Rex Radio and poet Gary Wagner and maybe some surprises that's 3 to 5 a.m. Friday night September the 13th or Saturday morning September the 14th depending on whether you're staying up or getting up I'm Frederick G Abold this is light show I can assure you we're in better shape here than our tape players are the program is off the hook to show about technology and individual spirit and all that kind of thing this is a manual Goldstein tonight we've got a other frightening show so stay right where you are and don't turn out the lights cashing in the bill of rights to an army surplus or a fusing of the lights Pirate Satellite The sound is not subscribed to the international plan In the psycho shadow of the white right hand The Nazi ghetto allergy is an urban Vietnam Given daily exhibitions of murder by Naipa This is Radio Cash tearing up the 7th bell This is Radio Cash please save us not the whale This is Radio Cash underneath the mushroom cloud This is Radio Cash no need to be emotional One, two One, two Forces have been looted by humanity Cuppies have been covered by men of liberty Hands of law have sorted through my identity But now this sound is brave and wants to be free This is Radio Cash on Pirate Satellite This is not free Europe Nor an armed force network This is Radio Cash using audio ammunition This is Radio Cash can we get that world to listen This is Radio Cash using aural ammunition This is Radio Cash can we get that world to listen This is Radio Cash on Pirate Satellite Opting your living room, cashing in the bill of rights This is Radio Cash on Pirate Satellite This is Radio Cash Everybody hold on tight We're gonna get extended Go back to where I was at We'll speak to some incensed people And we'll be taking phone calls too From folks just like you The program is off the hook This is Emanuel Goldstein We're with you until 10 o'clock tonight Okay, the paragraph comes from This particular law, we'll get into the exact specifics As to the name of it and all that Sale, selling or purchase Any transfer of title or possession or both Exchange or barter Rental, lease or license to use or consume Including with respect to computer software Merely the right to reproduce Conditional or otherwise In any manner or by any means whatsoever For consideration or any agreement therefore Including the rendering of any service Taxable under this article For consideration or any agreement therefore Okay, if you're still awake after that Basically, what this is an introduction to Is a whole lot of words like that That are saying that from here on in New York State is going to be taxing Software transfers on such places as bulletin boards And actually this kind of a thing Has outraged system operators Of computer bulletin boards everywhere Because they are now supposedly Going to be held liable Every time somebody downloads a piece of software On their computer system People are going nuts over this Now don't fret if you don't understand What computer bulletin boards are Or how the whole thing works Because we're going to attempt in the next hour To drive the point home Of how this will affect you Whether you run a computer bulletin board system Or use one Or don't even use computers at all in your life We have with us Charles Rouse And Jack Brooks Of the Dorsey Diplomatic Mission Which is a computer bulletin board system Here in New York City And good evening to you both Good evening And your microphones do work, that's nice to know When did you first become aware of this law? First of all, what name does this law officially go by? Name, number? The name of the law is Senate Bill Number 6079 Or Assembly Number 8491 It is an addendum to a bill For other purposes It may be to clean up the environment But this is a rider to that bill It's tacked on to that bill It's tacked on to that bill If you're going to pass the good part of the law You have to accept the bad part of the law Who wrote it? We don't know We are trying to ascertain that Because I personally, as a private citizen Intend to publicize this man What he has done to the personal computer hobbyist industry And how he is killing it And hopefully we can kill his political career Well that certainly would make people feel better What are the chances of repealing a law like this? Quickly Once the law is in effect There is virtually no chance of repealing it Period The only thing we can hope for Is to get a law passed to amend the law To in effect nullify it To in effect nullify it Okay, now You folks run a computable system Why don't you tell us something about that first Then we'll get into the specifics Okay What we run is a public information service The corporation that runs the bulletin board The Dorset Embassy Incorporate Is a not-for-profit corporation Under the state of New York We are a community service group Running the bulletin board Is just one of half a dozen things we do It's just that the bulletin board Is the most visible thing that we do Our system is basically a free access system You can call in We will call you back Verify you At that point you can post messages Read PhytoNet news Which is another news network You can gain access to Usenet The internet Which is a collection of corporate And educational computer systems PhytoNet has many many thousands of nodes Many many hundreds of thousands of users Usenet is the Sagan network Billions upon billions upon billions of users Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of sites Sites like The Well Sites like IBM Rochester, Minnesota Sites like Columbia It is the grandfather of all internet Of all the news networks, mail networks That are commonly in use It's like a huge college campus I like to think it is Basically it's For those people who are familiar with Unix And familiar with the term X Windows Usenet was where the entire X project Was first conceptualized Where a lot of the development work happened And it was finalized at MIT Now something like this A law like this An ill-conceived law That does not understand The computer community As you've described it Could completely destroy that community Could it not? Yes Absolutely What are you folks doing about it? I understand you want to be a Kind of a test case Is that a fair term? Well if we wind up a test case A lot of local bulletin boards Are taking their download sections down What they don't realize is That's not going to save them Why not? Very simply If they have a text file If they have a message On their system That can be construed to have real value The mere fact of somebody dialing in And reading that message Is the transfer of that information The definition given here of software Does not define software And it could be assumed That that is information Information has value Therefore it has a taxable value So to just get this completely straight What they are saying is That every time somebody calls up your system And downloads a piece of software Or perhaps even a text file Despite the fact that they are not Paying anything for this They are responsible for paying tax On a value that is determined by who? The state finance department And they are not responsible for paying it We are responsible for collecting it So you are supposed to collect Sales tax On something that is downloaded Over the computer We are supposed to collect A specified amount of sales tax On an unspecified value From an unspecified person Our system is free It is going to be free It is going to be free Up until the point they carry us and our systems away Now how would that work with an anonymous user? That is one of the beauties of computer communication You can still be anonymous if you want to be If the man downloads $100,000 in software We are Responsible for $8,250 worth of taxes Isn't this just as crazy as Say somebody saying You have to pay a tax if you Xerox something? Yes Has anybody ever tried to tax Xerox Copies of documents? Well this law might apply there too Exactly because it does say Any transfer Any means So it could be any form Not just electronic You could Xerox a computer program And the Xerox could be taxable Then of course the question is Who are we talking about collecting the tax? Xerox system operator Exactly Here we are talking about The BBS operator Being responsible for collecting the tax The fair market value of that tax A shareware program Where the author has said Hey I am putting this in And what I want is $20 And he has made a clone of 123 Lotus 123 for example Which sells for about $300 What we are really talking about If he says I am going to sell this for $75 Send the money to me The bulletin board operator Who is passing this shareware around Is responsible for collecting The fair market value Not the value that the author has said On the software Public domain software Also is included in this And it is the fair market value Of the public domain software Which is free But yet we have to determine The fair market value of it And then collect the fair market value On that value You will be swamped Just trying to figure all this out In itself Absolutely Let alone paying something like this The bottom line is We have somewhat of a Public policy statement In relationship to our operations It states very simply This is an official statement of policy In relationship to the Dorset Embassy Inc. A New York State not-for-profit Community service group And its operation of the Dorset Diplomatic Mission Bulletin Board System All costs of operation are borne By the Dorset Embassy Incorporated In total The Dorset Diplomatic Mission Bulletin Board is a totally free Public access hobbyist system There are no upload-download ratios Connect time charges Or post-per-call requirements There are no exchange requirements Or remuneration requirements For public access whatsoever So it's pretty much the epitome Of freedom of speech What your board does Let us step into this We say very specifically There are no upload-download ratios Connect time charges Or post-per-call requirements These are forms of remuneration That a SISOP may receive For the ability to download If a SISOP board Has any of these policies In effect He is in effect being paid For the software That is being downloaded And he is then liable For the taxes This is under a determination Given by the New York State Finance Department It is a compromise They are offering Quite frankly I think we all ought to get up And take their compromise And next time we go to the bathroom Use it well and mail it back to them Because this is a compromise This is not a law We have their good word That they're not going to Enforce this law Not this year Next year The year after Do you think there is a real desire To get a law like this passed? The real desire is for dollars New York State is hurting financially And they will take If they could get an extra dollar By taking the milk out of a baby's mouth They will do it In destroying a system like Dorsai Some of our projects that we have going on Where we're taking Corporations are giving us computers To take and refurbish And give to not-for-profit groups To refurbish and give to Physically handicapped Where we are taking Young people Who are borderline They may succeed in life They may fail in life In saying You will come with me if you wish And you will learn computers I had a young gentleman who Last week Last two weeks He's bombed out twice In two very, very major areas of his life He's been working with us for two years He marched out And secured a job For $35,000 a year As a senior technician And I'm very, very proud of him That's a product of what we do The type of law they're talking about We would no longer be able to reach these people They would no longer be able to reach us And any of the information we pass to them We would have to pay the tax on It's not something that we can physically do It is our legal attache's opinion And it is our opinion that because We are a not-for-profit organization And because we do not receive a remuneration For the operation of the board We are not in any way affected by this law This law could destroy the community The BBS community And anything that hurts the computer The hobbyist community Anything that diminishes that Diminishes me Diminishes Jack Diminishes us all Absolutely You said that the reason this is happening Is because New York State is hurting financially Do you think there might be more to it than that? Because destroying computer bulletin boards Is high on the list of some people I know that Bulletin boards can be a real pain For those people that are annoyed by Too much freedom of speech Okay, if one reads the Constitution The United States of America We have the right to keep and bear arms We have the right as the people Of the United States of America That should the government Become what we do not wish To pick up those arms And overthrow the government The state of New York has already taken The right to keep and bear arms away from us Now what they're doing Is they're taking the rights to free speech Freedom of the press And freedom of assembly In the method of our choice Away from us They are taking away the ability Of two not so literate people To reach out and touch 15,000 people In the course of a month And say Dear Dorsi user Did you know They are taking away the capability For us to communicate United we stand Divided we fall Period, simple Do you think there's some kind of an agenda At work though, specifically To do this kind of a thing Either here or in other parts of the country While I have been known As an ultimately paranoid And ultimately very Individualistic person I don't believe that there is A grand plan I do feel like that While bulletin boards have been known To be a pain in the side Of let us say The big N word New York telephone 9X you can say Simple that way Yes And AT&T All the baby bells Yes, baby and mama bell The bottom line is We have been a thorn in their side But do they have the lobbying capability Do they have enough Money To spread around And inflict something like this Is it that important To them They are businessmen If we were If the BBS community Was costing them millions upon millions Of dollars a month Instead of putting millions upon millions Of dollars a month into their pockets I could see that AT&T, 9X All the bells together Would cause us a problem No, I think this is A, a poorly written law Because this Same law If impressed in all of its many facets Would shut down such businesses As Chemical Bank Manny Hanny Anybody that uses Any type of electronic transfer Anybody who transfers Documents, papers Backwards and forth Because those are information Are you saying they could put a tax On every time you take money out of the bank The bank would have to pay a tax on that No, what the bottom line is You bank at Citibank And you move from 115th Street And you go down to 14th Street At branch 3002 Citibank has a Central data processing site That will take The value of your account Debit branch 101 And credit branch XYZ Wherever you move to This is a Information transaction For which The data processing site Is paid money to process Under the Under the implications of this law The real value of that transfer I.e. your available balance Becomes A taxable transaction And Citibank should pay the Taxes On the Value of your transfer You know what you have for $1000 In your bank They owe the state of New York $82.50 And quite frankly If they want to tax the door aside Fine, taxes Make us responsible For collecting that taxes We'll deal with it I want Citibank, Manny Haney The city of New York Anybody who transfers information In any medium And any medium Gee, we're talking Does this have a value And who's responsible for the taxes And who's going to collect them And who do we pay them to And what's the value of this discussion Well I hope they're not expecting me to collect taxes for this radio show But we'll see what happens Let me give out the phone number at this point We'll be taking phone calls in about 5 minutes 212-279-3400 We're talking to Charles Rawls And Jack Brooks From the New York City Bulletin Board For a diplomatic mission A bulletin board system here in New York We're talking about a brand new New York state law That's taken effect That mandates that a tax be paid On software downloads And potentially all kinds of things Has there been a very strong reaction against this From home? Outside of your particular system Yes It's very well and much through the New York City Bulletin Board community It is completely across the internet New York BBS is the group that first picked this up This, from what I understand, came into effect Midnight Friday night By 9 o'clock Saturday morning We had the text files available for download On our board And we had the determination available On our board And we had bulletins up So it's a very very quick move And it's a very quick move And it's a very quick move And it's a very quick move So it's a very very quick moving situation The problem is this is already law The only reason a lot of bulletin boards Are still in operation And the New York State Tax Department Is not hauling people off to debtor's prison Is the fact there is a federal restraining order On the law How long that will last No one knows So there's been a very very Strong reaction There have also been people Who've said Well I called the Department of Finance In Albany And they told me that this doesn't apply Well if it doesn't apply Write it on paper Make it a law And then it applies Anything else is a lie You can't count on the word of a clerk Over a telephone Everything else is a lie I'm sorry Until it's law We'll make this compromise If you want to make a compromise Great guys Write it down, make it a law And we'll talk Is there any other kind of a law like this Anywhere else in the country No, this is pretty much a landmark piece of legislation And for it to be written as a landmark Is very poorly written Is there a law like this anywhere else in the world No Well maybe there used to be In what used to be Russia I don't think they downloaded much software over there That's something They got it all off of our system We're taking phone calls At 212-279-3400 Talking about This wonderful new law That's gone into effect And we'll see if anybody out there Has differing opinions on it If anyone has filed their taxes already With whatever software or messages They've downloaded From various bulletin board systems Let's take our first call Good evening Hi, I heard your discussion Here about this new law And I just wanted to Give my comment on it I think what's going to happen with this Is that it won't kill the bulletin boards But what it will kill Will be the downloading of software And I think that the real Villains behind this May be the big software houses That want to squash Some of the shareware Programming that's going on out there And I think that's what the Effect of this will be Because I think that a lot of Information like messages And those types of things Don't have a fair market value And so that they won't be taxed And places like Citibank And whatever You know that their lawyers Will get right on the case And they'll be exempted somehow But it's the little guys That will get squashed by this Well you know, you say the little guys will get squashed But look at the power of ham radio Those are people that know how to lobby And if you have the same Kind of lobbying technique In computer bulletin board operators Don't you think it could mean something there? Oh sure, I'm not saying that The ball game is over I'm just saying that in terms of who's behind This legislation And what the real intent of it is I think that possibly the telephone company Might be one of the culprits They're being against the bulletin boards But I somehow suspect that It might be the big software houses That in one fell swoop Eliminate the whole Shareware industry Yeah well they tried computer viruses Didn't they? That didn't quite work Well that was bandied about And maybe they were behind some of that stuff Yeah Do you have any specific questions To our guests? No I guess not, just a comment Thanks a lot I think your points were very well taken there And the Shareware Demise Is something that I think is a very good point You did say Something that Sparked something else If you comply as a sysop And Pay this tax You automatically Become a business You no longer can say that you are Doing your hobby You no longer can use Your personal telephone You have to have a business telephone In order to conduct Your business Which you are paying tax on So it's kind of Kind of a trap in other words Absolutely You can obey the law And watch your cost of operations Plus The fact that The way the law is written We have no definition On software You know That's software In a very very broad Interpretation is information The text files The binary files If they're going to tell me that Gee just if they'll define Software as binary files I can take every file I have on the Door site and use a system Called UU ENCODE Convert it all to text files And say hey guys It's a message read it And tax me No and not tax you Tax me And we'll apply your Definition but there is no Definition of what is Software You think that's because there's No understanding of how it all works Yes there is no Evidence of any understanding At all into the Hobbyist community I think it goes much further Than that I don't believe there's any Understanding of what They're talking about In this law here we have People who are supposed to be educated People writing laws About things which they know Absolutely nothing Namely the vocabulary Of the field that they are writing laws about Namely software What is software Software is such a very Large category That they didn't Even bother to define it I mean come on Fellas that's one Of the basic things here you must Define what you're talking About now I think one thing We can all agree upon is that the people writing Laws aren't experts On computers software that Kind of thing how can we educate These people Look Mario Como Alphonse Nomado Want to walk into our space I will dedicate an entire week And I make A good bit of money in a week Sit down and teach Them about software I'll teach Them about the community Where it came from Where it's going The entire micro Computer industry Was not a creation of IBM It was not a creation Of Apple It existed before any of these people When I started In micros And I'm not going to say how long ago Because I'm not going to tell my age I knew There was one person In the entire state of Texas Had exactly my Set up I knew his home phone number I knew his work phone number And he and I talked almost every other night Exchanging Information You know this little wonderful thing Called the IBM PC Grew out of a lot Of people like me Which became Apple which became IBM You know that's that's where It came from it's being killed now The way a lot of us in the hacker World look at all this is There's two different kinds of Rules of playing any game There's the corporate rules and there's the individual Rules in corporations You pay huge inflated prices For things that individuals just You know pass around freely Do you see this as perhaps an attempt to Inflict those corporate rules Onto the general populace It has that effect It has that effect It hasn't worked out too much in the past So I'd be a bit optimistic perhaps Okay our number is 2793400 Let's see who else is out there Good evening Oh yeah hi I was wondering The point you brought up about Ham radio operators and lobbying That's not necessarily so They just lost a large chunk of their spectrum In the 220 megahertz range Are you telling me They didn't get anything in return for it No The FCC gave it to I believe UPS And FedEx And companies like that That's pretty embarrassing Yeah and so As far as their lobbying powers They're actually pretty weak But I'm curious I'm going to have to just ask this question And hang up but I'm curious If the guys from Delphi Feel that CompuServe and Genie And companies like that Are going to give them any assistance It would seem to me that they Would be even more than Delphi They would have a much Larger tax load For something like this I've got to go Thanks for calling I'm sure you have a correction Okay for the caller Delphi Online Do you get that kind of confusion a lot? Not really We're amazingly Much more professional than Delphi I'm sure that will generate a lot of Controversy but just continue It's a very very Mixed bag As to whether CompuServe Delphi, Genie, etc etc Will Handle this I have a feeling what they're going to do Is they're just going to pass on the amount of the tax In your monthly bill And say hey guys you downloaded software That we think is valued at $1500 Well you owe us 120 some odd dollars In taxes And pass it on to the state I don't think they're going to fight it Charles as a software person Do you think they have The software in place at this time To make that kind of a determination Of the value of the software And charge it to the individual Subscribers No but it wouldn't be Hard to do that It would not be very hard at all because All I have to do is go through the basic Caller log and say you downloaded file A, file B, and file C And our best guess on The taxable That's assuming there is a file log So you're not saying you have to keep a file log Probably What you'll have to do Is you'll have to produce Records of transactions You'll have to open your BBS caller log To some guy from the state Who's going to go through and say Well I have this little Program here on my PC And I'm going to type in the name of all the programs Which we have in your file Listing that you've downloaded And that's going to give us A taxable value of worth That we say the programs are worth Oh you downloaded As easy as six times Well that's $1800 You downloaded Procom plus test drive Ten times That's $750 worth of taxable value Okay grand total is Oh you owe us $18,000 or such In For a 12 year old that downloads software That's going to be quite a Crippling bill there Now let's address the person That doesn't really use computers That doesn't download software Doesn't even have a computer Should they be concerned about something like this Yes Okay very simply If this flies If this law goes through In this format Anything Which involves A Information transfer And that's not just computers That's photocopying That's a book You name it Will become taxable At some point information will stop flowing Because it's simply too expensive To flow So theoretically you lend a book to a friend And that becomes taxable That transaction You would owe the taxable value Of the book Now of course But that is not the cover price of the book That is what the New York State Finance Department Says the value of the book is Now people will say Of course it's impossible to legislate Lending books out but If you add to that The fact that more and more of what we do In our daily lives is being done Electronically You'll see that we're moving towards Electronic publications We're moving towards electronic transfer Of various bits of data So if it only applies to that Then slowly but surely It's going to become the norm for all of us Yes That's exactly why we're so outraged This will become the norm Right now It's on the breaking edge And if we collectively Everyone out there Takes and writes The governor of the state of New York What the heck are you guys doing in Albany That is how this law Will get changed And it will affect Generations to come If we do nothing and sit back It will affect generations to come And they will be slaves To the system We'll give a number out at the end of the show But I wanted to ask you now If there's a particular number people can call To either get you or A central organizing committee or anything like this The closest that we have Right now is you can call The Dorset Diplomatic Mission At 431-1944 That's a data line What about voice lines? Do you have any of those? We have no voice lines as of yet This is struck at a most Unique time for us We have just purchased a building That we were going to follow in the steps Of the Boston Computer Society with We've purchased a building And it was going to be The housing for the Dorset Diplomatic Mission And the Dorset Embassy And its support staff There was going to be public Access meeting areas Public access computing areas One of the things That could very easily have been done Since we would have a large number of phone lines Anyway is just throw out some phones And have some people man the phones And pass out the information Where right now we just As I said just bought the building And we're now trying To scrape up the money to do Things like put in a roof, put in electricity Water, gas, flooring Is there an address people can write to I'm just thinking of those people that don't have computers The Dorset Diplomatic Mission 428 Broom Street Loft 5R New York, New York 10013 Okay and if you missed those numbers Or that address we'll repeat them at the end of the show Be more prepared when we do that And you won't miss them a second time 279-3400 Area code 212 Let's take another call Good evening Hello, am I on the air? Yes you are Alright well god I was just driving home And I heard this message I mean I heard what you said about this law Who came up with this law? We haven't figured that out yet Our elected officials An editor or someone like that How much is it going to cost to enforce such a law? Think of all the software they'd have to write Everything they'd have to do It just seems crazy It seems like the costs would Outweigh the benefits Especially when it comes to something like Especially when it comes to something like Trying to track down all these people Using computers Downloading software I just downloaded probably 60 or 70 messages today off of internet And that's like every single day I can't even imagine God it just seems crazy No the bottom line is What's going to happen is Mr. Sysop's going to be sitting at home Chatting very blithely away With a user on the phone line And going to come and knock at his door And at the door is going to be a federal marshal With a shotgun that's loaded And he's going to say I'm from the New York State State Finance and Taxation Department We have come To take your computer Because you haven't paid your taxes Well this is state not federal This is state So if I for example wanted to Have people download stuff in New York I could just go ahead and set up A BBS in New Jersey And get away with it right Absolutely but you walk into the state of New York And you could be arrested Uh huh And also understand there are reciprocal Agreements for extradition and prosecution Between New York and New Jersey Oh I mean Particularly pertaining to taxes If I bought a car in New Jersey Yes I'd have to pay New York State sales tax on it Now you know exactly what we're talking about Oh I mean it just seems crazy Really We agree with you completely about that Is there any way to stop it? Is it too late? It is too late How did they go ahead and do this? It was written into another bill Which had I believe was to do with Attempting to save the environment I'm very much for saving the environment Yeah that really seems to Go right along with this Well no it's called log rolling It's called how we Laws here in this country It's called log rolling I want to go on record as doing Something great and fantastic And Joe Blow over there That owes me a favor Or I owe him a favor He wants to be named The Grand Hypooba of the state of Borneo Ah Well we attach a rider to this law That says we're going to name Joe Blow The Grand Hypooba of the state of Borneo And when the This bill is signed It's now law that he is the Grand Hypooba Of the state of Borneo That's how it's done This law doesn't stand up I'm sure it wouldn't stand up In the test in court Unless of course we get more justices And judges like the ones we've been Well what the bottom line is I'm sure since we've Appeared on the air And by the way for those members Of the New York State Tax Department Charles Rawls R-A-W-L-S Spell it right On the warrant for my arrest Please You know they are listening We are a not for profit organization We've applied for 501c3 We have been constrained By our By the sensitivity of the fact That we're asking the state To extend to us an exemption So we've not been wanted To run around and raise a lot of stink But this is something That you know Could be the death of our industry Could be the death of our hobbies It went federal it would Well think about it Think about it They say I saw and I'm not going to quote The source because I don't remember the source That 40% of the Computers microcomputers Sold in the U.S. Were sold for Hobbyist purposes Okay Can everyone buy that I hope so Now that means that 40% Of the computers sold in New York City Let's just take New York City Are sold for hobbyist purposes Now this law Could shut down the hobbyist Industry I'm sorry you're not going to call a bulletin board Gee you know One guy out of ten Who would be considering buying a computer Might consider okay Gee I'm going to buy a computer To run Lotus 1-2-3 to figure My taxes Do my checkbook and maybe play A video game If you buy Lotus 1-2-3 You already pay the sales tax on it Oh yeah but what about The templates that you might Want to download from your local BBS You make the software yourself and you transfer it to your Brother I guess you got it No no no if it's transferred to your brother You have to pay taxes on it Oh yeah of course Because it's not written to his specification That's right What was their motive Money M-O-N-E-Y Really think this is going to ultimately Make more money for everybody No ultimately what I think It will be as I was talking about Is pretty soon we'll have 40% of the computer salesmen Out of work 40% of the computer technicians out of work 40% of the computer manufacturers Out of work 40% of the chip manufacturers out of work Where are they all going to draw their unemployment From all the taxes the state of New York Is collecting from the sysops Well yeah it's like taking the train apart To feed the engine so you can go further Yeah right exactly Thanks for your call we're going to move on Now if possibly You could tell us the title Of the law again the number of the law The section so people can do some research Out there to find out who's responsible For this and hopefully Next time we're on the air we'll have some names to name Okay it is Senate bill number 6079 And assembly number 8491 It states Proportionately Paragraphs 5 and 6 Of subdivision B Of section 1101 Of the tax law As added by chapter 93 Of the laws of 1965 Are amended to read as follows Etc etc Those numbers again are Senate number 6079 And assembly number 8491 Okay And that's all we have on it Alright let's try to race through some more Phone calls in the time that we have left Programs off the hook This is Emanuel Goldstein we're here until 10 o'clock speaking about A disturbing new law that's gone into effect That pretty much Tells people they have to pay a tax Every time they download software It's possible this next line Is not working because it's been acting funny So be prepared Is this line working It's not okay Let's go to another call Good evening Hello Okay there's nobody there Good evening Hello Well this really raises a menagerie of thoughts This is kind of similar to the SNL bailout That people are being asked to make up For overspending, misappropriation, etc And you were talking about the Bill of Rights Before The Bill of Rights is now on a tour Going around the country I happen to be speaking with a guy from the Blue Press Which happens to actually be a very conservative Magazine And the editor of the Blue Press was telling me That he calls this tour Of the Bill of Rights The Goodbye Farewell Tour He said because a lot of the amendments Are being knocked away Chiseled away little by little And this is another sort of example of it And in my own personal life I'm sort of going through an equivalent Of what you've been discussing So this really strikes home Very, very carefully And I have to tell you that you must There's no question, I know that you've discussed this quite a bit You have to make sure that you create A tidal wave of reaction Against this thing because It's just going to lead to one and another and another In an effort to get money And you're right, they would take money away from A baby, they would They would take the milk away from a baby Just to be able to Get some monetary equivalent of it And if this thing does go through I'm afraid that the prosecutions That result from it Are going to be highlighted Along the likes of which have already been in 2600 This whole thing is just It's terrible Okay, well if the Bill of Rights And the Constitution is indeed on a farewell tour Maybe someday there'll be a reunion tour Maybe But it's not going to be in New York It's kind of unusual Or unfortunate I should say Being that this is New York That is being an intellectual seat And a business seat, etc But the way things are shaping up Over here, it seems like It's not going to be that Amiable for These sorts of pursuits anymore And I guess you have to look for a greener pasture Perhaps west coast, midwest Perhaps as you mentioned Maybe Texas is a better place I never liked the idea of going someplace else Because things are not working out here You know, it's kind of like running away from the problem I'm not saying no, what I'm saying is Trying to at least right this ship As it's sinking And one thing after the other is just being hurled At the public over here And it's just, I'm afraid it's a matter of time Until they make it very inhospitable to be living here Now if you want to stay here and catch bullets in your teeth I think it's admirable and well And I'm all for it But it's just becoming a little bit too much Okay, thanks for your call Sure Well, as you're on your train Leaving for California or for greener pastures Why don't you drop the mayor of the state of New York A letter And explain to him Why you think that He would not make a good president Good point, good idea And folks, you have to do things like that Or else, listening to the radio is one thing Being outraged is one thing But if you can't transmit that to somebody else It's really not going to mean a whole lot Well, what I've been thinking about While I've been sitting here talking Is The state of New York wants to set the value Of shareware software What I think is we need to give them a chance To do it Now we have about two gigabytes of files On the mission I think we ought to dump them all out In hexadecimal source code Attach each file with a form letter Requesting that they make a determination On the value of the software for taxation purposes And ship it to them By several tractor trailers And You know, the bottom line is Gentlemen, you have 30 days If you don't Give me an evaluation on every piece of software In 30 days It's going to be assumed to have no value Well, let's see if we can get some tractor trailers On short notice Hello? Yeah, go ahead I'm calling The Is this You're on the air, yes Oh, yeah Okay, I have about four things I'll do it real fast One thing is What's the How do you spell DORSAI D-O-R-S-A-I Right Okay, thank you Another thing is Your guest said that he doesn't believe It's a grand conspiracy And I've been Paying very close attention To a lot of situations that have been going on Around the country And I do believe There is a type of Conspiracy It seems like Aggressive people Either get What is it Embarrassed by Something they did or Killed The communications Is something that's extremely Important to A free society And the libraries are being cut The telephone Company somehow And I'm not too sure about all the facts But in the beginning The telephone Was just 10 cents all around Because They were able to progress And And And Their experiments Offset whatever Raises and pay and stuff They had for their people So it was a progressive company And since it's been cut up Everybody Is talking about sales Because the other guys Is raising their prices And the telephone On the outside Is two and a half times What it was For, I don't know, maybe 20 years And when at home It comes out to be four times What it was I'm gonna have to ask you to wrap it up in about 15 seconds Can you do that? Oh boy Five of them are gone now Okay Pack it up Declined my offer I guess But I do want to fit in one more phone call Before we give out the phone numbers again And end the program Good evening Let me just hit the radio Yeah Okay, very interesting topic I'd like to tell you what happened to me A couple of days ago Okay I tried to call a number of a friend of mine Was busy for a long time Off a pay phone So I called the operator to ask To find out if there's trouble I have to deposit one dollar Does this have anything to do with what we're talking about tonight? No Okay, I'm afraid you're gonna have to save that for another show Only because we do want to devote the show to this particular topic But we are interested in what you have to say Just call back on another show When the topic is a bit more open Good evening Yes I actually think that People should be very concerned That this thing is starting up in New York Because this is how they check things out To play it around the country Good point, very good point It's a test case in many ways One other point I'll make very quickly Is that I believe that it's gonna be one of these laws That's selectively enforced Depending on if they need to get a hold of somebody To screw them around They're gonna ignore everybody else Absolutely That's why I spelled my name for the arrest warrant Alright, well I wish you luck And please repeat all this information I've got my tape running now If I can get it all down Thanks for calling Alright, let's get that information out Phone numbers, addresses, that kind of thing Okay, the Dorset Diplomatic Mission Data phone line is 431-1944 That's area code 212 The Dorset Diplomatic Mission Address Is 428 Broom Street Loft 5R New York, New York 10013 Just address it to Jack Brooks, Charles Rawls Or CISOP And we'll get back to you as soon as possible All the relevant information Is posted on the On the bulletin board Which is free by the way It is free Did you give the number for that? Yes we did The data phone line again Is 431-1944 Area code 212 The only address You really need Is not our address It's the address of Mary Ocomo Your local representative Your state legislator And the American Civil Liberties Union Yeah, let's get them involved in this These people are going after your First, second, and fifth amendments Through freedom of speech The freedom of the press And your freedom to assemble In a manner of your choice Okay Charles Rawls and Jack Brooks The Dorset Diplomatic Mission I want to thank you very much for coming down here tonight But more importantly I want to thank you for Taking a stand on what could be a Really important issue for us And many future generations Good luck to you And anybody that needs to get a hold of People at 2600 If you want to pass along information to us You can call us 516-751-2600 Or write to me, Emanuel Goldstein, CAIR of WBAI 505 8th Avenue, New York New York And we won't be back next week Because of the CIA Robert Gates hearings And we won't be back the week after that Because of Marathon But it's my understanding that we'll be back in three weeks So we'll see you then on Off the Hook The telephone keeps ringing, so I ripped it off the wall, I cut myself while shaving, now I can't make a call, it couldn't get much worse, but it...