Good and evil, good and evil, they turn loose and they turn in their people, you know that roses and lilacs are funky too, let them go, I didn't care to see what they do, now they're wrestling with the forces of good and evil, they turn loose and they turn in their people. Good and evil, good and evil, they turn loose and they turn in their people, you know that roses and lilacs are funky too, let them go, I didn't care to see what they do, now they're wrestling with the forces of good and evil, they turn in their people, you know that roses and lilacs are funky too, let them go, I didn't care to see what they do, now they're wrestling with the forces of good and evil, you know that roses and lilacs are funky too, now they're wrestling with the forces of good and evil, you know that roses and lilacs are funky too, now they're wrestling with the forces of good and evil, you know that roses and lilacs are funky too, now they're wrestling with the forces of good and evil, you know that roses and lilacs are funky too, now they're wrestling with the forces of good and evil, you know that young culture in America, shoots right to the kids, it hits key kids who are decision makers in their groups, comic books are read by people who read, comic books are commented on by people who think, they're not for stupid people and they're not for ignorant people and they're not for non-leaders, they are for everybody but from my experience, they go directly to people who have things to say, who will have things to say in the future and the fact that they're being done the way they are and the fact that they're being done by people who really care about what's going on in America is, I believe is going to make a difference and it's not a small thing that's happening there and I'm very happy to see it happen. That was Neil Adams speaking on an early episode of Nuff Said. To hear thought provoking and entertaining discussion on the subject of comics, tune in every Tuesday night at 10 p.m. for Nuff Said here on WBAI New York 99.5 FM and visit our website for our upcoming schedule of guests. See you there. Alright, well I guess we should point out, first of all don't go to because it's now a porn site since the events of a few weeks ago where the domain lapsed and fell into the wrong hands, but unfortunately it also appears that that program will have its swan song tonight at 10 o'clock. That will be the last edition, so tune in 10 o'clock tonight for the final edition of Nuff Said. This is Off The Hook. Now I can't make a call We couldn't get much worse But if they could, they would One diddly bump for the best, expect the worst I hope that's understood One diddly bump One diddly bump Three hundred four, sold out by December One diddly bump Three hundred four, sold out And good evening to everybody. is off the hook and yes the rumors are true this is the last edition of off the hook that will be airing at this time slot we moved into this time slot I did a little research or actually had some friends did some research while I was driving in October 3rd 1995 is when we moved to Tuesday at 8 p.m. and tonight is the night we move out of Tuesday at 8 p.m. our new slot will be Wednesdays at 7 p.m. is that too confusing I'm confused all right let's start over we won't be on Tuesdays at 8 p.m. anymore unless you're in some bizarre part of the world where Wednesdays at 7 p.m. is equal to Tuesday at 8 p.m. but I don't think there are any parts of the world like that so we will be on 7 p.m. Eastern Time on this radio station same frequency but we won't be on tomorrow tomorrow is the last time that you will hear explorations with Mishu Kaku at that time and then explorations is moving to to 5 p.m. on Wednesdays and we're gonna be on at 7 p.m. followed by the personal computer show so it'll be kind of cool like it was in the old days where we were followed by the personal computer show and then at one point the personal computer show was before us and we followed it so it kind of like flows it's funny you know communications is always the biggest problem at a radio station I don't know why but but it always is nobody really knows what's happening as far as airtime programs things like that people come in here you watch them come in and then they sort of you know do the dramatic gasping fainting type of thing when they realize what's happening to them that they're moving or sometimes as in the case of enough said being canceled which I really don't think that's a good idea but that's not my decision to make unfortunately but I really don't think it's I think a lot of comic book people out there I really do hopefully hopefully we'll find space for them someplace max you did okay right and you're gonna has your I'm looking at the is this the wrong chart now no we were going to be at that slot that we moved this chart isn't right either now this chart is already outdated now originally originally we were we were told we were moving to Wednesday at 5 p.m. drive time which is really kind of good but I just didn't think it would work out for our listeners because a lot of people are in school a lot of people you know especially our streaming team who winds up streaming the show all around the world so I asked if we could have something a little later and and they were kind enough to to work it out so that we're on at 7 p.m. and explorations is on at 5 p.m. yeah but but max you're on when now have you moved golden age radio yeah nine o'clock from okay and you have an extra half hour okay that's that's that's good that's good old old-time radio is one of my favorite things to listen to on the radio so if it's one of your favorite things Sunday nights at 9 is when you can hear that it's gonna require some patience folks it really is I know there's a lot of complaints about the way this is happening and I don't think they're there at all bad complaints but I guess we need to hear listener feedback on this and we'll take some phone calls tonight if people want to want to give us some of that in just a just a little while but again the announcement for us is that we will be on Wednesdays at 7 p.m. starting next week so that means you'll have an extra day of having to do without off the hook an extra 23 hours only yeah that's true an extra 23 hours all right well I'm trying to adjust to this right now okay so what has happened this week well we'll take phone calls in a little bit and get some feedback from people and things like that but this has been it's been a fun week hasn't it it's always fun in these parts yeah I think I think it has been a lot's been going on in the world I can't stop watching the World Cup I don't know why I don't even like sports but I think it's fascinating to watch things happening all over the world you know all these teams coming from different places such as Cameroon and and South Korea and you know Argentina and even the United States but nobody here cares you know I think that's maybe what propels me even more is the fact that we have this this attitude where all the rest of the world can just you know go to hell even if we're part of the rest of the world you know somehow we actually made it into the finals in fact our first game is tonight at like 2 30 in the morning everybody else in the world is following this you know things come to a standstill in other countries when when your team is playing Paraguay you know nobody was doing anything Belgium Korea won their very first game South Korea won their very first game early this morning for us anyway and of course the whole country is affected by that but we'll be playing I'll give a gold medal to anybody in this room and those who are gonna play tonight does anybody know so you're a typical example of the problem but I don't know what local sports teams are playing well these aren't local sports teams these are countries you know these are entire cut it's it's you know it's an international like show of cooperation and that kind of thing for that reason alone even if you don't like sports it's just fascinating to watch it's fascinating to see the different reactions and the different dresses and you know just how people react and had the camaraderie and you know it's it's just kind of neat that's all I've always been fascinated by that and it's a system too and whenever there's a system involved I take an interest you know there's some kind of elaborate playoff system that gets these 32 teams there to one place and that that system takes place over the course of years what is that one place right now it actually is two places so yeah you got me on that it's for the first time ever the World Cup is being hosted in two countries South Korea and Japan and of course that means that both South Korea and Japan get automatic passes to the tournament without having to play any games before now and both Japan and Korea before today never won a single game in Korea I think Japan still hasn't won a single game in the World Cup but they tied and South Korea won their very first ever game this morning and our congratulations go out to them if we have any South Korean listeners feel free to be the first called that we'll we'll take tonight so yeah that's what I've been doing I've been you know watching that live on Canadian TV because it's very hard to see it on American TV connect the Canada's not even in the tournament but they take more of an interest in us and I don't know what it is it's like it's like you know we're we're in that adolescent stage of development where nothing is cool and everything sucks you know and that's that's sort of how we treat the rest of the world like oh you know it doesn't matter yeah aliens landing in Mongolia and hanging out with people we don't care because we've got you know we've got SUVs over here and those are those are really neat that's I don't know I just I just like to take an interest in different things and always sets me apart somehow well we we announced our speaker schedule which is kind of cool and let's go over some of the highlights of our speaker schedule for the conference coming up in just over a month h2k to taking place July 12th to 14th right here in New York City our keynote speaker is going to be Aaron McGruder who does the comic strip the boondocks which is always in the in a spotlight of controversy for various political stances but also this is the only the only comic strip that ever tackled the DEC SS issue I shouldn't say the only comic strip but the one that is in every mainstream newspaper for some reason I'm not quite sure how he managed to pull that off he's gonna tell us he actually covered the DEC SS case and got it right you know we did better than any of the columnists that appear in major newspapers because they all got it wrong but you know a cartoon gets it right it was it was amazing I was I was very impressed by that and in fact you can see a link to the particular strip in question on our web page if you just follow the links to the speaker list you'll see that so Aaron McGruder will be talking about censorship and technical issues as well because he's he's familiar with both and we're also gonna have a second keynote and forgive me if I don't pronounce the name right because I don't think I've done it right yet but Siva Vathainathan well okay he's a professor at NYU and the University of Wisconsin he's been on NPR and he's written a book called copyrights and copy wrongs and he's quite an expert on copyright law and how it applies to people like us and the mainstream and all that kind of thing we also have Mark Hosler the lead singer of negative land is going to be joining us and there I think they're the only band ever got sued by their own record company as well as other ones too and the whole thing with the man you two and Casey Kasem and basically if you want people who know what fair use is all about negative land or probably the best group of people to tell you that as they've been putting out records with all kinds of samples for over a decade and all kinds of experimental things going on there we also have some returning favorites such as Robert Steele former clandestine federal agent the cult of the dead cow and here's something interesting the piece that you've heard many many times probably the conscious of a hacker for this piece you know this is this is my world the world of the electron etc etc is quoted in hackers where we're actually going to have the person who wrote that piece here at the conference doing a dramatic reading and also I guess telling some of the things that have happened as a result of of having that piece become so famous and of course a lot of other people as well Steve Rambam the the world-famous private investigator that will frighten you with all kinds of information on how your private information is not so private after all who's a Nissan who was on this show a couple of weeks ago had the audacity to register Nissan calm and not give it to the car manufacturer John Young the the founder operator of Krypton org and Deborah Natsia's who operates the the companion site cartoon org as well as Andy Muller Magoon who is from Chaos Computer Club also on the board of I can frequently on this radio program as well and of course Rob from Amsterdam Rob the founder of haptic the Dutch hacker magazine which turned into access for all and of course Rob has been involved in all the Dutch conferences as well and all the American ones for that matter is as well we'll have our lawyer Eric Grimm with us who helped us win the case against Ford and he'll be telling you exactly what it's like to be a lawyer that understands this kind of stuff as well Mike Godwin the former staff counsel for the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Robin Gross who's currently with the Electronic Frontier Foundation will be giving us some insight into the whole DCSS mess and where that went and where it's going other favorites such as weeds the hacker activist who wants it to be made clear that he's not a hacktivist I guess he'll go into more detail on that PUD who is the founder of one of the favorite websites on the net today whose name we cannot say because it has one of those words in it but I think you might know the website we're talking about it's the one everyone goes to to find out what's going on with you know with companies and find out the latest rumors who's going out of business who's laying off employees etc and of course favorites like Bernie Yazd Cheshire Catalyst and here's someone interesting Mike Levine the guy who precedes this radio program the expert witness will be talking about things like how how the FBI really works and speaking of the FBI the FBI has become a much more powerful organization than last week you've heard about this haven't you Mike yes it's kind of kind of scary they basically have been given additional powers to conduct they have given themselves additional power well yeah it doesn't matter who gave it to them they've been given you know it's been given to them by themselves I suppose they have additional powers now to conduct domestic counterterrorism surveillance that they can define in whatever way they please critics however are spoiling the whole thing saying it could trample on Americans constitutional rights we have no constitutional rights so how could it trample on them anymore you know a quarter century after the government imposed guidelines to curtail domestic spying Attorney General John Ashcroft announced changes to lift FBI restrictions on conducting surveillance of public gatherings such as 2600 meetings and conferences and maybe even radio shows our religious and political organizations and they are now allowed to surf the internet as part of the government's response to September 11th attacks now Mike let me ask you this what's wrong with having the feds surf the internet how is that a threat well what's wrong with this is it's that the feds surfing the internet is not the same thing as you or I surfing the internet because they have this kind of massive network of people who are all trying to put this information together and using it to build profiles about people who are not necessarily breaking the law mm-hmm previously the rule was you had to suspect that someone was committing a crime before you investigated them okay now the rule is you there's no rule so they can just go around collecting evidence information on people without any any proof of a crime being committed so not even the suspicion but a long proof people like us for instance you know it's a stretch of the imagination but we could actually attract the attention of the federal authorities and and it could actually go out on the web and and collect information all kinds of things that are said about us or all kinds of things that we are alleged to have been involved in and make a nice little folder based on this it seems to me that that would that would make their intelligence a lot less intelligence you know it seems frankly like a waste of time but Chris what the main difference is that previously if they suspected that someone might be involved in say terrorist activities they would be able to go out look for any communications of theirs that have been archived on the internet whereas now they can go on the internet and start doing searches or more likely program robots go out and do searches for things like Palestinian liberation you mean robots on this for the non-technical listener so they don't panic you're not saying sending robots out into the street you're saying robots online right robots is in programs that go out and automatically search the internet for various things and index them and cross-reference the web pages they find and look for things like Palestinian liberation start collecting names of people who have websites you know anti-israeli websites or anti-american websites and start putting them all in a large database and then say you know doing queries like what person has websites that criticize you know 10 of these major American policies and then okay well we want to start you know looking for any emails they've written that have got an archived and are they doing anything that sounds suspicious so they're they're now able to start doing searches basically to go out and find people to suspect rather than having to suspect someone and then going to try and find evidence to support a full investigation has anything been said about what they intend to do after they gather this information on people are they going to start hauling people in for questioning based on this information they find on the web has anyone talked about this I don't know if any of that's if their powers in that regard have changed or if they're they're still limited as far as what they have to have in order to bring people in or not you know what I find interesting about all this is that a couple of weeks ago if you recall Bush was under fire for allegedly missing some clues to 9-1-1 and now this does anybody else think that that first story was kind of planted in order to justify this seems kind of bizarre I mean everyone was was you know saying that Bush's critics were the ones responsible but Bush wins in this Bush gets a lot more power and a lot more an FBI that basically is unlimited in scope that's Jim you know a lot of people are saying that with with terrorism it's necessary to do relatively outrageous things but the point is that it's wrong and here's why this is a kin this these new powers of FBI is akin to trying to stop theft and possession of stolen property by allowing the police to go into everybody's home look around and demand receipts for everything you've got mm-hmm yeah you're gonna catch a lot of crooks but you're also gonna make everybody paranoid you're gonna get a lot of people who may have grabbed one thing way back in the past and never done anything more and you're gonna miss people who are doing it you know all the time you're gonna miss terrorists you're gonna get people who've done one little thing well terrorists are the people I think that would be able to figure out ways around this kind of another good point oh it's it's not too hard when you know when everybody is being watched to figure out a way to either blend in or just outsmart the whole system so yeah and plus you have to ask yourself how much of this would have prevented anything that happened and I don't know I don't know if any of it would have yeah that's another good point it wouldn't have they there are little snippets of intelligence coming out they followed two of the guys that crashed into the Pentagon to a conference in Malaysia they had warnings just before that there were planned hijackings Ashcroft supposedly stopped flying commercial a week or so before and I remember him announcing it at the time because there was an increased threat of hijackings and and yet it wasn't put together it's not some conspiracy it's not a great breakdown it's just that you don't think of things like this just like we never thought of the attack on Pearl Harbor until it happened that's that's so the whole I mean that's how terrorism works you're supposed to piece it together it doesn't work that way right I mean it's supposed to be a big surprise so they generally clues are not are not left lying around and okay maybe maybe you can say okay these clues were here but next time it's not likely the same clues will be there it's not likely that you know they'll be as sloppy as to leave clues or register cars and their real names or things like that you know it's I think basically you're you're ensuring better prepared terrorists for the next time by having a good point having everybody under surveillance like this and yeah it's a it's a horrible thing that's happening to society if you look on CNN comm you'll see there's a poll there and most people don't think these new restrictions are a threat to civil liberties I just cannot understand that how can you have such blind faith in authorities to to think that that's something this all-encompassing is not bad I'm curious about your blind faith in CNN polls oh that's true too I'd like to know how they work to be honest because they always have like you know 10,000 people voting before I even see it but one other disturbing thing is that the day before they announced these new powers to themselves they made another announcement the FBI has been busy making announcements and they're refocusing their organization on three priorities yeah what are the you have them there counter terror counter terrorism counterintelligence and cybercrime whatever cybercrime yeah that's true and at least one news site if you want to call it that Fox News phrased it this way and in quotes the director is moving hundreds of agents mostly from drug investigations to focus on terrorism and prevent future attacks the FBI's top new marching orders will focus on terrorists spies and hackers in that order good lord I mean this this is just this is fantasy it has to be hackers number three the number three threat to the to the country could be worse we could have been listed number one yeah I guess we could have beat out terrorists if we really like you know tried a lot harder but this first of all let's let's be fair here the the feds did not say the word hackers this is Fox News saying this but the perception of hackers among the uninformed really doesn't make that much of a difference between anybody committing a crime with a computer and a computer hacker so it's it's important that probably now more ever that that we define ourselves in a way that people can understand you know that's that's clear computer hackers are not the people going around basically destroying computers I mean you know any kind of computer crime is not attributable to to a hacker hackers are people figure things out hackers are people who spread information hackers are people who get in trouble because they basically tell people things they explain how things work if you look at all the hackers that yeah and you know example that if you look at all the hackers that we've defended over the years on this radio show from fiber optic to Bernie S to Kevin Mitnick and then now to Jim here from formerly from the MTA it's all people who experiment with technology figure things out and let other people know about it and the authorities hate that but to equate that with people who go around taking out power grids I don't know if anyone's taking out a power grid yet it happens in the films all the time but you know people who do that using a computer I mean you know because you use a computer does not make you a hacker otherwise everybody in the country is a hacker and I don't think that's really the way things are you know there's relatively few people that that possess what it takes to to pretty much keep at something that the rest of us think is a waste of time that's what hackers do they spend all night trying things over and over and over again and the rest of us just think they're crazy they think you know they're they're losers that you know have absolutely you know no social life at all and you know nothing better to do than to play with a computer for like you know 18 hours at a stretch and they just will never understand all right that's that's the thing they will never understand the drive the thrill the sense of exploration and adventure that you get from doing this kind of thing and you know it doesn't just stick with computers it you know it's telephones any form of technology and in some cases it's not even technological it's you know the quest for knowledge has been with us for quite a long time that's what real hacking is all about that's something I don't think the mainstream media I don't think Fox News will ever get that and unfortunately I don't think the feds are going to get that either they're simply going to equate us all in the same same category so it's a very dangerous period that we're embarking upon here and I fear that that we're going to have a lot to talk about in our new time slot a lot of unpleasant things to talk about and that is of course if if this whole place isn't shut down because it's it's a little too suspicious for the feds to be comfortable with so yeah that's that's what's going on and it's been a busy week it really has new FBI powers it's going to be something it really is so yeah we'd like to hear what people have to say about that as well as anything involving schedule changes and other things along those lines let's read a couple of letters and then we'll get to the phones our phone number two one two two zero nine two nine hundred this person wants to know if we have any objections if they take the soundtrack to the film freedom downtime and make an aug vorbis file of the soundtrack and redistributing just that well I have no problem with that as long as people know that there's a film attached to the sound because it's not going to make a whole lot of sense if you just distribute that around but I do realize there are constrictions with with size issues I know it was posted to usenet it's it's out there in divx format but it's huge you know it's over two hours long so it takes a lot of a lot of space a lot of time to download and hopefully you know if if enough people buy the actual film because we tried to keep it as low as possible and price-wise we'll be able to you know to pay for such things as making the DVD later on the year because these things cost a ton of money I mean if you compare this to a regular film that comes out it's nothing it's really you know it's a drop in the bucket so it's it's kind of amazing that we were able to do this for so little but to us it's a lot so I guess it's just an example of people power everybody pitches in a little bit and we're able to do amazing things at a fraction of the cost of what the people who don't care would spend on it yeah that makes sense a lot of people wrote in about the commercial skipping VCRs we were talking about with different theories this person says that it works by detecting the rapid shifts in camera angle and the slight raise in volume that all commercials have that's interesting all commercials are louder than I said I always thought that was you know an old wives tale but that's really the case all commercials are louder according to a manual on one of these VCRs that's how it's explained it's able to cut commercials like this even when the tape was recorded on a different VCR it takes a long time to do this obviously but I think it's a fascinating thing you stick a tape into a VCR and automatically all the commercials are marked and skipped over whenever you watch that tape in the future it's kind of kind of cool you know of course some people would call that thievery such as our friend at Turner Broadcasting who defined people who don't walk out of the room and don't watch commercials as thieves I mean this is this is the kind of thinking we're dealing with here. Unreal. All right what else do we have here okay let's see thanks for a great show I'm a longtime listener from Copenhagen Denmark this person's also writing about the commercial skipping feature on the SVHS machines in Denmark and the whole of Scandinavia we have a feature called show view it was introduced in the mid 90s the show view function is used by all the broadcasting companies the feature is to give every single show which is being broadcasted a unique ID instead of programming your VHS for a certain time to record a program you code the number from the TV list in the newspapers or magazines the VCR starts recording when the broadcasting companies send out the ID number through the cable if the program is interrupted by commercials another ID is sent and the VCR stops recording until that number comes up again and then the program starts and this way all commercials are gone from your recordings and this method will also let you record on the exact correct time even when a program is delayed for hours now I know we have this thing called VCR plus is it with the numbers I don't think it's it eliminates the commercials does it no I think that's just a different way of encoding the channel and time information and also VCR VCR plus can be out of whack if the show is delayed yes it's not tied in I guess the code isn't sent over the airwaves like it is over there so that makes a lot more sense to do it that way interesting and this is something interesting too it involves one of our one of our people here this person wrote in actually we've gotten a lot of letters like this first off I love the show you guys doing great job etc etc what I'm writing about is that in a new game for the PC called Grand Theft Auto 3 produced by Rockstar Games something very WBA I like features as one of the radio stations you can tune into called chatterbox while in the game what really tipped me off was a call-in from a listener who said something about echelon and how the government does a lot of data gathering the real kicker was that his final comment was free Kevin also his voice sounds remarkably similar to Bernie S's just thought you'd like to know this and maybe even investigate this further signed Aram well we don't have to investigate we can tell you yes that was Bernie s and he was one of the voices on that game so if you have Grand Theft Auto 3 you will hear you hear some of the things that that Bernie s has to say it's kind of kind of neat how how people are finding this but yeah there's all kinds of little hidden things out there you just got another look all right I phone number two one two two zero nine two nine hundred I guess we should just go to this full switchboard here good evening you're on the air yeah but it sounds like you're in outer space what are you talking on exactly okay well it's not a very good speakerphone we'd appreciate if you maybe came up to the phone could you do that there we go all right much better sorry about that what's on your mind on a cell phone question you know I was reading Nat Hentoff's column I can't remember what was one or two weeks ago but he was mentioning something he was talking about Magic Lantern which you which we all heard about correct mm-hmm yes hello yes we've all heard about okay now he said that agents whoever these people might be to come in you know without a warrant and so forth and tag something to your computer so they can track every keystroke now all right now I'm not worried about the constitutionality of this because we all know it's unconstitutional I'm more I'm more interested is this hardware is this software and you know I think I'm a I'm only a help desk guy but I think that I'm savvy enough to know when I become savvy enough to be able to find a file on my computer and be able to delete it you know if it's hardware I mean I can always peek inside my my box and find that as well I mean not like that's a very complicated box I'm just wondering what form does this Magic Lantern take it doesn't take the form of them actually going into your place and putting something on your computer if that's what you're concerned about it's yeah I mean basically I know there is there's been at least one case involving Magic Lantern I think it was the case of that mobster or something that the mobster they actually put a piece of hardware inside his keyboard they did yes but that's not considered Magic Lantern though isn't I don't know what it isn't isn't Magic Lantern but unless you're in the habit of looking inside your keyboard which I for one am not you wouldn't notice but that requires physical access and physical access at least you know and up till now still requires a search warrants unless I miss something well exactly it requires physical access to my computer this is in carnivore which is attached to a server my ISP server this is something that's attached to my computer yeah Magic Lantern is something does it take well Magic Lantern my understanding Magic Lantern is that it's sent as an attachment in email and that goes directly to you and it works kind of similar to the outlook viruses that the FBI has been experimenting with sending out over the last few years oh did I say that out loud I'm sorry but it's it's basically the same type of thought behind that that okay now something is on your computer it's running on your computer we can get it to do whatever we want such as send you know this could install a keylogger and I hope somebody who who gets one of these contacts us and shows us what it is so that we can totally reverse engineer it which probably is illegal but you know I'm sure people will do it anyway because like if as far as I can tell anybody with half a brain doesn't download attachments that are sent to them by people who are known to them that's just that's the first line of defense against any sort of virus much less any Magic Lantern right I don't see how this could be such a such a big deal well first of all somebody else uses your computer and just make one mistake all of a sudden you've got a problem also Outlook is not by any means the only way this could happen I've heard cases where people using Internet Explorer and a program is executed based on something that a remote website sends you know there believe me there are people trying to figure out ways to run programs on your computer and to say that these are hackers doing this it's it's it's a mistruth because the people with the agenda they're the ones that will be planting things like Magic Lantern and that's that's why we all have to be looking out for this and if anybody guess what the great you could find what form it takes otherwise it's just a bunch of hysteria mm-hmm that's true that's true and you'll you'll have people saying yeah you know people are coming into your house and attaching things to your keyboard when it's not entirely true you know it's I guess it's the same effect but you know it's it's it's not it's not that kind of a thing and unless people see that they'll think that they're safe there are a lot more insidious ways of spying on people right right I mean yeah I'm reading this I had a lot of respect for that I think he's great as far as constitutional issues go but as far as computers go I think he's just an old man who isn't familiar with technology mm-hmm precisely people like that that need to be protected as well though you know I'm sorry what is precisely those you know old men who have no conception where a computer is their put their privacy on computers has to be protected as well and maybe maybe they'll yeah I'm just disputing the accuracy even if they don't get the technical issues completely right they may very well be the ones to raise a warning flag and say something that the rest of us hadn't thought of absolutely I mean I believe that this could happen I'm just questioning the the accuracy of his technical claims I'd like to know in what forms Magic Lantern takes right I'm sure I'm sure I'm way off base on some of my categorizations too because I haven't done the research into Magic Lantern and I really should but there are so many threats going on these days that's kind of hard to cover them all so if people have more information on this by all means send it in to us call us up write articles about it information like this has to get out to people I think would be safe to assume that they've they've probably pursued multiple options that they have hardware they can embed that they have software that they can come and install on a PC if they have physical access and that they've they worked on other attack vectors such as email web you know using bugs Internet Explorer or whatever options are open to them thanks thanks for calling interesting issues raised let's go over here good evening you're in the air I think the point about Magic Lantern that penthouse was raising has to do with the way that warrants are served or executed and the change is that previously the FBI could get a warrant and they didn't have to serve you with the warrant they could surreptitiously go into your premises and if they took anything with them when they left they had to notify you that we came we executed a warrant and we took this now there's been a change and they do not have to notify you and if they do for example use Magic Lantern to install that keystroke recorder on your computer they don't have to tell you for 90 days after they did it that they have been in there and then as a matter of fact when the 90 days are up they can go to a judge and ask for a further extension so it appears that indefinitely after installing the piece of hardware all they would have to get a warrant they wouldn't have to tell you that they had a warrant or that they had executed the warrant mm-hmm yeah that is definitely a change but again it's not somebody going into your house and putting something in there correct sometimes it is it is it okay explain that to me I mean there are cases where people can actually go into your home install hardware on your machine and not have to tell you about it and get that extended to yes I don't know if there are cases where it has happened but it is it is the case that they do now have the right to do that according to the law unreal that was that was actually before September 11th that change was made they they in certain cases no longer have to notify you that a search warrant has been executed in fact they don't even have to notify the local authorities I also want to say that I am quite disappointed in the way that the programming changes are being instituted it seems antithetical to the spirit of community radio it seems completely top-down that a very tiny number of people make these decisions it seems completely unprofessional to only tell people when they show up to do their show that it's their last show as apparently has been done to a couple of people I think there's supposed to be a program council that's supposed to to talk about these changes before they happen and as far as I know that they haven't I think it's bad that Bernard White hasn't talked about what his vision as a program director for the station is well I do know that tomorrow morning there's going to be a report to the listener so you might want to tune in then and one thing that really seems like it and this is not something new it's happened many times on BAI it seems like a horrible bait-and-switch is that these programming changes seem to often take place right after a marathon but obviously they're contemplated before the marathon and so the idea that you know someone would go on and pitch and tell people oh you know if you want to support us now's the time and then you let people do that and then two weeks later you tell them oh that show that you just pledged for it's not gonna be on anymore well what's more disturbing to me is is the thinking and I don't know if this is true but just the the mere you know possibility that we're thinking along the lines of a show that doesn't bring in as much money it's not worthy of being on the air as much as a show that does bring in a lot of money because you know commercial type programs will probably bring in a lot more money than things geared towards a certain small group of people but the radio that's geared to a small group of people is just as valuable if not more so yeah I think that that is disturbing but that's not dishonest in the way that this seems to be fundamentally dishonest when the program director has a fairly good idea that he's going to take a show off and then he lets the host of that show go on and pitch you you're really taking advantage of the people that make those pledges in a way it's not lying but it is dishonest because he has knowledge that he keeps private in order to get people to pledge money based on a mistaken assumption the program is going to continue and you know it's happened many times at BAI and I I can't imagine how you could possibly justify that seems to me that you would do that before the marathon and say here's the changes that we made you know so you know whatever shit that you support at least for some significant amount of time they're going to continue but to say you'll give money to support the shows you want and then two weeks later Institute pretty significant changes in the schedule I don't see how that could be defended mm-hmm all right well hopefully you'll listen to the report the listener tomorrow morning and and voice your opinions there thanks so much for you for your call we're going to move on to into two zero nine two nine hundred and yeah you know I understand where people are coming from and I've I've worked in radio for quite some time and I don't think scheduled changes are ever greeted with unanimous joy but again you know it's it's how you do it how you implement things like this how you implement change obviously you know change has to happen at some point but this is a listener sponsored station so obviously your voice does matter and your voice will be heard one way or another two and two two zero nine two nine hundred good evening you're on the air this week scams yeah what have you been doing no no not me Oh because you'd never do anything no I wouldn't do anything like the following you know when you go into a mall you see a car and then it says to win this car enter your write down your mailing write down your mailing address and enter in the form and you will have a drawing do you know what happens not wait wait don't tell me I'll bet what happens is they take your name and address and send you junk and you don't even win the car that's right so when you have you have commercials that they go to free credit report calm when you go to that credit report that comes you give them what your social security number and guess what tell me the email just doesn't stop okay and there's also a thing 550 job need a job call 550 job and then I mean people like posters that are posted by phone booth well you know you have to be a skeptic you have to like see through all they do they just read the one day if I followed it with the Times and the Post Daily News and they charge you $20 really reading the one day and I just like to mention that June 25th is gonna be our special call-in for our 10th anniversary have you made the adjustments necessary to your calendar to compensate for us being on well you know what I forgot about yeah all right wait a minute you 20 and here it is I just warned you June 26 that'll be Wednesday June 26 at 7 p.m. tune in for a special all right all right I know I know I'm getting all kinds of dirty looks now and also becoming cocotte no cell phone that's that's numbers now mm-hmm you know the 50 cents thing mm-hmm okay if there's please deposit 50 cent but that's like a coca thing right the pay phone is when I did nine five eight I couldn't do nine five eight but when I dialed an 800 number that gives me the phone number it says the number is 9 1 7 such-and-such and when I called the number I was able to take my cell phone call that number and the phone rings no the phone doesn't ring I pick up the phone because I know it's ringing and and that's how I know that it's a fun number but a different number shows up in other words the phone will say 2 1 2 2 2 3 whatever but the real phone number is 9 1 7 this is only in a very like some parts of Manhattan and stuff well 9 1 7 has been used for for pot service for various providers level 3 has all their most of their pot service lines and in Manhattan that these for their offices and also for their customers in 9-1-7 pots he did say pots rebel let me just ask you a question are you aware of of pay service being discontinued across the country such as a if if you if you want to make a phone call from New York to say Los Angeles using coins are you aware of that being phased out when you when you deposit money it says you they play a recording they can't say this I mean of course nobody in this country talks no they play it you certainly do yeah coins will as if it's a defective soon coins will no longer be allowed on this on this coin phone please use another billing method and I think I'll three-way you to an operator I'm gonna three-way you to an AT&T operator to get some more information would you like to hold we can all right fine but we can call our own operator go ahead yeah this ought to be interesting I was upset to find out 4-1-1 is also now a pay service on a New York please hold for operator assistance AT&T how may I help you operate you have my phone number do you have the phone number I'm calling from operator okay like I said we can call our own operators rebel and they probably sound a lot closer than that because they sound very far away but thanks for the info anyway and yeah it's it's true it's true they're actually phasing out pay phones you can believe that but then again the rates are so outrageous that you have to wonder who puts in that kind of money to call you have to call different places it's like something like $4 for the first three minutes something ridiculous like that good evening you're on the air oh good evening how are you gentlemen good oh yeah the last couple of nights however a great deal of the programming has been routinely interrupted with the standard program that is with the issue of the programming and I'm hoping that this will be a situation where rational discourse will prevail instead of panic because last night I think we really sunk to an all-time low in terms of some of the criticisms that were directed well let me just ask you a favor that we not make this into any kind of you know personal thing as to who did who said what who did I'm not I'm not going to do that because your previous callers have already done that sufficiently and that's part of my point I don't think that's rational and just discourse to remit people to be broadsided without the full scope of the story we are still very fragile and from what I've been hearing there are persons who for one reason or another are endeavoring to exploit that because of their discontent I believe yes there are managerial breakdowns in an organization like WBAI in particular because it's not General Electric but the whole notion that we need to make a tremendous brouhaha out of this to the point that we want to make certain individuals sacrificial lamb is unjust of course the management can speak for itself but as a listener I'm encouraging that we we have a rational discourse about it as a family stay very tight when your own show indicates as well as others like Levine that we are under assault all the time externally absolutely well I would hope that the listeners would bear that in mind and listen to the reports that are coming on I understand tomorrow about these programming change program changes but I'm afraid that when it gets to the point where shows are beginning to condemn other ethnic groups and basically what you have is a bunch of crabs in a basket and we're in serious trouble so let's all just keep cool we'll work through program changes major networks do it and we'll be all right but let's keep the discourse rational okay thanks thanks for saying that better than I was able to say it yeah that's what we have to remember is that we're on the same side here this is a dysfunctional family of sorts but we have issues to work out we have changes that that need to be made and discussed and things like that and that's that's why your voices are very important so please keep the feedback coming in and it does make a difference good evening you're on the air hold on it's one holding the phone for someone else I hate that feedback thing so I cover the thing while I run 10 ah tenths of a centimeter to the phone to the radio report to the listener I heard is 8 a.m. tomorrow is it 8 a.m. okay yeah so a lot of people might think they'll wake up at 9 and then check in and they would have missed it and yeah last night the show was so many invectives thrown from again again let's not focus on a particular person or show or anything like that yeah so the idea is to phase out the phones by first not not taking care of them and then getting other companies in and deregulation and you know what I have to tell you when I was paying six dollars and forty cents for my phone years ago and I had all my long distance and everything on it and I talked to my bill it wasn't such a bad thing and I hate the fact that when you call 4-1-1 from home I know now you have to pay for it I just don't use the machines anymore I'm learning how to do without phones and but when you call here I just wanted to put out that the 4-1-1 information is so limited now now you just get a machine and the machine doesn't understand you ask you about four times I'm sorry I don't really understand what you're saying yeah and they put the blame on you they make it so that you're the one that's got a I can't find I can't figure out what the hell you say you know and and so you know you do you go around that four times then you get somebody and then oh now they don't work on the weekends that's the other thing mm-hmm that's information you're talking about you were in the Hamptons uh-huh yeah the 800 information thank you yeah it's it's it's totally unfair to because I believe they use a service called tell me yeah that basically when it tells you nothing well you called up and you supposed to say the name of a big corporation and it immediately recognizes you and gives you the number but those small organizations that have 800 numbers they don't subscribe to that service they don't pay the extra money to be recognized like that what if you need their phone number over the weekend or at night you just won't get it now well more than that there are many different 800 services maybe this is what you're saying and forget about tell me they're never listed ever mm-hmm so what I'm finding is that the 800 service is really not as valuable as it used to be because you can never find who you're looking for often I find this is true and I don't know between that and the the brain tumor radiation from the cell phones and the cell tower across from my bedroom I don't know where the hell to go guys well just write letters and read books hopefully I'm doing that people are really surprised and happy they call me and we're developing a whole new relationship okay all right well it's nice talking to you and I'm really glad you folks are there okay well we won't be here next week remember that what's your new time I'm writing down all these new time Wednesday at 7 okay are you okay with that yeah we're fine actually I have nothing but praise for the way it was dealt with with us it could have been a little bit more warning I think would have liked you know two weeks to deal with this instead of one but you know originally we were offered the drive time slot and it just didn't work for us as as the people putting the show together and and they were kind enough to move us to two seven so you know it troubles me that other people haven't been dealt with this fairly and I you know I stress people stick together on this and and don't give up on anything just fighting for what you want and and also I was thinking that maybe there's a possibility that we can have on staff I don't know if this is the right word you correct me please if it isn't an ombudsman someone everybody can go to who smooths out the problems yeah somebody like for instance last night those people should have been able to call somebody and say how come we weren't informed in a way that makes sense and then have that person could have gotten in touch with the right parties I think that would really help because there are so many factions and so many people and a lot of us have very very tender nervous systems so that's my idea to everybody maybe other folks will bring it up at meetings at the bylaws and such like that and thanks again thank you night bye-bye and just to very quickly go over some of the changes at this time next week this is very hard to read I'm trying this time next week you'll hear Asia-Pacific Forum Mondays at 8 will be housing notebook Wednesdays at 8 personal computer show and Thursdays at 8 where we live I'm not sure it's on Fridays and 7 p.m. slot building bridges on Mondays type rear on Tuesdays at 7 explorations on actually no that's awesome Wednesdays off the hook on Wednesdays that was a switch and crossroads on Thursdays so yeah that's a lot of changes and hopefully this will be posted on our website and people will know about it so that there won't be any more surprises see if we can fit in one one more phone call good evening you're on the air yes go ahead hey it's Bernie Bernie how are you hey good I just wanted to suggest that people attending that this Friday's 2600 meeting it's this coming Friday yes it is well now with a new restrictions apparently lifted on the FBI for a pub or showing up at public gatherings I think 2600 meeting attendees should look for and welcome all the new FBI agents that are showing up at meetings now without restriction well what's an appropriate way to welcome a federal agent that's a good question maybe you're showing up for the camera oh yeah cameras are always fun that's always nice to have something to remember the occasion by sure maybe get it autographed uh-huh a special greeting to any FBI agents who may be listening right now listening now why not well yeah you know the Secret Service is listen they should be working now listening to the radio in the past they've resorted to Secret Service and other federal agencies haven't they resorted to using like mall security guards as a you know Confederates mm-hmm yeah that's that's true to do the things that they can't legally do that's what now they now they can now though all the restrictions are down apparently I just want to make sure that these gentlemen and women are appropriately welcomed at the meetings this weekend and meetings will be taking place throughout the world this Friday coming up at default time of 5 p.m. check slash meetings for more specific information as to meetings near you and Bernie I guess we'll see you sometime certainly we'll see you at h2k too oh yes and probably before that good okay well thanks thanks for calling great thank you have a good night you too and we are just about out of time now and this is it for us this is the end of our show at this time slot we'll be back again next Wednesday not tomorrow a week from tomorrow 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. that is our new slot until then stay alert and don't be afraid by all the things that are happening because you still have us just on a different time good night Oh Oh I had never before seen an African chained to a post in their yard they kept a black slave they made him sleep outside in the bitter cold only a thin blanket to cover they whipped him savagely for the slightest infraction and fed him only the most vile scraps rotting garbage that even their hogs would have refused to eat trumpet of freedom the saga of John Brown will be performed as a fundraiser for WBA I featuring the performance of Norman Thomas Marshall it'll be presented at the Joseph Papp Public Theater 425 Lafayette Street on Monday June 17 at 8 p.m. it is my privilege to hang by the neck until dead I am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but by