I'm a blue fiend, yeah fiendin' for the fiend, just a blue fiend, yeah fiendin' for the fiend, shockin' blue fiend, oh fiendin' for the fiend, shockin' blue on WBAI 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, yeah. You're listening to your radio station WBAI, time is 8 o'clock, time for Off The Hook. Here we go! I'm a blue fiend, yeah fiendin' for the fiend, just a blue fiend, yeah fiendin' for the fiend, shockin' blue on WBAI 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99.5 FM, New York 99. 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They just want you to verify little bits and pieces They want your sound bites, which they can just sort of insert The only thing you should really ever agree to do I think is live television Where they can't cut away to a commercial just as you start to say something interesting Live radio is good too, but you know, it's hard to find radio stations that allow you to speak out I think we do. Well, we're we're the exception. We're the exception but if you tune down the dial you won't find very many others and in fact the the Struggle to get low power FM on to the on to the radio dial is being fought tooth and nail Oh, yes by two strong entities, you know, they are Go ahead. No, I know give a wild guess. I would imagine one of them being the FCC We're the two big evils. You think the FCC is one of them? Actually the FCC is pushing it. Okay. Well The chairman canard again kudos to you, sir. I'd give you a hug except I'm not that kind of guy And I'm here in New York and you're in DC Metroliner, oh, that's true. Yeah. All right. Look out there, sir. You're gonna get a hug. I Think he deserves it, you know, he does. I mean he's not on the back. Yeah He's a good guy. I like it. I tell people this all the time. Let's see the two evils Yeah, hold on. That's it. I'm being told it's illegal to suck up to the FCC on the air. Oh, I'm sorry Whatever no, I'm never mind that again. We'll probably get a fine. Okay. Well, anyway, I should be happy to pay We're honored to know Let's just continue. We're in the wrong. Mm-hmm. Let's see. I know the FCC does not oppose low-power FM No, which are basically stations like radio mutiny and steal this radio and things like that, you know, except alternative voices Well, that's because they couldn't be licensed by the FCC it was impossible but now you know the possibility exists So who do you think is is really steadfast against this probably the large music? consortiums who don't particularly want that their music like going out the same ones who are trying to fight mp3. Mm-hmm and The large super mega corporations that own like 14 stations. Okay. Well, you're half, right? Actually, you're a quarter right because you're half right on one of those. Oh, thank you You're totally wrong on the music thing. Well, I don't know actually they haven't said anything Popular target lately But the National Association of Broadcasters which represents those mega corporations Has come out dead set against it and the other entity which might surprise a lot of people has come out dead set against low-power FM National Public Radio Really? Yeah, it doesn't surprise me. It might surprise people out there, but does not surprise me because I'm very familiar with the way those those That's a word I can use Those people the way they they operate basically swallowing up frequencies everywhere. They can possibly find a space and just sort of Making sure that they feed their signal into your head one way or another the Microsoft of broadcasting Well, yeah, I guess except Microsoft isn't affiliated with them as they are with NBC But yeah, it's it's it's that mentality just basically you will submit to us I used to think I used to think and I still do to a degree that that Religious FM was the big threat for non-commercial radio because they swallow up frequencies that could be used for you know College radio stations and in fact, it is a commercial product that they are peddling. So now NPR though has has all this money behind them and the thing is the way the way it works with the corporation for public real tongue-twisted corporation for public broadcasting and viewers like you and Yeah, federal funds things like that the way it works The more money you get the more you can spend and the more you can buy up other stations and expand your signal You know, that's why it's so troublesome when when we talk about accepting federal money here at BAI Which is something that a lot of us are loathed to do It's it's a troubling precedent to set it really is So yeah, the F's the National Public Radio totally against low power FM. You have to wonder about that, you know, they're against Alternative voices. I kind of like all things considered. Well, that's fine. You know, you won't have any trouble hearing it. That's for sure I guarantee you no matter where you are in the country. You will not be away from an NPR transmitter Usually listen to it on the web. Anyways, it's disgusting. It really is I counted no more than no less actually than 16 different frequencies You can hear all things considered on between here and Montauk Point. Whoo. Is that incredible? Only one frequency you can hear us on Sure, so if you're listening to us, you're you're that much better because you're more selective It's really it's really sad though, I have nothing against them I have nothing against you know commercial radio stations, but come on guys give other people a chance You know, I think that the NAB particularly National Association of Broadcasters says that they can't possibly Coexist with low-power FM because there'll be interference issues. I think the FCC should say to them Okay, then take your station off the air. So these low-power FM people can survive What the problem with that is money? Yeah Why why is it that the people with the money are the people that have the right to speak out and have a radio station? Why is that because they have the money? Yeah, but but that's not the way the airwaves should work The airwaves are not the way the something that is owned by a corporation. They're the public airwaves I agree with you but Just about any question you can ask As to why this group is capable of doing something that some other group can't can usually be summarized with well They have all the money. Mm-hmm It's a troubling situation, but it happens to be What we live with well, yeah, but I'm saying we don't have to live with that unchallenged True and that's what I hope people Continue to do challenge things Speaking of money speaking of lots of money speaking of the media You heard the news today Oh boy, well CBS and Viacom want to merge Okay, this is where it gets confusing Maybe some of our listeners can help us out with this one because I've been asking this question all day of all kinds of People and nobody knows the answer to it CBS right now is owned by Westinghouse, correct? CBS also owns all kinds of radio stations including k-rock WNW W CBS W F a n w ins They own all these stations or they indirectly owned by Westinghouse, but they're owned by Infinity Broadcasting, which is owned by CBS Which is owned by Westinghouse. Okay, so we've got like four layers of paperwork We got you got a lot of things going on here So now all of a sudden out of the blue Viacom runs in Viacom being the owners of paramount Simon and Schuster Blockbuster video and And of course all those nice Cable networks that we're so happy with MTV vh1 Showtime Nickelodeon TV land things like that They want to step in and and merge with CBS all of a sudden CBS will have a strong presence in cable now Which they never had before but the question is for the game show network the question that I have and a real confusing issue here Where does Westinghouse fit in have they have they bought CBS? Are they going to buy CBS from Westinghouse? Are they taking over Westinghouse is MTV gonna be a military contractor now? How does it work? I was about to say they're too busy making nukes to really bother themselves with the mine Well, maybe not I'm just I'm just not that familiar with the way the whole corporate structure works and I have not seen mention of Westinghouse any Place in any of the news items about this. So how does Westinghouse they say it's a it's a it's a merger Well, is it a merger or is Westinghouse selling them CBS? How does that work? So one of you will financial experts out there, please. Give us a call two and two two zero nine two nine hundred We don't want theories you want facts, you know I want people to tell us what's going on here because this is important This is really a mega merger here and just more instance of how fewer and fewer people are controlling more and more of the media It's really it's really sad. Imagine if the news instead said Pacifica had been taken over by Viacom How would you feel about that? I wouldn't feel too good about that. Oh, we'd be linked up with MTV We'd get all the cool music and you know things that no it is bad It sucks because they only program a few songs out of like 10 million. I don't watch MTV. So are you lucky? We're closer to home we have some You're lucky no you really cable TV has gotten as bad as commercial TV ever was except now you're paying for it And you get to see commercials too on top of that All right, Kevin Mitnick update Kevin has been transferred yet again this time to Lompoc, which is a much better place Than the place who was in before San Bernardino. I Understand that there's at least the possibility. He's getting kosher food I have not heard the details and the reason being that Kevin is not no longer allowed to call us until We verify that he can call us. It's a big bureaucratic mess Huh? They have to send us a letter of some sort his grandmother called me a couple of days ago and said that they needed To send me a letter so I could verify that it's okay for him to call me and the thing is he can't call Collect anymore. He has to pay for it himself out. Yeah, so that's really gonna hurt and it's gonna make things a lot more difficult The prison pay phone rates. Yeah. Yeah, you can imagine what that's gonna be like. I Also heard and I'm not sure about this yet We'll probably send him rolls of quarters We can send money orders and I don't have the address yet. The address will be on the website as soon as we get it Which is www.freekevin.com The thing is I've heard and I'm not I'm not entirely certain about this that He was transferred to Lompoc Minimum security prison as opposed to the Lompoc camp Now if you recall the camp is similar to the place fiber-optic went to back in 1994 Where it's kind of like a dormitory you have some degree of freedom You can look at the sky and go outside a little bit. You just can't leave Minimum security, of course is much worse. It's actually behind barbed wire fences and with prisoners and cell blocks and things like that If that is true, I can't imagine why they would put him in such a place other than retribution of some sort or Sending some kind of stupid message. He really doesn't belong in a place like that He's already been in prison over four years four and a half years. In fact Most of that time without trial. Come on guys when where's gonna end? So we'll have more information including his address. Hopefully next week as soon as we get it. Keep checking the website. We'll update people as we get information, but again, it's very hard to communicate because Well, it's they've made it very difficult unfortunately Getting back to the FCC for a moment This is very disturbing news in the Associated Press a court court ruling overturning federal protection of telephone customer records Puts the interest of phone companies over the rights of consumers a top federal regulator says there'd be your friend Bill Kennard Yeah, he said the court's decision to reject the Commission's rules remove important protections to consumer privacy I think it's a sad day when the First Amendment rights of telephone companies to solicit business Outweighs the rights of consumers to protect their privacy Things such as calls made to a doctor or to a help group and the frequency of such calls could Become information that marketers snatch up and use to target you as if the telephone companies don't have enough money already Gouging you for the service. Yeah, it's unbelievable Basically, what they can do is it's it's it's like when you dive into a computer and look at somebody's somebody's phone records Yeah, a big invasion of privacy that we're all going ballistic over now. The phone companies are gonna say yeah, we'll offer that service We'll say how many times this person calls this place. We'll tell you that and Then you can use that to market things It's disgusting, but that's uh, that's how apparently they want to conduct business. I say if they do things like that We target them and we show who's doing this because it'll become pretty obvious and it's it's already started to become obvious Look what I got in the mail. Nice little Letter from AT&T. Did that stuff? Yeah, but listen to this noise that you're about to hear. Oh ready What does that sound like that sounded like plastic? It was plastic plastic falling on the table And it's my new credit card my new MasterCard from AT&T AT&T sent you a MasterCard AT&T sent me a MasterCard They only built in calling cards. Well, you know, it's interesting It's interesting you should say that because they did only deal with calling cards there There is an AT&T MasterCard of sorts, but you have to apply. That's a corporate thing, right? but The problem with this MasterCard is that I never asked for it I never asked for this MasterCard and here it is sitting in my hand MasterCard right there. I Mean, you know, this is this is this is nuts. So I looked in the in the mailing and Hang on there's about 50 pages in here. So you have to bear with me while I find the one it's applicable. I here we go Welcome to AT&T personal rewards be yourself be rewarded start with $100 in free AT&T calls Yes, get ready to be rewarded. Why as a special Thank you for being a preferred AT&T customer Oh, you've been enrolled in what we think is the best rewards program ever AT&T personal rewards with more ways to earn points and exciting Redemption options. It's easy to get rewarded for the things you do every day. Are you excited? Come on They're exciting up call this number to activate your AT&T personal rewards membership and your AT&T personal rewards Citibank MasterCard then start using your card for everyday purchases and watch the points add up This card replaces your AT&T calling card. So cut up your old AT&T calling card. They actually say oh, yeah Yeah, it says that right there. Now. What does this tell you? This tells you that they they basically take your calling card They can't use your calling card as a way to approve you for a MasterCard that doesn't make any sense So they have to be diving into your credit report without your authorization Is there any other any other possibility here? So they went into my credit report said yeah, I guess he qualifies and sent me a MasterCard just like that. I Mean I resent a little dumbstruck. Yeah, I resent this kind of this kind of intrusion as you should yeah Let's uh, let's call them I have a special number here might as well be their privacy was opposed to zero Okay, I'm waiting for a dial time is there a doctor in there I hear we go It's gonna ask him a simple question, that's all this is the number on the card. Yeah Supposed to activate it. Maybe I'll get a computer entirely possible Thank You for calling AT&T personal rewards if AT&T is your current long-distance carrier press one now if your long-distance carrier is other than AT&T press two now, I'm gonna try and get you here too. Yeah. Yeah, I'm not I don't have a touch-tone phone So I can't press anything. I'm sorry, but I did not receive your response. You know why cuz I don't have a touch-tone phone Thank you for calling AT&T personal rewards If AT&T if you're you don't care about people don't touch-tone phones Do you they're not worthy enough to even like be talked to carrier is other than AT&T press two now Okay, I'm not pressing anything. You might notice that it's not because I'm being stubborn because I don't have a touch-tone phone Sorry, we are still unable to understand your entry. What are you gonna do? Please stay on the line while we transfer you to an AT&T representative That's just a mock me or something wait, okay, we'll wait we won't wait forever Actually, I just had a very brief question I got it. I got a master card from AT&T. I was just wondering why Okay. Well pretty much the only reason you got that was because they did um, you were credit credit worthy You had a good credit background for some reason Citibank was actually the ones that sent them out and They just decided to send them out to everybody that was credit worthy Uh-huh. So they basically checked me out and made sure I had a good credit record I'm not a hundred percent. Sure. I can transfer you over to that number. Okay, that'd be great. Thank you very much Okay Classical music from NPR They'll get you wherever you are welcome to AT&T personal rewards Citibank mastercard, you're not real are you? You want me to speak my number I'm not gonna do that over the air. It's that's not secure. I mean But surely you don't want me to avoid unnecessary delay. Yeah, please touch tone or speak your 16-digit Okay, well now I'm not gonna speak it or touch tone it because I'd rather have the delay than read my number out loud Hearing this crowd. Okay. Yeah, well you can touch those people with pens and pencils He's getting agitated Listen I can't do that. There's a reason I just have a very simple question Really I do. Thank you. Thank you so much Yeah, hi, my name is Emmanuel I just had a very brief question concerning why I got the MasterCard in the mail because I never asked for it I don't have it right in front of me. I just I just had the phone number. So I just like to I know I didn't apply for it. I definitely know I didn't apply for it I just wondering did you send it out to everybody who was an AT&T customer or something? That's what I can't pull up anything without having the account number about I can with your social security number And then I'd be able to see which kind of account So if I give you my social security number, we could we could clear this up. I guess No, that's okay. I'll just I'll just go with my original assumption, but thank you very much for you for your help All right, my pleasure the universal card service That's interesting corporate America is out of control You know if you want to clear it up just give us your social security number and we'll be happy to Keep even more information. Well, evidently they already have it if they're giving you credit. I Never give phone companies credit, but apparently they went and took it anyway, and I never give them credit information not once All right Another bit of joyous news from AT&T. Oh, but that's where the blue death starts If if you listen to past shows and you can hear them all on the Internet You know that we've been playing around with something called AT&T easy reach which Basically was a service that allowed you to have a single phone number that would follow you around for the rest of your life Yeah, and so we got one of these numbers right when they introduced the service back in the early 90s, I think and I remember we the number we got was 700 700 number and then it was seven five one twenty six hundred and And you had to dial oh seven hundred seven five one twenty six hundred we originally had that set up to go to our voice bulletin board And of course you had to route it through AT&T any other phone company and it would go someplace else So the way the 700 exchange the 700 area code works its carrier specific So then a couple years after we had that number the the number that we're supposed to keep the rest of our lives They sent us mail saying that they're changing the number And instead of having a 700 number we would have a 500 number and 500 area code for some reason this was going to be even more Convenient than the 700 number. However, they allowed us to keep the 700 number, but also have a 500 number Okay So now you're just adding an extra line to your now we have to two numbers two different numbers and to be all honest I don't remember what the 500 number was because they only had a couple of exchanges and they gave us some bizarre number So we still have the 700 number, but now this letter they just sent us Says that AT&T would like to take this opportunity to notify you a valued AT&T customer something I already know because they send me MasterCard on November 15th 1999 AT&T easy reach 500 700 service will be discontinued Yeah, the phone number for life didn't last too long declaring you dead now, I don't know They're gonna revoke your card This was a service that provided optional features and in no way will affect the other AT&T services to which you subscribe I like that. This was a service. It's already gone. We regret any inconvenience. This may cause now This is the interesting part The FCC will normally authorize such a proposed discontinuance of service unless it is shown that customers would be unable to receive service or a reasonable substitute from another carrier or that the public convenience and Necessity is otherwise adversely affected if you wish to object to this discontinuance You should file your comments within 15 days after receipt of this notification letters should be addressed to the Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC 2 0 5 5 4 referencing section 63 dot 71 application of AT&T Corp Your comments should include specific information about the impact of this proposed discontinuance upon you or your company including any inability to acquire reasonable substitute service We know AT&T easy reach 500 700 services have helped you stay connected by allowing people to reach you at different places The good news is that now we have a more complete way for you to stay connected AT&T personal network That's more costly likely. Well, they don't this whole big thing, but I can get an 800 number and you know I'm sure pay more for that. Of course The whole point of having a 700 number was that you wouldn't be getting an 800 number You'd have basically a choice where the person could either pay for the call you pay for the call and you could route it to All kinds of different places at you know, the touch of a touchtone So we'll just have to see if their service Continues to allow that somehow I doubt it. Let's um, let's try giving a call to them Here the FCC actually to our number I'm not sure if it's going to work actually It might Please enter your destination number now destination number. Okay. Well onto the number again. I don't think this is gonna work Please hold your call is being transferred. I wonder where it's being transferred to What company what company is this quest how did I get you? Yeah, you're the long-distance company, okay, I'm trying to reach an AT&T number I Don't suppose you can route me to an AT&T number can you Uh-huh Okay, I'll give it a shot Thank you problem with that. I don't know why we got quest apparently quest is our long-distance company, which is something else I'm going to verify in just a second, but apparently We can't access that because the carrier access codes don't work here. I don't think let's try it Don't don't please One oh one oh two eight eight and then Oh seven hundred And the phone number see if this works that's very convenient it allowed us to dial so maybe it'll work It always took a long time to connect so I'm not disillusioned yet All right now I'm starting to get disillusioned because it should have connected by now I Feel that like the Jeopardy theme song should be playing now. No, this is this is this is silly There's no way I can call this number Actually, you know there might be a way I can call this number if I go through 800 the 800 number that AT&T has I Think that allows me to call that. So, okay, let's see if we can figure this I don't like when things just die like that, you know, that's not right. Well, it's just gonna die on November 15 Yeah, it's true. This is a prelude of things to come. All right All right, so here we are calling AT&T now AT&T to place a calling card or credit card call press 1 to place a collect call press 2 for AT&T customer service press 3 for double o info US directory press 4 for operator assistance Press 0 Okay, I think we're pressing 1 Please dial the area code and 7-digit number that you are calling Alright, let's try this. Please enter 0 1 and the international number that you are trying to reach now All right. Let's give this a shot Effective November 15 1999 AT&T intends to discontinue easy reach 700 services Please contact your AT&T service representative at 1 800 9 8 2 8 4 8 0 for further information If you have an easy reach pin enter it and then press the pound key If you don't have one just press the pound key to complete this call See, that's the option you can even pay for the call. You need help. Press star H If you are calling an easy reach subscriber and you were given a personal identification number or pin You should enter that number and then press the pound key If you were not given a pin just press the pound key. The pound key is below This was back in the day when people didn't know what a pound key was That's right, you got a master pin you could set the pins you must use a calling card to pay for this call To charge this call to your card. Okay, we get the idea you get the idea That's you had all kinds of different options and you had different pins You could give out to different people and you had a master pin that you could use to set things up That's pretty cool. Oh, that's gonna go away November 15th. Unless people speak up and I think about it. That was pretty cool Thing is I don't think anybody has that service anymore. So I doubt there's gonna be much of a grassroots organization Routing up to to save it a couple of other things that are pretty interesting First I want to call the the 700 number to verify a long-distance carrier as quest which I Didn't know anybody around here had quest in the first place Actually, I heard a couple of people did but it's fairly new in this area. So what number is that? That's the number we were talking about last week. In fact, the one seven hundred five five five four one four one Tells you a long-distance company Okay, sometimes it asks for a special code because our BAI phone system kicks in so I'm gonna put that in Thank you for choosing quest communications Thank you for choosing quest communications. That's not cool They announced it twice Apparently, yeah, they do And also one of our listeners wrote in thanks to Danny B for sending this to us Remember we were we were complaining last week that there's no number for regional calls You don't know who your regional carrier is regional being not local not long-distance But in between right and that's the way that some of the long-distance companies really are raking in money because they're getting people to Switch their regional calling over to them pay more than the local phone company. Well, there is a number there is There is a number and it's kind of interesting. It's the 700 exchange not the 700 area code So it's not let's try that. So it's your local area code and then so well, you don't dial the area code You just dial 700 Then for one for one You Well, it should work I might have confused our phone system by doing that, but I've tried it from different phones and it works from everywhere except here. Oh Trust us folks Okay, well that apparently is our local company our regional company But any event yeah try that in fact, I'm told that any four digits will work 700 plus any four digits And really I'd like to know from people around the country if that works for them as well because it works here in New York Works everywhere. I've tried except here. So they have an entire exchange dedicated Well, how many people did you know in the 700 exchange to start with? No unusual exchange? So that's got to be an interesting An interesting feat. Yeah, but it's definitely something that people need to know as far as who your regional company is It really should be a local phone company If it's not then I hope you have a really good deal with them so that you won't get get ripped off too badly So that's that's information. I tried it from a pay phone Try it from a pay phone in the subway the other day and you know what I got. I got the 9x communications network Apparently apparently they forgot to disconnect their their recording there or change their name or something like that So put 9x loose, that's great. Yeah. Yeah into that kind of thing. I guess I guess it's kind of cool All right. Let's take some phone calls through into 209 to 900 Did you see this new story in today's paper police have confiscated a potentially lethal homemade cannon capable of firing potatoes up to 160 feet six youths in the seaside town of Christiansund in southern Norway used instructions on the internet to build the weapon from everyday household objects This homemade weapon is extremely dangerous both for those using it and those being fired at a police spokesman told the Newspaper that has an unpronounceable name and takes up two lines The boys loaded potatoes down a plastic tube where an electric ignition device from a gas-fueled barbecue was installed Police said the cannon was capable of launching any object similar in size and weight to potatoes Okay, but potatoes seem to be the choice But I'm more worried about the speed because anything at a certain speed can be very damaging Well, they don't say the speed so much as as the the length the distance 160 feet All right. Well, what's the average you've ever gotten hit by a potato? You'd appreciate that something going that Oh, I've been hit by a baseball and a softball and other things pretty fast, which would also fall to about 160 feet So yeah, it could be very I believe these are raw potatoes not cooked. Ooh, so that they're harder that way Yeah, well, they won't burn you that way. Well, no, that's true But I'm more worried about the people firing the gun and I got a little propane tank hooked up to a plastic PVC tube I mean, come on yeah, a Survey of teenage internet users found that more than half said they have visited websites containing pornography offensive music lyrics gambling or messages of violence and hate the study of 501 American 501 501 American teens by the polling firm of Yankovic partners was released yesterday. I bet the one was like Yankovic jr That made a big stink over not being included The research was sponsored by a firm that makes filtering software for corporations while 58% of all teens surveyed said they visited objectionable sites Those with poor grades reported doing so more often. What do you think about that? I said I'd like to draw an artificial connection is that a 78% of teens who said they had a C average or less Also said they visited such sites particularly for music violence or gambling Of the teenagers said they accessed objectionable sites 79% reported accessing the internet from the classroom or school library 67% from home 64% from a friend's house The teen said they spent an average of ten and a half hours online each week And the study also found that while parents were aware that their teens were often online One out of four admitted knowing very little about what their kids were viewing Okay, how much TV are these kids watching and how many nudie channels are they watching? There aren't that many nudie channels to be honest and the nudie channels that exist don't show you much nudie stuff They really don't compared to like if you go to the theaters, which there aren't very many of either Thank you very much mega Giuliani But anyway, I'm just I'm just pointing that out. Thank you. Yeah. All right. Our phone lines are full So let's take some phone calls two one two two zero nine two nine hundred pick a magic numbers That is not you know that I always pick a number four. Okay, we're gonna go with three Three just went out. All right, I'm gonna go with five. Oh, that was a good one. Yeah. Good evening. You're on the air Speak up, please The question about CBS I see when you ask a question to be a listener you get an answer right away Thank you very much for calling. What what is the answer? Okay, the answer is that Westinghouse for didn't eat by the CBS Westinghouse No, yes, CBS CBS merged with Westinghouse Westinghouse was totally Reorganized they sold off all their defense businesses. Uh-huh in the early 90s. Actually the What's a car Amazon from infinity they they also bought infinity broadcasting car Amazon rose to the top of the Westinghouse management, but his predecessor a guy named Jordan actually they sold all their defense businesses to Various defense companies like Lockheed. I think some of its in Boeing some of its in Raytheon So Westinghouse does no more defense contract. That's right and and their Generator business was sold to a Swiss company. So I don't be and I assume that included the Atomic Energy Division what about the washing machines? Then After they did that they changed the name of the company from Westinghouse to CBS So there is no more Westinghouse. Actually, there is they spun off some companies that they didn't they couldn't so sell some Small industrial production companies were put into a group and that was called CBS and that was spun off to the reason It just some of it came public Short while ago. Well, I visited the Westinghouse website earlier today and there were they listed three companies underneath them One of which seemed to be a defense related company now, maybe that's an old website I think you'll find CBS in there. They list the they list any media companies. No, but but the company was called Westinghouse Yeah, that's that's what they they as I said, they rolled the whole group of Smaller divisions into a separate company spun that off and they called that Westinghouse So basically the board of directors from Westinghouse sat down and they said we're now going to call ourselves CBS and they selected What was left that was the largest That was the old essentially the the broadcasting properties were the only thing that was left So wait, there is a Westinghouse, but it's not the same Westinghouse. Yeah, it's a separate company CBS may have a Stock position in it, but it's it's a it's a totally separate company. Huh? So that I'm confused. I Rather like that Corporate reorganizations, but what the reorganizations are all about but if you remember in the there are a lot of defense mergers In the you know, the middle 90s Tremendous a lot of companies just sold their defense divisions to the larger defense companies Mm-hmm, so that space is so Westinghouse. I don't I don't I believe Raytheon has like the side-looking radar You know the radar division, right? Well, you need some kind of charred and compass to figure all this Really crazy. All right. Thanks. Thanks for straightening out some of it then So now this there's two Westinghouses. There's a Westinghouse that there's there's only one Westinghouse But the original Westinghouse became CBS and like those guys just said, okay you lower middle management people you take this like Conglomeration of little things Westinghouse when the CBS is owned by Westinghouse No, this gentleman just said that CBS is now its own independent corporation, but Westinghouse bought CBS, right? All right What happened to Westinghouse when they bought CBS they turned into CBS the board of directors for Westinghouse who had CBS as a like? Property decided that okay. We're now just going to call ourselves CBS and then they spin off the Westinghouse Westinghouse stuff off, but they still call it Westinghouse. Yeah, but it's not just put it someplace else But it's not the same company anymore because how is it not the same company? It's the same people the same name It's not the same people because all the same people all the people are at CBS So what they just hired a bunch of new people out of nowhere, I guess or else they like gave it to junior middle Man, I said corporate America is out of control. I have no understanding of this. This is nuts But you know, what's what's interesting is that? Viacom Viacom was the company that CBS was forced to spin off back in like around 1970 Because I guess we were worried about this kind of thing happening. So they were spun off and now they're coming right back bigger than ever kind of like that whole little breakup thing of the telephone companies and then the Mergers between the mergers. Yeah It's it's pretty frightening. All right, two one two two zero nine two nine hundred. Good evening. You're on the air Hey Emmanuel, all right, you know who this is, of course one of the media people. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah In fact, you're you're in the company. You're you're at MTV. You're You're the company that is gonna be affected We had the memo passed on our you know, all of our desks as we came in. Uh-huh this morning. What's what's the mood? Well, you know some of us are worried some of us aren't but we did a little research like you said, you know back in the 70s, yeah, they were split up and then You know today when they got together Supposedly Viacom bought it for like 30 billion dollars, right 35 billion. I think yeah, that's a lot Um, I don't know. I think it's more media related than anything, especially because right across the street, you know It's the other studio that's going up right now, you know, wait, which studio is that? I can't keep track which one that's ABC ABC is building a studio down in Times Square. Okay. Yeah There that you would not believe it's like if you ever have the chance to see them test this sign You got to see how bright this is and it's only at 30% brightness and it totally lights up Times Square in the daytime Uh-huh. So at night I can't even imagine what they're gonna do with it. But uh, yeah so apparently, uh, we just went in and took it and the CEO of CBS is going Supposedly to step down to see Oh From what I understand the guy that the guy that owns Viacom. He's got the funny first name with Sumner. Yeah Great name some he's gonna continue, you know, he's like sipping brandy next to his fireplace someplace tonight Sumner But yeah, he's he's like 75. He's gonna step down at some point then the president of CBS is gonna take over That's that's my understanding. Not that I care Yeah, I couldn't carry either but uh, well now I wanted to throw the two cents in the pot there because what do you guys? Advise calm own right now We own a lot that's on right on the website if you go to Viacom calm and go to sites We own like amusement parks Which amusement out which amusement parks down a paramount parks, I don't even know where they are. Okay And you own paramount obviously not a frequent pass holder to those parks. Wait, you own paramount, which means that you on Star Trek, right? UPN. Yeah. Well actually now that's interesting. You have a 50% stake in UPN I didn't happen to know that and it's illegal The one of the few things that's still illegal is for one company to own two networks So you're gonna have to work something out with that MTV vh1 comedy central Nickelodeon Nickelodeon TV land Google which is our goggle or something. I don't know That's one of those new networks. Nobody gets yeah Yeah, we got actually There's a bh1 or a country bh1 soul each one smooth MTV MTV X MTV s now before you get excited MTV X is simply like metal, right? Yeah, that's all it is Okay, you know like let's try to stay young now what I understand I have satellite and we get several hundred channels that nobody ever sees Who is watching these other channels the studio engineers over there? Oh, yeah, pretty much because they have to sell it all as a package It's called like a digital suite if you want to buy one you buy the whole package Uh-huh, and a lot of companies don't want to do this. They're like, oh, I'd rather buy much music instead So wait, who's buying much music? a lot of companies I know You can get it on USSB Uh-huh. Yeah, but they're not in danger of being bought out by Viacom. Okay, that's that's all But we did buy the box like six months ago or something I remember so we do own the box which used to be that thing on UHF. Oh, yeah Call the 900 number get ripped off $3 to watch your video, right? I didn't know if I had that anymore Yeah, I know we have it on our satellite system at work But I haven't seen it broadcast anywhere else except for here in Queens really late Sometimes I want to Spanish channels. They play that as filler, but it's so distorted. You hardly can hear it We bueno, you know thumbs up to them. The mood there is kind of what sustained you for you or what? Well, you know what I'm worried about as part of the is thing is either works gonna die out Perhaps the staff or it's just gonna drastically increase because so why to the y2k scare Speaking of the y2k scare. No, that's that's something interesting. Isaac. Why are you prepared? Am I prepared? Oh 9999 that's right. I actually don't think there's gonna be much to that Well, why not the nine nine nine nine is like a pretty significant date Well, actually because the Nostradamus predicted seventh month the 99 which seven would translate to September I'm very honest, you know, well here all those missiles with nine nine ninety nine. Boom. Oh, I'm worried about well nine nine nine nine was an end-of-file descriptor end of Program descriptor for cobalt and the world descriptor and a couple of other large mainframe machines But one of the things that people don't really kind of realize is that dates on these machines were still stored with zero nine Zero nine. Yeah, nine nine. So you're not gonna see four nines in a row All right Well, that's uh, all right, I guess that alleviates my fear just well Still may be problems, but I don't foresee it. All right, and somebody asked me about the Microsoft NSA thing Good evening. You're you're on the air. Yes, Emmanuel I'd like to mention that what I don't like about the commercial stations and the fact that I hope that the AI stays on and They don't let you talk I talk about freedom of speech they don't let you talk well, I call things like a wrap you know, they they they cut they they they Unless you're like getting to your point. Like I called WCBS is asked the mayor or asked the governor you called. That's the mayor Yeah, and then they they they say what do you want to talk about? I told him what I want to talk about I say it and then they cut you off right away That's what's known as a normal human reaction No, that's what's known as not freedom of speech and not a WB AI type of thing. In other words All right. Let me ask you a question. What do you want to talk about? I want to talk about the fact that the K rock day line is an 800 number and he said it's free to join It's free to use but guess what when you want to listen to you But you could you leave your messages, but guess what when you want to listen to them? You got a call a 900 number Well, that's that's a scandal of the week. But thank you very much for for sharing it with us He said he was calling k-rock. He was calling k-rock owned by CBS. Okay, I was gonna point that out. Yeah Wow, so I told me change their policy tell us about this NSA thing. Oh the the Microsoft NSA You're interested in that go ahead. Oh, okay. Well, it's kind of been like a wonderful topic being tossed around certain circles It's a very old piece of news, but it's a new piece of news with the release of service pack 5 Microsoft forgot to do something Which is basically remove all their debugging tags before they shipped it so something that was noticed beforehand was that part of the ADV API 32 that they allow it's a conglomeration of like advanced API's And 32 bits. Mm-hmm part of which is the cryptographic system For Microsoft had this little thing with having more than one key now What it's supposed to do is allow a common set instructions to do certain cryptographic functions on your Windows machine 95 98 NT and 2000 and to Double check different components you would add to the cryptographic segment of this So it was supposed to be a verification for export regulations. Okay, where you know, they ship Windows NT out to Cambodia or something trains leaving the station Isaac. I'm sorry. That's I'm so we're just running out of time here you don't need a whole history of and It's supposed to be a way of verifying that. Yes, this particular component should be exported. What happened? What happened was that? With the release of service pack 5 the tags were still attached and there were two keys There was a lot of speculation on what the second key was for. The first one was called Underscore key. The second one was underscore NSA key. That's not good So the theories have been bouncing around about why this is here like oh gee the NSA threw a key in there so that they Can like play with all our cryptographic stuff and you know, make sure it's all exportable Well, it turns out that they may have just shot themselves in the foot because how this particular thing was implemented by Microsoft and the twisted screwy way that they have is that The different security packages are supposed to be verified by the key in this case the Microsoft certification key And if that fails they go to the second key, which would be the NSA key It's really fun because you can replace either of the keys So the reason you can't you can repeat replace either key what happens is that if you replace the first key Windows itself Like pukes and dies because it can't verify its own software. Okay, however, you can replace the second key Which means all of a sudden you take your stock Windows NT your stock 95 your stock 98 that's supposed to have these like Export controls in it from the NSA and everything and you can replace the second key so that it falls over and you can have Just about anything you want So by ask the NSA asking Microsoft to do this They wound up shooting themselves in the foot By basically opening it to anybody to drop anything they want just by running a happy little program that replaces the key in the DLL What what do you personally think happens here? You think is somebody with well the ulterior motives? I'm sorry The speculation was that oh geez Well, the NSA did this so that they can add software and change Windows that they can monitor us well, I Think that's a sham simply because we already have utilities like back orifice That do a fine job of looking at everything on your drive and managing to capture all your keystrokes What I think is Really the issue here is that Microsoft willingly or at least was Coerced to the point where a government agency was capable of saying you have to put this in here so that we feel more safe My question is is the only indication. This is the NSA the fact that it says NSA key Yeah, there's another piece there that says, you know, NSA might stand for network server It could also be a big joke couldn't it? It could be a big joke But the the point is that the system was devised to stop people from adding non Greater than 40-bit encryption technology to the exported version of Windows and It's kind of amusing that they wound up shooting themselves in the foot by specifically requesting that this other key be put into place That is interesting. I'm sure they'll be when did this actually come out? the NSA thing occurred end of August early September But the relative the realization that there were two keys was made in 96 by a gentleman in the UK I'm talking about till now because the NSA thing was like a big hype, especially considering the the Waco engagement The Microsoft hotmail security bug. It's it's it's it's a fact that was kind of like well-known for a while What does Waco have to do with this? government agencies interfering with Private individuals so far as privacy and security. I say I'm trying to demonstrate the climate that would have made this such a big deal Well, I'm sure we'll be hearing more about this in future weeks So we'll look into it more and get people information cool deal. Yeah, it's taking my phone call. Good evening. You're on the air Hello. Yes, go ahead a quick question Is there a way to get rid of the national access? Contribution charge on my long-distance bill to to choose a carrier who won't hit me up for seven dollars a month Just for the privilege of of my having them as their carrier become an expatriate well, the thing is that that charge is mandated by by the Federal government is it mandated the government says they have to charge it. It's not something that's permissive. I believe it's it's man You know, it's man. I you know, the government doesn't make companies charge fees as far as I know Well FCC regulations do require that sometimes that you know, they they get back their money somehow I mean there are companies that might swallow the loss if your bill is big enough So if you have a big account and you say, you know We're gonna move our account to another company unless you drop this charge. They may drop the charge. They might well They're not gonna drop it. They're just gonna pay it for you. Yeah Not that I found I mean I'd sure like to know about that but these charges are driving everybody crazy Well, the thing is if you don't have a long-distance carrier They charge you for not having a long-distance carrier, which is really absurd and and the charge is almost the same. Yeah We live in sad times Some people don't realize that the reason Myself and Emanuel and other people are really griping is that my telephone line for instance I make about 30 cents worth of calls per month. Meanwhile, my taxes and everything else bring the bill up to like 15 bucks Yeah, it's rather ludicrous. It's crazy. Good evening. You're on the air Yes, hi You mentioned earlier something about getting credit cards without asking about it. Ah, yes, and you'd like to know how to do that No, actually, I wanted to tell you some remedy. Oh I get offers for credit card Usually it comes with the envelope saying no postage necessary if mailed in the United States, right you attach a brick to it Yeah, I know I fill it up with garbage Ah But what do you do when they already send you the card Well, my point is am I liable for charges on this card? I've never asked Yeah, the thing is I can't protest this because I didn't send me an envelope that has postage paid and the card has my Name on it. So well, you could pay the 33 cents All right, I'll give you the quarter and the six but then I don't have to wait for him to do something I could just mail off things to all the big companies. I don't like that. Just say six pennies. I don't nickel and three pennies Point is we've been deluged with junk and we were paying for it because that's why you have to pay all these stupid fees To to subsidize junk like this, you know It's really sad. So if anyone has any creative uses for my Unwanted MasterCard, please. Let me know. I still have to call it to verify it though to Know to verify that it's mine or probably they want my social security number. I bet that's what they want They already have it. It's the only way they can give you one I don't know what what what they want Maybe they want my social security number in my voice so they have that so they can use it to open doors and that But they gave it to us. Really? Yeah, well, we'll follow up on this in weeks ahead If anyone has similar stories, please email us OTH at 2600 comm or write to us off the hook care of WBA I 120 Wall Street, New York, New York 1 0 0 0 5 We'll be back again next week with another exciting adventure in the land of corporate America and cyberspace Till then Emanuel Goldstein for Isaac. Have a good night I Mean Join mumia 9-1-1 a day of solidarity a day of art at the Brick Forum on September the 11th international art and Solidarity events will take place nation and worldwide in New York at the Brick Forum at 122 West 27th Street from 11 a.m. To midnight come in here poets Amiri Baraka Sandra Maria Estevez Tony Medina Pam Africa of the International Concern family and friends Reverend Billy and the mumia 9-1-1 ad hoc jazz ensemble I'm Bernard white and I'll also be there moderating a panel discussion about why artists should support mumia included in this discussion will be comments by Dred Scott keys and mumia's literary agent Francis golden an Art exhibit featuring the works of Ron Campbell Michael Clemens sue coe Miriam Francis Diane Greenland Gabrielle Corrin Dred Scott and Danny Simmons among others will be on display. That's Saturday September the 11th at the Brick Forum at 122 West 27th Street for further information Please call area code 2 1 2 2 4 2 4 2 0 1 that's 2 1 2 2 4 2 4 2 0 1 This is WB I 99.5 FM your community sponsored radio stay tuned for Tahrir coming up next You