these hundreds of thousands of people now have the Well, we assume this is what's in it, but have the the unredacted diplomatic table. I'm curious how that password is gonna be released Well, well Julian just stare into the camera and say the red dog jumps over the moon And all of a sudden that the whole world is going to implode or so it's just so so Hollywood So I think so I think it's kind of you know I mean, I understand why the government would want to go after him and demonize him and the organization But I don't know what how much they can do it The the information was out there from the moment It was leaked period and it was out there before them because way too many people had access to it One guy who seems to have really gotten it is the Australian Finance Minister who earlier today? His name is Kevin Rudd. He said the United States is to blame for the release of the diplomatic cables he said that He doesn't care about the criticism He says I don't give a damn about the criticism of him in the cables because his name showed up there as well Now the Prime Minister of Australia Julia Julia Gillard had earlier called mr. Assange's Julian Assange's release of the cables are grossly irresponsible and This is the first indication that a government actually is is standing behind him his his his home country in fact, he's seen as a folk hero there most people seem to think he's doing something really courageous and and and This this guy's is basically stepping forward as one of the first political leaders to actually say something in support Well, the there are other governments that are supporting me as well the government of Bolivia The vice president of Bolivia is mirroring on the on the website of the vice president of Bolivia all embassy cables Related to Bolivia and translating them into Spanish so that people in Bolivia can read what the US government is saying about them That's nice. Well as Many people probably know Julian Assange was taken into custody In in London and he's has not been released on on bail Yeah, I kind of expected that to happen people saying they're surprised that he wasn't released I'm not surprised that they they refused to do that. What I find interesting though, is that Right after he was taken into custody That's when we first started hearing words from the US government that they're looking into extradition from Sweden which right away points to this whole thing being orchestrated to get him into custody so they could do just that so all the people who were saying all this is part of a Smear campaign and were dismissed as being crazy. Not so crazy now Well now wasn't it initially that these charges were raised and then they were dropped and then some politicians stepped in and then had them You know re-raised or something like that. Like they had dropped them at one yeah, at one point at one point they were dropped and then reinstated but They reinstated after the the two Accusers got an attorney that really wants to push this thing through and I'm not gonna I'm not gonna Pretend to know what actually happened or who's saying what thing is it's got nothing to do with with this issue It's got nothing to do with WikiLeaks itself So anybody who makes that connection Obviously is using that for that for that purpose as an advantage get him on a parking ticket or get him on on You know some some kidnapping charge from 20 years ago and It's got it's got nothing to do with the WikiLeaks. That's my point Isn't that isn't WikiLeaks currently being hosted in Sweden? I believe so. It's in that mountain That's the James Bond thing. It's inside a mountain. I think they actually filmed the James Bond movie in there It's in Switzerland and it's also in France and there's some servers in Holland and the domain is in Switzerland So they really have a transnational hosting situation going on Which is why I need to put it on that floating oil rig. Well, I think I bombed Sealand Yeah I don't I don't know what happened to it But thing is a lot of people are mirroring now where there's there's thousands of thousands thousands of mirrors. I think over a thousand Yeah And what we're doing is we're pointing and this is how we got into trouble with the Motion Picture Association of America back in 2000 We pointed to the DCSS code That's all it took and because our name begins with a two and it comes before a we're the first on a list So right if they're looking to sue people they find us first and then they find out we're hackers and it's like oh, yeah No judge is gonna rule in favor of hackers So yeah You know We're putting ourselves on the line by just doing this by just pointing but you can't not do something in a situation like this So as soon as as soon as all the nonsense started happening last week with Amazon removing wikileaks.org or removing the service to wikileaks.org And then the the the site moved over to wikileaks.ch in Switzerland and that disappeared Sorry to get a little confusing where do I find wikileaks or wikileaks.nl works wikileaks.de works, but maybe it won't tomorrow So what we did was we made wikileaks.2600.com point to what everyone is working right now So if they take down 10 tomorrow, we'll find one that works and point it there And of course now you have all the mirrors as well, which is which is great. This is not going away anytime soon I know Bernie you've got something on this good. Yeah I just I wanted to point out to our listeners that yes, Julian Assange is in prison in London right now But he has not been charged with committing any crime nor has anyone at wikileaks been charged with committing any crime Yet we have high-ranking US government officials like Senator Joe Lieberman, Connecticut Pressuring amazon.com to stop hosting wikileaks web services We have other US government officials pressuring pressuring Visa International MasterCard and eBay which owns PayPal to stop accepting electronic donation payments to wikileaks from its you know many supporters around the world in order to strangle the wikileaks financially and And we also have a leaked Pentagon document proving the existence of a US military strategy to prevent wikileaks from From continuing to publish. Well, I'd like to get into that a little bit more later But but something that was revealed today involving PayPal They say a PayPal executive now says his company's decision to suspend payments to wikileaks Came after the US State Department said the whistleblower site was engaged in illegal activity Now the State Department says they didn't send such a memo this PayPal executive Says they did and it's the first indication really that there was pressure from from the US government on this See, there's a clarification needed because wikileaks as of you know Even a couple weeks ago did not have a PayPal account What does have a PayPal account is or did anyway until recently is the Val Holland Foundation, which is a run by some folks mostly from the the CCC in Germany and does think it Accepts donations on behalf of wikileaks, but it also does all kinds of other things and their whole financial infrastructure is being shut down Because of the Association because of the association with wikileaks So they're suing PayPal and some others and and hopefully they'll they'll come out But it just goes to show how how all kinds of people get affected by this. They supported wikileaks They said okay, we're gonna help you by running by having PayPal funds get forwarded to you And because somebody at the State Department decides that wikileaks is breaking the law even as you said, they have not been charged with any crime they PayPal just unilaterally shuts them down and that's that's that's just one of a series of Denial of service attacks on wikileaks and it is a denial of service PayPal visa MasterCard Amazon the list keeps going on corporate America basically is at war with wikileaks more so than the government at this point the corporate America seems to be the soldiers involved in this and the government is sitting back there saying, okay shut them down and and well We'll make them powerless. It's not working though Well, that's because the government at least in certain cases is constrained by the state of the laws that they actually exist the in order to throw someone in jail the government needs to find a law that was on the books before the Action in question was committed and and showed that you broke it But they can just say you broke the law and scare Amazon and Amazon can terminate a service for any reason asking apparently visa MasterCard and PayPal and who knows and you know every DNS the DNS provider a number of people have been going around Finding other groups that PayPal is is still providing service to we found the American fascist movement I think that's our URL American fascist movement calm. They have a PayPal account. No problem. They're fascist They started World War two for God's sake leaks what it leaks do they they they reveal information which is more dangerous PayPal You know, I don't I don't think it's relevant. I think they should both be allowed to receive. I agree with you I agree with you. This is not PayPal's call. They should not be the moral police of the Internet saying Oh, you're you're righteous. You're not you get to have funds come in If you want to be a bank act like a bank don't act like the you know, the moral police here That's the Julian's Swiss Bank shut his account down as well Yeah, his personal account or something like that very strange and what they don't seem to realize is that every one of these attacks these shutdowns Simply mobilizes the people that support him more There would not be so many mirrors or not be the pointers that we're doing without all of this without this this Attack going on in the first place now with all this stuff going on I had some interesting suggestions from people like, you know, they were saying maybe maybe we need a new sticker campaign You know a free Julian or even a safe Wikileaks. You want me to buy the stickers again? I did it for Kevin, you know But yeah, I think everyone knows Julian now It's just so weird to see this guy who you know We hung out with just all of a sudden front page news everywhere and in such a way I've never seen anybody vilified so quickly as having all this power and you don't know what he's gonna do next Like red hat said it's very interesting red hat said it's very interesting to see how this Snowballed actually personally watch this go from step one to step two and so on I for one would just really love to see the looks on all the politician and pundits faces when they realize that Julian was Arrested and yet Wikileaks is still a thing that's going on without him Mm-hmm. Yeah, absolutely I'm actually really interested in the the the fact that some of these corporations are basically like you guys said the foot soldiers of You know making Wikileaks unfavorable and uncool and and it's sort of an interesting element How it's a social thing like if if you know the places where people are, you know doing their holiday shopping or whatever start saying well this this Journalistic organization is uncool, you know that that that's like a pretty it's pretty lousy tactic but I think that's you know, sort of a weak attempt at making people sort of start to you know, Think that they're you know, not something that they're not an honorable Organization and then you know, then it falls out of favor and then of course the facts get lost and then it becomes you know Even more skewed and and and fake, you know now what did what did Joe Lieberman do today regarding the New York Times? What was that yesterday? He he's actually Wants to go after them now as well Walter. He said they could be equally Prost prosecuted bullet. That's a word. He said that okay. Yes. You know, I think this this is just good because if he starts attacking You know real big Journalistic organizations have clout in the United States now now they are grouped with Wikileaks and now they'll they're already on one side of the fence and that's much more of More resources to help show people that this this is not something to be fearful of I just want to say that right after Senator Lieberman pressured amazon.com just to stop hosting We can leak see as you just pointed out He strongly denounced the New York Times for publishing stories and excerpts about these leaked US State Department cables but this is a really dangerous situation because we do leaks call it what you want, but it is a News media outlet. It's a news media outlet It doesn't actually write stories. It just publishes information. That is clearly news So you have high-ranking US government officials like Senator Joe Lieberman? Overtly and covertly pressuring web hosting providers and payment processors like a visa MasterCard PayPal to cut off services to a news media outlet without any judicial Oversight no warrant. No criminal charges, you know, and and now Joe Lieberman is a is ranting about the New York Times So they're gonna call the New York It is literally we're gonna call the New York Times web hosting provider and say cut him off This is our furrow a full-out a government attack on the First Amendment and this is really scary stuff it's and it's more than just the First Amendment because this is global and this is something I never thought I'd see this kind of Thing happen in my lifetime where basically governments are pitted against people worldwide Everyone wants to see what's happening here Every government is against them seeing it because they all are gonna get black eyes somehow by having things revealed about them that they want To keep secret and there's nothing they can do about it The information is out there and people really want to see this. So yeah, it's a Very interesting times and we don't know where it's going to go from here And and what you say about the New York Times How are they any different than then than WikiLeaks as far as as far as as what they are doing? They're releasing the information they've gotten leaked documents and They're as guilty as WikiLeaks in and I think the eyes of many of these politicians. So why don't they shut down their PayPal accounts? Why don't they take them off the internet? Why don't they? Prosecute them on whatever crimes they can they can find Badges they've press badges that all takes Okay, I think a better question is why is the New York Times editorial page so obsessed with denouncing WikiLeaks did they denounce WikiLeaks over and over the the I thought they supported WikiLeaks You're saying that they print information from WikiLeaks and then they denounce That's one of the reasons why they weren't included and and they had to get the leech from the Guardian. They didn't have yeah I was wondering about that seemed like there was a tiff of some sort. Yeah, it's because last time they were so anti-wiki Uh-huh. Well again anti WikiLeaks are just asking some some pointed questions There's a difference. I don't know. I don't think no the New York Times really think they're anti-wiki Well, I'd like to see the editorial in question Mike I think the New York Times is a very big organization and there are people in it with all sorts of different interests and it's sort of Nefarious to pin down exactly what the New York Times as an entity thinks. Well, I mean if it's the editorial that's that's that's supposedly What the New York Times think but if it's an opinion piece, that's simply opening it up to two different opinions Rob Yeah I think it's worth noting that the fact that Lieberman and others are willing to now attack the New York Times along with WikiLeaks Anyone who is trying to say that WikiLeaks is not is not a you know Reputable journalistic this and that they're they're being categorized right now. It's hard with the same brush with the paper of record quote-unquote So I think when you're when you're pissing people off on this kind of scale, you know, you're doing something, right I Agree, and we mentioned some of the news stories are coming out as a result of this I see headlines all over the place top Chinese officials led Google hacking according to the WikiLeaks documents Libya putting pressure on the UK to release the Lockerbie bomber according to WikiLeaks all kinds of things that we're learning about that I think we have every right to know and Like we said before it's out there. It's already there It's a question of do the how many people had access to these documents millions of people several million people I feel like three or five million three million That's a lot of people as far as I'm concerned It's already out there when it's when that many people have access to it It's just being kept from us and I think it's that's not right to keep that kind of information from us Three million people is about 1% of the country too It's not you know, just a couple guys in an office somewhere and and and also another question How do we know how many people Didn't get killed as a result of these documents coming out how many lives were saved by the truth being revealed We keep hearing how many people are going to be put at risk by having this information out there It works the other way, too It works the other way, too If you tell people about threats and about the truth what is being said what's being thought? Things can be avoided conflicts can be avoided all sorts of things are possible. There's no way to know for sure What kind of effect anything has so I think that's really a bad road to go down when you when you take that seriously It's so true but and just one other thing to really think about is that Erring on the side of openness is usually the better way to go about doing things as soon as you try to give people permission To keep secrets from you They're going to keep things a secret that that's they just want to that, you know Like you have a club of three million people I don't did anyone else get to look up that a proposed shield law Actually think Lieberman is actually one of the champions behind that to Bernie and I think about this It's it's the exact opposite of what shield laws normally do which is protect journalists I just want to point out that All these claims that wikiLeaks was in from wikiLeaks leaks. We're going to cause all these people to be killed the Pentagon backpedaled on that claim and Not a single person's name No, no, but no person has been named yet who's in killed been killed or harmed by with the release of wikiLeaks Leaks either, you know in the past couple of years So this is all hot air It's vilifying wikiLeaks and I think we should really look at the facts as opposed to listening to the hysteria Absolutely. Now there's there's more to this story. First of all, I'm into Paul finally got a picture of Julian Assange here it is looks an awful lot like Bill Maher, but I Was looking through some of my old pictures the other day and discovered that I have pictures of Julian Assange Everyone has pictures of Julian. It's really not hard to find. No I'm sorry what they have an old picture of him too. It is. Yeah, it's taken a very long time ago I'm not sure if it's a copyright issue or what but yeah, so that's that's that's an update I'm sure that'll make it easier for them. Of course, they already found him. He wasn't really hiding Yeah, he turned as redacted they the Swedish people I guess finally got their papers in order and and gave them to the UK people Correctly this time and in Assange came to the UK police the next day and said hi here. I am. I heard you're looking for me so He's not very good at hiding if that's what I'd like to know. He's he's currently in a British prison in southwest London and He I don't know if has he been asked any questions about wikiLeaks by anybody other than fellow inmates Because if he has been that's a clear Stepping over the line if he's actually in there for and he's only in it for questioning to even the Swedes are saying he's not Under arrest, you know, I like to know what the difference is. They just want to talk to him They just want to ask some questions. They just want to talk to him long enough for the u.s. To try extraditing him Why don't they come to England and ask him questions instead of actually if he's not under arrest Why don't they come over to England and simply ask him questions there? Is that not allowed? I heard they have Telephony links between Sweden the United Kingdom these days. They also have train links. I can just take a train over It's a long train ride. I don't know It just seems like this is something that they can deal with without all the all the drama Rob Yeah, and it's worth noting that Assange had offered to the people behind this this particular case He had offered to get them on the phone to get them on the video link and to give his side of the story that Way, but that wasn't good enough for some people I guess. Yeah also representative Ron Paul of Texas is Standing up as one of Julian Assange's few defenders in Washington. He said the WikiLeaks found that you get the same protections as the media And that's that's very interesting He says in a free society We're supposed to know the truth in a society where truth becomes treason Then we're in big trouble and now people who are revealing the truth are getting into trouble for it this whole notion that Assange who? Is an Australian that we want to prosecute him for treason? Aren't they jumping to a wild conclusion? This is media, isn't it? I mean, why don't we prosecute the New York Times or anybody that releases this and unfortunately that was in the house But Joe Lieberman was walking by and overheard that and now he wants to prosecute the New York Times. That's how that happened Yeah It's not much that should remain secret in Washington I mean the thing about the matter is right that these were confidential and secret And so if they were to if they were to find the person who's you know Who's responsible for leaking them and I'm not saying that they have found that person necessarily That person might be subject to you know to prosecution because they did in fact break a law that you know They released these things that were confidential but the the media outlets that post them. I don't think should be responsible for that I mean, I was thinking about that too. I mean we're talking about Bradley Manning who's who's Widely believed by by people or by by prosecutors that have been the source of at least one batch of these these releases Somebody who does that basically and somebody who's does that and doesn't just give the information to quote-unquote the enemy or some Rival country or faction or whatever, but gives it to everybody That is somebody who's doing this for idealistic purposes and they are basically sacrificing their life to get that information to us We need to think of it in that way because this guy is in prison now I don't think he's ever going to get out of prison for this if if he is found to be One of the people involved and his reasoning for doing this because the truth needed to be known that is a valiant sacrifice Which is true, but at the same time he did break a law. So he has I mean there are repercussions Yeah, I'm not saying it's not valiant. I'm just and you'll find you'll find that the most courageous people in the world break laws to Make points what's interesting is that well all this has been going on There have been some actual spies who have been found there was a Russian spy Allegedly working in the office of a UK parliamentarian and the punishment for that is apparently just deportation so these these espionage laws are a very weakly enforced against actual spies because Because of the the fear of reprisal they work for different countries now They could be deported if you work for your own country. I think it's they take a dimmer view apparently Yeah, it's very strange Yes, go ahead. Bernie. I just want to point out one of the beauties of the whole wikiLeaks infrastructure Is that when you submit information to wikiLeaks, they don't know who you are It's an it's an encrypted system and it's designed to specifically Insulate your identity from wikiLeaks So, you know, even if Julian Assange is waterboarded by the United States government or anyone else He can't tell you he can't tell anyone who submitted these leaked documents which makes it much harder for the u.s. to prosecute wikiLeaks or Julian Assange for For espionage because it makes it much harder to prove a case of conspiracy with a particular individual But I just wanted to point that out that wikiLeaks doesn't know Who sent it any documents? So basically they can prosecute him for keeping a Secure system that maintains anonymity. I Just want to add I mean, it's is they're not responsible They're not obligated to to participate or cooperate in any sort of investigation About who may or may not have committed a crime as a journalistic organization Aren't they there aren't they? I mean viewed as an institution that ought not to have to release their source journalists are widely Protected jurists are widely protected, but there are cases where a grand jury demands that you release a source and Journalists go to prison for this kind of thing Why aren't we hearing more of that now? Yeah, and there hasn't been a grand jury There hasn't been any kind of indictment or any kind of of crime against anyone involved in wikiLeaks Rob and in a neat point The journalist who who broke the story of the Pentagon Papers way back when his name is escaping me now Ellsberg Daniel Ellsberg Daniel was not a journalist but worked for the Rand Corporation That's a that's correct. Um, he he tweeted earlier today that every single thing that's being done to Julian Assange right now What's done to him back then? Uh-huh Interesting. Well, we've been tweeting a lot too. If you want to follow us on Twitter, we're actually 2600 2600 and It's incredible to see the response that this this story is getting simply by revealing information about something else that PayPal is doing that's hypocritical or just something in the media some kind of Observation to see it just spread around really really quickly as it's fascinating So, please send us any information that you find OTH at 2600 comm will be glad to to spread it throughout The entire net now something else that's going on. That's a part of this And by the way, we're gonna take some phone calls We're gonna take a lot of phone calls Beginning in a few minutes at 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 900 had a lot of good calls last week and like to continue that Because this is one hot story But there is another aspect to all this and you might have read this in today's New York Times a small army of activist hackers orchestrated a broad campaign of cyber attacks on Wednesday and supported the beleaguered anti-secrecy organization WikiLeaks, which has drawn government Criticism from around the globe for its release of classified American documents and has found that Julian Assange is being held in Britain on accusations of sex offenses Targets include MasterCard comm which stopped processing donations for WikiLeaks Amazon comm which revoked server space from the group the online payment service PayPal which cut off its commercial cooperation the lawyer representing the two Swedish women who have accused mr. Assange in the second case We don't have his website and post finance the Swiss Swiss postal systems financial arm, which closed mr Assange's account after saying he provided false information by saying that he resided in Switzerland Now anonymous a leaderless group of activist hackers that had vowed to wreak revenge on any organization that lined up against WikiLeaks Claimed responsibility for the MasterCard attack and according to one activist associated with the group was conducting multiple other attacks basically There were there was another name that might get the name of the the group. That's that's launching the attacks today Anybody? Yeah, no, it's all over the media. I can't find it in this story Army of operation payback operation payback. Thank you. That's it You know, I've got real problems with this because I think denial of service is is simply doing what they did Doing what the other side did as far as cutting you off silencing you Trying to take away your power by taking away your voice. I don't think that's the way to fight this fight I don't think simply flooding flooding people with data or flooding organizations with data and clogging up the system I don't think that's a valid way to go about it I think there's enough public support where that kind of thing simply isn't necessary. All right Well one thing that I think people really should be doing especially when you have, you know legislature legislators trying to propose Laws that actually would make what WikiLeaks is doing a good service illegal is to actually, you know Let your representatives know what the heck you think, you know If if they're starting to then push through with the stuff, you know people who can you know do peaceful protests Instead, you know get out in the street or write letters flood flood flood those people rather than the voting packets It just it just makes Everybody look bad when that's it's vandalism. It's it's being a thug. It's for people who have run out of ideas I can't vocalize in words what their point is and by calling them hackers. What's this got to do with hacking? I'm looking at at something on on Yeah, it's just cuz moto low orbit ion cannon an application That is designed to launch distributed denial-of-service attacks on websites. It's a push-button application It can allow you to participate in attacks Even if you've no clue how to hack you just download a copy of LOIC available for Windows Mac and Linux Punch in the target information like a URL or an IP address and zap and that's all there is to it Where is the hacking in that? This is not Katie hacking. I'm sorry. What's good Katie? Yes good kitties That's that's what it takes Rob and I I think a denial-of-service taking down a website That's basically censorship and whichever direction it goes in Censorship, I personally find it offensive. I think the the and the enemy of bad speech is not censorship It's better speech. So it makes a lovely you said that's so much better than I could I'm definitely not necessarily for denial-of-service attacks but I don't think it's exactly the same as as what they're doing to WikiLeaks because we leaks is a media organization and they're a It's attempting to silence somebody. No, but they're an infrastructure. They're a business. They're not they're not like a a Political viewpoint or if they were like it affects people though Yeah, but if people but if they're doing unethical things and maybe they should I think it's more productive to have Really the only way to know I think it's the least productive but I'm not I think the most harmful I think it just makes the side look really bad and and and it demonizes hackers not not only does it make people look bad It's fighting fire with fire, you know, it said people should actually be following order doing, you know a proper Conduct with how you act, you know, we shouldn't see, you know government officials trying to change laws Just as we shouldn't see people acting like thugs, you know We if we're gonna criticize one side for disregarding the rules that are should be in place. We shouldn't do the same thing Take the high road Yeah. Yes. Go ahead Bernie. I just want to say we recently aired that whole That tirade that all shut up thing about you know You should just shut up instead of speaking your your liberal or progressive viewpoints. I equate Denial-of-service accounts. I'm sorry. I equate denial-of-service attacks on on that whole mindset. We just shut up You're shutting you're shutting up a source of information and I totally agree with Rob who said that the answer I think that that's really amounts to censorship that the answer to Information you don't like is better speech not shutting someone else up. But what? Publishing information that is more relevant and more interesting and more Amenable to your you know, it makes your point better than anything else and now it's time we want to Give to our listeners to make their points and and and ask their questions Here's here's actually a letter from one of our listeners on our email address OTH at 2600 comm dear off the hook Everyone is talking about the significance of the 250,000 diplomatic cables released by WikiLeaks But what is this cables business? I thought the telegraph was long dead It makes it sound as though the embassies are still tapping out Morse code to communicate with one another Surely our embassies are using modern telecommunications So why is it called a cable our diplomatic cables just specially formatted emails? What communications media are so-called cables being transmitted over radio landline? I would really like to know what a cable actually means Strangely with all the attention WikiLeaks is getting right now I haven't heard anyone ask what these cables are all about signed Michael from Oakland Bernie. Yeah any idea Well, I don't know exactly but it's probably some secure encrypted network There is this zipper net CIP our net which is a secure network That the US government operates throughout different as I do with it. It's IPR. Sorry. That's not serpent net SIP our net and that's that's the network that what something like three million people had access to were these were these leaked documents Were were downloaded from so I assume that that's it's sort of a closed email system Over kidding, right? It's the most open email system in the world right now What I find interesting is if at the bottom of almost every one of these cables that has been released is a Invitation to the reader to go on to the super net and learn more about The the region in question, but I can't click the links. They don't work for me Well, there've been all kinds of ideas being floated around I know there's some talk here at the radio station of having an open reading of some of the some of the documents from the cables Having listeners come in and do some dramatic. I think that's really awesome a great idea that I've heard from the Arts Department here and Another idea is standing on street corners handing them out just out to people Yeah, wouldn't that be something here for WikiLeaks WikiLeaks? Constructive things people could do. Uh-huh. Like I was saying get out in the street. There you go Yeah, there's you hand out these things little yeah, but it's interesting question Why why it's called a cable, but you know what? I have an interesting question. Why is it called WikiLeaks? Because it started out more wiki-ish Wiki is defined by Wikipedia and they should know as a website that allows the easy creation and editing of Any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser using a simplified markup language? And of course with WikiLeaks, you can't really change anything, but you say it started that way memory serves it started that way, but just just with Like just security and and all sorts of technical reasons they shipped it away from that, right? Well, I think it has more to do with the fact that anybody can participate anonymously by submitting something therefore you can contribute Oh, that's your way of editing by by by submitting. Okay, I see that Their website used to be a wiki. Yeah, and not anyone could edit it only the WikiLeaks editors could edit it But it was a wiki. Mm-hmm So the name has carried over just like the name cable has carried over and something like that That's nice. I did I have an idea and I don't want to suggest anyone implement it because you might get in trouble Theoretical discussions here, but I wonder what would happen if someone in in Washington DC went to Somewhere some public property near the State Department and started posting these cables like taping them onto lampposts Because because the State Department has let its employees know they may not read these cables So would they all get fired or something? That's another thing the State Department, which is the source of many of these cables They're not allowed to read what's in The New York Times that the whole world is able to know They're the source of all these cables. It's a collection of is it state every single one of them? Well, it's the State Department in Washington and communicates with the embassies overseas. Uh-huh. They go in both directions Yeah, so, you know what? It's not classified anymore if it's been leaked It's public then you know, it's it totally is that almost sounds like they can't read it if they're actually Authorized like in the office. Okay, you can't read this file anymore. And yeah, even though you have authorization Okay, I'm gonna take some phone calls talking about can I construct your points of protest? There's in for people in New York at tomorrow at at 6 30 p.m. At the New York Times building There's going to be a protest. I don't know why there but then there is there a protest to get The New York Times prosecuted or To support wikiLeaks to support wikiLeaks. Yes, and they're gonna be protests throughout the world tomorrow evening and you can find out more about I still don't get why why why the New York Times? There's so many other yeah people attacking wikiLeaks a lot more than they've been. No, they're not I don't think purchasing at the knee towards the New York. Okay. It's just a place to gather and they're produced throughout the world in your local city, so go to wlcentral.org wlcentral.org, okay The unofficial official wiki. We have a full switchboard and I'd like to get as many calls in as possible Now our listeners have a whole lot to say on this issue and please don't feel compelled to agree with us Raise issues. Let's have an interesting discussion here. Good evening. You're on off the hook Hi, I have four quick points. I hope I remember them all. Okay on the topic of not being able to Access information that originated inside your department. There's a story about someone having published a book on the CIA and the fact that CIA employees were Some of the most prolific buyers of this book because they didn't know anything about it either Interesting, but the second point is why not burn it to a DVD and find some gray market DVD distributor if you like to see diplomatic cables being sold on blankets Outside. All right. Yeah The third is Wrapped the third and the fourth together. Okay You know aside from the insurance file that people haven't really been talking about Is it possible for WikiLeaks to say hey Here's some unredacted cable as opposed to relying on the Poison pill encrypted file for leverage I'm not I'm not sure what you're saying. I mean to not to not have Have the encrypted file to simply give it to people or ignore the existence of the encrypted file other leverage would be Start releasing unredacted, but you see that the encrypted file. It's it's it's brilliant because you don't know what's in it You know, it's it's it's this mystery. It's an enigma. You don't know what's actually going to going to come out of it if if WikiLeaks is And forbid shut down somehow that file will be the epitaph on the tombstone Well, yeah, of course and my only worry is that there should be so many more organizations like WikiLeaks out there It shouldn't just be one person and it's not it shouldn't just be one organization There should be a whole lot of organizations designed to spreading information that gets leaked and you have to wonder Why is the information being leaked in the first place people? Inside organizations believe that others have the right to know this kind of thing interesting thing about the encryption file though Think about it if if the State Department Had used that kind of protection in the first place that Julian Assange or WikiLeaks has used to make this file They wouldn't have had this whole issue in the first place. You know, it would have been Maybe a pointer for them. Well, it's not quite right They use encryption in transit But they have the data has to get decrypted at some point or no one will be able to millions of people Yeah, the mistake is that they gave three million people my point I mean you basically give people what they need to have access to and you keep the rest encrypted I'm not convinced though that I wish to encourage the government to restrict access to thing I you know I'm not gonna insert my ideology into this but I Know the government's like to keep secrets if they if they really are intent on doing that They should do it right and not to blame the messenger. All right. Thanks for that call. Let's take another one Good evening. You're on off the hook Speak up. Yeah. Hi, what's on your mind? Okay You know what you gotta have a point ready to go good evening you're on off the hook The hypocrisy the hypocrisy of the US government The exposure of these documents is Is Righteous and it and the true patriot is wicked is the WikiLeaks Organization. Those are the Patriots. Those are the people are getting bombed now By a government whose mask has been torn off their face Okay. Thanks for your opinion. Yeah. Okay, cool. Good night and good evening. You're on off the hook All right, good evening you're on off the hook Speak up. Hello. Yes, please speak up Yes I don't know you guys were like talking about WikiLeaks all day. Like you were last episode. Yeah, we were we were good evening You're on off the hook Really people you got to listen to the radio show. Good evening. You're on off the hook. All right I'd like to know like what is it? WikiLeaks dot 2600 dot the world. I don't know WikiLeaks dot 2600 dot org. I dot com that should work to WikiLeaks. I try to turn dot com org But WikiLeaks dot org does not no longer works. I don't believe like Is there a central location to find out like I'm what I'm thinking about it's like You're down on the idea of of throwing them massive denial of service stuff at them at these companies But they certainly are worth a boycott Oh, yeah Absolutely, but you can only do that if you know who the hell they are And I don't know like Visa MasterCard and PayPal. Those are the only names I know right off the top of my head Hmm, so I'm just wondering like is there any place? Where like maybe WL central I where I can get a current list as it evolves because it has to be evolving all the time Guardian has an updating article about everybody that's been a douchebag to WikiLeaks and WL center probably linked to that. I think it's like list of people that protect where you something like that Rob. I Also wanted to mention that the boycotts are happening and they do have an effect a good friend of mine Recently canceled her PayPal account I think it was because of this and she couldn't use the automated system to do it a crash So she called in and got an operator and basically told that there are so many people doing it that they have to keep a list Like companies are Really sensitive to that kind of stuff. They really hate losing business I'll hang up and I will listen to the rest of the very interesting show. Okay, okay Well, I take as many phone calls as possible. Let's grab another one. Give me you're on off the hook. Yes. Hello Hi Tom from the Bronx here. I'd like to say that WikiLeaks In other words and the US government the US government should only have a computer system. That's Geared for them if they want to keep everybody else out that nobody else could get into their system Should be a special system now where WikiLeaks is doing a good service in a way and What it is is more embarrassing to all the governments in the world that are involved in this story Then in other words, it's not exactly letting so much secrets out. It's just giving them a lot of embarrassment to me and One thing about this guy here who is in charge of WikiLeaks in England. He's in England, right? Let's hope they don't pull a ruby on them where they either poison him in jail or he gets shot by somebody I really I if because if they have that paranoid They're liable to take that route and I hope that doesn't happen Well, let's keep Sarah Palin and Peter King away from him. Hopefully he'll be safe. Good evening. You're on off the hook Hey, how's it going? Hi, I'm pretty computer illiterate. I've been listening to you guys for years. I love your show Thanks. There are two things. I want to say is one This is a case of all this secrecy Connett will eventually expose the dirt on everybody because they're snooping on everyone That's a very indirect thing and the other one is I can't wait till they start releasing some information about the dirty wars in Central America because there seems to be a lot of rewriting of history and I think it's really timely to let some of the myths about Reagan and past presidents come out absolutely, and if just one war crime is Uncovered as a result of all of this. Is that not worth all the embarrassment and all the Ruined relationships between diplomats. We need to know the truth Mike You're making the assumption that Anyone in the US will ever be prosecuted for war crime in there There's not a whole lot. Don't you think we should at least try to find out the truth before we Assume that it's not gonna go. I mean, I love more truth more truth is always better But there are certainly war crimes that the US has committed that that are already known about in the public domain and for which no One's been prosecuted, but we can't go back in time. This is moving forward. So I'm talking about recent history All right. Good evening. You're on off the hook Speak up. Oh dear. All right. Good evening. You're on off the hook Speak up All right. Gotta move faster. Good evening. You're on off the hook Yeah There's government and a lot of others. They're busy spying on everybody reading their emails listen to their cell phones They're probably listening to this when they could just tune into the radio Is it possible for you to play just give me some truth by John Lennon as you sign off? I don't have it with me But it's a great song and it's very appropriate for both the day and the occasion and I will certainly be thinking of the lyrics Thanks for that suggestion. Good evening. You're on off the hook Speak up Hey, sorry wondering if there was a alternative place to make donations To WikiLeaks. Well, I think what do they have on their website now? They have some other yeah, they have They are bank account information. But unfortunately for Americans, it's it's expensive and time-consuming to make International wire transfers, so hopefully more options will become what what could somebody in the United States do somebody who has Some kind of resource access to some kind of online payment system I mean if you simply took your PayPal account and took donations for WikiLeaks and and were trusted enough to actually get it to Them would they just not shut you down like they did the Val Holland Foundation. It's an interesting question I mean if you had It costs at least with most banks around $30 to make an international law transfer. So if you have Aggregated donations of substantially more than that You could transfer money to the Val Holland Foundation and and I don't know how they could stop you There's an indirect way to use PayPal to pay WikiLeaks, which is actually what I did. There's a service called flatter flattr, which is like a micro payment website, but It lets you Set up with your PayPal account or your credit cards and I guess Visa and MasterCard. Does it work with weeks? Yes, it does flattr.com. Yes flattr.com. Yep. And how do you make a donation to WikiLeaks through them? You just look up on the website. Just we search for WikiLeaks are flatter comm slash like what you Lisa flash profile Okay, we'll check into that. Let's take another phone call. Good evening. You're on off the hook Okay, I think I cut before I just want to do a Say my support for WikiLeaks again and that and that the fear of that Joe Lieberman is apparently doing some sort of Trying to redo the Espionage Act law because if they if we managed to get Julian Assange extradited here like the United States is hoping for That the Espionage Act is apparently not strong enough to convict him So Joe Lieberman and a bunch of senators want to redo that law Basically any person who leaks information as well as any Organization or person that publishes it would be able to be tried and sentenced for at minimum a life sentence in jail And yeah They're out of their minds and they're panicking and it's going to be fascinating to see what else they do and they realize they've totally lost control of the situation as They never should have had in the first place. Good evening. You're on the button. Good evening. You're on off the hook Hi, what's on your mind? Say that I think it was president. Oh my god, Jefferson that said if he had a choice between a government or a free press He would go for the free press. I think that speaks volumes Yeah, absolutely. And those guys back then they they understood quite a few things that we don't say to them now. I'm sorry What they understand slavery? Well, no, let's say I said some things. I'm sorry. Go ahead. You're on the air Yes, speaking of hypocrisy I don't know if you recently saw the movie fair game with Sean Penn and Naomi Watts and after seeing that movie how Edith Palme was outed during the Bush Cheney era and There was barely a peep and now everyone's outraged about WikiLeaks now when Edith Palme was outed People's lives really were at stake people were endangered and I wonder why was the no outrage then? Why why now? Oh Hypocrisy definitely is is a reason Because she was outed by the people in power and I served them Yeah, I mean it seems like during the Bush Cheney era you could get away with anything And it was just the way it was and now once again during the Obama era There's outrage everybody's outraged it seems like No matter what this guy does. He can't get any credit. He can't you know, he's he's always getting trashed Well, also there's there's you know, the difference in that that was you know one thing and here you're talking about 250,000 things and I don't know if they know what which Cables they all are. So so there's fear of the unknown in there. Can you imagine they have and so so at this point, you know Since it's not Out there yet in its entirety. They're they're panicking and trying it to figure out ways to keep that from happening But I think at this point it's a lost cause especially if the insurance file. Yeah contains all the cables Yeah, it's it's gonna be pretty interesting. I take a couple more calls in the time. We have left. Good evening. You're on off the hook Okay, what's on your mind my name is Brad dose and it's been on Berlina and it's been on WikiLeaks Good for you, but I don't want to write on your coattails because I want to say in Constitutional limitations on criminal law. There's a quote by Bernoulli the guy with the With the spray gun Bernoulli's law anyway Here's a lot of Great science, but he said you can tell the lion by its claw. So let's tell the lion by its claw let's see them follow this through because In a just government if they took this man to quit if the United States Specifically is what I mean. They took this man to court I'm gonna call him a man because I don't see him guilty of anything until he's prosecuted So all this other talk about rape and this it's just Divide and conquer. It's just COINTELPRO. It's just a farce because they don't like what he did, but if they took him to court Like they won't take a lot of things to court like I ran Contra and 9-11 properly if they took him to court Couldn't you raise a bunch of things that they've done that are on file? Theoretically, but are they going to do it in a respectable way with people like Peter King? They're not going to do in a respectable way No, absolutely not right now. They'll change the laws to to suit themselves and to get their their their desired effects Thanks for the call. I'm gonna try to take one more in the time we have left Good evening, you're on off the hook Speak up. Yes. Hi. I don't know if you guys went through it already But can you give us an idea how to read those torrent files? I'll just hang up and listen. Okay. Okay, which torrent files you mean the current from the WikiLeaks WikiLeaks? Okay So there's a I don't remember the name of it's called insurance. You can probably find it on a number of torrent sites It's like a one point something gig. It's one point something games, but it's an encrypted file So you can't actually read it The idea is that if something were to happen to WikiLeaks where they wouldn't be able to release any more cables They could release the password for the file But but you're not you mean if you were to download it, you'd really just be another person to have it How do we know that the powers that be haven't polluted the torrents by putting fake programs out there fake files? Okay, well hopefully hopefully that's been that's been thought of to answer the guys question though if you wish to download the file you need to just search for bit torrent client and follow the Instructions that you'll find and they'll instruct you how to work the torrent file to get the other file Download any illegal movies while you do that And a lot of the mirrors are hosting the current files Some don't have the insurance value those you have to find on the torrent sites but the mirrors the mirrors are hosting current leaks and Yeah, okay. We are out of time. I'm too bad. Nobody disagreed with us, but oh well right to us Oth at 2600 comm we'll be back next week. I'm sure talking about this some more. Yeah Spread the disease Spread the disease From the satellite spread the disease to the Disease Spread the disease Spread the disease Spread the disease Spread the disease Whoo They always play the greatest music and I particularly like that one Yes this is eight o'clock exactly on the dot and it is December the 8th 2010 And you're listening to WBA I New York 99.5 FM also streaming on the web at PC radio show dot o RG. Don't forget to pick up Hank and his stream the WBA I stream at PC radio show dot O-r-g and this is Stevie DB and I am WikiLeaks