April 9th, from 2 to 5 p.m., join WBAI for a teach-in and fundraising event at the Community Church, located at 40 East 35th Street between Lexington and Park Avenue. The teach-in, focusing on the trial of Amadou Diallo and the rise of police brutality in New York City, will feature Richie Perez of the National Congress of Puerto Rican Rights, Iris Baez, mother of Anthony Baez, Ron Daniels of the Center for Constitutional Rights, Bonnie Burroughs, Congress Member Major Owens, Naya Durinde of the Daily Challenge, and representatives from YouthForce, among many others. That's Sunday, April 9th, at the Community Church, 40 East 35th Street, from 2 to 5 p.m. For more information, call 212-209-2827. That's 212-209-2827. And you're listening to your radio station WBAI, it's 8 o'clock, time for Off The Hook. But if they could, they would, fondly bound for the best, expect the worst. I hope that's understood, fondly bound. Fondly bound. And a very good evening to everybody, the program is Off The Hook, and we come your way, we come your way every Tuesday night at this time, and we have the theme starting all over again, isn't that nice? Well, how about that? So good we had to play it twice, well actually our machines are all messed up, so I'm going to turn it off. Well, Isaac's on the other side of the room, how you doing? Oh, right, so yourself? It's been a crazy week, it really has been crazy, and just to give you an idea, we have Kevin Mitnick who's going to be joining us this show and will be taking phone calls, so I would imagine that it probably would be in people's interest if they want to ask a question of Kevin to start calling now, because from what I understand, at least locally anyway, from what I understand, the phone does not hang up if you let it ring 5,000 times. However, if you're calling from some other part of the country or some other part of the world, it does time out, and that's just the nature of the phone system. So people in New York will have a distinct advantage in that regard, so if you're calling from a local area, yeah, you can keep ringing forever and it won't hang up. 212-209-2900 is our phone number, so please give a chance to the other people listening, the people listening in other parts of the world, as well as we are broadcasting over real audio, and Kevin will be joining us in just a couple of moments, but first we have some really important updates to start with. Really bizarre situation unfolding down in Philadelphia. I'm not sure if people have been reading the website, but Bernie S., it seems, has been targeted once again by the Secret Service. It's really unbelievable how many times these people will harass him, but apparently what happened, this was shortly after last week's show, we heard about this, as you might have known, Bernie was sick last week and had not gone to work. It seems one of the days that he was not at work, the Secret Service went to his place of work and started asking questions about him, once again, all over again, as if they don't know everything there is to know about him, and they went there to find out, maybe they lost their records or something, they went to his work and started asking questions, and it was really kind of strange. Bernie found out about this the next day, that they had actually been there asking about him, and so he did the one thing that they never would expect you to do, you know what that is? Called them? Yeah, he called them. He called the Secret Service, and they don't get called very often, they're not all that popular, but... Well, they are the Secret Service. Yeah, I don't think their number is even listed, but he called them and basically asked what they wanted, you know, what do you want with me, why are you coming to my work, what do you want to know? And they said, well, we need to talk to you. Actually, no, they didn't even say that at first, they said that they couldn't talk to him, because they were so freaked out that he was actually calling them, that they said they couldn't talk to him. Then about ten minutes later, they called him back. When they got prepared. Yeah, when they got the script together, they called him back and said, well, yeah, we need to talk to you, we need to talk to you at your house at seven in the morning tomorrow. And Bernie was like, well, here's the thing, okay, I'm sick, and seven a.m. is a very early time for me, and plus, I'm not really sure I want you anywhere near my house. And basically, after going around in circles for a little while, they suggested a different time of six a.m. They just didn't seem to get it. That went on for a while longer. He offered to meet them at all different places, at a diner, at their office, at their home, in a bus, you know, wherever, wherever they wanted, you know, any other place, except his house. Keep in mind, Bernie S. is somebody who has had the Secret Service abuse him quite severely and practically destroy his life, not the kind of people you'd want to invite in. After a while, the agent got all flustered and said he had to go and couldn't talk to him anymore. So he hung up. Ten minutes later, the phone rings, and it's another agent, someone who's obviously higher up on the chain. Sounds a lot more polished. And this guy says, yes, Mr. Bernie, or whatever it is they chose to call him, we need to get into your house in order to inspect your wires to see if your telephone and your cable TV are hooked up properly. Sure. Yeah. I mean, these guys, I don't know if they watch, like, you know, Hanna-Barbera cartoons to get ideas on how to convince people to do things, but they're not really the best. It's pretty easy to see when they're just, like, lying through their teeth. Well, look at it this way. They were probably going to do it for free, whereas the phone company would charge you 50 bucks. Well, here's the thing. Bernie suggested, after he finished laughing about this, he suggested that they go and get someone from, or he'd actually go and get someone from the cable company and from the phone company. Which is a good thing, because he doesn't even have, you know, a wired phone in his house. So that's kind of a situation right there. But, you know, he'd get somebody from Bell Atlantic and from the cable company to go there and inspect it and report back to them and tell them if there was anything untoward about the connection. No, no, that wasn't acceptable. They had to come there themselves, without the cable company, without the phone company, to inspect his wiring. And basically at that point, he just told them to speak to his lawyer. And that's pretty much where it has stood since last week. I do know that when his lawyer contacted them yesterday, and this is where it gets really kind of bizarre and creepy, they told the lawyer that the agent that Bernie had been talking to did not work for them. Had not worked in that office for months. Yeah, so you have phantom agents apparently going and harassing people at their place of work. And then when they're called on it, they say that agent doesn't work for us. What in the world is going on here? Agent Smith? Well, I know we have no Agent Smith at our establishment. It's a very bizarre and scary story. However, we have had news of it up on our website. A lot of people are following this now. A lot of people are watching this. I don't think they know how to deal with publicity like that. We've gotten a bunch of letters about this. I just want to read one of them really quickly. On the question of why. Why this is happening. I could tell you why. Well, this person I think did a better job than anything you could ever say. Let's listen to this. Why? So he will get sad, depressed, and be more vulnerable to urges like getting revenge or just having fun the old way. Also, it doesn't look good when folks with as much support as Bernie seem to get by after having a run-in with the Secret Service. You see, they aren't really happy unless they have destroyed you. To them, anything else is a fish that got away. Oh, by the way, they get him fired by simply showing up and having his employer wonder if he should keep Bernie on the job with the Secret Service inquiring about him. All that stuff about getting inside his house was a bunch of crap meant to confuse him into thinking they had other motives. Signed, Jeff. And I think Jeff got it right on the nose there. Oh, sure he did. Yeah. Did Jeff listen to the show two weeks ago? Which one are you referring to? Are you referring to where? The one where Bernie was walking around the Secret Service little convention. Yeah, yeah. So that's not the bear sticking his hand into the beehive? Well, it certainly might have gotten their attention. But the thing is, it was, I mean, are you saying he did something wrong by doing that? It was a hotel. I'm sure it was a hotel, but I'm saying that, you know, walking around a place where the Secret Service is having a meeting and they know who you are. They're probably going to go say, hey, how you doing? They knew who he was. They knew who it was. It was in a public hotel that was available. Anybody could walk past the concierge and get there. And it was all broadcast live. So, I mean, there's nothing secretive going on here. Understood. But what have we established was one of the main reasons that Bernie served some serious time the first time, where he made the Secret Service look like a bunch of idiots for picking their nose. Which is kind of funny. But, you know, he made the Secret Service look like a bunch of idiots for picking their nose. So the right thing for him to do is submit and never bother them again and not even... No, it's not submitting. It's just like saying, well, gee, if I continually bother these people, perhaps they will react in some way, much as someone would react to a mosquito constantly plucking into someone's arm. Yeah, except I don't see him bothering them. His mere presence. Is that enough to bother them, his mere presence? Hey, I'm not the Secret Service. Maybe it is enough to bother them. Then they need to be bothered a whole lot. Okay, but expect that there will be consequences. Yeah, and there will be consequences. If innocent people are harassed, there will also be consequences. It's a lot different than it was five years ago. And by the way, this happened five years ago to the day that he got arrested. It's a lot different because, A, Bernie has a lot of support now. He has a lawyer. He has absolutely nothing going on that they could get him for except simply existing, except simply being someplace they don't want him to be, that he's perfectly allowed, perfectly entitled to be. And they have the eyes of the world watching them now. So really, the ball is in their court. We just have to see where it goes from this point. But it's an interesting story, something that we're really going to have to follow in future weeks. We don't have time this week because we have a special show today. But we're not finished yet because we also have another intriguing bit of news. Mackie joins us on the phone from California. Mackie, you there? Hi there. How are you doing? We had some legal developments this week, which would mean yesterday. Uh-oh. Yeah, some rather interesting legal developments. Do you want to keep us abreast of that? Yeah, that was pretty cool, actually. After we got completely shut out at the first hearing, the EFF was able to retain us a really good First Amendment and intellectual property lawyer here in New York, the name of Martin Garbus of Frankfurt Garbus Klein & Sells. And so he was there representing us on Monday when we had a hearing. And the MPAA wanted to win by default at the hearing, but he argued, and we got a trial date set for December 5th, which is a lot more time than they would have given us otherwise. So the DECSS case will be preparing basically the rest of the year, and then a trial will start. So right now where we're at is really trying to get a lot of publicity out while we prepare for the trial. And so we got bumper stickers on the way, Stop the MPAA. And the Academy Awards are this Sunday. So hopefully we'll get a bunch of those out if people are in the L.A. area and want to help out. There are flyers still on the 2600 site. People go leafletting. And the battle continues. The DMCA, the Library of Congress had a commenting period, which is ongoing. And a lot of people wrote in and told them what they think of it. And that will be getting decided in October. And meanwhile, there's been another DMCA-related lawsuit brewing from Mattel. Mattel, the same toy manufacturer, publishes Cyber Patrol, which is filtering software. And a group came out with a utility called CP Hack, which decrypts their list of blocked sites, so everyone can see now just what they're blocking with the filtering software. And this included all sorts of things that shouldn't have been blocked, educational sites, breast cancer sites, things that they had classified as pornographic or illegal material, which just really wasn't. And Mattel is suing people who distributed this software, claiming, oh, well, it circumvents our copy protection because our list of blocked sites is proprietary. Well, how are you supposed to run this software if you can't tell what you're blocking? How can you decide if it's good software, which apparently it isn't? It's an obscene error rate when they went through and just checked sites. So they're doing basically the same thing that the MPAA is doing to us. Yeah, they took a cue from the MPAA in a lot of their behavior here, because they're suing everyone on the Internet, basically, with no regard for geographic boundaries or legal jurisdictions. In fact, some of the same overseas defendants in the DECSS case have received cease and desist letters in the Mattel case. Okay, Mack, I have to cut you off because Kevin's getting impatient. He just called me now, in fact, and wants to get going with the show, and I'm sure that the rest of us want to as well. Give out the URL real quick, and we'll be following this in weeks ahead as well. www.peacefire.com has all the information on CensorWare. Okay, but that's pretty good news about the legal developments this week, and, of course, we'll be keeping people abreast of that. As it unfolds in the weeks and months ahead, we're going to fight this thing until the end. We'll be right back with Kevin. But he never saw it He could have been a famous guitarist He must have not have had a clue Feeling like a bowl of spaghetti Not knowing what to get Yeah He's the one with hope in his soul Can't let him slip through the hole He might just go away and never return He's hanging on a whim and a prayer So glad to see him there Maybe he'll make it someday, someway Going past the expected Maybe he'll get what he wants Yeah Good golly, it's getting moldy Got to move on, but oh no People said no one, maybe perhaps he's right There's a fear of feeling at night Something may turn out of sight But you never really know Thinking only maybe it might Things may turn out right Yeah Catbird Catbird The O is the MPAA symbol You don't say, you know, you're right If you turn it sideways, it looks just like the MPAA symbol I never noticed that I never noticed that Remarkable coincidence It is a remarkable coincidence Well, you're going to be seeing these Not replacing the Free Kevin stickers in various places That you might see the Free Kevin stickers But adding to them Because it's not like the battle ever ends The battle simply continues into other forums It's a different color, too Yeah, it's a slightly different kind of schoolbush Orange thing And we also have H2K stickers that have just come out too Which are also fun for the whole family Yep, Hackers on Planet Earth Taking place July 14th through 16th 2000, Hotel Pennsylvania in New York And that's going to be a real hubbub of activity The way everything is looking right now So, want one? Oh yeah, I'll have one Take an MPAA too All right, let's see if Kevin's with us Kevin, you there? I'm here All right Hey, how you doing? Okay, okay And it was really good seeing you in New York Yeah, I had a great time I'm looking forward to coming back Yeah, well we're looking forward to having you back And I know a lot of people were really thrilled to see you At the 2600 meeting Especially when no one had any idea you'd be there All of a sudden popped in As a result of that Court TV appearance And the Congressional testimony What's been new since the last time we talked? Well, a couple of things And by the way, it was my first 2600 meeting, I believe Wow, cool Yeah, I think it was So it was definitely I had a great time and I enjoyed meeting everybody And, well, a few things are new I found out recently that The Computer Museum History Center Is going to have a lecture On early computer crime And who the speakers are going to be Is Whitfield Diffie I don't know how to pronounce his name I think it's Diffie With Sun Microsystems Peter Newman with SRI International And Cliff Stoll The guy that everybody knows The cuckoo's egg That came out of that bestseller book And more importantly I learned that John Markoff The guy who libeled me on the front pages of the New York Times Is doing a talk and it's titled Kevin and Me So when I found out about this I wanted to go attend the lecture So I'd have an opportunity to ask Mr. Markoff To reveal his sources of these claims he made about me Or have a retraction printed And I tried to get permission through my probation Well, I just assumed that the probation department Was going to allow me to go And so I booked a flight And was making arrangements And then I checked with my probation officer Because since I'm on supervised release Going up to Mountain View from Los Angeles I have to get permission And what ended up happening Is the probation department declined To allow me to travel up there to attend But I just learned Within the last hour It just took an interesting twist Because one of the I guess individuals That's part of this history center Or part of booking the attendees at the conference What it is, apparently it's on Moffett Field Which is part of NASA Ames Research Center So what you have to do is you have to RSVP And they put you on a list And you have to be a U.S. citizen To be able to attend the lecture Because I guess it's on a military base Or it's considered on federal property So anyway, I just found out from my attorney's office That an individual called Wanting to find out whether or not It was the real Kevin Mitnick That wanted to attend this conference And mentioned that she would be happy To have me attend That they would basically be thrilled But on the other hand That she was calling to advise That NASA has refused To allow me on their property To attend the conference So this I found out By the probation department So it's interesting That NASA would decline To allow me, a U.S. citizen On their property To attend a lecture Which is largely about me So it was quite disappointing That I won't have the opportunity To go up to participate In being able to Get to the bottom Of some of the reports That were made about me years ago So you won't be allowed to go there And it's horribly unfair that you're not A lot of other people will be allowed to go there Maybe you could give the exact details And what they need to do to get there Well what I have here Is I have somebody faxed me The information that was on the net And apparently To attend I'm looking on here I'm looking for the contact name What I have is I have a telephone number But it looks like the person's name Here is Dag Spicer Who's the manager Of historical collections At the Computer Museum History Center And I have a phone number Of area code 650-604-2578 But I don't believe That was the person I contacted The person that actually contacted my lawyer's office Was a lady named Karen Matthews And her number is 650-604-2568 So maybe she's the one Oh here it is I'm sorry It's Wendy Ann Francis At area code 650-604-2579 But they need the RSVP By Monday, March 20th Which was yesterday So I'm not sure That I'd permit Maybe they have to check The person out Before they allow them Onto Moffitt Field But that's the person To contact, Wendy Ann Francis I believe we've had a few people Already get to that stage Where they're going to be attending So there'll be some kind of representation Of your side At this thing And we'll find out exactly what is said We'll report back on that next week But again, it's taking place this Thursday Do you have a time? Oh yeah, it's Thursday, 6pm And it's at the Auditorium Building 201 At Moffitt Field And it's just disappointing That I'm not able to defend myself Even though I'm out The U.S. government And NASA Is prohibiting me From doing so So I guess I have to rely On my support network To try to do it for me That's amazing And I think what we should do In the days ahead My requests are pretty simple My requests are The sources be revealed Or the evidence put forward On these claims made And if the evidence isn't there Or the sources aren't revealed To simply have the New York Times Retract the false claims made about me I think it's a reasonable request And that's what I was hoping To at least start The motions towards that end I think Isaac's trying to say something What about the possibility Of a teleconference Or some kind of a speakerphone setup Would they be in that? No, it wasn't where I was going to speak I assumed when the speakers spoke That they would have a Q&A section A Q&A Oh, you just wanted to sit in Yeah, he had a pretty good queue I was planning on going up to the microphone And using that as an opportunity To ask questions Isn't it interesting that You have no trouble confronting the issue here And Markov is doing everything possible To avoid any kind of confrontation And it's funny because He's always complaining about how He's never gotten the ability to talk to you Well, here's the ability right here You're willing to confront him face to face And NASA is stepping in And protecting him from you Well, what I believe his concern is Or at least one of his many concerns Is once it's exposed What he's done And there's no defense It kind of might affect his credibility In a sense So that's probably why he's backpedaling But whatever I don't know the reasons He knows his reasons But I'll just have to wait At a time in the future When it could be done Unfortunately, in three years After my supervised release has expired Where I can Go anywhere that I choose It might be a little bit too late I was kind of hoping to Start the process As soon as possible Okay Some other news that might be Of interest to some people And I'm sure it's exciting you know The film Takedown actually has been released in France I know I guess they're afraid to release it here But they released it over there It's got a different title I believe they have a website Called Cybertrack.com But unless you're fluent in French I don't think you're going to understand it Ah, but that's what Babelfish.altavista.com is for Babelfish, whatever Yeah Cybertrack is spelled C-Y-B-E-R-T-R-A-Q-U-E And just put a www in front of that And a .com at the end of that And you should see everything that they have to say About this film I hope that the French population Does a smart thing and saves their money Well I think they are Because the site only had about 3,000 hits When I looked at it And that's not very many Considering it's supposedly been up Since before the 15th It says coming on the 15th of March And here it is, you know what The 21st now And from my sources have told me That there's also I think there was a computer conference Or a computer security conference And I think what they're doing Is they're testing it in the foreign market To see how well it does And depending on the results there They'll decide what they're going to do in the US From my understanding is They plan on releasing it to television And not a feature film Or a video But So you can probably Figure out the quality Of the movie By their choice And how they're going to distribute it Yeah it seems kind of strange That they would go far away To test it out on a foreign crowd That really probably isn't as involved in the story Before they figure out what they're going to do here Yeah but I don't know How that's going to work But that's what I assume they're going to do They're going to test it in the foreign market And I don't know if France is the only Foreign Country that has purchased The film rights To display the film So I'm not privy To that information But hopefully we'll find out As it happens Okay a note to our listeners We're going to start taking phone calls In a minute or two 212-209-2900 There are some open lines So feel free to give us a call There's another thing I wanted to mention Obviously since I can't use the internet I've heard that on the mailing list That you set up Through 2600 That some people have commented That I'm selling out Because I Agree to go to the senate To testify on how they can Better protect their computers And I was kind of disappointed that people At least some people Would take that position that I'm selling out Because I don't Consider it selling out Before I agreed To go to Washington D.C. I specifically asked The person That I was talking to I guess their liaison or the committee person Whether or not this is To legislate or To do anything with any Computer crime laws In other words to enact Harsher penalties or anything That affects title 18 Of the United States code And they told me No this has nothing to do With enacting any Computer crime legislation Or to change the penalties But this all had to do with How the government could simply Protect their own information That resides on their computers And they were interested in My commentary on The rules and regulations That the senate was I guess considering adopting You know since that Didn't affect any Computer crime legislation I agreed to go to Washington And present the best information The best information That I had possible to help them And I don't Considering selling out I just consider helping A different branch of the government Where they need the help And it just concerns me that People would take that point of view I really think that that was A very slim margin of people That thought that way I was surprised to hear Anybody felt that at all If you had seen the testimony You would see that the information You were giving was certainly Helpful to everybody It's the kind of thing we would Print in the magazine We claim to want to spread Information and share things That's exactly what you did I would hope that people Given that opportunity Wouldn't blow it and would Actually try to enlighten people If they refused to listen Well at least you tried It was simply education And I thought I could help At least the government Protect their information Whether or not it resides On a computer so I wanted To offer my experience And advise them in the best Possible way By the federal judge in my case Judge Felzer To act as an advisor or consultant To anyone engaged in any Computer related activity And who in the world is not Engaged in a computer related Activity I don't know So essentially if you look at The broad interpretation of that Condition I'm just simply Precluded from advising or Consulting with anybody on any Computer related activity That's absurd And it's interesting to note I did some research and I Found a couple of cases Do you know what a Call selling case is Where you get Where an individual Or a group of individuals Sets up a call selling Operation where they Utilize cloned cell phones And what they do is they Are not paying the bill They're just cloning to The unknowing Customer's telephone number And placing calls and they're Charging for it and a couple Of these call cell operations Were busted by the secret service And it's interesting to note That those individuals in those Cases why they did receive A short term of imprisonment I believe less than 18 months None of the Aspects were given the Condition of supervised release Where they couldn't use a cell Phone and I thought that's Really interesting because in My case it was really to do With computers and using a Cellular phone as a tool to Avoid detection rather than Using it, you know, rather Than the cell phone being the Target of the fraud. So I thought it was interesting That in my case I'd be Excluded from using a cell phone Or possessing one yet where Somebody's actually profiting Of, you know, cellular phone Fraud that they're allowed to Use a cell phone. I see it as a recurring theme In the prosecutions we've Followed over the years that The less malicious people get Hit with these things all the More and the people that are Really out there making a Profit and really committing Yeah, it's interesting. So I guess with the message the Federal government is sending, If you're going to commit Computer hacking activity, you Might as well do it for profit And we'll punish you less, but If you do it for the intellectual Challenge and the quest for Knowledge, well, we're going to Really come down hard on you, You know, so that's a weird Message for them. It's a weird message and I hope That's where you're crossing, in My opinion, from hacking to, you Know, criminal, you know, just Using a tool, a computer as a Tool to commit a crime. Right. Okay, a lot of people have been Waiting patiently, so we're going To go to the phones. Do I get to choose, like, caller Number seven, they get to win a Porsche or something? Maybe that's not such a good Idea. But just a word to the people Calling in. Let's keep the questions short, Let's not have any speeches, and Please don't call more than once Because there's a lot of people Trying to get through. We have kevin mitnick on the Line. Please ask your question and Hopefully kevin will have an Answer for you. I'll try to. Some questions I might not be Able to answer. Before I make a test, I want to Give out my e-mail address. That's called blowing it right There. Let me point out to that person, Do not call again. We know where you are. Kevin, you still there? I'm here. I'm sorry about that. Good evening. You're on the air. I know you went away when mosaic Tried to interact with computers. I would like to get your Impression because there's been So many changes, things like Java applets and dynamic html And microsoft's hierarchy. What was your first reaction When you just saw the extreme Changes and how computers have Actually evolved in the past five Years? Well, it's been quite Overwhelming, in fact. I was recently at usc. We had a conference, their Online journalism, well, the Annenberg school of Communication at a conference Where they invited journalists From all around the world to Attend, and it was simply Like, it was just shocking To me, or just, I don't know If that would be the appropriate Word. I was just, like, amazed. Because when I was shipped off To prison, the internet wasn't There. You were correct, mosaic was at 1.0, and i believe links was Out. Everything has become the Internet, and it's become so Important, and people are Exploiting the internet in Business to essentially become Millionaires overnight, and It's just, everything is Dot-com now. I look at billboards, i listen To radio ads. I noticed a lot of ads for Internet service providers. However, i watched, i must have Watched maybe ten hours of tv For the five years i was in Prison, so i didn't really get A real sense for how the Internet has progressed, and How it's, how everybody is Relying on it, and it was just Very interesting to me. And it was kind of like a Culture shock. I mean, it's not a culture Shock. Then again, going to the Supermarket was kind of Overwhelming for me, too. Oh, okay, well, thank you. Good luck in everything you do. Hey, thank you for your kind Words. Bye-bye. Take care. Ten hours of tv in five years, That's pretty good. I watched, you know, when they Showed videos, i'd watch the You know, usually it was the, You know, certain ethnic Groups controlled the tv, Because there were, you know, More of that type of group, And i wasn't really interested In watching rap videos or Listening to spanish stations. And then, you know, what was Left is, you know, it just Wasn't interesting to me. So when they had the news on Or a news program, i'd watch It or watch videos, and i Probably spent most of my time Listening to my radio. Okay, let's take another phone call. Good evening, you're on off the hook. Oh, hi. Kevin, do you feel at all vindicated After you spoke to the senate, Like they finally listened to you? Well, i wouldn't say i felt Vindicated, i felt honored that They, i felt more respected, And i felt honored that they Would value my opinion, but i Didn't feel vindicated. You didn't feel at all like You'd finally gotten through? You'd been screaming at this Wall for so long? No, because really, they Invited me there to give them Information. It wasn't like, you know, I just assume it's because They knew i had the, It's known that i have a talent For breaching computer security Systems, so they just wanted To get my opinion on how to Do it. But, you know, what has been Important to me is how, as an Individual, my constitutional Rights were disregarded, and While that, if that can happen To kevin mitnick, it certainly Could happen to you, and also About the manipulation by the Media, and that's what was Important, but those issues I don't think played a part in My senate testimony. Okay. Let's take another phone call. 212-209-2900, we're on the air With kevin mitnick. Good evening, you're on the air. Hi, kevin. I'd just like you to know that In this month's doctor dobbs Journal, there was a quote by John markov, and there was a Letter in which they supported You guys on the dcss case, and I don't get the open source Community, how can they stand For two things, it's just A slander suit against this Jackass. Markov, number one, is the Money issue. I consulted an entertainment Attorney that actually is well Known for initiating defamation Suits. I believe they represented steve Wynn, rodney dangerfield, they Won the carol burnett case Against the national inquirer, And you're talking, you know, Spending upwards of $350 to $400 per hour for representation, And i didn't have enough money To hire my own counsel to Represent me in the criminal Case, so i certainly didn't have The funds, and number two is It's an unknown, it's unknown Whether or not, well, on a Defamation case, the statute of Limitations is one year, so you Have to file your case, i believe, In one year that you learn of The, i guess, the tort or However, you know, the Terms, however it's termed when You're defamed, but while, you Know, as you know, i was in Prison for five years, so it's Unknown to me whether or not the Statute of limitations was told During that period of time, so That's a question i need to get Answered by, you know, a Counselor at law, and lastly, When you're going after a media Organization like the new york Times, who probably has, you Know, several attorneys on The case, who, you know, who Could overwhelm, you know, an Attorney by, you know, doing Like, you know, by papering them To death, so the cost could run Up, so it might, so an attorney Might think twice about Representing somebody against the New york times, but because of The first amendment in this Country, i think one of the Elements that has to be proven That it was, that they acted With malice and it was Deliberate, and it's a tough Thing to prove that they acted With malice and they Deliberately did it to, you Know, injure my reputation, Because i did not put the new York times on notice prior to The publication of these articles Because i had no idea that these False claims were going to be Made about me, so when you're Suing, when you're a public Figure, you know, i'm considered A public figure for limited Areas, you know, the computer Arena, but when you're a public Figure and a news media Organization, you know, again, You know, either prints, you Know, prints false claims or Libels you, you still have to Usually, they have to be on Some sort of notice, or they Have to exercise, i think they Only have to exercise reasonable Diligence in investigating the Facts, which wasn't done, Because i think even when Forbes, when adam pennenberg at Forbes did an article, i don't Know, last year, he contacted John markoff to find out the Source of the claim that i broke Into norad when i was a Teenager, and he just said, oh, He heard it from one of my Friends, which is a b.s. Line, you know, i don't believe One of my friends would have Told him such a thing, but you Would think that any reporter or Especially any fact checker at Forbes would have called norad to Determine whether or not that Claim was true, which was not Done, but that's the reasons, You know, pretty much in a Nutshell of why i haven't Pursued a libel suit, but if There's any attorneys out there That can answer the question on The statute of limitations Question, and they'd be Interested in taking the case on The contingency, well, i'd be Interested in going forward. We're on the phone with kevin Mitnick, 212-209-2900, and Kevin, i wanted to know, are you Getting many bits of mail to This day? Oh, yeah, i've received numerous Letters, i got gifts, i got Cds and videos and some phone Cards, which have been very Thoughtful, and i Appreciate it, and I spoke to Kerry, you know, who's My webmaster on The free kevin and Kevin mitnick.com site, and i Mentioned, i asked Her to, Well, i didn't ask her To post it, but i gave her the Information of, you know, The first name of the party, What their name was and what They sent, so she can, you Know, if She so chose, she can post it On the website. see, i'm not Allowed to direct anybody to The website, so i have to be Very careful that i don't Specifically ask someone to put Something on some computer, so I have to, but it should be up There pretty soon. In order for us to thank the People, kevin has to tell us the Names of the people, but, you Know, it's kind of like, you Know, if i had to respond to Each letter, because i get Numerous letters, which are Very kind and thoughtful, and I would be spending maybe 10 Hours a day writing return Letters, and right at this Point, i'm trying to get back On my own two feet, and, you Know, trying to find gainful Employment while at the same time Trying to care for my father, Who's still trying to, you Know, beat this staph infection That he caught while in the Hospital. that's simply Unbelievable, that as soon as You came out of prison, you Had a heart attack? Yeah, he had a heart attack, and He ended up getting a triple Bypass, and what happened is When, i guess, during the Operation, i guess the operating Room wasn't sterile, or for Whatever reason, he caught a Staph infection, and the staph Infection, he's been fighting for Two months, and it's pretty much He's, you know, disabled in a Sense, so he relies on me to, You know, to do a lot of Errands and to help him out, so I'm trying to do the best i can, And that takes my time, and Also, i've been participating In, you know, going out to D.C., going out to new york, And, you know, doing interviews, And at the same time trying to Find how i could, you know, Basically feed myself and find A position that's commensurate With the restrictions that i have To live under, which is, you Know, very, you know, as you Know, they're very stringent Conditions. Can you give us the address and What you would like people to Send you, and what you could Use? The address, i think, i don't Know, i'm not sure off the top Of my head, i think it's 2219 east thousand Oaks boulevard, suite 432, or number 432. It's a mail drop, so it's really Just a mailbox, and the city Is thousand oaks, california, And the zip code is 91361, i believe. What i'd like to get is, I've been getting a lot of Videos in the mail. I'd like to see pirates of Silicon valley. That's one movie that i missed, And i don't know if that's on Video. You're going to wind up with Seven copies of it now, at Some point. I'd like to get that. The phone cards are always Useful because i'm spending a Lot of time on the phone. Explain the phone cards to us. If people send you prepaid Phone cards, that makes your Life a lot easier, right? Yeah. Recently, like, somebody sent Me a phone card that was, i Guess, purchased at 7-eleven. They're like the anonymous phone Card. I've been incurring a lot of Phone expense, returning a lot Of calls that are usually by Media organizations, and i've Been incurring a lot of expense On the telephone, so that's Always very helpful. But i also like receiving Letters and postcards. I receive very thoughtful Letters and stuff, and it's Just uplifting. I do receive a lot of cds, And it's interesting. Someone sent me the alienist, Which i read while i was in Prison, and i already had the Book, so it was a shame that Somebody, you know, spent the Money to send it to me. It was thoughtful, but i've Already read it. And then i sometimes get cds Of music. I'm mostly, like, classic rock Or into rock and roll, so Sometimes i get, like, cds that Well, it's not like i don't Like it. It's just that i was in certain Groups in prison. You know what was amazing to me Is the favorite thing people Watched in there was, like, BET, which is a black Entertainment channel, or black Entertainment television, when They'd have the music videos. But they loved cop shows. They loved america's most Wanted and cops, and it's like Every time i went by the tv, And it was most of the time Because you're in pretty small Quarters there, they were always Watching cop shows. I guess they're hoping to see Some of their friends and family On tv. All right, let's try to take Some more phone calls in the Brief time we have. On the address, since you're not Entirely sure, please check the Website. No, no, no dvds. Okay. Well, you don't have a dvd player, So i guess it wouldn't be very Useful anyway. Okay, let's take another phone Call. Good evening. I was curious, since he was in Prison for such a long period of Time and he saw what is going on In prison, you know, does he get Involved in any prison issues, And how did the prisoners, these Prisoners who like to watch cop Shows on bt, how did they treat Him and did they understand why He was in prison, you know, and Did they treat him respectfully Or did they treat him with Contempt, you know, how was he Treated in this prison that was Mostly black and hispanic? It wasn't mostly black. Well, white people were the Minority, but it was mostly black And hispanic, you know, and i Think it was mostly hispanic Because what there was a, i Don't know if it's a new federal Law, but there was a law Regarding illegal entry, so if Somebody was deported and they Reentered the country without Permission of the ins, it was a Serious federal crime, so a lot Of the population in california When they were deported to Mexico, they would come right Back into the country and get Busted, and federal courts were Sentencing these guys up to Eight years in prison, so it Was, again, kind of shocking to Me that most of the population In there was, you know, for That type of criminal activity, Just, you know, and don't forget These guys were born in, not Born in the states, but pretty Much maybe their families brought Them over here when they were Infants and they were raised Here, and then they ended up Committing some sort of crime, Getting busted and deported to Mexico, where they don't know Anybody, and then they, of Course, want to come back to be With their family, and then they Get busted just for the simple Act of entering the country, and Then they send them away to Prison for, you know, eight years, It really depends on what crime They were deported, you know, They have a thing called an Aggravated felony, but to answer Your question, you know, i got Along with most of the inmates, But most of the prison, you Know, most of it was, well, if You respect, you know, the other Guy, he respects you, it wasn't Like state prison, and did people Really understand what i was in There for? not really, you know, They understood i had a large Support group, they knew that, They understood i was high Profile, but did they really Understand the issues of my case, You know, that i was, you know, Held without trial and without a Bail hearing for so many years, You know, maybe they understood That, but usually the other People in prison, you know, had Their own problems to deal with In their own cases, so they were Thinking about, you know, Researching and trying to mitigate The damages in their own, you Know, in their own case, rather Than really focusing on other People's cases. When you speak about your case Over, you know, while you're going Around the country, do you tie Your case in with prison issues, You know, and how prisoners are Treated, how people are being Held without bail, you know, Without hearing, because there's Other people, you know, being Held beside yourself. No, no, of course, i mean, There's people that are sitting In prison for many, many years, And they're eventually cleared By a dna test because they're Accused of some rape or accused Of some other crime, and then they End up being cleared by a dna Test, and, you know, i think that's Very egregious, and most of my Prisoner, the prison issues, Don't forget, when i was in Prison, i maintained my silence With the media. I certainly, i wouldn't even have Gone on this show off the hook Because i was very, very Concerned, and i was advised by Counsel, anything that i say can And will be used against me and Others, so i've just really Begun to speak out after my Release from prison, but while i Was in prison, i was constantly Fighting the bureau of prisons on Issues that they would open my Attorney-client-privileged mail That was addressed to me, that They would censor. Eric, i have an e-mail address At 2600.com, and eric would, You know, periodically print out My electronic mail from me, and They would refuse to give it to Me. I guess when stuff was printed Out with the html labels, because Of, you know, the mime, you know, I guess if they send a formatted Mail to a non-compliant or Non-mime-compliant client or Server or whatever, that, as you Know, it just prints the html Tags around the message, and they Claim that the html tag is Unreliable. And so, you know, i was Concerned about that. And they claimed that that was In code or some secret code, so They justified censoring my mail, My electronic mail that was sent To me. Kevin, it was very easy to Confuse them with that kind of Thing. They would basically say anything Was code if they couldn't read it Right away. Don't forget, they put me in Solitary confinement because they Thought that i was going to take My mail, i was going to modify It into an fm transmitter and Surreptitiously go place it in The warden's office to monitor His communication. What was interesting to me is to Get to the warden's office, i Would have had to break out of The secure perimeter of the Prison because his office was Outside the protected, you know, Trapped door. I can imagine that i'm going to Break out of prison to plan a Rehabilitation, you know, because From what i hear about your case That, you know, this is like Stopping you from making a living. I know people who are, you know, Car thieves and whatnot, they go Work for insurance companies, Burglaries. It's punitive. The purpose of supervisory release Is to help the guy become a law Abiding citizen and to reintegrate Into society, but what the federal Government has chosen to do in my Case, specifically, i believe, You know, with the fbi agents Involved in my case and the Particular federal prosecutors That prosecuted me, that they Wanted to be punitive towards me And they convinced this judge, And i think the judge was also Influenced by the inaccurate media Reporting about me, and so she Basically, i think, rubber-stamped These conditions that the fbi and U.S. Attorney's office wanted, and It basically has the effect where I can't do anything in technology Or even speak about it to certain Degrees without them having the Ability to send me back to prison. I'm sorry, kevin, i really hate To leave it here, but we're totally Out of time. Thanks for the call, and i think The call raised a couple of really Good points, too, about how this Has educated us into the conditions In prison. I know i've learned a lot from Your case and the bernie s case, I'm sorry we started late. Yeah, there's so much to talk About this week, but we're going To have you back, and thanks to The callers for calling in, and Thanks, kevin, for answering all The questions. We'll be in touch. Always good to talk to you. Yes, and we'll be back again next Week with updates on all the other Stories that have been going on. So many things. We need two hours, three hours, i Think, going on in this particular Realm that we're in. Until next week, for isaac, for Kevin, for everybody else, it's Emmanuel goldstein. Have a good night. Good night. Since november 25th, 1999, Five-year-old elian gonzalez has Been held in miami against the Wishes of his father, his family, His country, and even the u.S. Immigration and naturalization Service. How have cuban-american forces in Miami, along with their supporters In washington, d.C., been able to Continually delay elian's return? What is the impact of this case on National and international law, And on a young child? Join the national committee for The return of elian gonzalez on Saturday, march 25th, from 2 to 5 p.M. At the hunter college lecture Hall, room 615 in the hunter west Building. The event will include an Impressive group of panelists as Well as cultural presentations And refreshments. For more information, call 212-627-4506. That's 212-627-4506. It is 9 o'clock, and you're tuned To wbai, your listener-sponsored Community radio. Stay tuned for tahrir.