And that wraps up today's program. The newscast was produced by Catherine Kopp. Headlines editor was Jess Burns. Washington, D.C. editor was Tanya Snyder. Today's tactical production team at KPFA in Berkeley is Rose Katopshi and Scott Pham. You can visit us online at You can send questions, comments, or news tips to comments at Thanks for listening. In New York, I'm Dorian Marina. And you're listening to radio station WBAI New York. The time is 7 o'clock. Time once again for Off the Hook. 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from Philadelphia actually I'm somewhere else in Pennsylvania I just didn't want to confuse our listeners so I just said greetings okay well you can say greetings from Pennsylvania Pennsylvania okay well Bernie's in a mysterious place somewhere in Pennsylvania we're here to talk about all kinds of new technology and new ways of thinking perhaps something that's really exciting that I just found out about actually I'm sure a lot of us are following this with with bated breath because we follow the the new trends and the new developments and inventions and things that will be used in the future that to affect all of our lives of course I'm talking about what the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department has been trying out it's a new way to break up fights between inmates a high-tech heat ray yeah it's called the assault intervention device it showers a person with an intolerable heating sensation that's according to the sheriff's department according to the inmates we can't print what they said about it but they agree pretty much that it's an intolerable heating sensation inmates just have to step away from the heat ray to stop the pain and authorities hope inmates will also step away from the scuffles they were in in the process we believe it said Sheriff Lee Baca that technology can help solve problems facing the corrections community including addressing issues of inmate violence the assault intervention device a ID a ID it's it's the aid device yes it aids them in in in controlling their inmates appears uniquely suited to address some of the more difficult inmate violence issues without the drawbacks of tools currently available to us such as batons and feet and various other implements that they use the heat device will be handy dealing with fights in an inmate's dormitory in the dining room or exercise yard situations where jail officials often have to wait for backup to safely deal with the situation this device will allow us to quickly intervene without having to enter the area and without incapacitating or injuring either combatants instead they'll simply blast them with intolerable heat weight heat rays and wow that is something now what I wonder is what happens when there's no place for the inmate to step away to what happens when this is beamed directly into their cell as as payback for something that they may have done at some point what happens when this device is eventually used on the rest of us because this is what happens they test things in the military they test things in prison then they use it on the rest of us at demonstrations and various other gatherings where they want to control what it is we say and what it is we do you can count on the assault intervention device being used at the next convention to control free speech zones and and unruly activist and various things like that or am I just being too pessimistic is this really something that that can help us Rob I don't know are you really suggesting that those in positions of authority when given tools that are able to be used unfairly against their enemies would do so I think they're almost expected to thanks of Walter we've already seen those ear bleeding inducers use that demonstration so the loud things yeah they've they've done that what was in Pittsburgh they did that recently yeah and and then in the was it Toronto or Vancouver the purchase I was somewhere in Canada they use these things in Toronto thank you they use these things in places like Iraq and Afghanistan then they use them here at home and they they try things out in prison and then they try them out on the streets dot red well based on this discussion before we go any further I want to throw out the question I mean besides the fact that it seems pretty obvious that if they have tools that aren't necessarily lethal that people say they're more willing to use it mm-hmm still a long range how many other useful implements do they have besides guns so the question is what to break up fights haven't been breaking up fights for decades now centuries even do they really need this this tool of the Sun to burn people and to control them I'm prepared to argue me know that breaking up fights probably like predates written history probably probably does in fact that's probably what they were fighting about is how to start writing history yeah who knows but yeah this is um it's a torture device there is no question about it but the way they're phrasing it they're making it sound like such a such an amazing new device the assault intervention divine they're throwing assault in there because it's it's battling the assault of the evil inmates and not defining itself as a weapon well that sounds a lot better than saying that you're microwaving somebody which is yeah who knows what the health effects will be Rob if it's such a peaceful non-lethal device are we allowed to have them that's an interesting question I know Bernie you want to go in on one of the question was is it the mic is this using microwaves and the fact the fact is yes this is a microwave device that they plan to microwave humans with this thing if you there's pictures of it you can just search up search through some search engine just look for Raytheon that's war r-a-y-t-h-e-o-n and pain Ray this device was actually designed for use in the in Iraq but after it was it was deployed but not used on for crowd control there once the State Department realized this would not look really good in the eyes of the world that we are microwave people who whose hearts and minds we were allegedly trying to trying to win so it was called off and Raytheon was left with this product with with no market for it so they started actively marketing it to the the correct the the correction industrial complex here in the United States and LA County prison it would it was only was only too glad to to test it so that's where it's gonna be deployed it looks like a like a like a small truck it's on a it's on a cart and it's a big square panel maybe about four feet four feet on a side like a dish and you point it at your target and switch it on and and they feel intense burning sensations on their skin and what kind of a what kind of a range does it have how far can it go good question it looks like it's a few tens of feet the larger ones that I saw demonstrated on with videos or maybe a couple of 300 feet but this looks like a smaller one for use in in buildings so I would guess at least a hundred some feet depending on they could probably adjust it a couple couple 300 feet but you said it's like a small truck that means a couple of people are gonna need to carry it around this isn't something you can hand carry this is something that's like a it's on like a like one of these large office carts that you would wheel equipment around on so let me say I get the scenario straight there's a fight going on somewhere in the prison and you know you're in trouble when when the the mini truck gets backed in and people start setting up a satellite dish looking thing and pointing it at you didn't that's enough time for the fight to stop don't you think well you know it probably be a one or two correction officers would would wheel this thing in then plug it in and switch it on but you know I would think that the the prisoners would just move out of the way and can you continue fighting yeah clearly the the the answer to this is to have it permanently mounted in various places but a very wide range so that they could flick it on any moment and you know imagine somebody's trying to escape or just walking out of line somewhere that's it's you just flick the thing on and then all of a sudden they they towed the line or imagine if they were installed in in smaller rooms like individual cells just only need to be switched on remotely when interrogation chambers for instance yeah it's just someone was misbehaving or not answering the question we're not giving the right answer Wow what happens if the prisoners have mirrors actually it's a good question it wouldn't be a mirror you'd want you'd want a metal just basically a metal surface even tinfoil rolled out on some sheets is street activists if this is used on them tinfoil is there nothing it can't do good stuff you'd probably even use duct tape but yeah just a just a metal reflector a few feet in diameter or square you could point it back at the at the at the attackers and that would be really interesting to see what happens you probably get charged with something horrible oh you're well the rest of your life in jail but it would be amusing for a few seconds I mean we hear about these developments and technology that are used against people but when the people use it in the other direction all of a sudden it's the worst crime in the world case in point the recent GPS case that was brought out in the news where police are saying they should have the right to to trespass onto somebody's property stick a GPS device onto their car without a warrant of any sort and and track their movements and their rationale is well you know we can we can follow them anyway we can follow them in the car they're in the public street so they don't have any expectation of privacy so why shouldn't we be able to do this but if you flip the logic and and you decide hey I'd like to see where all the police cars are going day and night and you put GPS devices on their cars all of a sudden you'll find out that it is a crime it's a it's a big crime and a big violation of privacy there have been a number of cases relating to this issue just in the past week or two and what's interesting is that they conflict some of the circuit courts are saying that it's legal for the police to do this and some of them are saying that the police need a warrant to do this so it's probably headed to the Supreme Court yeah I would imagine so Walter no okay yeah so yeah go ahead Bernie one of the interesting arguments at the most recent circuit court case I forget where it was the federal judges a couple of them were saying well most of the judge the majority decision in the most recent case which was saying it was a it was legal for for police to to creep onto your up to driveway and attach one of these things to your car they were saying well you could if you want privacy you could build a big fence around your property and the police wouldn't come on there and then the minority opinion judges were saying well wait a minute this only ensures privacy for for wealthy people who can afford to build a big high fence around their or moat around their property I guess most judges since they get a high salary don't necessarily think of things in terms of yeah it would cost a lot of money to build a big fence around your property but isn't it isn't it trespassing just the same if you don't have a fence and somebody goes on to your property as if you climb the fence and one of the decisions said one of the one of the opinions from that court said that if it was put if the property was posted as private no trespassing but without that no because because the past rulings along these lines have been for other types of things where it's like you know sales people can walk up your driveway and knock on your door and that's not trespassing unless it's posted no trespassing so if you don't want if you want to positively protect yourself from having that surveillance used against you in court of law if you can spaciously approach all your property with a no trespassing signs and or put up a big fence then it would make it more difficult for it to be used on against you in court but doesn't mean they won't use it on you how about those new devices that if somebody goes up to your car and starts touching it still spikes come out and severely injure the person attempting to do so that would be you would be found liable for injuring them because it doesn't matter that's interesting Wow what if you don't own property what if you just rent a house or an apartment somewhere and you don't have the right to stick signs up around that's a good question wow you screwed then totally unbelievable GPS devices that we're not able to use against police it's things are as simple as taking photographs are videotaping police and there are lots of states that kind of outlaw that well if you actually videotape a cop doing their job or interrogating somebody doing something wrong doing something right you're somehow violating their rights they can do the same to you anyone else can do the same to you but if you do it to a cop all of a sudden they become privacy advocates all of a sudden it's it's insane because that's that's how you you actually find them committing all sorts of acts of wrongdoing and Rodney King and all kinds of videotapes of cops doing bad things if they're if they're doing their job they should not object to this and and that's probably why they don't want it to be done I mean you just named a few people where situations anyway where Pete where cops are get in trouble because they hurt somebody and there was videotaped to prove that they were in the wrong and personally I think that these kinds of things are very important to have because the whole thing of who watches the watchers you know well they're a bit more than just watchers they're enforcers as well but it's it still is true you know if the public doesn't hold them accountable and we're not allowed to then and in this in this day and age where we're videotaped surveillance is all the rage basically everywhere we go we're on tape but there's a story this week about new subway cars having having all kinds of video cameras in them and everyone's everyone's looking at that everyone's everyone's looking at that as as a good thing you know it's a good thing but their video camera ready and I don't know who everyone is but everyone if you look in the news if you read the news stories about this the public the the authorities the police the the the MTA I have not seen negative comments in any of the mainstream media I know I'll hear negative comments here I'll say negative comments myself but if you look at the stories it's seen as a godsend well the MTA is running a trial with one one subway car or two so one subway train sorry which is more than one car of course on it's on the 8th Avenue line running this trial and they're not sure if it's a success or not so it might be deemed a failure they have them on buses already they have cameras everywhere on buses well apparently it's much harder to put them on subways I don't know I'm not exactly sure what the difference is but and if you if you look at London if you look at Singapore and all various other places in the world that have cameras everywhere basically what you wind up having you have people that start demanding that you put more cameras up in the streets and on public transportation to protect them because somehow they get lulled into this sensation that cameras are good same thing that we see everywhere with increased security and I put that in double quotes because we somehow are convinced that it's making a difference years ago to come to this radio station for instance you didn't have to show any ID you just walk into a building and come upstairs and visit us and now even even we here at the station or some of us here at the station have the idea that you have to sign in you have to be listed on some master building list to get in otherwise we're insecure how is that any different if you if you look at schools today ask yourself does your school have an armed policeman in it it does well you know back back a few years ago that would have been seen as extremely messed up now it's the norm and we somehow convinced ourselves if we don't have that then there's something seriously wrong and we are at risk so the same thing with the cameras same thing with all kinds of tools that are introduced and you don't see the change happening until it's too late until it's already occurred what's interesting is there are very few studies done to check if cameras actually deter crime or prevent crime or anything I know how you would know well you could you could set up two similar cities one with lots of cameras one with relatively few cameras parallel universes that's the only way I can think there was a study done in the UK that showed that the effect of the cameras was to move the crime like a block away where the camera wasn't or into the forest motivation then to put up more cameras then you'll just keep pushing the crime out and out now that is that is the response that people give that yeah we need more cameras because obviously it's pushing it away from the cameras the cameras work but something else I wanted to say when you were mentioning about you know security guards and schools and all these things how how you know we keep on having all this extra securities it feels it feels like it's sort of like lowering the bar conditioning us that that becomes the norm then when something bad happens what was wrong you know what do we need to do to stop this from happening again and then we do some increase the security and before we know it we're gonna end up with video cameras everywhere cops telling us to show them what's inside of our bags which we already do in the subways actually already yeah we you know they they've they've won they've won when people start asking and demanding for these intrusions into our lives which is what they they really are it's it's that go ahead Bernie I want to say we were talking a little bit earlier about about new laws are making it illegal for people to videotape a police doing their jobs there's about a half dozen states that already have laws in the books that make it a felony to record the audio of someone speaking without their consent or or knowledge and that that's what these these new laws that are coming down the pike in some states or are addressing it these are already states where it's illegal Pennsylvania being one of them I figured with the other six I think can we prosecute our any of our listeners who might be recording us now without our knowledge New York is not one of the six states that makes it a felony to record someone's speech but what if they're somewhere whether in a different state and they're recording us I don't think you're hearing me if they're in a different state we're recording us can we prosecute our listeners I think you're saying no because this is a broadcast medium so we there's no we have no expectation no reasonable expectation of privacy well no neither do people walking on the street doing their their job why would they have a reasonable expectation of privacy doing their I'm just that the law sometimes is an ass but what I wanted to do in this case what I wanted to inform our listeners is if you do want to video record police in the act yes if there's any way to turn off the audio recording portion of that with some cell phones you can't do that with a lot of video cameras you can but if you just want to protect yourself against being charged with some ridiculous law how about this Bernie I'll erase the audio after I determine that they haven't done something so heinous that it won't matter because the audio will be captured and it'll show them planning amongst themselves to to do all kinds of torture to somebody and if you reveal that to the public maybe they'll overlook the fact that you recorded their audio without their permission well that's a good question but in many cases the cops will probably grab grab the recording before you get away but some states like Pennsylvania have an interesting exception there's an exception to the rule if you're recording someone's audio covertly if they are in the process of committing a felony then you're allowed to do it but you know if the police confiscate it it's it's a whole there's no black and white but if the police confiscate it doesn't matter if your audio is muted or not they've still confiscated it they're gonna confiscate it and then charge you and they may edit out the parts where they were committing the felony on the audio but it's the best practice is to try to mute the audio with your recordings of police if you can yeah I don't agree because I think you should record as much as you possibly can and if they try to charge you with something later you would simply erase the audio because otherwise they could just take your equipment and say there's audio on there and there's no way you can prove there isn't well I'm just giving out some advice I'm not a lawyer but I'm saying that's what you should try to do if you want to avoid the audio law yeah I just I'm never in favor of following stupid laws that wind up hurting you in the end I mean yeah I see what you're saying but I think you know if if people can walk around all over New York City recording things with video cameras it's ridiculous to say well when a cop shows up you got to mute the audio you know here's another way around it if you tell the cop right then and there we're recording your audio then they have no reasonable expectation of privacy because they've been advised that it's being recorded you don't need their consent you just need to tell them they have no reasonable expectation of privacy their audio is being recorded okay so what constitutes telling them just shouting at them and like if they're in if they're in camera view and it seems evident that they can hear you because they're not that far away from the person holding the camera and that and that's recorded in with the recording that you're yelling at them saying or just politely telling them loud enough for them to hear I'm recording audio and video you have no reasonable expectation of privacy well what if we just put up signs all over New York City saying police we are recording your audio you have no expectation of privacy with that suffice they can say they wouldn't see the sign oh they can read I've seen proof of this I know that but but most of them can I've checked this out of my own personal time Wow okay a lot to a lot to think about tonight Wow all kinds of legal challenges okay now we were talking about a particular challenge last week and I know a lot of people roll their eyes right back into their heads when they hear about this we spent a lot of time talking about the new voting system in New York that's taking place starting this month actually with primaries and for everybody in November now the reason a lot of people are very impatient with us specifically when we discuss this is because New York is the last state to to cut over to a different system we've been relying on the huge mechanical clunking machines that have been around since since Abraham Lincoln times I happen to like the machines but you know it's there are problems with them as as Micah said previously there really is no paper chair I know a listener last week who works with the Election Bureau said there was I think what he was referring to was the actual I don't know if it's paper tape or whatever it is that that the machine actually generates and is somehow tabulated but there is no actual ballots there's no way to actually recount other than to recount the the paper tape or whatever that particular device is so yeah you know there there are ways of modifying their ways of improving but I think what what New York has done and what many states have done is simply make things worse now what I what I found I did a little bit of research on what's happening on Long Island because every single county is doing this a little bit differently and there's a video and obviously I can't show the video on the air but I can play the video on the air and and tell you some of what's being said here and I think maybe maybe I can I can voice some of the concerns that I have with the new system as it's being rolled out and maybe people here people on the phone our listeners can call in and maybe convince me that it's not such a big deal or maybe see for the first time or second or third time that yeah this is a really big deal and we should be worried this is a video that Suffolk County Board of Elections has it's it's called it's here a new way to vote in Suffolk County it's got a nice picture of a lighthouse I guess that just makes you feel better let's let's listen to what they have to say and tear it apart it's here a new way to vote in Suffolk County make sure your vote counts we are pleased to introduce you to the new voting system this video will show you how easy it is to use we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the simple steps to casting your paper ballot voting this way is fast and easy and assures that your vote will be counted okay now let me just let me just stop you right there because every time they say that it assures that your vote will be counted they're implying that your vote isn't counted in any other system and that this is the only way your vote will be counted I'm pretty sure my vote was counted before pretty sure I mean what why why well I mean the thing is you can't point to any system and know that your vote was counted okay but what is the evidence for your vote being counted on the big mechanical machine well I can throw that right back and say what's the evidence that's gonna be counted on this I mean you can't audit your own vote in fact I even heard that New York forbids recounts I don't know what that even means but there how do you do it you tell me how it's done here I'll tell you how it's done there what no I think the system's no good but but you keep praising the mechanical machines I'm saying they're no worse than this okay that's a pretty low bar well it is a low bar when you consider how much money has been spent on this so far and how confusing and complicated it's getting we're just at the beginning of the video we haven't gotten 10 seconds into it let's listen listen to what else is ahead of us let's get started yes there are three easy steps to voting one check in at your election district okay that's that's the same as we did before very easy to mark your paper ballot okay and we would clunk the machine and throw the little lever down we don't mark a paper ballot in the old system but okay and three must be pulling that lever to close the curtain right and three insert your paper ballot in the tabulator huh insert my paper ballot in the tabulate okay I don't know what a tabulator is but I guess I'm gonna I'm gonna find out we'll begin with checking in at your election district when you arrive at the poll site be sure to go to the table that matches your election district or ED there may be multiple election districts at your poll site if you do not know your election district please visit our website at or call 631-852-4554 okay I should point out this is pretty much the same you walk into an election district and and you go to the right tables and you find where you're where you're supposed to go what particular machine you're supposed to go to I'd just like to point out that they suggested you visit a website on that website you're right I'm on a website already that doesn't make any sense well okay you know what that's that's that's the theme that's the hardest part of the whole thing is finding the right table it really but it's it's not it's always changing yeah but the thing is you walk into the room there's somebody there actually you know what it is and they never know how to work there's a book that that they can look in to tell you which table you're supposed to go to and the people at the table sitting all day with the book never know how to work if you know your election district which is on a little piece of paper they send you in the mail you simply go to the right table if you know your name they look up your name and then you sign a piece of paper and then you go into the voting booth and you vote and you leave that's that's what it is that's how it has been it's very simple so far nothing has changed but let's let's hear what what's new when you arrive at your election district give your name to the inspector he's giving his name to the inspector then sign the poll roster book he's signing the book now then the inspector will provide you with three items a paper I'm sorry he's saying he's gonna supply you with a paper ballot and when we never were supplied with anything before we simply was said we're told to go ahead but okay I saw I interrupted paper ballot is the first item paper ballot a secrecy sleeve and an ED card whoa okay I'm sorry a secrecy sleeve that's the silliest thing I think I've ever heard and an ED card okay you know that's nice I'm getting all these things I walk in it's kind of like I'm getting gifts of various sorts but really I just want to vote that's all I want to do is walk in there vote and leave and now I've got all these items in my hand I got a paper ballot a secrecy sleeve secrecy sleeve and an ED card why do I need to carry three items and and where am I going with these three I do get a pen oh good question Mike good question let's find out the paper ballot is used to cast your vote in case you didn't know what a paper ballot was okay the ballot may have two sides whoa whoa whoa hold on a second the ballot may have two sides may have two sides okay when when I voted before I go into the booth and you know what it's all right there in front of me I never had to flip something over to see if maybe there's something on the other side you know maybe there's something in the back of the voting machine that I have to go and and throw the lever there may have two sides come on where does it tell you if there are two sides I need to know that when I go in are you really having trouble with this or you're just like hamming it up for no I'm not hamming it up seriously how many people are going to flip every piece of paper over to see if there's something on the other side that's something we never had to do before I think it's valid may have two chances if they only get on one side and the machine tells them hey hey you forgot you think the machine's going to do that well you have a lot of faith in machinery let's let's uh let's let's let's take a listen to what else okay there's something on the other side there one side has the contests with candidates we're looking at the candidates here actually uh yeah these are fake well if they're fake names i'm seeing james mccormick david goodsell randy hynix i don't know who these people are but they're various uh justices of the supreme court in the 10th judicial district i'm not sure if that's fake or not but uh yeah it looks pretty much like the um uh the thing you would see in a mechanical voting booth but that's on the that's on the first side nothing about the second side yet there may also be proposals or questions brought before the voters in which case they will appear on the other side of the ballot now explain to me please why can't it all fit on one side like it used to why do we have to flip pieces of paper over um and potentially not see something it just seems like they're making it really easy to miss things this was something i didn't like about the old voting machines because sometimes there would be these proposals and things but they'd be 20 rows down after the main contests and so you might not know to look all the way down and look at every row but that's on the same side if you couldn't see it on the same side what are the odds that you'll see it on the other side where it's not even visible unless you flip the thing over i'm just you know i'll flip things over i'll look at all different angles and and see if things are there i'm just saying not everybody is going to do that think of your 86 year old grandmother not that there's anything wrong with 86 year old grandma i'm just saying people sometimes new technology is a little bit uh confusing and uh and uh it just seems like uh there's a potential here dot right maybe they made an executive decision and decided they couldn't make the ballot possibly make it any bigger than it already was is all these executive decisions i don't know let's uh let's keep listening the secrecy sleeve ensures the secrecy of your ballot by covering your ballot after you have finished voting okay that just sounds silly i'm sorry but um covering your ballot after you've finished voting covering it from who exactly should it already be in the tabulator then if you already voted it's i mean these are extra steps that i'm not used to and uh i'm sure it's gonna our new york city listeners will be pleased to know that this is only not this doesn't happen in new york oh there are no secrecy sleeves in there it's different it's a different machine or something really okay so we don't have the same system so if i if i move from new york city you know out to uh suffolk county i will be totally confused and not know how to you're totally confused anyway you know how much i can do to help you if we're confused imagine imagine how confused uh a lot of other people will be that uh don't deal with technology on a daily basis let's keep listening the ed card identifies your election district and the machine that is assigned to receive your completed ballot can somebody please explain what he just said because i don't get that i thought i already was in the right uh the right polling area based on what they told me at the table what's this ed card that tells me what electric election district i'm i mean what is that it seems like i'm doing the same thing twice can anybody explain this the table has the region they give you the card and that card is associated with that region so you're not explaining it i've already gone to the right well you have to do it all over again because first you have to go to the right people and then you then they give you the thing so you can tell so you can tell the machine that you're at the right if i've already checked in what's the point of an ed card that's all i'm gonna go through the electronic machine i don't get that let me have to go through the electronic the ed card goes to the machine what are you you're trying to confuse yourself and you're succeeding i'm asking questions here i'm asking questions and i i don't hear any answers rob do you have an answer i i think i've got this um you go to the correct table for your district they hand you the proper ballot and the proper ed card so that's how you know you got the right ballot for your district then once you've uh filled it out and done your thing you've still got the card which uh makes sure you go to the right machine for your district now to get that tabulated no i'm sorry i've i've gone to the right table yes right they they find my name they send me to the machine so isn't that enough why do you need a card they don't they don't send you to the machine they send you off to go fill in your uh boxes and then you have to then you have to get yourself uh to the right machine which is why you have the card have you ever had to um fill out a paper ballot in the past no as you can see this is new to me okay so i have because i i guess i move more often than you and the board of elections is kind of incompetent so they sometimes do and sometimes don't transfer my registration and sometimes they send me a piece of paper saying they transferred it and then when i get there it turns out they didn't and and what they do is you it sounds real smooth to me yeah and they give you a paper ballot and you fill it out and you give it back to them and it's it's really not that hard what about your ed card you didn't mention an ed card i didn't have the ed card right well you see this is the point but you know what if they gave me two things i could hand them both back to them what happens if i don't hand back the ed card what happens if i keep the ed card they get a heat ray and fire all right let's continue that is all there is to checking in at your election district realize we've only gone through one step so far there are three okay let's continue now to step two marking your paper ballot oh boy you will need to select a privacy booth before marking your ballot the privacy booths will be arranged in pairs when selecting a booth please be aware of other voters do not walk behind a voter while he or she is voting are you kidding me there's a there's a there's a video here of some guy walking around the back of somebody where he can totally see what it is they're doing uh there aren't little booths anymore with curtains around them you're basically at a table in a room where you can make eye contact with all sorts of other people they can see what you're doing where you're looking uh it's very different from the privacy that you used to get inside a voter booth and you have to walk around the right not around the left if you walk around the left and you're you're basically in the booth with the person i wonder how many times that's going to happen instead walk around the other side of the booth now you are ready to review the ballot the ballot may be printed on both sides okay now we see there's this little desk area uh where there's a looks like a pin attached to the wall with a string of some sort uh this person has nicely placed their ed card on the table and their ballot on the table as well and they're setting up shop there uh in the uh little tiny space that they have uh to do this uh right next to somebody else who they can easily communicate with familiarize yourself with the contests which appear across the top row of the ballot okay we're looking at the fake names again take special note of the number of choices you are allowed to make in each contest now this is another extra step that we didn't have to take before because the mechanics of this process we didn't have to take before because the mechanical machines simply were programmed not to let you pick more than what you're allowed to pick if you don't take special note of how many names you can you can check off and you get it wrong guess what you have to start all over again or have your vote not counted the parties appear down the left-hand column of the ballot in some cases a candidate may be listed in more than one party okay we see many instances of that you only vote for them once to select a candidate use the pen provided in the booth which i assume means you can't use your own pen you got to use that pen i'm not really sure if that's true or if you can use a pencil or or whatnot but what's interesting here is i said the the pen was attached by a string or a cord to the table that's not entirely true at least not in this example only the pen cap is attached according to this uh you simply take the pen out of the pen cap which remains securely fastened to the table but the pen you're free to take with you to make your selection fill in the oval completely next to the candidate's name okay we see the guy filling it in very completely very perfectly just like i'm not make any stray marks and do not use an x or check to mark your ballot yeah don't use x don't use checks and all this silence that you're hearing right now they're showing you all the different ways not to mark things no x's no checks uh no slashes no circles because if you do any of that your vote's not going to count you have to do it you have to fill in that box exactly and not too much not too little you got to get it just right unbelievable make sure you fill in the oval completely yeah whereas before you threw a lever now you got to get this if you would like to write in a candidate whose name does not appear for a contest print the candidate's name in the write-in box at the bottom of the column for that contest have you ever successfully cast a write-in vote on on those mechanical machines i've never actually done a write-in yeah yeah because no one knows how to do it well you know when's the last time a write-in candidate even got more than one percent of a vote well in new york city they don't count the right they don't even count it's against the law you could sue them if you're a writing candidate and win but in past at least i voted for candidates and my vote hasn't been counted because no one knows how to work the write-in button yeah well the right in that's uh that's an issue that i think is uh is ongoing but this this goes beyond all that okay we're looking at the right in line at the bottom now he's writing in adam smith your ballot is complete when you have made all of your selections for the contests and proposals be sure not to select more candidates than a contest will allow if you do your ballot will be rejected due to an overvote and that's the error we mentioned last week the overvote error people that's a word that people are going to have to get used to is overvote and i imagine that's going to happen quite a bit after you have finished marking your ballot please review your selections to make sure you voted the way you want that is all there is to marking the ballot of course unlike in the mechanical system what if you decide to change your mind what happens then you've just marked it with a pen uh many is the time i've been in the mechanical machine and i've changed my mind and i've i've gone back and forth a little bit what you've never done that you've never changed your mind well if you change your mind after marking you have to get another ballot and you know what you can only do that three times yeah three three chances you get apparently sorry then you have to see a judge or something after the third time i don't know all right let's continue the final step is to insert your paper ballot in the tabulator before going to the tabulator put your ballot in the secrecy sleeve oh boy it doesn't matter which direction it goes in so basically you're putting you're putting your ballot into this uh semi envelope thing and uh the only purpose of that envelope is to is to hide what it is uh that you've done from people around you i suppose but you got it you got to insert it just right and sort of feed it in manually go to the tabulator whose color matches your ed card and hand your ed card to the inspector so now there's a person standing by what looks like a copying machine and you hand them uh um what you hand them the card and uh you wind up feeding in your your your ballot make sure to protect the secrecy of your vote by placing the ballot in the secrecy sleeve while inserting the ballot in the tabulator okay who can repeat that anybody repeat what that guy just said oh my god it's uh it's gonna be fun now next you'll insert your completed ballot into the tabulator grasp the side of your ballot and slide it into the tabulator wow this is going so slowly the machine will process your ballot and will display a message once the ballot is successfully cast and look how long it takes for that to happen there return the secrecy sleeve to the inspector after voting what happens if i don't do that they have no more secrecy at the uh the polling place i'm just thinking of all the things that i've been given i've been giving this ed card a secrecy sleeve a paper ballot um and a pen so you stole the pen well it didn't say i couldn't do that but um i was never able to take things away before and of course also another thing uh with this new system it requires all this power that the old system didn't require i mean manual materials apparently having these sleeves and these papers they don't require power but the actual tabulator does this is all stuff that they're i feel like it's almost like a waste of material well yeah there's a lot of extra material here a lot of cost has gone into this let's uh conclude this okay they're leaving now you've just completed voting it's that simple voting this way is fast and easy and assures that your vote will be counted for more information please visit our website at or call 631-852-4554 of course there's not a whole lot you can do about it that's the system at least in suffolk county and that's what uh we're going to have to uh to deal with looking forward to this vulture well it's too bad that this is uh as opposed to .gov yeah i'm not sure what that's all about because then it'd be .gov of the week now bernie you're in pennsylvania is this the kind of system you've been using no they have a in philadelphia county where i reside um they have a a membrane uh voting system it's a big uh it's a big uh plastic you walk up to a machine that has a a big plastic overlay and behind that uh red leds that uh light up when you press the the press the plastic sheet behind which there's a momentary switch but for for the suffolk hold suffolk county listeners who just heard that suffolk county voting video um a lot of people in suffolk county have horses and would know why you can't walk behind uh someone who's voting uh just like horses you can't you shouldn't walk behind them because they will kick you and if you walk behind a voter in suffolk county they might kick you is that really the strongest defense we can come up with here i'll tell you if someone walks behind me i'm gonna cause uh holy hell you should react like a horse would well there's all kinds of all kinds of mischief with all these devices plugged in and and things that um i don't know just i can hardly wait actually there there are a bunch of things they tell you not to do they say uh make sure you mark the thing perfectly don't make any extraneous marks now if i make an extraneous mark somewhere is it going to tell me where the extraneous mark is or do i have to figure it out when it rejects it and start all over again what if there are extraneous marks already on the ballots uh what do you do then and and what happens if i replace the pen with a pen that either doesn't work or maybe has um uh invisible ink that'll disappear or something like that so then a recount will be completely useless all kinds of things you can do i mean i'm not trying to cause trouble well i am trying to cause some trouble but you know i think these are questions that should have been asked and uh maybe there was a way to take a system that that uh was pretty solid and and reliable and improve it so that there was a paper trail rather than introducing you know there's nothing worse than bad software i think we've all used bad software uh where um maybe we're using a version of something and and somebody decided they were going to upgrade it and it stops working from that point on we've all been there this has all the makings of that to me where it just uh is confusing error messages all kinds of conditions ways that you have to uh basically conform to the software rather than have the software uh follow your needs emmanuel yes one other thing uh uh one other point of confusion i think listeners who just heard that suffolk county bidding voting video is the the term ed card the pharmaceutical industry has has widely promoted the term ed to to as to define a uh a particular a medical malady electro uh erectile dysfunction so i'm wondering if this is going to cause confusion and flaccid ballots in suffolk county you know i i'm getting the feeling bernie if you're not taking this as seriously as you might uh with some of the defenses you're coming up with here i think there are some really uh legitimate questions to be uh to be asked uh without coming up with scenarios of horses kicking you in erectile dysfunction but um i don't know i guess we can battle it on all different all different fronts rob you know i've been living in suffolk county all my life and um you know first of all i was never issued my horse so uh if bernie you could look into that for me but um also i've been i've been watching people every year um get really confused by the machines that have been around since time immemorial okay what are some of the confusing things that people find with with the old mechanical machines i am curious about that i think with the old mechanical machines um i i particularly remember an incident where somebody was angry that they couldn't pull more than one lever and they were like shouting about it and that that was a safety feature they couldn't put more if they did put more in one level they won't lever they would have overvoted now they can mark more than one ballot but if they do that their votes not going to be counted so uh wasn't that a way of protecting them yeah um but if if uh if those if those machines were confusing people what are the new ones going to do at least at least we had the uh safety sleeves to hide our arterial dysfunction yeah these safety sleeves they're they're intriguing to me i can hardly wait to get my hands on one all your questions and worries are just making me think you know why wasn't there just simply some sort of a competition where they picked out whatever they wherever the most uh the best performing things and let the public decide that's supposedly what they did years ago when uh not kevin and i went up up and jim you were there i don't i don't remember we went uptown we went uptown and um and and and played with these machines and made all kinds of suggestions but of course uh those suggestions aren't really counted the questions we asked weren't really answered those machines seem cheap confusing and uh not very reliable back then and i i fear they will be when they're put into practice this is the same issue a lot of non-profits get uh where they end up choosing the product especially with software that has the biggest marketing budget as opposed to the actual best product and it's it's um problem that a lot of industries face when they go out to purchase privatized well i mean just ask yourself how many times are these corporate improvements that we're faced with uh whether it be your your uh banking statement having a new look based on your feedback to uh new features of your favorite piece of software how many times does it seem like it's going in the reverse direction that's not really helping you at all this is our vote this is uh the the foundation of a democratic society it's something that i think we should take very seriously we're taking phone calls 212-209-2900 if you have any uh feedback questions um if you call me from a different state i'm sure you're going to be very angry with us for wasting all this time on something you probably been dealing with for many years but new york is the last state to uh to make this jump i'd like to hear from people in different countries maybe uh you have a better way of of doing things i do think there are ways that this can be handled uh that cover all the um all the concerns and and um and and are uh are safe for example well okay uh if if you have um something that um let's say an on-screen um metro card looking machine okay because i like the metro card machines here in new york and you simply place all your all your votes there on the screen and then something is printed out an actual card an actual piece of paper is printed out showing what you voted for and you approve that piece of paper goes into a tray and the electronic vote is cast you have your paper trail you have your electronic voting next to each other what's wrong with a system like that and why could why couldn't that have been piggybacked onto the mechanical system that existed before well it can't be piggybacked because the mechanical system doesn't have those kinds of features oh no well they could be uh enhanced they can't because no one makes the mechanical machines no one makes them because nobody uses them that's the reason no one makes them if we use them they'd make them don't you see it's a catch-22 that doesn't make any sense at all but it makes perfect sense if you stop using something if you stop buying something then guess what they're not going to make them anymore if everybody still used these things and they'd make them if if new york state bought the system you just described and that very slow talking man who just narrated the video that we just watched described that new system equally as slowly you would interrupt him every three seconds and say it was complicated just the same what's complicated about uh pressing buttons indicating what you want to vote for seeing confirmation of that on a piece of paper hitting yes walking away it's much more complicated than filling in a bubble on a piece of paper okay except there are so many ways to do it wrong there's so many ways to press the wrong button on a screen there's so many wrong ways to do anything wrong show me show me we'll go to a metro card machine later you can show me how many wrong ways there are to buy a two dollar metro card it's it's it's really simple when things are are done right and this just isn't done right let's take some phone calls good evening you're on off the hook yeah hi hi what's on your mind yeah i went to vote last time i went to vote they uh because i live on the lower east side right i went to a 10th street uh school and uh they didn't allow me to vote they said they couldn't find my name on the thing okay well i don't think this system's gonna gonna fix that in any way it's got nothing uh to do with electronic or um or uh mechanical voting what they should have let you do is cast something called an affidavit ballot where you can vote anyway and it gets set aside and then it's determined uh later if you were in fact allowed to vote or not um it sounds like a case of poor training if they didn't let you do that yeah but again that poor training is going to translate itself to any kind of system good evening you're on off the hook speak up hello yes go ahead uh computer show um no not the computer show we're off the hook get the show right good evening you're on off the hook good evening emmanuel this is bobson from bulgaria hey bulgarian caller how are you all right i have a couple questions about what you talked earlier today okay uh the not trespassing thing with the cars and the gps devices what happens if you put the no trespassing bumper stickers on your car is that gonna remember these are police they can do whatever they want so uh good question yeah i don't think i don't think they'd respect it you know they simply well i i'm talking can you have a case about there being a no trespassing sign on the car and then there's somebody doing the opposite of it well another thing i when you discuss go ahead oh i just got some um the the other thing you somebody said that uh there were usb ports on the new voting machines i haven't gotten to that and believe me if there are usb ports i'm going in there with a hard drive i'm going to see what i'm going to see what's possible i mean you know believe me if there was a usb port on a mechanical machine i would have done the same thing but i know what i what i hear there is there are devices that plug into usb ports and pretends to be keyboards or mice or whatever and they are they look like a cap on the usb port so it's it's a very small device that is can i can i ask you how how is voting done in bulgaria what kind of system do you use there uh you select a piece of paper among uh several many uh about a dozen or maybe two dozen pieces of paper with the names printed on it put it in an envelope put the envelope in a big transparent box and then somebody counts it afterwards that's uh that's pretty high tech isn't it and no one ever has any trouble placing a piece of paper in an envelope well not really well i haven't heard of anybody all right apparently you guys are more talented than emmanuel believes suffolk county voters to be listen you give us you give us that kind of a system i think i think we can handle it i think it would also be a lot more secure than what they're unleashing on us here uh listen thanks for your call we're going to try and move on and see uh what other people have to say good evening you're on off the hook speak up please yes hello hi what's on your mind yeah uh guys i'm the election uh inspector that has called several times and you seem to remember me emmanuel you called last week right yes i did okay make it fast emmanuel you're you're cute and positive but let's stay positive uh we're going to try and do our best now i got a question there's four different voting districts in the gym i'm in and they're telling us they don't have funding for extra pens what's going to happen when somebody takes a pen from another district do they think they're going to come over to mine because what you can see is the whole privacy screen and desk being pulled away as they try and pull our pen away what do you think then we'll see how honest and dishonest some of the other elections inspectors are well i'm kind of curious what kind of pens are being used is there only a particular type of pen that'll work they haven't told us that no no they just only said that they don't have funding for extra pens but some will be supplied in the kit i just think there are so many ways things can get messed up but uh you don't prove me wrong well we'll we'll find out i wanted to call in with a tongue-in-cheek thing like that all right thanks uh listen what i'm going to do is i'm going to personally email 2600 and let's get an open forum going and uh it's all good i don't have anything i'm going to give you illegally because that's not fair no you know i'm i'm a respectable elections inspector that's it and i'm 2600 all right well that's good to know you're out there looking out for our interest and uh yeah feed us whatever information you can we'd like to uh to hear about it let's uh take some more calls good evening you're on off the hook it's on your mind with that gps already there's a battle in the supreme court over whether like a police helicopter needs a search warrant with a thermal heat unit you know to walk you know search determine whether there's marijuana going in that house with the gps like with the five support you know with national security uh listening devices it doesn't hurt because i mean you don't want you don't want political police if i can't see a court refusing the police a warrant to attack somebody in criminal activity i just can't see yeah they tend not to refuse those warrants it's very true and um uh i'm afraid of uh what this is going to lead to which is precisely what makes it so worrying that they don't even want to get a warrant you know when they could get a warrant and almost automatically and they think that's too much hassle it's it's a little worrying one last phone call good evening you're on off the hook hi emmanuel how you doing uh as a disability advocate i like you testified all over upstate new york about these help of their america vote act machine that were supposedly put in to help the disabled vote and i have a visual problem and i just received this week a uh brochure from the board of elections that says state step four review the screen and basically what it's asking you demanding that you do is interact with a touch screen and in the partially sighted community that uses paper we for the most part have a saying that if they can't photograph the screen it's not going to be uh... good enough for a disabled person to see and uh... they have a right here a picture and it looks like an empty etch-a-sketch screen it's probably one of those cheap screens okay we have to wrap this up actually nobody with a visual disability this is going to disenfranchise us all right we're going to have to see if that actually holds true that's very disturbing if it does write to us oth at be back next week probably talking about this and other issues 2600 meetings this friday all over the world uh... have a good night that was special and today is a very special day for a little young man who turned one years old today one single uno miles jasper stern he's this young man that i've met out there whose name is miles and that's what you know his name he's such a cool young man but now it is 8 p.m. this september the first two thousand and ten