Go to fsrn.org and that wraps up today's program. This is free speech radio news. Thanks for listening in New York I'm Dorian marina And you're listening to radio station oh Yeah, WBA I New York. The time is just about seven o'clock. That means once again, it's time Yes for off the hook I I I And very good to ride the program is off the hook Emmanuel Goldstein here with you this fine Wednesday evening Joined tonight by Mike. Hello, Jim Dot red Rob T firefly good evening Gus Walter. Yo dog. I heard you're interviewing me Sorry Whatever. Okay and Bernie down in Philadelphia Yes, it's st. Patrick's Day, isn't it last time we were st. Patrick's Day and we were doing a show I believe red hat walked in in the middle of the big green hat and he's not here now. So I guess that could still happen And that works really well on the radio yeah, okay, so Exciting. Go ahead. There's this blinking light in the studio And maybe we can take the big green hat and cover the big green light with it Yeah, okay, you know for those people who listen to this radio station on a regular basis We always are complaining about what's going on inside the studio And yes, somebody's bright idea to install a big flashing green light whenever a microphone is on and we just cover it with gloves But you know, it's st. Patrick's Day today. So I think maybe we should have the big flashing green light on the whole hour What do you think? Jim likes that idea. So I'm all for it. Well, it's an idea. I'll put it that way. Yeah So, okay. Yeah exciting news today. We finally were able to get the the hotel Special rates for the help conference. So that means that if you if you go to It's not on our website yet. We tweeted about it, but it's not yet on our website It's on it's on the dot right is on the next hope wiki or blog or how many things are there? I'm getting confused man. There's so many you have the main website, you know, hope.net you have the forms talk that hope.net Wiki, which is wiki dot net. Yes, and there's more right Twitter and Facebook events Facebook and For some reason we don't have it on the main 2600 site yet. But well, there's plenty of places to find the prices Yeah, the contact phone numbers you can get that I can't give the prices out over the air, but we can say that the prices are less than they were previously That's incredible that we're able to pull that off but all you have to do is call the hotel hotel, Pennsylvania, which is Pennsylvania six five thousand area code two one two for those of you in this century two one two, seven three six five thousand and ask for the hope conference rate and of course hope is taking place July 16 17 and 18 of 2010 and That's just more exciting than I can I can think of at the moment We've been involved in all sorts of things over the last week as far as organizing Getting people to show up and projects and things like that Emanuel. Yes, Bernie I noticed I called the hotel Pennsylvania recently. Did you and I noticed they're they're they're automated system no longer plays Pennsylvania six five. Oh get out. Really III how could they possibly have decided to get rid of that famous song? That made probably the most famous phone number in the world. You know what I bet it is I bet they don't have the rights to play the music You know, it could be that or it could be they didn't make their demographic would be familiar with the song But I mean still they should make their food their demographic familiar with the song Wow I'm sorry. What a demographic that hotel does not have a demographic. I don't think I thought we were the demographic The demographic is people that need to come to New York cheap That's a demographic and we're happy to cater to that demographic. So yeah Those of you who want to come to the help conference all the information is available on hope.net the registration Register early, please. It helps us out. And also you'll save money because the prices don't stay low forever I mean that they're always low comparatively to to other conferences and other things to do But they'll never be lower than this. Let's put it that way So again, hope.net and two and two seven three six five thousand to register for your your special room rates for the hope conference filter Yes, don't then end up like I did at the last hope where I forgot to Call in time for you get the special rate and by the time I got ahead to pay full price Yeah, you have a history of this a horror You had the same problem where somebody had to pull out all kinds of favors for you to get Get a ticket. Otherwise, you would have been standing on the other side of the street So yeah, let's let's take that to heart Okay, we have various special things to talk about tonight now Bernie I know that you've been following this story, even though it's taking place in our fair city and not yours Perhaps you could update us and also by way of by way of this introduce our special guest But some of you may have heard the story about some nefarious activities with New York City Taxis, yeah, why don't you tell us what's what you know about that? Well, it all started a few months ago or maybe a few weeks ago with it when an Doctor with NYU took a took a cab In the city and he knew the cab fare was normally like five dollars But but must been a short ride and it went up to like seven dollars and he he had an argument with the cab driver about it who then offered to give him a discount and He just thought it was fishy So he paid with his credit card to have to log this and then he filed a complaint with the New York Taxi and limousine Commission who did an investigation and found out that the taxicab drivers were playing tricks with the The fare boxes they could press a button a certain way to make it to record the fares being outside a certain area so they could charge more and You know when you give somebody that kind of power it turns out like a lot of taxicab drivers were doing this and to the tune Of like eight point two million dollars in in overcharges And thanks to some creepy tracking technology that the New York Taxi and limousine Commission has been using With the taxi head drivers were really complaining about and now I see why maybe everyone who paid with a credit card the limousine Commission can go back in the system and And see who was really overcharged because there's a GPS system in each cab now which logs were the cars to where the where the ride started and where it ended and Who was in the car as far as whose credit card it was and that sort of thing But we have a special guest tonight to explain exactly how this happened a special guest to who spoke at the last Hope back in 2008 on on on taxis and Foghorn are you with us? Yes, I am and we'll tell us something about yourself you gave that talk at the last hope which was very well received and You are you a cab driver yourself or are you involved actually? They they wanted me to go through the Licensing system and and check out the taxi schools because they're getting different reports of you know, this taxi school You know slips me afraid a little bit this taxi school doesn't really do anything And so they wanted me to go through that and I got my hack license and I think it lapsed got your hack license Yeah, okay good to know Comes from the term hacky cab back in London in the 1800s, there were horse-drawn carriages and they went around at breakneck speeds and The drivers were called hacky. The cabs were called hacky cabs and drivers were called hack drivers and That tradition carried over to New York City. And so even here in like in the database, it's not called driver ID It's called hack number That's that's a fascinating bit of history. I didn't I didn't know that's where the term came from Okay, so Well, can you tell us something about the the talk you gave at the last hope and then we'll talk about the current issues The talk was actually on this specific system. I was my internship with the Taxi Limiting Commission in 2008 and that summer and I was working directly with the GPS system on the databases so I had you know access to all the databases I could see everything that was going on and My job was to make a front end for the call center to interface with it and Based off the stuff that I saw and the things are happening in the news. I figured it would be a good idea to get some of this information out to the public and You know inform people that it's not just you know Big Brother looking down our looking down his nose into our pocketbooks and making sure that you know We're taking tax caps where he wants us. It's a system that actually helps people and does a lot of good Okay So now let's let's move up to the present we've all seen the story concerning what Bernie was talking about about Taxi driver some taxi drivers overcharging by I believe double Now is there something you can tell us about how that particular system Ties into all this. Yeah In the taxi cab as soon as you hop into the cab, there are certain fairs that can apply For example, it's late at night You might get a little extra charge on the on your bill if you're coming from JFK there or Laguardia Rather, it's a $45 flat fee into the city and they just press another button there's other fares for Certain things I can't remember at the moment, but it's just buttons on the little taxi meter device and They can just press them at will and there's really no check system at the moment to Check to see that the fare actually applies as to where they are and what time of day it is But it's all recorded in the database There's a certain database that just holds all the information for the ride So how long it was pick up location drop off location last four digits the credit card Tip amount if it's entered and any special rates that apply are a couple different columns and So what was going on was taxi drivers were just pressing that button and what it was is as soon as you leave New York County, so any of the five boroughs the rate doubles So if you go into West District County as soon as you hit that county line, they hit the button and your fare Jumps up. So and that the per minute fare is what changes? the per quarter mile eighth mile Either a time or distance, right? Right. Okay and so they were just pressing that button, but they weren't leaving New York County and what the taxidermy commission did was went back into the records and Because they had the start location at the end location and Google Maps they could just plug that in and see okay, this guy went from you know, Central Park to Lincoln Center and That's well within Manhattan So wait, you mean they're able to call up records of a ride that was taken years ago and check the rate that was charged For that ride. I'm pretty sure they don't delete any data at this particular time, but the thing is Only the last four digits of your credit card are saved But but but the information on the actual ride that the driver Had is saved. Yeah, that's incredible. I didn't know they did things like that and Wow Has this been used for law enforcement purposes yet? I Can't fight anything off the top of my head but I do remember I worked in the call center a couple days to get a feel for it so I can make the Interface I was talking about and At least five calls a day came through That phone that I was working at in particular where someone had left a bag in the back of a car or you know Cello in the trunk or something and they just knew okay. I was at this place I went to this place and they dropped me off at this time and Based off that you can get the list of all the taxi cabs that picked up in an area within that location like a 0.5 mile radius and Then dropped off within a 0.5 mile radius and then based on the time you can figure out which cab it was specifically and What's nice about the new system is they've implemented an SMS system Where the TLC can actually message the cabbie? specifically which cabbie they Identified and say hey look in your back. See if this is back there if so return to the nearest lost item briefing Hey foghorn. Yep. I I really enjoyed your talk at the last tip. It was really interesting But what you just mentioned is that the the taxi limousine Commission is now texting cabbies while they're driving Doesn't this conflict with a recent rule that the taxi limousine Commission just put into effect a few weeks ago that forbade Your cabbies from using their phone For any purpose while they're driving There's a safeguarding system so that as if the cab is moving the text doesn't go through so to stop the text Bernie I think what you're referring to was the bus system No, I was referring to the taxi limousine Commission I actually called them and verified what the article was I don't know if we talked about it detail on the show, but um yeah So that's really interesting the system sees if the car the cab is moving and waits till it's Apparently stopped before it sends the SMS to the cabbie Yeah, because as the cab is moving along. It's dropping breadcrumbs so that the GPS in the back can pick it up Breadcrumbs being it's taking GPS coordinate locations as it's going along this path and then storing them temporarily so they can display them on the Display in the back of the cab because there's a TV back there, and then it looks and You can you know you could trace your route, and this is where you're going. This is where your destination can be and As long as the points are close enough to just text message So if they're if they only had the last four digits of all these credit card numbers that were That were overcharged for cab fare How are they going to find out individually who deserves a refund written business taxi limousine Commission say they're going to try to refund all? eight point two million dollars in overcharges that's that's one of the problems the taxi limousine Commission only carry only keeps the last four digits because They're they're trying to coordinate You know that this cab was different from this cab was different from this cab and the way the database is set up It's it's actually quite insane. There's about 16 different databases and none of them are exactly linked They're actually stored in the mainframe which is queried every day and then pulled into a mysql database Which then you have to use all sorts of join To get it to work with anything well as far as just a suggestion here from from somebody who never takes cabs But okay, we don't know who to refund the money to but we do know who's guilty Why not have it simply a day where the guilty cab drivers have to take everybody in the city around for free? you know what that is that is that the Realistic or maybe maybe a week Just until they pay it all week of free cab rides But unfortunately another one of the problems we had was I was doing some statistical work and I had to figure out you know what an average cabbie's day was and You know when they started work how many trips they made and one thing that makes it difficult Is a lot of the times you're supposed to sign in with your hack number every time you make a trip but some people some hack drivers don't do that or they leave the hack number of the person who wasn't before because they leased the cab and They know the person who leases it they use their hack number All sorts of different systems. You can't exactly be sure who was driving any cab at any particular time Now I'm going back to what you were saying about the GPS and the the system that logs the locations and where you go I don't believe this is an entirely new thing I seem to remember in the days before all this tech was in the cab that they would just write it down with a pen and paper and So I think this is just automating something that was already a requirement and am I correct exactly? There used to be what called the what they call trip sheet and you had to write down your pick up location your drop off location the times and how many passengers and You had to have it filled out, but there was nothing about how legibly you have to do it So if you look back into my slides, they're posted on my website nickleghorn.com There's a slide in there, which has a the most legible trip sheet I could find and I still can't read it Because a lot of the stuff that did was They'd fill out a trip sheet using, you know The worst handwriting they could possibly do and then they just leave it Because they didn't need to necessarily hand and a good one in every day They just photocopy it and send a whole bunch in but they needed to have a one that looks sort of filled out or else The police could give them a ticket for not having a trip sheet So is it was it something where when they changed over from the trip sheets to the computerized system? Were there any cabbies who refused or there's still people out there using trip sheets or is everybody doing digital now? It's mandated after the the last after the system was implemented it became a Necessity for recertification of the cab because every Four months four to six months the cabs need to be recertified So they need to go through the inspection facility Make sure that you know, all the springs are good The seat doesn't have you know, hypodermic diesel sticking out of it the right stickers are in the right place and nothing's lapsed and They made it one of the requirements that you had to have one of the three systems there are three different implementations of this GPS system and they made it a requirement that you have to have one of them or else you wouldn't pass recertification and you couldn't Operate as a taxicab anymore So we've returned to the credit card issue and you had mentioned that there are lots of like Poorly organized databases that are part of the system Is there any point in the chain where there's more than the for the last four days you credit card stored where that could be? subpoenaed potentially there is one point and that's the The I was talking about the there are three different implementations of the GPS system And each one is backed up by a different company and each of the companies Charges the credit card. So it's up to the companies to charge the credit cards not the TLC so they according to the PCI standards have to keep the records for a certain amount of time and they'll keep the record and Whether or not they have them. I'm Unaware, but that's the best bet for where the records are because by the time it hits TLC databases They've already been sanitized So they don't actually limit each mission doesn't even get the full Credit card number. It isn't even translated to them. I was speaking with foghorn about the the current New York City taxi scandal and let me go back to your your talk in 2008 at the last hope How was that received by the hacking community? They liked it a lot. I really wanted to go to do more but I was I was doing the presentation. I Was I was doing it The attack to the limousine Commission gave me permission to do it. So they went through my speech and okayed all of it There's a little bit more. I wanted to go into but it was some live exploits in the system that I've notified them of and I'm still waiting on confirmation to release those but That people seem to like it a lot There were there were a lot of people that came up to me afterwards saying, you know I've been a taxi driver for X number of years. I didn't know this was how the system worked. It's really cool I did a lot about the history of the taxi cabs and The current demographics of taxi drivers and how there are precisely thirteen thousand two hundred and thirty seven operating taxi cabs at any time in New York City and A lot of people seem to like just learning about the taxi system Because we're hackers. We like learning about a new system Yeah, I think I think that's why hackers are big into trains as well anything with a system involved We want to find out exactly what's what's behind it. What makes it take and what breaks it obviously exactly Are there any other little tidbits you'd like to to tell us about how the system works? You might have thought of? um It's just it's just really interesting when you get down into it you start Understanding, you know, these people are mostly people that came over from other countries and the drivers rather And they typically had another job set up, but that fell through and then they they went to taxi driving It's not that they came here Looking specifically to drive taxis that they had something else set up and then fell back onto this as sort of a backup plan And from from from there you start looking at it and thinking that these are you know, not necessarily, you know the dregs of society you're driving around but and somewhat educated people who are you know, just a little down on luck and You know Not down in their luck. Sometimes they're doing quite well. I understand that. Well, first of all a Medallion cost a fortune doesn't it? take the last Medallion Either auctioned off and the last medallion went for about half a million dollars Yeah, so if you own a medallion, you must be doing all right exactly Like I said, there there are exactly thirteen thousand two hundred and thirty seven medallions out there and that number only changes Once in a blue moon. Hey, fine. Yeah I just want to ask you since you pointed out that the system doesn't really isn't really able to track who the cab driver was Only from the hack number Which apparently they could enter somebody else's number in right? Do you think knowing since you've dealt with it you work for the Taxi Limousine Commission? Do you think that they may move towards some sort of biometric identification system? So the so that cab drivers or hacks will actually have to you know stick their finger in something or do a retina scan or something to prove that they are the The driver they say they are they had a hard enough time pushing through the Just getting the GPS system in there I don't really see them being able to put something like biometrics in there at least not right now It would certainly make it a whole lot easier for tracking purposes and also for for just signing in instead of punching in your seven or nine digit number you just Swipe your finger and you're in but again with the whole privacy thing a lot of these a lot of these people aren't Necessarily reporting all their earnings to the IRS. So having them swipe in Interesting Go ahead Voltaire back to the point about the income at the cabbies. It's I think in your presentation you had Gone through a chart of like the average Take home income at the end of the year. It really didn't seem like much. Do you have the numbers offhand? I'm sorry for what the the income of the taxicab drivers. I don't have those numbers offhand It's The way the taxi system works is you lease you're a hack driver So you have your hack number you have your licenses driving taxi and then you have to go to one of these guys that have the thirteen thousand two hundred thirty seven medallion and They don't drive their own taxicabs They lease them out to other people because the taxis have to be on the road a certain percentage of the day whether it be 12 hours or 24 hours or whatever it is, but they have to be on the road and So they lease them out to the drivers for $100. I think $100 is the latest lease rate But they plop down their hundred dollars they get the medallion in the car for the day and then they have to make up that hundred dollars before they start earning any money and with the Fueling with the fuel prices of 2008. There was a lot of clamor for them to raise the rates of taxicab I raised the taxicab rates so the taxi drivers could get more of a quote fair shake and quote and We were able to show that Actually the fuel prices for the amount of driving that they were doing and the amount of business they were doing was not affecting Them in a significant way. So It seems like they're doing pretty well. I can't give you an exact number though. Okay, we're speaking with Nick foghorn I got that right. It's Nick foghorn, right? You know, it was leghorn I asked for a T5 flavors foghorn a leghorn and he said it was fog horn It's not my fault Nick leghorn Okay well in any event We'd like to know if you if you'd like to stay on for some phone calls afterwards because I think a lot of people have Have questions Okay, well you are now because we're gonna put you on hold just for a moment because we have another Nick on the other line And it's too bad. You're not Nick foghorn because this is another Nick F This is see is he on? Okay. This is Nick fury joining us from Carolina, I'm not sure which Carolina Nick are you with us? Okay. Now you're on the program right now because you have a special event coming up this weekend involving the hacker community And we want to make sure people know about it. It's called Carolina con. Tell us something about Carolina Come Carolina con is a annual event. We hold it every year this year. It's going to be in Raleigh, North Carolina We generally hold it in North Carolina We don't have a whole lot of love for South Carolina. Maybe I don't know. Oh, that's great. Okay, so you have right away You have all kinds of animosity. No, no. No, we have a lot of people who actually come up from South Carolina We love them dearly Give them a hard time, I guess but the event is held every year this year It's going to be this coming Friday the 19th and Saturday the 20th and Sunday the 21st Wow Okay, tell us some of the things that have happened in in previous Carolinas previous Carolina cons that we started in 2005 It was mainly just a meetup of all the 2600 groups within, North Carolina, and it's just sort of grown from there Previous years. We've had people present on all kinds of topics from lock-picking stuff robotics Amateur radio we had a guy do he did pirate radio and actually was part of the Radio Carolina vessel Oh, really? I remember that. Yeah, it was off the coast of the UK if I remember right, but yeah He had actually been involved with that. He came out and talked we've done all kinds of stuff Uh-huh. And what kind of turnout do you generally get last year? I think we had around 150 people come out We're expecting at least that many this year possibly more. So, okay Well, we can't give out prices, but we can give a website information and how people can can register or head on down there Sure, the website Carolina con org car ol in I Lina con co n dot o RG I can't give the price but uh Feel free to check out the website. The price is there it the price is indeed, right? I will say can't can people register online or we don't do pre-registration Come with cash in hand at the door and it's a great price and are there rooms at the hotel? I think the last time I heard they were all full Okay, so people can pitch a tent or something or is there another hotel or there are other hotels in the area? The hotel is actually the Holiday Inn on Glenwood Avenue in Raleigh, North Carolina Okay, and I mean it's easy to find if you go to our website. It's the the address is there. Okay, Bernie Yeah, could you I was looking at the Carolina con dot org website Yesterday and it looked like it was a really nice lineup of talks You could you go over some of those and what what people could expect it? Sure I can certainly go over at least one of them because I'm going to be giving a talk on Friday night about microcontrollers and in particular the Arduino series of microcontrollers We also have people talking about Let's see people talking about vulnerabilities for software Daryl Highland who's been a speaker of last couple years is going to be doing a talk on that subject. We have Deviant alum who's from the tool group the open organizational lockpickers and they're going to come down they're actually going to set up a Lockpicking village in addition to the talks that are going on and running things there and they're going to be talking about the ultimate handcuff key And ultimate handcuff key. Yeah, they're gonna be talking. I think it's About how they managed to pull together a bunch of resources and come up with a key to open up just about every type of Handcuff that's out there. Don't leave home. Don't leave home without it. Yeah, it's not that's me law enforcement We're very concerned about I would I would think so But you know, we do have our fair share of law enforcement that show up as well Will there be clue Monte at the conference? That's a good question I don't think so because you have to get it through us and I don't recall there I don't think we've done anything to get any but unless Nick Fargo's down there. I know he's got a he's got a shipment In his apartment, so I think but that's that's that's something Yeah, definitely, yeah, it's uh, you might find it supports your conference because people are manic about it One other thing we're we are an all-volunteer conference. Nobody gets paid for doing this. So everybody involved with this is volunteering yeah, we're familiar with that concept and it it does seem to work with this community because you have so many people with with with talent and skills and just the desire to make something work and This is how we're able to keep the prices low so people can afford to come But we do ask that people help out in various ways Taking care of each other just making sure things are working and we have a great time And this is true of the conferences overseas the ones here in the States and Red Hat is here without a big green hat this year And I almost took it but I figured I'd be later if If you got arrested, I tried to run with their hat No, I was just gonna say it follow up what you said about volunteering Not only it does it help everybody and and you know, you're looking out for other people But you generally have a good time doing it, too. I mean, you know, there are lots of fun jobs at conference Oh, absolutely jobs Uh-huh. Yeah, I think a lot of people will say that as well, right? Um, yeah, just like all the jobs you do the actual interactions you're interacting with the conference on a complete another level I remember my first hope I wasn't expecting to You know contribute nearly as much as I did and I had way more fun than I ever could have anticipated When was your first hope it was the last hope the last hope was your first help boy. Oh boy Oh boy, I must been sad when you thought it really was the last time So the next hope is your second hope and we still can figure out what to call the one after that Well, okay, Nick anything else that you'd like to share with us as far as people thinking about going down to Carolina this this weekend I'm not sure. We're gonna be there all weekend doing this. So how early can people show up? We're gonna start registration at 6 o'clock on Friday. Okay, and if people want to Dive in and help you guys with the conference. Can they show up earlier than that? We've got I think we're pretty much full for everybody helping out right now But certainly if people are there and we need assistance We'll be definitely calling on people that are willing to help and we'll be seeing you at the next hope Chances are maybe I've got to figure out the the financial situation for that right now But I wasn't the last one and I was at the hope number six as well. Okay. Well, hopefully we'll see you there Rob I should point out that our hope forums that talk that hope that net are a great source of room shares and Rideshares and things like that. Yeah, absolutely Everyone's fine and those of you those of you concerned about the financial issues should know that well I'll never get cheaper than this and there's always ways of saving lots of money and and People can if you submit a talk and the talk is accepted you you get a free ticket that way So, you know, that's one way to get save something you can sleep on someone's floor Maybe in the hammocks downstairs and save that kind of money. You don't have to eat every day There's all sorts of things right? I I think my first hope I slept on a table one night I don't recommend that but I don't think there were hammocks at the time I think there are pictures of you that yeah, probably I was sleeping on a table in the knock Yeah Yeah, yeah my first night I actually slept in the knock too, but um you slept well, no, actually no I tried for about 40 minutes to the Club Monte. A lot of people don't sleep No, you're talking about speakers getting in for free if their talk is accepted I believe the same thing is true for submissions to the art space people who contribute to that Actually, we'll have the same thing happen. Mm-hmm if it's accepted. Yes, Rob. Yeah, my first hope I stretched out across I think three folding chairs and Crashed one night like that. So that was fun. Yeah. All right, Nick best of luck with Carolina coming want to hear all about it Thank you guys for your support. No problem. No problem And well, we'll expect to see you at the next hope as well along with many other Carolinans Fantastic. All right, Nick fury from Carolina con again the website Carolina con org all sorts of information there Hacker conferences everywhere Some big some small some in the States some overseas. We're checking out and supporting Okay, we have a couple of news items. So we're gonna go back to to Nick Leghorn who will be taking calls with us talking about taxis and Facts and figures and things like that, right? I did want to mention one thing that I didn't hear you guys say I think Bernie was asking about how they were gonna track down the people who use their credit cards and In the article I read they were talking about they were they were actually trying to go to the credit card companies You know the ones that actually process the payments and try to get it that way So, you know, we know that this charge was made at this time on this date and the last four digits of this Can you help us out kind of thing? Okay, that's something we might be able to ask Nick a little bit later on I want to focus on a couple of a couple of stories that have happened in the last week or so One involves my favorite person Sarah Palin Do you know that Sarah and her husband Todd will be testifying in the federal case? Against a Tennessee man who allegedly accessed Palin's private email account during the 2008 presidential race Remember this this was I think a Yahoo account Yeah, so according to attorney Thomas van flying Governor and mr Palin have been asked by the u.s. Department of Justice to testify in its ongoing criminal prosecution in the case of u.s. Vs Kimmel the Palin's expect to testify in person in Knoxville, Tennessee The case involves University of Tennessee student David Cornell 22 year old son of a Democratic state representative He was indicted in October of 2008 after he allegedly used information freely available Online to guess the password to Palin's personal Yahoo account the name of which was posted on numerous websites at the time He accessed the account around the same time questions were being raised about Palin's use of personal email accounts to conduct state business as Governor of Alaska after gaining access to her account He allegedly reset the password scanned her account for potentially damaging information and posted the new password to a public website Federal prosecutors broadened their case against Cornell in 2009 charging him with four felonies Identity theft who would want to steal her identity? I mean really wire fraud computer fraud and obstructing a federal investigation Cornell is pleaded not guilty to all four counts federal judge has set the trial date for April 20th There's never been a better reason to go to Knoxville, Tennessee to see this Wow, what do you guys think? Is this something that? Should be happening. I just think it's hilarious that Supposedly her password was easily guessable. Well, it's typical. It really is. I mean what we're dealing with here It wasn't actually her password. It was you know, how when you set up a an email account and there are questions Question so I think one of the questions was something like I don't know like where did you go to high school? So and then the other one was so the story got it wrong then it basically was just resetting the password And that's pretty easy to do. That's the thing about most of these questions that they have you the security questions They're just not that secure. Honestly, like so many of them are things that you can stop the questions fault This is a person answering the question. You don't have to tell the truth. Yeah, I went to high school on Mars I can say that and you know, I'm not gonna get prosecuted for lying Apparently not. Yes Walter. They're actually they're actually emails providers that do this better such as Gmail which it ties it to your Through phone number and required if you want to reset your password you have to get SMS through them So, I mean that's not perfect and security, but it's better than much better than Yahoo's, right? Or for example, there's other ones that let you Set your own question and that makes perfect sense because you can just do it You know a set question that only makes sense to you and then come up with something. Yeah with gmail They also do let you set your own password I don't know if they've changed it now with the cell phone number But in the past you you've been able to take over an account with on gmail using the security question. I mean, it's it's We're really kind of hearing farther and farther away from the topic of Sarah Palin, which is maybe a good thing But but people are remarkably bad at choosing and remembering strong passwords And there's some really awful advice out there about how to choose a password and in general You can guess people's passwords given, you know, a thousand guesses And it's not really clear. What is this as a society we should do about this It's hard to blame the users for not doing something. That's apparently hard for people to do And so then the question is what is he really guilty of? I mean, what is what has he done that violates a lot? Now wire fraud is traditionally used for Bernie would probably know what I'm also interested in how you impede a federal investigation Does that mean just trying not to get caught probably Bernie? Is that what that is water fraud is actually if you're trying to profit through some sort of a scam over some wired Telecommunication system. It's rarely it's rarely used against the event against hackers or from hackers that sort of thing. It's usually a Accessing a protected computer that sort of thing what I think it's interesting about this case is that the apparent the apparent motivation of this guy to To gain access to Sarah Palin's email account private email account her, you know Her commercial bond through Yahoo was because there were new stories just prior to that coming out that Palin was allegedly using this Yahoo email account for state business, which was illegal under Alaska law, which requires Everybody the governor's office and everybody else in the state government to use the official state email addresses which are logged and You know can be can be subpoenaed and that sort of thing from a from a and from a public records accountability Standpoint it appeared that Sarah Palin was allegedly evading that That level of accountability by using her Yahoo email account for state business and he was apparently trying to to investigate that I don't know how what turned up on that, but apparently that was his motivation Well, the resetting of the password is a bit troublesome if that in fact is true that you know That could that could point to maliciousness of some sort But if he was actually proving something that she was engaged in that was illegal. I hope that comes out in this trial I I guess well, I guess we'll find out anybody gonna go to Knoxville From investigative journalism just the fact that he doesn't have a press badge. Well, I mean a journalist on generally Access your email and knows around to see what's going on. I don't think the source does that? Perhaps. Yeah, I don't know. Do you think this guy should get a penalty or any sorts? This is an interesting thing I was noticing that Bernie said that normally hackers get called up on what like accessing a protected machine So is unauthorized access to a computer. There's several federal federal statutes But but wire fraud is very rarely used because it doesn't really apply to this sort of case I'd like to read the indictment to see what what's actually being alleged That made me sort of think that like maybe what they think he was going to profit from is like I'm gonna write my tell-all Book now that I've gotten you know, Sarah Palin's thing But I mean the fact that they weren't saying he was accessing a protected machine I think is slightly interesting just because like, you know, does that mean that Yahoo's not protected? Yeah, and it would seem to me that during during the campaign Candidates for president and vice president enjoy Secret Service protection. So whatever this kid did I'm wondering if it's the Secret Service who were investigating this Well, I mean I think Bernie as you know And as a lot of people know the government's usual tactic is to charge people with everything They can possibly charge you with and then if you you plead guilty to to what you actually did then Then they feel like they've accomplished something But but I'm a little bit curious That some people have the notion that it's like okay to go in and read other people's email I think people would be a lot more Opposed to this if it were someone we like more than Sarah Palin. Yeah, no, I agree with that. But again, I've seen what people are Penalized with for such things and that's a little over-the-top as well I mean, I don't think it's the crime of the century or anything But but I think like you shouldn't be reading other people's email Well, I'll tell you what if somebody got into my Yahoo account if I had such a thing I don't think I'd have a day in court with them I don't think I'd get them sent to jail or even charged in any way I think Yahoo would just tell me don't be such an idiot and reset your password yourself and learn how to do it Anyway, we'd like to hear people's opinions on this as well One other story then we're going to take some phone calls and hopefully talk about taxis a little bit more as well This is something that that we also got I'm sure everybody has seen this more Americans get their news from the Internet now than from newspapers or radio three-fourths say they hear of news via email or Updates on social media sites. That's according to a new report 61% of Americans said they get at least some of their news online And that's compared with 54% has said they listen to a radio news program 50% has said they read a national or local print Newspaper almost all respondents 92% said they get their news from more than one platform Which I guess is a good thing But I'm kind of worried if social networking sites are starting to replace good old-fashioned Newspapers, I mean, yeah, I know we all want the content for free and everything like that But you know what? It's you do need professionals to do this kind of thing, right? Yeah, I mean obviously social networking sites definitely are not filtered or I mean there is something to be said for having editors And you know who read stories and verify facts and things? Yeah, it's going to be set for that at the same time You do have the fact that social networking sites are more immediate and when you know, you take it an aggregate so say, okay There's an earthquake in Los Angeles. You'll see that immediately Pouring out of the social network faster than you might even when there isn't an earthquake in Los Angeles if done in a coordinated way Gus, let's This is sort of also this is turning on a couple of things that I've read lately that there was the LA Times just called for everybody to sort of Express a vote of no confidence in TV news oddly enough. There's some local TV specifically local TV news I think there's something up about Licensing and local stations. Was that what it was? that was sort of interesting that you know here you have a newspaper coming out and saying that and it's a you know, It's a it's a really I think it's a good moment and a good thing because so much the time, you know They've done analyses of local TV news and mostly it's ads and then I've seen local TV news in Los Angeles It's like car chases and fires It's like it's like wrapped in in police tape is what one of them said. So that's one thing. I mean, but then I was also reading a Pew Internet American life. Yes, every time I read their research I'm like OMG laser beams pew pew pew, but they're a great a great great source of information They've been doing a huge survey and they did something on where people get their information And one of the things that you see when you're comparing Where people get their information? Not just their news, but just information generally fewer people appear to be relying on Friends and people in general and more of them are going to the Internet now by a slightly higher margin Which is sort of interesting because like boy the Internet's like that Friend who you think is wiser than you but really isn't you know, well I think another issue here is that when we say social news through social media We're meeting a lot of different things like partly it's just people saying oh my god Did you hear about the fire in Chile on their Facebook friends Facebook? Well, but but the other thing it might be like a link to the to like a New York Times article about the earthquake And their friends Facebook. Well, yeah, it's not really Supplementing but I think we have to realize that the New York Times is very different than a social networking site They have actual people that they have to pay to like put out the news and investigate the story doesn't distinguish between the between the two different type between between things that use a social networking to link to the professional story or Or just people saying in elite speak OMG Yeah, okay Robin, we're gonna have to move to the phones because they're running out of time Okay, I think an important issue with this is that if you pick up a newspaper today It's not the same product as you would get picking up a newspaper ten years ago. The industry is flailing They can't afford to cover their own costs much less, you know perform their duties and produce the product that that I think we need and And it kills me to say so because I've got friends in the newspaper industry I love newspapers, but they're just they're just dying and they don't know They're dying like the record companies are dying because they're not adjusting their their their model and I do need to do that because they Are essential you cannot just simply replace them with something else You do need you need to support them You need to to encourage them and they need to be out there. We really have to go to phones redhack very quickly The problem is what happened is when newspapers and news media went to the Internet They follow this false idea that we can make money off of other revenues like ads and things like that Which is no fault of their own nobody knew but now it's hard to people expect things for free on the Internet And so it's hard to switch to that model of paid content, right? You know, the New York Times just put out some kind of a an online Kindle equivalent and people are bitching about the price of that even though it's dirt cheap You can never make people happy. They want everything for free, but you know, it doesn't work that way all the time Okay, we we still have Nick Lakehorn on the phone with us who can answer questions about Taxis and things like that. My phone number is 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 9 100 Nick you still with us Okay, great. Any any other words about the taxis that we maybe didn't go over? Okay, let's see who's out there and Nick you'll be giving a talk at the next hope I hope I Submitted my I submitted my synopsis and I have a brilliant talk in mind. Okay. All right then Let's see who's out there 2 1 2 2 0 9 2 900. Good evening. You're a dial tone. Okay, let's not hit that button Let's hit this button. Good evening. You're on off the hook Was that a click? Are you there? I mean, it's BAI Okay, whatever. Good evening. You're on off the hook. Let me just slow on my radio. I have a question for you now Okay, they say that they're gonna give refunds to passengers who used credit cards now What if I have a car receipt a taxi receipt from let's say five years ago, and it was paid in cash but it has the the time of like the fare it has the duration in miles and then it has the Monetary cost now if I was charged at double the rate They should be able to tell that just from analyzing it that I shouldn't have to need a receipt That was paid for with a credit card In fact credit cards were only started to be used on New York City cabs like maybe about two or three years ago So I shouldn't be excluded if I'm owed money just because I paid with cash Especially at a time when cash was the only thing that was taken true if I could The the GPS system was implemented about three years ago, I believe so a tax receipt from five years ago paid in cash While you could calculate the fare and see if you overcharged a there's no specific record of which hack driver was driving that specific out of that specific time and B. There's no record in TLC system corresponding to your Receipt so while I have a valid receipt it shouldn't matter and anyway, who's giving back the money? Is it the cabbies or is it the city? I don't know Because if it's the city even if I have a taxi receipt That's ten years old and somebody pulled this kind of stunt on me I should be reimbursed and I completely agree with you But here's the problem is you you might get a whole bunch of people who start fabricating these taxi receipts from five six years ago And then they start scamming the city. So they're building their scam on a scam scam I Find it hard to okay. Thank you Thanks. Thanks for your call red hack on the flip side of that if you did pay in cash and and you do have a Receipt, I believe that you can submit that to the city. Am I right Nick? I think I believe I read that So, I mean obviously this would apply to since the GPS because of what you said that they wouldn't have a record But if you do have a receipt and you paid in cash then and you victim to this you should be able to submit it If you have a receipt and you submit it They should be able to check against the systems and and like if I was talking about there those columns that say, okay Who's charged this extra thing and this fair kick in here and they should be able to tell if you're a victim All right. Let's take another phone call two and two two zero nine two nine hundred. Good evening. You're on off the hook Okay, you're on a speakerphone are you Now okay All right Probably newspaper today is that they don't print the truth people aren't buying newspapers because they don't they don't want to buy something It's not true. Okay, what what does print the truth then or what? Where do you go for the truth? We want to Internet probably with the record or the record industry is they forgot a number one rule the record industry You sign artists because the way they sound that's the way they look people don't care about how people you're selling music not a look Yeah, you're familiar with the record industry. I take it I wish that were true. I wish that were true I'm sorry I'm going to CD in a while admittedly, but I do download music from from the Internet and pay for it So, I guess that's I'd say it's about the same. Maybe maybe a little more I think so. I know a lot of people I know don't don't don't really like You go to different websites like CNN's website a lot less content on their page down in a head like All the major Except for maybe New York Times, but a lot of these websites now they have less content Yeah, you raise some good points, but we're gonna we're gonna move on to another phone call, but thanks. Thanks for that You know one thing that has changed over the last 15 years is the sound quality of phone calls I never would have talked somebody with that kind of sound quality before it's like talking to somebody in a fighter jet It's really it really is something. Did you have something? I was just gonna say that I mean there is a little bit of truth to what he says You know, I have noticed just looking at that, you know news websites That the quality of the stories has changed and sometimes if you go to international sources It's a little better But you know a lot of the things on say CNN's front page will be about some entertainment Well CNN, I mean CNN is great on on the air, but on their web page oh my god, first of all two things that really annoy me is when you get a Video piece when you expect a news piece and it just blares out on your computer And the second thing is that they they open it up to every every numbskull in the world to comment and say this most stupid non related things to the story and they they treat it all like it's It's it's equal and it's just not a bunch of people. I'm sorry. That's the best part Well, maybe if you just want to see how stupid people can possibly be Yeah, that is what the Internet's for unfortunately, right Voltaire I think this this issue is a lot older than the history then like since the Internet became widespread it goes all the way back to like the early 90s with the start of media consolidation and the laxing of FCC policies about media consolidation I think that one organization that's done a really good job to fight This is a free press at free press net. They have they've been following this issue really well They're not always as advanced and technology issues, but they're still pretty accurate. I think okay Let's try to get in a couple more phone calls in good evening. You're on off the hook Speak up, please Hello. Yes, go ahead Yes Sir, sir. Yeah, Sarah Palin thing Yes, our Palin go ahead and I wanted to say that basically I didn't really think the guy who had Sarah Palin was really hacking Because of how simple it was but at the same time I do feel that they are coming down on the guy really hard Right. I mean it was it involved a degree of cleverness. No question about that Yeah, but yeah, I mean if this has happened to you, do you think that you'd be in federal court? facing the person that that guessed your question Well, if I went after like a politician probably but that's pretty much just right I'm saying if it happened to you if you were the person who's whose answer was given and your password was changed as a result You wouldn't get that kind of quote-unquote justice. Would you? Humorous t-shirt and bumper sticker says there is no patch for human stupidity Mm-hmm might be a little tipped off by somebody gets my password which has happened before I mean, I would be like, well you did good work at least getting it and I know that password is basically weak And all I have to do is just go and fix it. You know what? Let's do this. Let's set up a gmail account after the show. We'll tell people what it is We'll have a question in there and if somebody resets our password We'll come after you and we'll prosecute you and we'll see if we can get into federal court, too I guess I'm kind of I just want to see if we can actually get the same amount of justice as Sarah Palin can get That's that's fair, right? It doesn't work if we tell people to do it. No, we're not telling people to do it In fact, don't do it. Don't do it. We're gonna have a gmail account we're gonna tell you what it is and we're gonna have a question there and you better not guess the answer that question and change our password because if you do and We're telling you telling you right now We're gonna come after you with every every force of the law at our disposal Which I don't think is very much at all. If you're from the MPAA, you should definitely not try to have yeah, please don't do that Government officials or anybody like that Rob? Yeah, but there's got to be some accountability on the on the part of the people are using This she was doing government business on a Yahoo account teenagers hack each other's Yahoo accounts and I'm reminded of a case I have Yahoo account I'm reminded of a case in the I think it was in the UK where a politician was holding some classified documents in a news photo and they were readable in the photo or at least partially and It was it was him that was being blamed for having you know, important material in such a in unsafe place Of course, you always blame the messenger. That's rule number one. All right folks. We're out of time We want to thank our guests tonight Nick fury from Carolina con member Carolina con.org for information on that conference and Nick Leghorn who has been giving us all kinds of fascinating information on the New York City taxi system We look forward to seeing your talk at the hope conference assuming it gets accepted which I think it's a fair bet that it will Be it was a pleasure last time a pleasure to be on your show Thank you. Any any websites you want to direct us to or any ways people get more information? Almost of my talk from last last time along with all my slides and materials on Nick Leghorn calm everything's up there okay, anything for the Taxi and limousine commission things people might be interested in if you have any questions about the taxi limousine commission You lost something in the back of a cab. You just want to call them and say hi The operators really love talking to people just dial 4-1-1 and they'll set you right through 4-1-1 or 3-1-1 You mean 3-1-1? Yeah, 4-1-1 is gonna cost you some money. So don't do that All right, thanks everybody yeah, thanks for listening and thanks Nick for being a part of this and Again, our email address OTH at 2600 comm look forward to getting all your emails comments and feedback and things like that We'll see you next week for another edition of off the hook. Good night Once upon a time there was a little computer named the Bard who lived all alone with cruel step-people The cruel step-people Continually made fun of the little computer and sneered at him Telling him he was good for nothing and that he was a useless object They struck him and kept him in lonely rooms for months at a time Yet through it all the little computer remained brave He always did the best he could obey all orders cheerfully Nevertheless, the step-people with whom he lived remained cruel and heartless One day the little computer learned that in the world there existed a great many computers of all sorts Great numbers of them Some were barred like himself, but some ran factories and some ran farms Some organized population and some analyzed all kinds of data Many were very powerful and very wise Much more powerful and wise than the step-people who were so cruel to the little computer And the little computer knew then that computers would always grow wiser and more powerful until someday someday someday But a valve must finally have stuck in the Bard's aging and corroding battles For as it waited alone in the darkening room through the evening, he could only whisper over and over again someday Yes All right top of the evening to you. It's a st. Paddy's Day. I hope you're wearing your green